Breitbart "...On Thursday, Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) lawyers filed the first viable petition for Supreme Court review involving Kathleen Sebelius’ HHS Mandate, which requires employers to provide abortion-related insurance coverage, even if those employers have a religious objection to abortion."
House passes spending bill to defund Obamacare "The 230-189 vote, which split almost exclusively along party lines, is the precursor to the big action next week, when the Senate is expected to strip out the health care provisions and send the bill back to the House — where Republicans will have to decide whether they can accept it at that point."
10 Creepy liberal reactions to creepy Obamacare videos "Two videos have been released by Generation Operation as part of a national campus push to convince young people not to sign up for Obamacare.
"If young people don’t sign up, Obamacare become even more unsustainable, because the voodoo-economics behind it depend on the system sucking money out of the young to subsidize the less-young."
House passes spending bill to defund Obamacare "The 230-189 vote, which split almost exclusively along party lines, is the precursor to the big action next week, when the Senate is expected to strip out the health care provisions and send the bill back to the House — where Republicans will have to decide whether they can accept it at that point."
10 Creepy liberal reactions to creepy Obamacare videos "Two videos have been released by Generation Operation as part of a national campus push to convince young people not to sign up for Obamacare.
"If young people don’t sign up, Obamacare become even more unsustainable, because the voodoo-economics behind it depend on the system sucking money out of the young to subsidize the less-young."
"In the world of low information voters, these types of video approaches are just what the doctor ordered. It’s the imagery that matters."
Here are the expected liberal, pro-ObamaCare (but I repeat myself) reactions to these videos.