Sunday, March 3, 2013

White House Releases 700 Pages Of New ObamaCare Regulations

American Glob   "Great. Don’t worry about death panels, folks. You’ll die of old age before you can read and comprehend the damn thing…"

More than 700 pages of healthcare rules released
The Obama administration on Friday released more than 700 pages of new regulations to implement portions of the Affordable Care Act.
The four rules, which are scheduled for publication in mid-March, finalize both major and minor parts of the healthcare reform law that Congress passed in 2010.
Three of the regulations are final and roll out the multistate healthcare exchanges and reforms to the insurance market, including provisions to encourage cost-sharing, stabilize health insurance premiums and prevent providers from denying coverage.
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said the rules would “help to ensure that every American has access to high-quality, affordable health insurance.”

Contrast and compare
The United States Constitution

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval In the 40s

Gallup "Gallup tracks daily the percentage of Americans who approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as president. Daily results are based on telephone interviews with approximately 1,500 national adults; Margin of error is ±3 percentage points."  Graph at the link.
However if you do a search on this subject, you will get other polls showing Romney ahead of Obama last October.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

President's schedule for Saturday, March 2

White   No public schedule
But here is his weekly address blaming the Republicans for, I'm not sure... whatever.
...Because Republicans in Congress refused to compromise to close tax loopholes for the wealthiest Americans, hundreds of thousands of Americans will lose their jobs or see their paycheck reduced, and middle class families will be hurt...

Executive Orders  Up to Feb 12th, 2013


If we didn't smile, we'd cry

Photo: Buy that man some glasses.
- Glenn
Photo: Hammers, fear and division are the hallmarks of a dictator...  Barack Obama is a propagandist without shame...  Ignorance put him in power, as it put into power Wilson Wilson and FDR, both of whom were bigots, like the president we have now.
Texas Gov. Perry just returned from California where he recruited businesses there to move to Texas. I hope he showed them this next statement:

The Logic of Liberalism

G. Donald Allen  "While liberals have always (at least for a century) claimed the intellectual high ground, they have at the same time been applying flawed or incomplete logic in their solutions to social problems. This is rather obvious with the issues of economics, education, immigration, and energy. However, in most cases the chain of reasoning is lengthy, making logical flaws difficult to isolate and making counterarguments difficult to construct. As our examples will demonstrate, liberals, with emotional and belief systems concomitant with their logic, have problems determining flaws in their logic, much less addressing them."
Mr. Allen then lists several areas of concern and the fallacies of liberal logic in dealing with each:

Liberal Logic of Economics. ...."Call it Keynesian, progressive, economic justice, or the new normal, the current liberal logic never quite completes the argument and never gets to how the jobs problems are solved. "

Liberal Logic for Green Energy Solutions. "Hundreds of millions have been poured into green energy programs, many without a single measurable result. Yet, the administration is convinced of the importance of green energy and is committed to further investment in this venue."

Liberal Logic of Education. .... "We have masses of students graduating with hardly the ability to do basic math and basic language skills. We have high school dropouts at record levels. We have U.S. students doing poorly on international exams. A dearth of solutions abound. No one really knows what to do. But liberals have their patented resolution. Spend more money." ....

Liberal Logic of Immigration. ...."The liberal idea is, as usual, to spend more money, but even they are uncertain the net result -- except probably the accrual of more votes."....

In crystallizing the argument, the writer uses these words:
"In sum, the liberal solution almost always involves more governmental intervention, more governmental interaction, and particularly more taxation. Moreover, the liberal wants to be involved in everything; no issue is too unimportant for their watchful eyes. Interesting in the topics above is that each involves considerable expense, all generated by increased taxation on the rich -- whoever they are."
  Comments on this article here.

The Low-Information Voter’s Guide to Politics; Personal responsibility is hard. We're here to help.

PJ Media  "Are you typically lost when co-workers discuss current events around the water cooler? Do you have trouble figuring out the national debt or who that Ben Ghazi dude is, but you know what’s on Kim Kardashian’s grocery list?
"If you think you only deserve fun answers to all life’s questions … you’re right! This primer will help you look smart and morally superior in any political discussion. Just memorize these big words, explained in easy terms you already know from TMZ and The Daily Show:"
Oleg Atbashian, a writer and graphic artist from Ukraine, currently lives in New York. He is the creator of, a satirical website where he writes under the name of Red Square. He is the author of recently published Shakedown Socialism.
Cartoon from ObamaCartoon

Conservative (and RINO) opinion on the Obama administration as of March 2013

This post may be more of a wish list than reality, but it helps soothe my pique at the demagoguery of this White House and the sycophancy of the press that covers it. TD

Joe Scarborough of NBC News: How Obama Overplayed His Hand
Wait! What? Did I just post something from an NBC source?
"Does Mr. Obama really want to claim that his administration, which has added $6 trillion to the national debt, is unable to save a penny out of every dollar it spends? Does he really expect Americans to believe — after four years, the banking and auto bailouts, several stimulus bills and a run of record deficits — that our $16 trillion economy cannot absorb $42 billion of spending reductions?"
 Fear and loathing on the permanent campaign trail
"Glenn Reynolds posts the image [right], found on Facebook. It captures the theme of the stories of the week including the fear and loathing that Obama is retailing on the permanent campaign trial. Let’s add it to the record for future reference."
Duly added here.

Bob Woodward Agrees With Hannity: Journalists Should Ask Obama About Bill Ayers
"The fact that the president was never asked a lot about the 6 trillion in debt that he accumulated prior to this election, in this first election wasn’t asked about his association with Bill Ayers was troublesome to me, I think we’ve got a media that’s not as critical as perhaps it once was in, for example, the days of Watergate."
(Emphasis in the original)

Mark Steyn: Obama's Government-by-Fake-Disaster Movie  "...maybe it would be easier to reinstate this critical $44 billion and cut the other $3.8 trillion, which is apparently responsible for nothing other than...the cost of the dress uniforms for the military detachment accompanying the first lady at her Oscars appearance."
President Obama's Lost Leverage  "Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky stuck to a mantra that worked to unify their fractious party — the president had already gotten his tax hikes and now it was time for spending cuts. Boehner and McConnell, the master of back-room deals, also promised their rank and file that the time for private deal-making was over."

Obama can choose where to make the cuts. And you can be sure this man-of-the-people will make sure it hurts as many of us as possible. then blame Republicans. You can do this when your electorate is either:
 1. socialists or,
 2. Um, low-information

Abraham Lincoln Freed the Slaves, Barack Obama Freed Illegal Aliens!

NRO: The President’s (Second) Marriage Evolution  "Just as we predicted, President Obama’s position on marriage has evolved once again. In an amicus brief filed Thursday, the administration urged the Supreme Court to strike down California’s Proposition 8 — the 2008 ballot initiative that reaffirmed that marriage is the union of a man and a woman."
Fighting the Real Enemy  In all cases it has been the party, not the state
"Even harder for us is how to wage war against those who have seized the bastions of cultural and educational power.  There is really only one way: we must eschew with calculation every vestige of the shadow-masters of position in public life.  Cast our marketplace votes in consumer decisions to remove all support for network television, new movies, colleges, public schools, and other incarnations of political correctness. "

Friday, March 1, 2013

Republicans warn Obama has 'poisoned' relations with campaign-style attacks

The Hill  "President Obama's public shaming of congressional Republicans to act on a range of issues may be winning at the polls — but it risks alienating the people needed to reach bipartisan compromise.
"While Obama has made a strategic calculation that he needs to marshal public support to push through his agenda, centrist Republicans warn the president and his allies could go too far with partisan events and campaign-style ads targeting GOP lawmakers."
Liberals are just fine with the climate created by Obama:
Many Democrats are happy to see a more aggressive Obama — and argue Republicans complaints are sour grapes from those who lost the election.

Hail Armageddon

image2-Today's cartoons: Obama chases 'Armageddon'
Charles Krauthammer  "A normal citizen might think this a good thing. For reactionary liberalism, however, whatever sum our ever-inflating government happens to spend today (now double what Bill Clinton spent in his last year) is the Platonic ideal — the reduction of which, however minuscule, is a national calamity.
"Or damn well should be. Otherwise, people might get the idea that we can shrink government and live on.
"The Obama administration has every incentive to make the sky fall, lest we suffer that terrible calamity — cuts the nation survives. Are they threatening to pare back consultants, conferences, travel and other nonessential fluff? "Hardly. It shall be air-traffic control. Meat inspection. Weather forecasting."

Krauthammer pretty well nails the way a government that is not of, by, and for the people handles the welfare of it's, well...subjects.
He has much more to say in this article.

Nov, 2011; Armageddon

Friday press release: Obama Moves to Approve Keystone Pipeline

Big Government  "This afternoon, the State Department released a draft environmental assessment of the proposed Keystone Pipeline. The assessment concluded that blocking the pipeline would have little impact on stemming climate change nor curtailing the development of Canada's oil-sand fields. In other words, the State Department has concluded building the pipeline will have little impact on the environment.
"There is an old saw in media that the best stories are released Friday afternoon. Administrations release information then to try to bury the news over the weekend. The assessment is sure to enflame the hair-shirt wing of the Democrats. The left has been divided over the pipeline, with unions strongly supporting the construction against the environmental community. Today, it looks like Obama is siding with the unions."
"The report also destroys a key talking point by anti-energy groups who argue that stopping the pipeline would stop crude from Canadian oil sands from coming to market. “[A]pproval or denial of the proposed Project is unlikely to have a substantial impact on the rate of development in the oil sands, or on the amount of heavy crude oil refined in the Gulf Coast area,” it reads. It goes on to state that, “If all pipeline capacity were restricted, oil sands production could decrease by approximately 2 to 4 percent by 2030.” Alternative methods of moving oil would be used."

When this petulant juvenile encounters real journalists

When the Obama Administration Goes After a Journalist for Reporting the Truth  "As the broken bodies of journalists abused by this Adminstration begin to pile up -- making the Nixon Administration look like boy scouts -- media types just might begin to report the news objectively and with greater regard for the truth than their personal, ideological predilections have, to date, allowed.  This is a change we can all hope for.  And, to honor the first fallen heros, we should call it "Marinucci-Woodward Journalistic Integrity.""  Read more:
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
From the UK: The Mutt and Jeff of the Obama administration
"Is the United States about to become a laughing-stock to the rest of the world? It seems to have accrued a Defence Secretary who is the toast of Iran, and a Secretary of State who is a blithering idiot.
"It was hard to imagine that the new guy at State, John Kerry, could make himself look even more stupid than he has done by his science-denying belief that the planet is about to fry through man-made climate change. Well, he has indeed now exceeded such expectations."
"Not so much a Defence Secretary, then, as an Offence Secretary – upsetting America’s allies and sucking up to its mortal enemies.
"Kerry and Hagel – the Mutt and Jeff of the Obama administration.
"And Iran, not surprisingly, is beating its chest in delight and racing towards building its genocide bomb."
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Senator: Obama has media 'enemies list'  "Inhofe, a Republican, told nationally-syndicated "Andrea Tantaros Show" Friday morning that he wasn't surprised when Washington Post Watergate sleuth Bob Woodward and other mainstream reporters revealed that they have been threatened by Obama aides for criticizing the administration's tactics, especially during the fight over the sequester."
George Will; “I will do many things for my country and my profession,” Will said. “I will not take seriously Mr. Carney.”  "During the White House press briefing on Thursday, Obama press secretary Jay Carney had a dire warning if the sequester deadline passed, which was those “severe cuts” would take their toll on middle-class jobs and “slash vital services for children, seniors and our troops and military families.”

WaPo Fact-Checker Blasts White House Sequester Scare Tactics " So, Obama lies. And for the most part the media had blindly played right along. But thanks to Bob Woodward leading the way, a few brave members of the media's Cult of Obama have woken up (if only for a moment) and risked a backlash from their colleagues by reporting the truth about Obama and his sequester lies."

The President's schedule for today, March 1

10:05 am
The President hosts the bipartisan, bicameral leadership of Congress at the White House; the Vice President also attends
Oval Office Closed Press
11:35 am
The President delivers a statement
Brady Press Briefing Room Closed Press