Fox News
"In a move some claim is tantamount to social engineering, the Department of Housing and Urban Development is imposing a new rule that would allow the feds to track diversity in America’s neighborhoods and then push policies to change those it deems discriminatory.
"The policy is called, "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing." It will require HUD to gather data on segregation and discrimination in every single neighborhood and try to remedy it.
"HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan unveiled the federal rule at the NAACP convention in July." Read more:
Buying a home is not for everyone: HUD Secretary
"In a move some claim is tantamount to social engineering, the Department of Housing and Urban Development is imposing a new rule that would allow the feds to track diversity in America’s neighborhoods and then push policies to change those it deems discriminatory.
"The policy is called, "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing." It will require HUD to gather data on segregation and discrimination in every single neighborhood and try to remedy it.
"HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan unveiled the federal rule at the NAACP convention in July." Read more:
Buying a home is not for everyone: HUD Secretary
Obama bureaucrat claims zip code determines your life ""This is just the latest of a series of attempts by HUD to social engineer the American people," said Ed Pinto, of the American Enterprise Institute. "It started with public housing and urban renewal, which failed spectacularly back in the 50's and 60's. They tried it again in the 90's when they wanted to transform house finance, do away with down payments, and the result was millions of foreclosures and financial collapse.”
UPDATE: Before It's News "I’m sure glad to know that it wasn’t my mother’s drug habit and poor life choices that made us poor. It was our zipcode."
Eileen Luefft at FreedomWorks: Still time to comment...still under proposal. Specifics of the proposed rule are lacking. Now published in the Federal Register and undergoing a 60-day comment period, the rule, “does not prescribe or enforce specific” policies.
UPDATE: Before It's News "I’m sure glad to know that it wasn’t my mother’s drug habit and poor life choices that made us poor. It was our zipcode."
Eileen Luefft at FreedomWorks: Still time to comment...still under proposal. Specifics of the proposed rule are lacking. Now published in the Federal Register and undergoing a 60-day comment period, the rule, “does not prescribe or enforce specific” policies.