Friday, June 7, 2013

Where’s the Patriotic Wrath Over Benghazi?

Bruce S. Thornton "Something has happened to this country when we are indifferent to the deaths of brave Americans who have been murdered by our sworn enemies, and blasé about our president and his flunkeys’ lying about that tragedy for political gain. Something is off when we leave unchallenged the lame excuse that the most powerful military in the history of the world armed with the most advanced weapons could not help their comrades because it was decided that a relief force couldn’t “get there in time,” even though no one knew how much time those soldiers had, which in the event was several hours. And we have suffered a colossal failure of patriotic nerve when we are not enraged that whether there was time or not, out forces weren’t ordered to descend on those fanatics and exact a fearsome price in blood for killing Americans. Bill Clinton ran away from Mogadishu in 1993, but at least our soldiers before they left made the enemy pay about 2000 dead for killing 18 Americans."
Political Cartoons by Chuck Asay

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Michelle Obama Blows Off China’s First Lady, Chinese See It As A “Deliberate Snub”…

Weasel Zippers "China experts immediately warned that Mrs Obama’s decision to stay in Washington could have an unwelcome chilling effect on a summit that White House officials have billed as an “unprecedented”
opportunity to heal divisions between the world two biggest economies.
"Her absence is likely to limit Ms Peng’s role at the two-day California meeting and may be interpreted by the face-conscious Chinese bureaucrats and public as a deliberate snub, both US and Chinese analysts said."

The UK reports: Michelle Obama snubs Chinese 'First Lady' by refusing to attend California summit with the President and his wife saying that she has to take care of Sasha and Malia  " 'First lady diplomacy is also very important and the US side has failed to cooperate,' Chinese political scientist Zhang Ming told The Telegraph.
"'According to normal diplomatic etiquette this is very strange. It shouldn’t be like this.' "

The LA Times reports:  ""The decadent American imperialists don’t give us 'face.' Who is more important, children or creditors?’’ wrote one commentator, referring to U.S. debts to China.
" "In addition to the lack of hospitality, it was very reasonable for the two families to meet since Obama wants to develop personal relations,’’ wrote a commentator using the name Zhan Hao."

The Death Panel

Death Panel: Secretary Sebelius Denies Lung Transplant for 10-Year-Old Girl   "I lit a cigar in honor of Sarah Palin right as the program began.  Death panels.  Just exactly what Sarah Palin said, exactly what we all knew. Obamacare establishes death panels, and right now Sebelius is it."

NFL Champ Skips White House Visit Over Obama’s Support For Planned Parenthood…

Weasel Zippers
"“I have great respect for the office of the Presidency but about five or six weeks ago, our president made a comment in a speech and he said, ‘God bless Planned Parenthood,’” Birk, a former Minnesota Viking, told a local Minnesota sports blog. “I’m very confused by [Obama's] statement,” he explained. “”For God to bless a place where they’re ending 330,000 lives a year? I just chose not to attend.”

"Kirk said he’s a pro-life Roman Catholic. “Planned Parenthood performs about 330,000 abortions a year,” he said. “I couldn’t endorse that in any way.”"

Obama’s Scandals Reveal The Failure Of American Media

American Glob  "If you’ve been disappointed in American media for the last several years, you’re not alone. Liberals have dominated the media for a long time but in the age of Obama they’ve functioned as an additional arm of the white house.
"There are a few exceptions, FOX News, Jake Tapper, Sharyl Attkisson, and of course conservative new media but the MSM has repeatedly turned a blind eye and given the Obama administration the benefit of the doubt while demonizing anyone who presents a challenge or threat to the president.
"Today at Breitbart, John Nolte has written an outstanding analysis of the situation. I’ll offer an excerpt below…"
"With each new scandal that emerges, a growing number of Americans think the government is out of control. Just remember that they were allowed to get that way by a media which cares more about Obama and his party than you."

'These are the boys of Pointe du Hoc'

Rick Moran  "June 6, 1984. On the 40th anniversary of the D-Day invasion, President Ronald Reagan stood on the very spot where a single battalion of Army Rangers scaled a bluff under fire in order to silence guns that were harrassing troops landing on Omaha Beach.

"It was a magnificent feat of arms and Reagan, in one of the greatest American political speeches of all time, canonized those Rangers and drew a larger lesson from their sacrifices.

"RealClearPolitics includes a transcript of that speech in today's "Top Reads":"
"Reagan's speech encapsulated that valor and courage and will be remembered as long as we remember D-Day."
Video, Part 1 of 3

"British and American veterans of the the Normandy landings have returned to the beaches one final time to mark the 69th anniversary of the invasion."In emotional scenes, several hundred former soldiers, many proudly wearing their old uniforms emblazoned with medals, gathered to lay wreaths and remember fallen comrades."

Obama and the "Official Truth"

Caroline Glick
"Nakoula Basseley Nakoula has been sitting in a US federal prison in Texas since his photographed midnight arrest by half a dozen deputy sheriffs at his home in California for violating the terms of his parole. As many reporters have noted, the parole violation in question would not generally lead to anything more than a court hearing.
"But in Nakoula's case, it led to a year in a federal penitentiary. Because he wasn't really arrested for violating the terms of his parole.
"Nakoula was arrested for producing an anti- Islam film that the Obama administration was falsely blaming for the al-Qaida assault on the US Consulate in Benghazi...."
Too bad those Hollywood types who like to say they are Bradley Manning won't publicly say "I am Nakoula Basseley Nakoula".

IS END OF WORLD NEAR? NYT Editorial:Obama Admin. Lost All Credibility On Transparency & Accountability

Yid With Lid 
"The [NY Times] editor went on to attack the reaction of the White House which was basically "trust us."
The senior administration official quoted in The Times said the executive branch internally reviews surveillance programs to ensure that they “comply with the Constitution and laws of the United States and appropriately protect privacy and civil liberties.”

That’s no longer good enough. Mr. Obama clearly had no intention of revealing this eavesdropping, just as he would not have acknowledged the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen, had it not been reported in the press. Even then, it took him more than a year and a half to acknowledge the killing, and he is still keeping secret the protocol by which he makes such decisions.

..... It is the very sort of thing against which Mr. Obama once railed, when he said in 2007 that the Bush administration’s surveillance policy “puts forward a false choice between the liberties we cherish and the security we provide.”
 Hat tip to Jeffrey Dunetz

The Real Danger of Liberal Bias: It's That the Powerful Keep Winning and the Weak Keep Losing

This story must have legs because Rush Limbaugh and Conservative Bloggers on Facebook both promoted it today.
RedState  I’m going to tell you what media bias is really all about. It’s about a dying, 10 year-old girl and a sexagenarian, politically connected trial lawyer. It’s about official malfeasance treated as human error when a Democrat is President. It’s about power and systemic corruption that is unremarkable to people offended that George W. Bush didn’t call his advisers liars to their face.
"Liberal media bias is about small people crushed under a leviathan while the great and the good ride high on its back. It is about small stories that add up to a giant, sickening picture being systematically ignored. It is about the failure of people who think the First Amendment was crafted for their personal use not bothering to exercise it.

"Someone’s baby girl will either die because she didn’t give to Democrats; or won’t, because she was the rare one whose father worked the system to shame the powerful.

"How many others of the weak will suffer while the powerful who gave to the ruling party prosper? And will we ever hear about it?"

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Bashir: ‘IRS’ Is The New N-Word In The ‘War Against The Black Man In The White House’

Mediaite  "On Wednesday, MSNBC host Martin Bashir accused President Barack Obama’s critics, who are focusing on the scandal involving the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservative groups, of using the IRS scandal in place of attacks on the president’s race.
"Bashir scolded a variety of Republican commentators who he said “laid the groundwork” for Mitt Romney to make a “racist comment” in 2012 when he joked that no one ever needed to ask for his birth certificate."

Army Punishes Soldier who Served Chick-fil-A

Todd Starnes  "Last summer the soldier had received his promotion to master sergeant. The promotion coincided with a national controversy surrounding Chick-fil-A’s support of traditional marriage. Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy told a newspaper that he was “guilty as charged” when it came to supporting the biblical definition of marriage. Gay rights advocates were infuriated and some Democratic leaders – most notably the mayor of Boston –  attempted to stop the popular restaurant chain from opening restaurants in their cities.

"Crews said the soldier decided to hold a party to celebrate his new position. The invitations read, “In honor of my promotion and in honor of the Defense of Marriage Act, I’m serving Chick-fil-A sandwiches at my promotion party.”

"After the party, the solider received a letter of reprimand. Crews said at issue was the combination of the sandwiches and the soldier’s support of DOMA (which happens to be the law of the land)."

Fry this man, then free Bradley Manning!

‘Not Fit To Lead’: GOP Rep. Rails Against Obama’s ‘Vengefulness And Lack Of Moral Compass’

Mediaite  "On the House floor on Monday, Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK) spoke only for a minute but squeezed in some harsh criticism of both President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden — whom he deemed “unfit” to lead. Decrying Obama’s incompetence and “lack of moral compass,” Bridenstine lamented that Biden was even worse.
"Bridenstine began with specific criticisms, many aimed at the current scandals involving the IRS and the Justice Department — as well as a nod to other controversies, such as Benghazi. In addition to Obama and Biden, he called out Attorney General Eric Holder and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius."