With North Korea threat looming, US nuclear disarmament has others deciding to 'arm up' Talk about nuclear proliferation, our status as protector of the free world was supposed to prevent just this from happening. TD
Don't Obama and Hagel understand that the superiority of the U.S. nuclear force has contributed greatly to the prevention of major war and the preservation of peace since World War II? Read more:
DEBKAfile; Tehran: Our commanders now authorized to open fire. Go home, Obama! " General Jazayeri would not have dismissed the prospect of the US activating its
military options with such contempt without authorization from the highest
level, i.e. supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
He was effectively telling the US president that, after pulling American
forces out of the Middle East and relegating the handling of the Syrian issue to
Moscow, “Mr.Obama” had burned his military options in the Middle East and should
go home."Future presidents will inherit a foreign policy disaster from Obama. This is the natural result of a foreign policy influenced by rock stars, celebrities, and the anti-war left. So much for giving peace a chance. We appear to be reliving the path taken by the antiwar British in the 1920-1930's who continued to demand disarmament while enemies spoke of conquest as they built up their military machine. Their actions nearly cost Britain her very existence. TD
Obama's Israel Trip: One Step Forward After Three Steps Back " Visiting Israel sends an important signal of U.S. solidarity, one significant step forward. Yet Obama has also taken three major steps backward with the appointment of Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense, John Kerry as Secretary of Defense, and John Brennan as CIA Director."
"In the world of Barack Obama, talking directly to people ensures that they will like him and do what he wants. So, for his trip to Israel, Obama is eschewing speaking at the Knesset, as his two predecessors did, and instead plans to speak at a convention center where he can directly address the Israeli people.
"There’s one small problem. Israelis don’t like him. They really don’t like him."Jerusalem Post; Obama will want to persuade Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to bite the bullet and leave preventing Iran from producing a bomb to the US. "Netanyahu, however, will be mindful of past US failures to stop North Korea, Pakistan and India from going nuclear, and insist that Israel cannot take the chance that America might fail again, especially given the fact that the US can live with a nuclear Iran whereas Israel can’t. In other words, Netanyahu will be apprehensive about allowing Iran to enter a zone of immunity against Israeli attack, leaving Israel totally reliant on American military action, which may not happen."