Friday, March 15, 2013

The Cruz-Feinstein kerfuffle

Cruz and Feinstein in blow up over the Second Amendment
Liberals "accuse you of trying to trap them, or, as in the case of Senator Diane Feinstein who was asked a question by Senator Ted Cruz about applying her interpretation of the Second Amendment to the First Amendment, they whine about being lectured, or as Nancy Pelosi dismissively said when asked if the individual Obamacare mandate was constitutional replied "Are you serious?"

Here's the transcript. 

The GOP Could Learn A Lot From Ted Cruz

Legal Insurrection: Ann Coulter makes that point about DiFi’s response to Ted Cruz, which we featured yesterday  "... Offended should not be an acceptable answer. 
"But, Offended is accepted as an answer virtually everywhere, particularly on campuses, unless the person offended is a religious Christian, in which case Offended is both the goal of the question and one of the few instances in which Offended is not an acceptable answer."

 Dianne Feinstein is the Sixth-Grade Poster Child for Incompetency   "Instead of answering Sen. Cruz’s questions, Feinstein threw out several red herrings. A red herring is a logical fallacy that misleads or detracts from the actual issue. When you don’t like the way a cross examination is going, employ the red herring to dodge the question."

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