Friday, November 8, 2013

The fix is in for a bad deal with Iran

Jennifer Rubin  "It won’t be long, I suspect, until President Obama delivers this line to the Israelis: “I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me.” That was his health care “apology,” but it’s an apt phrasing for Iranian policy as well as we sit on the precipice of a deal the Israelis, members of Congress and the Saudis have blasted.
"The deal will include, according to news reports and knowledgeable onlookers, four points. Mark Dubowitz of the Foundation for  Defense of Democracies points to a news report in the Guardian listing the expected terms as follows:"....
"Nothing new here. They do this every year. But just imagine the outcry if Americans or Israelis were turning out in large numbers to chant "death to Iran." Today's fashionable multicultural relativism masks an actual racism that holds Muslims to lower standards than it does everyone else. I say let's hold everyone to the same standard, and condemn this genocidal bloodlust for what it is."
Yeah, this nation should be a great negotiating partner.

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