Saturday, March 2, 2013

Conservative (and RINO) opinion on the Obama administration as of March 2013

This post may be more of a wish list than reality, but it helps soothe my pique at the demagoguery of this White House and the sycophancy of the press that covers it. TD

Joe Scarborough of NBC News: How Obama Overplayed His Hand
Wait! What? Did I just post something from an NBC source?
"Does Mr. Obama really want to claim that his administration, which has added $6 trillion to the national debt, is unable to save a penny out of every dollar it spends? Does he really expect Americans to believe — after four years, the banking and auto bailouts, several stimulus bills and a run of record deficits — that our $16 trillion economy cannot absorb $42 billion of spending reductions?"
 Fear and loathing on the permanent campaign trail
"Glenn Reynolds posts the image [right], found on Facebook. It captures the theme of the stories of the week including the fear and loathing that Obama is retailing on the permanent campaign trial. Let’s add it to the record for future reference."
Duly added here.

Bob Woodward Agrees With Hannity: Journalists Should Ask Obama About Bill Ayers
"The fact that the president was never asked a lot about the 6 trillion in debt that he accumulated prior to this election, in this first election wasn’t asked about his association with Bill Ayers was troublesome to me, I think we’ve got a media that’s not as critical as perhaps it once was in, for example, the days of Watergate."
(Emphasis in the original)

Mark Steyn: Obama's Government-by-Fake-Disaster Movie  "...maybe it would be easier to reinstate this critical $44 billion and cut the other $3.8 trillion, which is apparently responsible for nothing other than...the cost of the dress uniforms for the military detachment accompanying the first lady at her Oscars appearance."
President Obama's Lost Leverage  "Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky stuck to a mantra that worked to unify their fractious party — the president had already gotten his tax hikes and now it was time for spending cuts. Boehner and McConnell, the master of back-room deals, also promised their rank and file that the time for private deal-making was over."

Obama can choose where to make the cuts. And you can be sure this man-of-the-people will make sure it hurts as many of us as possible. then blame Republicans. You can do this when your electorate is either:
 1. socialists or,
 2. Um, low-information

Abraham Lincoln Freed the Slaves, Barack Obama Freed Illegal Aliens!

NRO: The President’s (Second) Marriage Evolution  "Just as we predicted, President Obama’s position on marriage has evolved once again. In an amicus brief filed Thursday, the administration urged the Supreme Court to strike down California’s Proposition 8 — the 2008 ballot initiative that reaffirmed that marriage is the union of a man and a woman."
Fighting the Real Enemy  In all cases it has been the party, not the state
"Even harder for us is how to wage war against those who have seized the bastions of cultural and educational power.  There is really only one way: we must eschew with calculation every vestige of the shadow-masters of position in public life.  Cast our marketplace votes in consumer decisions to remove all support for network television, new movies, colleges, public schools, and other incarnations of political correctness. "

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