Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Man Obama Fears the Most

Newsmax  " If the White House’s actions toward Fox News are any clue, it’s Roger Ailes."
...."Among these stories is the dramatic struggle that has been taking place between Fox News and Obama.

"To say that the president hates Fox News may be an understatement. Early in his first term Obama actually sought to ban Fox News from the White House press corps, ripping away its press credential. Even liberal media were aghast at the president’s authoritarian move. The Obama administration backed down and Fox kept its White House seat."
"Some of Chafets’ many surprising revelations include:...."  Read more.

Coulter: Liberals Go Crazy for the Mentally Ill

Ann Coulter  "The one clear thread that unites all the mass murders currently being exploited by the Democrats is that they were committed by visibly crazy people who were unaccountably not institutionalized. But Democrats refuse to do anything about crazy people. Apparently, the views of families with relatives murdered by severely disturbed individuals are no longer relevant when it comes to institutionalizing the mentally ill.
"If liberals had a decent argument for taking guns away from the law-abiding while doing nothing to prevent schizophrenics from getting guns, they’d make it. Manifestly, they don’t, so they send out victims to make the argument for them, knowing no one will argue with a person whose child has just been murdered.
"This allows liberals to act as if Republicans’ only counter-argument to their idiotic gun control proposals is: We don’t mind dead children."

"Warning: Read the bill. You will find nothing in any of the Democrats’ “gun safety” proposals that will make it easier to commit a crazy person or to prevent him from buying a gun."

Eric Holder’s Schedule: Frequent Meetings With Race-Based Groups

PJ Media  "Attorney General Eric Holder began his tenure by calling Americans cowards regarding racial issues. Newly released documents reveal that Holder’s schedule shows a preoccupation with racial issues: he spends an inordinate amount of time meeting with race-centered organizations.
"Recently, the Department of Justice began making Holder’s daily schedules available online. Although the schedules are far from complete and heavily redacted, the compiled summary below (links to documents provided) shows how much time and access the office of the attorney general allocates to ethnocentric lobbyists and race-based associations."
"The following months are missing from DOJ’s released library of Holder’s schedule:
  • 2009 January, April, December
  • 2010 January — March; May — December
  • 2011 July —
  • Read more.

On left and right, Obama's budget anticipated as a dud

USA Today  "President Obama will unveil his budget later Wednesday, offering a fiscal plan that even before it's officially released is eliciting groans from his conservative opponents as well as his backers on the left.
"The president's 2014 budget details a plan for cutting the deficit by $1.8 trillion over the next decade, while also calling for billions of dollars in new spending to repair the country's infrastructure and bolster education, according to a White House overview of the document."

Obama’s Baby Step   "The president has some decent proposals, but his budget is still far from what we need."
...."Besides, anything that makes and the AARP this angry can’t be all bad."

Small Gestures, Not a Grand Bargain  "President Obama’s budget will reportedly claim to reduce the deficit by $1.8 trillion. Based on what we know, that number will result from the same double-counting and gimmickry of the Senate Democrats’ budget."

Obama’s 2014 budget plan to be delivered Wednesday — into a yawning political void  "The president’s proposal contains the same set of policies that Republicans rejected just a few months ago during the “fiscal cliff” negotiations. Putting that plan into writing has failed to change many GOP minds, but it allows Obama to argue that he has met their demands to cut Social Security and Medicare. And it sets him up to blame Republican intransigence over taxes if a deal fails to materialize before Congress faces another showdown over the federal debt limit this summer."
In other words, I cannot see any trace of seriousness in this president nor any desire to govern. I see only a long-term desire to destroy opposition and to place America into the hands of socialists, whose economic policies have been proven over and over to be, well, bankrupt. On more than one level. TD
The battle over the 2014 budget: Explore the spending cuts and revenue changes under the main budget proposals currently on the table

Gutless wonders racing off a sinking ship

World Magazine  "The ship of marriage is sinking fast. Last week saw another noted public figure evacuating in a lifeboat from the S.S. Traditional Wedlock: Jim Wallis of Sojourners, who as recently as five years ago was for biblical marriage of a man and woman, is now for homosexual marriage. He has evolved. "
"A word about “evolving” at this point. In C.S. Lewis’ The Great Divorce, two erstwhile intellectual sparring partners meet to discuss their time at the university. I quote in part from the one who repented, speaking to the one who still prefers hell to humility and truth:
“Let us be frank. Our opinions were not honestly come by. We simply found ourselves in contact with a certain current of ideas and plunged into it because it seemed modern and successful. At College, you know, we just started automatically writing the kind of essays that got good marks and saying the kind of things that won applause. When, in our whole lives, did we honestly face, in solitude, the one question on which all turned? … When did we put up one moment’s real resistance to the loss of our faith? … We were afraid … afraid of a breach with the spirit of the age, afraid of ridicule. …” 

  ...."Their only talent is to put their finger to the wind and detect a doomed current. These are men controlled by the idols of prevailing fashions of thinking."  AndrĂ©e Seu Peterson

Why Do We Laugh at North Korea but Fear Iran?

The Atlantic    "A man starves his own people and threatens to start a nuclear war, and Americans laugh. What a bizarre thing to do."
...."Of course, North Korea already has nuclear weapons, and Iran doesn't. One might think that the country with a bomb - with whom we are still technically at war, no less -- would be more of a threat than the country without one, but at least judging by the way we talk about them, that's not the case. Why do we consider North Korea to be such a joke?
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
"Iran has this patina, at least, of this super-religious extreme folks that might actually not care if they were wiped out in response to one of their attacks. There are some folks in Iran who ... might actually care less ... than the North Koreans do, because the North Koreans care only about regime-serving." "Unlike Iran, where leaders value religion more than the state, North Korea cares too much about its own survival to ever actually use its bomb."
Well, true; TW has published Norktoons, but not Irantoons. Other than this:
And this:

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tributes to Lady Thatcher

Irony illustrated

Iranian Nukes and Global Oil

The American Interest   "Iran’s rapidly advancing nuclear program is one of the most acute national security challenges facing the United States, for reasons that are not entirely well appreciated. Whatever else it would portend, an Iranian nuclear breakout would pose first-order challenges to the stability of the entire global economic order via its impact on energy prices, a concern with obvious broad strategic implications." 

The good Dershowitz vs. Jimmy Carter

Roger Simon  "...the Harvard professor has again stepped forward, this time to protest the decision of Yeshiva University’s Cardozo School of Law to give its annual “International Advocate for Peace” award to U.S. President Jimmy Carter.
"Dershowitz told The Algemeiner in an interview: “I can’t imagine a worse person to honor for conflict resolution. Here’s a man who has engendered conflict wherever he goes. He has encouraged terrorism by Hamas and Hezbollah. He was partly responsible for Yasser Arafat turning down the Clinton-Barak peace offer.” "
 "In another part of his interview, Dershowitz pointed out that “Carter during his presidency sat idly by while 2 million Cambodians were killed by Pol Pot.” But that, reprehensible as it was, is not what interests me here. What interests me is how Jews could give an award to such a person. What strange delirium compels it?"
"I think we can say that Alan Dershowitz has largely kept his moral compass. Jimmy Carter is another matter."....

Jimmy Carter to be Honored by Yeshiva University’s Law School Amid Alumni Opposition   "Meanwhile, a number of Cardozo alumni plan to use civil disobedience to block Carter from attending the event.
" “Mr. Carter ain’t going to get anywhere,” Daniel Rubin, 62, told the Forward. “There’s no reason for a school that has any sense of Jewish integrity to have a guy like that around,” he added."

(MSNBC Update) The media being what it, unfortunately, is

UPDATE: Why is MSNBC aping George Orwell's villains?    "In George Orwell's 1984, we find this dystopian observation taking place in the fictional land of Oceania:
The family could not actually be abolished, and, indeed, people were encouraged to be fond of their children, in almost the old-fashioned way. The children, on the other hand, were systematically turned against their parents and taught to spy on them and report their deviations. The family had become in effect an extension of the Thought Police. It was a device by means of which everyone could be surrounded night and day by informers who knew him intimately.

Our hopelessly biased and transparently partisan media  "Technically speaking, the younger Salmon was probably not "booked" in the sense he had confirmation of appearing on the air. But there is absolutely no doubt that the networks lost interest in him once it became clear he wouldn't go on air to "trash" his father.
"Not admitting that is the same as lying."

Imus: Jesus May Have Been Gay  "Make a racist remark, get fired by CBS. Call Jesus Christ gay, and you’re good to go. Just ask Don Imus."
ABC Family Leads the Way in All Things Gay "New lesbian foster couple show will fit right in with network’s idea of ‘family.’ "

When Pat Robertson sold his “Family Channel” to Disney with the stipulation that the word “family” never leave the channel’s title, he probably wasn’t thinking families would include pregnant teens and lesbian foster couples. But that’s exactly what Disney’s ABC Family channel holds up as “A new kind of family.”
Disney isn't Disney anymore.

By the way: Thousands March for Marriage; Media Ignore Them
"The broadcast outlets were silent on the event, choosing not to cover a march of thousands of people on the Supreme Court."

 ABC, CBS and NBC Turn a Blind Eye to ObamaCare Setbacks "The following setbacks for ObamaCare haven't received a single second of air time on the Big Three networks:"
On March 22, ObamaCare hit a major snag when even 33 Senate Democrats openly defied the President as they joined 45 Republicans in voting to repeal a 2.3 percent sales tax, crucial to paying for ObamaCare, on medical devices such as pacemakers and MRI machines. The measure was co-sponsored by liberal Minnesota Democrat Amy Klobuchar, who said in a statement that she would "continue to work to get rid of this harmful tax."
Fox News Reporter Faces Jail Time for Maintaining Sources' Secrecy, Yet Liberal Media Not Taking Up Her Cause  "Fox News reporter Jana Winter may serve six months in jail for refusing to disclose to a court two anonymous sources from a story she broke on July 25, 2012, related to alleged Aurora, Colorado theater shooter James Holmes."

Was the Iraq Invasion Worthwhile? Ask an Iraqi

Bloomberg News  " [Barham Salih] went on to blame Iraqis, rather than Americans, for the failures of the past decade. “Much can be said about U.S. missteps and miscalculations in this process, but there is no denying that Iraqi political leadership bears prime responsibility for squandering a unique opportunity to deliver to their people. This has been nothing short of a drastic failure of leadership on our part! The Kurdistan region offers hope that all is not lost in Iraq.”
New Yorker
" “All Iraqis lived under a regime that had complete disdain for human life,” he said. “Executions and killings continued at will. Thousands of Iraqis were being sent to the mass graves. The Kurds were never safe as they knew that Saddam could at any time decide to reconquer the no-fly zone.”
"He went on, “Saddam was a menace to the Kurds, to the other Iraqi communities, and an inherent danger to the region. He was, from our perspective in this part of the world, a grave and mortal danger that we could never be safe from while he was still around.” "