Monday, March 11, 2013

College Insurrection; maybe you want to bookmark this site

From College Insurrection; William A. Jacobson, Associate Clinical Professor, Cornell Law School (who also blogs at Legal Insurrection) enters this post on today's media:
St. Louis U. student takes on media bias   "Saint Louis University student Amy Lutz has some thoughts regarding the role leftist bias plays in the distorted reporting:"
The leftist bias in the main stream media further solidifies the denigration of the press as a check on government activity. During the 2012 election, the media went to bat for President Obama. Every statement Mitt Romney uttered was examined with a fine toothed comb and relentlessly criticized the former candidate while President Obama was seemingly outside the scope of media investigation. And don’t even get me started on the debate moderators (Here’s looking at you Candy Crowley).
In making her case for the need to have independent media (which I like to think includes this blog) she observes that:
...the main stream media bias is self-imposed. Yes, they often face pressure from government officials to publish favorable stories, but there’s no law or regulation saying they must do so. The bias in the main stream media is perpetuated by peer pressure, intimidation, and a shocking lack of individual initiative.
Original article here: The (Un)Freedom of the Press

Other sources comment on this same issue:
Liberal Commentator Twists the Facts about ‘the Rich’
A Break from the Liberal Agenda

Obama Flails as Republicans Stand Firm on Sequester

Michael Barone   "But the Republicans didn't deal. They decided to take the sequester cuts and make them the basis for a continuing resolution funding the government for the rest of the fiscal year.
"Obama responded by threatening all sorts of dire consequences -- Head Start kids left out in the snow, airline security lines as far as the eye can see.
Republicans would take the blame, the Obama folks believed. Polls showed they were far less popular than the president.
"Then on Tuesday it was announced that White House tours were cancelled. "The sequester meant there wasn't enough money to host those high school kids from Waverly, Iowa."

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Health tip for you


Jimmy Kimmel Asks People About Obama Pardoning The Sequester -- Sending It to Portugal

How many of these people voted for Obama? Aside from the first one and the last one, that is.
The brain power of Obama supporters

"Jimmy Kimmel did a “Confusing Question of the Day” bit and scored truly hilarious answers. The question: What do you think about Obama pardoning the sequester and sending it to Portugal?
"Even though the comments are funny as all get-out, they do show how political correctness and blind partisanship can lead to wacky thinking. SHARE this with your friends and low-info voters!"
Hat tip to Danny Shouse at Conservative Bloggers on Facebook

Companion articles; Obama Fails Counterterrorism Diplomacy

In the titled article, Mr. Rubin begins by referring to this Max Boot column: Bin Laden’s Son-in-Law and U.S. Detention Policy
"That is a nonsensical state of affairs that could be fixed by the Obama administration availing itself of the facilities and procedures that already exist at Gitmo. This is not just a question of logistics–detainees held at Gitmo can be interrogated without being read their Miranda rights and can be held even if there is not proof beyond reasonable doubt of their guilt that can be presented in open court. These are important advantages in the war on terror that the Obama administration should not throw away."
But they are.
Michael Rubin "Strong leaders might curtail aid, withdraw the ambassador for consultations, demarche the Turkish ambassador in Washington, or restrict the flow of military equipment. President Obama, alas, seeks instead to offer Turkey state of the art weaponry and even give it warships. Perhaps it is time for the State Department to recognize that diplomacy is more complicated than ameliorating adversaries, and for Congress to ask some hard questions of Obama and Kerry regarding how they perceive U.S. interests and why, under their leadership, U.S. counter terrorism diplomacy has become laughable."

According to the ACLU, Terrorists Are Criminals and Should be Tried in Civilian Court

Jim Rogers: We're Wiping Out The Savings Class Globally, To Terrible Consequence

Anybody out there remember "Mr. Bow Tie" from the Bob Brinker Moneytalk program? This is referring to him.
Basically, he says this is what you get with a do-nothing House and Senate led by a President who just votes "present".
Zerohedge via Peak Prosperity
"Jim Rogers decries the growing uncertainty and recklessness of global central planners as the world enters unchartered financial markets:"
....I own the dollar, not because I have any confidence in the dollar and not because it’s sound – it’s a terribly flawed currency – but I expect more currency turmoil, more financial turmoil. During periods like that, people, for whatever reason, flee to the U.S. dollar as a safe haven. It is not a safe haven, but it is perceived that way by some people. That’s why the dollar is going up. That’s why I own it. Will I own it in five years, ten years? I don't know. 

..."To Rogers, the bigger danger that concerns him is the hollowing out of the 'saving class' resulting from this situation. Central planners' policies are punishing the prudent in favor of rescuing the irresponsible. This has happened before in world history, and the aftermath has always had grievous economic, social -- and often human -- costs:"
....In America, many people saved their money, put it aside, and didn’t buy four or five houses with no job and no money down. They did what most people would consider the right thing, and what historically has been the right thing. But now, unfortunately, those people are being wiped out, because they are getting 0% return, or virtually no return, on their savings and their investments. We’re wiping them out at the expense of people who went deeply into debt, people who did what most people would consider the wrong thing at the expense of people who did the right thing. This, long-term, has terrible consequences for any nation, any society, any economy.


Saturday, March 9, 2013

GovernmentGoneWild (among others) On Special Interests says that government is the biggest special interest of all. 

Hat tip to John Uhrig, Plano, TX
The Newnan (Georgia)Times-Herald discusses GWG and their message with some agreement.
"No one was doing the math at the meeting, but Westmoreland said he felt that that was not an accurate statement.
"It wasn't exactly accurate. Instead, it appears that it would take 392 years to pay off the $14.325 trillion national debt at $100 million a day. Paying $100 million a day equals $36.5 billion a year -- which, of course, is no where near what the federal government spends in a year.
"Of course, the future deficit numbers only apply if the government stays on the same course."

Liberal Decay  "This transformation of liberalism from an earnest though deeply misguided crusade into a corrupt politics of influence peddling has been going on for at least a half century, but my writer has failed to notice."

More on the special interests GGW is addressing  "Thus, the radical environmentalists have seized the EPA and related agencies, where they get to block economic activity and energy extraction for the greater glory of Gaia.  The unions have taken over labor and the NLRB. The tax code is so riddled with special favors that fully half of the tax that would be collected under neutral principles is forgiven.  The Treasury and the Fed are the pillars of the financial establishment."
...."There is no resemblance between this current government and any coherent idea of a welfare state.  The only "welfare" involved is that of the myriad groups, not of the collective public."
The Party of Big Business  "Duke Energy is one of the most active members of the U.S. Climate Action Partnership. About half the electricity the company supplies comes from traditional coal-fired plants; the other half comes from nuclear power. The Obama administration’s punishing policies for traditional energy sources have made Duke’s nuclear plants—which don’t emit any greenhouse gases—much more valuable, and most of the company’s coal-powered energy plants are in areas where they have a government-enforced monopoly."....

Politicizing Justice "Attorney General Eric Holder’s agenda begins and ends with delivering favors to Obama’s constituencies."
Amity Schlaes: 'Public interest' or 'special interest' in disguise?  "I soon found that public-choice theory explained the tendency of bureaucracy to create more work for itself. Health officials' interests in testing small children's blood for lead, for instance, made sense when one considered that finding poisoned children validated their jobs."

U.S. Navy SEALs express extreme lack of confidence in this president

Posted by Ronbo at the Freedom Fighter's Journal
This comes too late to help in the 2012 election, but keep this in mind for the 2014 elections.

Low-information feature; the news in cartoons

Breitbart Rule 1: Bring the fight to your enemy

Rick's Conservative Blog
"(from "Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save the World" by Andrew Breitbart: Chapter 7, "Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Revolutionaries" - pp 147-160)"

"The army of the emboldened and gleefully ill-informed is growing. Groupthink happens, and we have to take it head-on. We can't win the political war until we win the cultural war. The Frankfurt School knew that - that's why they won the cultural war and then, on it's back, the political war. We can do the same, but we have to be willing to enter the arena. By neglecting The View or, worse, by ignoring Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Maher, and David Letterman - we allow them to distort and demean us as they romanticize and elevate themselves. It's harder to attack people to their faces than behind their backs. and we have to confront them face-to-face. Young people suckle at the teat of pop culture - but by refusing to fight for their attention, we lose by default."

Video: Andrew Breitbart doing what he does best in exposing Occupy Wall Street for the troublemakers they are.

"The key to the conversation was that I didn't start defending myself against his baseless charge of racism. I dismissed it out of hand as ridiculous because it was ridiculous. He was a punk for leveling that kind of charge without any basis whatsoever. I don't let my enemies characterize me without any evidence, and you shouldn't let them characterize you. Name-calling is their best strategy, and if you don't lend it credence, and instead force them to back up their charges with specifics, you win. Revel in the name calling - it means you've got them reduced to their lowest, basest tactic, and the one that carries the least weight if you refuse to abide by their definition of you."
 "Most of us aren't experts on the latest budget package or stem-cell line regulation, but that doesn't mean we're powerless - it means we get to play Socrates, asking pointed questions rather than citing facts we may not be sure of."
 “If you’re not for this candidate, more than shame on you; you’re on the other side” In fact, take a listen to his words for yourself:
"Don't let them pretend to know more than they do: This is really the converse of the last rule. Your opponents will pretend to be experts if you don't, but that's okay, because you can always puncture their balloon with one word: why. Asking them to provide evidence for their assertions is always fun, and it's even more fun asking them to provide the sources for that evidence. Attacking the fundamental basis of their arguments if fun, too - if they tell you health care is a right, ask why. Liberals don't have a why, other than their own utopianism and their dyspeptic view of the status quo and America. Reason is not their strong suit - emotion is."   Read more.

Hat tip to Rick Bulow for this most excellent counsel and for the links in this post. Below are links to all Andrew Breitbart's blogs:

Dialogue between TD and two who took issue with a recent post

The TW posted this article in Facebook on Wednesday, March 6th:
image1-Today's cartoons: Rodman's new Korean career
 "This little incident, which in itself ranks up there on the sanity scale with Maxine Waters' warning of 170,000,000 Americans losing their jobs due to the sequester, is nevertheless a timely reminder of just how power-mad progressives really are, and how thoroughly their power-madness obliterates any notions of conscience or decency."
The following is a dialogue TD had with two people who made Facebook comments on this post:
J----; Or is it that culture in America is influencing politics? Creative minds tend to be liberal. Creative minds are required in the media. The media reflects the ideology of those that create it.
  • G-----; I like how every right-wing news source that I listen to mentions the MSM being liberal every 30 minutes or so. It's a brainwashing program that's working wonders on people. You literally cannot watch Fox News for 30 minutes without hearing how the  liberal media is doing (or not doing) this or that. Why would Fox want to turn their viewers staunchly against other sources of media? Hmmm.. I'd say that they have a vested interest in doing so. Luckily for them, their viewers buy every word of it. I'm not saying that the media doesn't lean left, but what Fox news and other right-wing sources are doing is insuring that their viewers/listeners don't hear any side of the story other than what they provide them.
  • TD; And MSNBC...?
  • G-----; MSNBC = left-wing FOX. I don't understand why that's even at question. I always love to see Hannity do his media mash and then use MSNBC as an example of left-wing bias. MSNBC = Left, FOX = Right. I thought we all understood that.
  • "George W. Bush wins the 2000 Presidential Election by (in essence) 537 votes; Fo...x News goes to #1 in the cable news race a few months later. Bush narrowly beats John Kerry in 2004. Not surprisingly, Fox is still #1, and by a wider margin. Barack Obama soundly defeats John McCain in 2008; Fox is stil...See More"
  • G-----; That's great, B---, but I'm not sure what your point is. I don't watch MSNBC nearly as much as I watch Fox News. MSNBC is pretty boring to me because a lot of it is in line with things I already know. Fox is interesting to me because it challenges me to see different views and ideas. "Conservatives" who watch Fox news are watching it for comfort because Fox does all they can to reassure those people that they're right. The same goes for liberals who watch MSNBC. I happen to favor programming that's going to make me think, rather than programming that tells me what I should think.
  • J-----; The only 'news' I watch is in the morning to see what the traffic and weather is going to be. I never tune into those stations for political updates. And neither should anyone else.
  • TD; Perhaps our difference is that with Fox I associate Brit Hume, Charles Krauthammer and Chris Wallace; with MSNBC I think of Al Sharpton, Chris Matthews and Toure' and that is a big wall I feel the left has to climb for me.

    Friday, March 8, 2013

    Krauthammer; Why we give foreign aid (Cartoon update)

    A well-thought-out counterpoint to my own snarky remark in the next post down, where I was chafing at the tanks Egypt is getting from us as well as the money. Krauthammer makes a good point about the money, but I still have to ask: who would Egypt use tanks against?
    Do the math yourself.
    Political Cartoons

    Charles Krauthammer  "Nonetheless, we should not cut off aid to Egypt. It’s not that we must blindly support unfriendly regimes. It is perfectly reasonable to cut off aid to governments that are intrinsically hostile and beyond our influence. Subsidizing enemies is merely stupid.
    "But Egypt is not an enemy, certainly not yet. It may no longer be our strongest Arab ally, but it is still in play. The Brotherhood aims to establish an Islamist dictatorship. Yet it remains a considerable distance from having done so.
    Precisely why we should remain engaged. And engagement means using our economic leverage. "
    Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy