Wednesday, April 10, 2013

On left and right, Obama's budget anticipated as a dud

USA Today  "President Obama will unveil his budget later Wednesday, offering a fiscal plan that even before it's officially released is eliciting groans from his conservative opponents as well as his backers on the left.
"The president's 2014 budget details a plan for cutting the deficit by $1.8 trillion over the next decade, while also calling for billions of dollars in new spending to repair the country's infrastructure and bolster education, according to a White House overview of the document."

Obama’s Baby Step   "The president has some decent proposals, but his budget is still far from what we need."
...."Besides, anything that makes and the AARP this angry can’t be all bad."

Small Gestures, Not a Grand Bargain  "President Obama’s budget will reportedly claim to reduce the deficit by $1.8 trillion. Based on what we know, that number will result from the same double-counting and gimmickry of the Senate Democrats’ budget."

Obama’s 2014 budget plan to be delivered Wednesday — into a yawning political void  "The president’s proposal contains the same set of policies that Republicans rejected just a few months ago during the “fiscal cliff” negotiations. Putting that plan into writing has failed to change many GOP minds, but it allows Obama to argue that he has met their demands to cut Social Security and Medicare. And it sets him up to blame Republican intransigence over taxes if a deal fails to materialize before Congress faces another showdown over the federal debt limit this summer."
In other words, I cannot see any trace of seriousness in this president nor any desire to govern. I see only a long-term desire to destroy opposition and to place America into the hands of socialists, whose economic policies have been proven over and over to be, well, bankrupt. On more than one level. TD
The battle over the 2014 budget: Explore the spending cuts and revenue changes under the main budget proposals currently on the table

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