Saturday, November 9, 2013

Obama grasps for climate legacy as second-term agenda crumbles

The Hill  "President Obama has a chance to craft a second-term legacy on climate change even as the rest of his agenda runs aground in Congress.
Gun control legislation is dead; immigration reform is on life support; and reaching a fiscal deal with Republicans appears to be a long shot.
"To make matters worse, what was supposed to be his signature first-term achievement — ObamaCare — is suffering from a disastrous rollout.
"But there’s one thing that’s going right for Obama: Executive action on climate change is moving full-speed ahead at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)."

Alan Caruba: Obama's Executive Order on Climate
"In general, Congress has refused to take up most of Obama’s “climate change” agenda, especially his wish for a carbon tax. So it comes as no surprise that he has issued an executive order on November 1st allegedly to get states and local communities to prepare for “the impact of global warming.”

Obama’s Massive Fraud; If he were a CEO in the private sector, he’d be prosecuted for such deception.

Andrew C. McCarthy  ... "Justice Department guidelines, set forth in the U.S. Attorneys Manual, recommend prosecution for fraud in situations involving
“any scheme which in its nature is directed to defrauding a class of persons, or the general public, with a substantial pattern of conduct.” So, for example, if a schemer were intentionally to deceive all Americans, or a class of Americans (e.g., people who had health insurance purchased on the individual market), by repeating numerous times — over the airwaves, in mailings, and in electronic announcements — an assertion the schemer knew to be false and misleading, that would constitute an actionable fraud — particularly if the statements induced the victims to take action to their detriment, or lulled the victims into a false sense of security.
"For a fraud prosecution to be valid, the fraudulent scheme need not have been successful. Nor is there any requirement that the schemer enrich himself personally. The prosecution must simply prove that some harm to the victim was contemplated by the schemer. If the victim actually was harmed, that is usually the best evidence that harm was what the schemer intended."...

Reading list: Obama's backstabbing of our allies by siding with those who would murder us and Israel by the millions.

This makes one recall what the allies did to a friendly Czechoslovakia in 1938. And if, as a result of all this, Obama turns the US military on Israel, we will have become the Vichy of this century.

NY Times: West and Iran Seen as Nearing a Nuclear Deal  "But even as the two sides tried to finalize the agreement on Thursday, fissures have widened between the United States and some of its principal allies over the potential pact, which has been hailed by the Obama administration as a possible breakthrough in the standoff over Iran’s nuclear aspirations but dismissed by critics as a temporizing measure that would leave the core of Tehran’s atomic program intact."
DEBKAfile: Israel accuses US of deceit on nuclear deal with Iran. Geneva signing drags out as Iran ups its price -   ..."While Obama and Kerry have admitted only to lifting “a few minor reversible sanctions” and “modest’ sanctions relief as part of the deal, Israel discovered a far more generous package of concessions was on offer. The Europeans would lead the way in easing sanctions to allow Washington to show clean hands – especially to Congress."
"By Friday, the Iranians understood that the Obama administration was so hell-bent on signing the first ever international accord on their nuclear program, that they could afford without much risk to up the price for their signature and extort more last-minute concessions.".... Emphasis added
Iran Starts Producing New Missile System  " 'This solid-fuel missile system is able to destroy different kinds of cruise missiles, bombers, drones and helicopters," he added."

Crisis Brewing in Israeli-US Relations   "A pair of testy public exchanges this week appear to have undone whatever good will was created between the Israeli and U.S. governments during a high-profile visit by President Barack Obama early this year."

Jewish World Review: Obama vowed to prevent a nuclear Iran; Iran promised to show who's boss
"Guess who is about to win"
  "Those words may soon become reality. The United States and its major European partners, along with Russia and China, appear prepared to accept the Iranian position and offer some relief from harsh economic sanctions in return."

Daniel Pipes: Obama Turns on Israel   ..."I wrote before the last presidential election that "Israel's troubles will really begin" should Obama win second term. At Obama's second inauguration, I predicted that he, "freed from re-election constraints, can finally express his early anti-Zionist views after a decade of political positioning. Watch for a markedly worse tone from the second Obama administration toward the third Netanyahu government."
"That moment is now upon us."

Washington Times: Obama has ‘head handed to him’ in secret Iran sanction deal amid nuclear talks  "And the second, he said: The White House has opposed new sanction recommendations against Iran that have come out of Congress.
"But the quiet dealing may have backfired for Mr. Obama.
"Mr. Dubowitz said Iran has been selling significant amounts of oil on the black market, profiting big from illegal revenues."    Via Lucianne

Ultra-Tolerant Libs Take Outrage to Twitter Over ObamaCare Parody at 2013 CMAs

What about the leftist propaganda that is inflicted on us nightly, hour-by-hour on  television in virtually every show we watch? How about the anti-conservative attacks that was a regular feature on "Law and Order"? Are the constant personal attacks on Sarah Palin and other conservatives by  Letterman and Maher, et al. bothersome to the conscience of the left?  Who remembers the visceral attack on President Bush by Russell Brand back in 2008? 

Yet the left is furious at this bit of fun we had at the CMA?
I posit that you liberals are not that upset at what was delivered to you; that this snit is all a coordinated strategy of yours to make life "toxic" for anyone who expresses conservative ideas. I plead with the right not to be intimidated by this demagoguery.
Liberals, you have dished it out in heaps, so now it is good that you should have to take just a little bit.   The Tunnel Dweller

Ultra-Tolerant Libs Take Outrage to Twitter Over ObamaCare Parody at 2013 CMAs

IJReview  "If it’s one thing leftists hate, it’s to be mocked. You see, that’s their job – to mock anyone who disagrees with their political agenda. Take Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood’s light-hearted ribbing of ObamaCare at the 2013 CMAs as exhibit A.
"Check out this online temper tantrum on Twitter, some of them via Twitchy (of course, there are vile epithets, so they’re Not Safe for Work).
"This Twitter poster is “open-minded,” but not about her politics."
Full article
"A lot of folks will have a whole new way of hearing George Strait’s “Amarillo by Morning”

Friday, November 8, 2013

Geneva fallout: Iran becomes a nuclear power, followed by Saudis. Israel loses trust in Obama

DEBKAfile  "Tehran has conceded nothing and receives limited sanctions relief, he said.
"The interim agreement, said Netanyahu, buries the possibility of a peaceful final accord for dismantling Iran's nuclear program once and for all. “Israel is not obliged by this agreement and will do everything it needs to do to defend itself and defend the security of its people,” he said.
"His words carried two messages:"
1. Israel has abandoned its trust in Barack Obama ever complying with his pledge to its security and will henceforth act on its own.
2. Israel’s only remaining course now is to exercise its military option against Iran’s nuclear capability – whether openly or covertly.
For five years, Binyamin Netanyahu has repeatedly warned the world that Israel was ready for military action to preempt a nuclear-armed Iran. Each successive repetition was received on a diminishing scale of credibility. His response to the Geneva accord is therefore anyone’s guess.

Rhetoric vs. reality; “Obama to campaign to ensure health law’s success”

Charles Krauthammer  "The Obamacare Web site doesn’t work. Hundreds of thousands of insured Americans are seeing their plans summarily terminated. Millions more face the same prospect next year. Confronted with a crisis of governance, how does President Obama respond?

"He campaigns."

"The president now is toxic. The thing is called Obamacare. There's no running away from it. It's got his name on it. You see the president, you think about the policy and you know it's a disaster. And the problem for the Democrats is, they are hostage to a bunch of geeks working right now late into the night trying to fix a system which is not just the glitches we talked about. The architecture, the underlying structure of it is wrong. "

Some O-toons

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

The fix is in for a bad deal with Iran

Jennifer Rubin  "It won’t be long, I suspect, until President Obama delivers this line to the Israelis: “I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me.” That was his health care “apology,” but it’s an apt phrasing for Iranian policy as well as we sit on the precipice of a deal the Israelis, members of Congress and the Saudis have blasted.
"The deal will include, according to news reports and knowledgeable onlookers, four points. Mark Dubowitz of the Foundation for  Defense of Democracies points to a news report in the Guardian listing the expected terms as follows:"....
"Nothing new here. They do this every year. But just imagine the outcry if Americans or Israelis were turning out in large numbers to chant "death to Iran." Today's fashionable multicultural relativism masks an actual racism that holds Muslims to lower standards than it does everyone else. I say let's hold everyone to the same standard, and condemn this genocidal bloodlust for what it is."
Yeah, this nation should be a great negotiating partner.

Is Obama dumping our ally Israel to side with our enemy Iran?

Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail
Arutz Sheva; Obama's Record Indicates He Won't Stop Iran  "In September 2009, Obama adviser and supporter and former National Security Adviser under President Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski (whom Obama has praised publicly), said that were Israel to launch a military strike at Iran, the U.S. should confront the Israeli planes and shoot them down."
At the time. Tunnel Dweller likened this position to that of the Vichy French, fighting their allies Britain and the US in support of their conqueror, Germany.

The Great Cave: Iran and the West to ink nuke deal  ..."All of this wouldn't matter if Israel could count on America to back their play. But as other countries in the Middle East have discovered, Barack Obama is a feckless ally and the US simply can't be trusted." 
... "The bottom line is that the Middle East is lining up and choosing sides. And the US is looking for an out on fulfilling its promise to prevent Iran from building a nuclear bomb." More.

Obama’s Betrayal of Israel and Arming of Iran  ..."Israel’s mistake was even bothering to listen to Obama and his cohorts. They should have known better. But they wanted to show the world that they were better than the tyrants; that they made every effort to avoid war and bloodshed. For their attempts, they are being rewarded with lies, deception and betrayal. They may be rewarded with war and death. In the end, God walks with Israel and I’ve got to tell her enemies, I wouldn’t want to be you guys. No way. ‘Vengeance is mine,’ sayeth the Lord."... 

Obama’s betrayal of Israel is stunning and completely predictable. It’s right on schedule along with the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. I don’t know how anyone could be surprised by this. Whispers are on the wind that a nuclear deal is within reach between the US and Iran, but ...
“ 'Iran gets everything that it wanted at this stage and it pays nothing,” Netanyahu said. He said the sanctions regime in place now is “why Iran is under severe pressure.”
"Netanyahu urged Kerry not to “rush to sign” but “to wait, to reconsider, to get a good deal.' ”   Via Lucianne

Legal Insurrection; On the cusp of a historic sell-out of Israel  "John Kerry has openly sided with the Palestinians on key final agreement points:  That Israel controlling any land beyond the 1949 Armistice line is “illegitimate” and land that eventually will be part of a Palestinian state, and that there must be not a single Israeli soldier left anywhere on the West Bank.
"This means the historic Jewish Quarter of Old Jerusalem and the Western Wall become part of a Palestinian state, the illegal Jordanian occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem becomes memorialized, Israel reverts to the “Auschwitz borders,” Judea and Samaria become Judenfrei, and defensible positions including in the Jordan Valley are lost."

Atlas Shrugs   "Three and half more years of the jihad president -- the world is going to look wildly different in 2016. Unrecognizable"....
 "According the Daily Beast, Obama secretly lifted sanctions months ago on Iran.

"When a hardline reelected Israeli leadership meets an inflexible second-term president"  

41 Ways Your Dog Makes Your Life 100% Better

Buzzfeed  "There is no love like the love of your furry best friend."

...14. Not just humans, but each other.
41 Ways Your Dog Makes Your Life 100% Better 
...17. They’ll stop their very important work to listen to you.
41 Ways Your Dog Makes Your Life 100% Better
...34. They will never forget you. 

...41. And are the greatest best friends a human could hope for.
And are the greatest best friends a human could hope for.

Oh, the racism in the song, "Obamacare By Morning"!

From Wake up Black America: The new #1 hit "Obamacare by Morning"  ..."Of course, the left had no recourse against Paisley and Underwood mockery of Obamacare and the people in attendance laughing at the Obamacare mockery other then to take to Twitter and claim as usual that this was nothing more then a bunch of "rich white RACIST people" attacking Obama." ...

Top 5 Takeaways from CMA's ObamaCare Song Parody  The video is in this post as well. 
"Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood's mockery of the ObamaCare web site didn't just ignite the crowd during Wednesday's CMA Awards telecast. It represented a cultural nudge that could resonate long after the lyrics to ObamaCare by Morning fade from memory."

'Rich, white conservative' country music fans mock Obamacare   "Other than that liberal, progressive, open minded folks, so tolerant of diversity, pluralism and multi culturalism, how was the show?
"Herman Cain liked it.  Oh him!"  
"Condemnation by liberals sure to follow.  As it did in the past when this successful black man expressed his conservative thoughts as a potential Republican presidential candidate." 

This is written before Matthews weighs in on the above song, which I am sure he will: The Top 20 Worst Chris Matthews Quotes Calling Obama Critics Racist    "In Matthews’ mind, any opposition to the President is due to racism on the right. Name almost any issue that President Obama has faced confrontation on, and the MSNBC host has cited racism as the root cause."
Full article. 

How Can We Possibly Trust Obama on Iran?

PJ Media  "The Roman legal maxim Falsus in Uno, Falsus in Ominibus, meaning one who testifies falsely on one thing cannot be trusted on anything, may be a bit of an exaggeration. But what about Falsus repeatedly, as Barack Obama has been?"
"How can we let a president who has lied dozens of times about our healthcare negotiate something as cataclysmic as nuclear weaponry with Iran? How can we possibly trust him?
"And yet that is happening before our eyes. The Wall Street Journal is reporting:" ...
 "A president who is becoming increasingly defensive with each passing day is likely to do something erratic and dangerous. We cannot let him. Otherwise it will certainly be “Israel alone.” Maybe it already is."