Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Real Danger of Liberal Bias: It's That the Powerful Keep Winning and the Weak Keep Losing

This story must have legs because Rush Limbaugh and Conservative Bloggers on Facebook both promoted it today.
RedState  I’m going to tell you what media bias is really all about. It’s about a dying, 10 year-old girl and a sexagenarian, politically connected trial lawyer. It’s about official malfeasance treated as human error when a Democrat is President. It’s about power and systemic corruption that is unremarkable to people offended that George W. Bush didn’t call his advisers liars to their face.
"Liberal media bias is about small people crushed under a leviathan while the great and the good ride high on its back. It is about small stories that add up to a giant, sickening picture being systematically ignored. It is about the failure of people who think the First Amendment was crafted for their personal use not bothering to exercise it.

"Someone’s baby girl will either die because she didn’t give to Democrats; or won’t, because she was the rare one whose father worked the system to shame the powerful.

"How many others of the weak will suffer while the powerful who gave to the ruling party prosper? And will we ever hear about it?"

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