Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Chinese navy, we salute you

Interesting and familiar.
We were on the transport USS Rockbridge (APA 228) departing Piraeus, Greece in 1961 when a Soviet freighter cut across our bow, causing our ship to swerve. There were a few curses and one-finger salutes thrown by the marines and sailors. 
 I read some time later that incidents such as this were used to test US Navy seamanship, but tend to think it was their way of challenging our presence in that part of the world.TD 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

"The Comical Conservative" posts

Photo: "LIKE" if you Agree.

"Do Nothing" if you Disagree.


Victor Davis Hanson on A Culture in Ruins

PJ Media
"Lady Gaga reportedly spent $25 million on pop art to jazz up her new and apparently underwhelming album. In contrast, Miley Cyrus’ sexual twerking at the MTV Music Video Awards earned her more millions by exposing her rather unimpressive anatomy. Both make the once vulgar Madonna seem like June Cleaver, but at least raise an existential question: how much lower can we go?"
"I think Barack Obama once promised Americans that we would never lose our doctors or preexisting health plans when his Obamacare was enacted. But I am not sure anymore. He has explained that he never said that, and retroactively added that he had long warned us that our plans were in danger if they did not comply with his new guidelines. Maybe I’d forgotten that. Even if the president of the United States is lying about his lie, what difference does it make? Those who cite the lie, not the untruth teller, are those who seek to impose discriminatory standards."
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

After same-sex marriage is approved, where do we go from there?

North Dakota to Let Man in Same-Sex Marriage Wed Woman, Too " North Dakota Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem filed a legal opinion last week confirming that the state does not recognize out-of-state same-sex marriages, allowing a man married to another man to come to North Dakota and marry a woman without divorcing his husband."

Judge: Two cheers for polygamy
Kody Brown and his four wives
"Kody Brown and his four wives, stars in the hit TLC reality show Sister Wives, filed a lawsuit in July 2011 that claimed they were immune from any legal punishment for living as polygamists. On Friday, U.S. District Judge Clark Waddoups agreed. He ruled that a Utah law intended to discourage the creation of polygamous households violates the Brown clan’s constitutional rights."
Woman Marries Herself to Prove She Doesn’t Need a Husband to Be Happy  
Self-marriage can be a confusing concept to those who don’t know what it’s all about. Nadine isn’t alone, however, many others have done it before. It was even portrayed on the popular TV show Glee, where ‘Sue Sylvester’ ties the knot with herself. These ceremonies are considered secular and purely symbolic. New Age websites such as Encouraging Priestess even share ideas on how to perform self-marriage ceremonies. The idea behind these marriages is to help a person realize that they do not need anybody else to feel complete.

Grievance Inc.

CNN Guest: Jesus Being Depicted As White A Sign Of “White Supremacy”…  Video

Lib Rag Slate: “Yes, Opposing Gay Marriage Makes You A Homophobe”…

Naomi Schaefer Riley; Women think the workplace is unfair… this is why they’re wrong  "Having children clearly makes all the difference. Hymowitz says the “whole way the conversation is framed is wrong.” Feminists and policy makers, she notes, say that they want “absolute parity and that anything less represents real discrimination and injustice.” In fact, though, the lack of parity is largely the result of the choices so many women make for the sake of the next generation — working part time, taking time off to raise kids, asking for less demanding assignments, etc." 

Pull! Sally Kohn’s ridiculous ‘war on women’ salvo gloriously shot down
"And that’s how you desperately try to save a meme. Remove your side of the aisle from exclusive culpability and bash the other side for not being lucky enough to have the “D” after their names which earns the free pass, then talk about it on TV:"
Sally Kohn @sallykohn
We have a bipartisan sexual harassment problem! Yet policy war on women's rights & freedoms DEFINITELY waged by Republicans
Thomas Sowell; Who Is Racist?  Progress in race relations isn’t achieved by having minority leaders.
... "Over the generations, black leaders have ranged from noble souls to shameless charlatans. After the success of the civil-rights insurgency, the latter have come into their own, gaining money, power, and fame by promoting racial attitudes and actions that are counterproductive to the interests of those they lead."
Three Black Teens Kill White College Student; Racial Grievance Industry Silent

Creepiest Obama story yet

Creepiest Obama story yet 
U.S. Embassy London         @USAinUK
The newly installed tapestry of President Obama casts a warm smile over guests at an event @USAinUK last night.
  "Love the groveling by our embassy staff - such a "warm smile," eh?
"I did a little searching and discovered that the tapestry is not new. It was created by an artist named Chuck Close and was part of a two-tapestry display in honor of Obama during the Democratic Convention at the Mint Museum in North Carolina."

Creepiest Obama story yet just got creepier
Rick Moran called the hanging of a huge Barack Obama portrait at the US Embassy in London the "Creepiest Obama story yet" yesterday. But it gets worse. Check out the size and placement (hat tip: Weasel Zippers) of the portrait, a tapestry by renowned Chuck Close, a government-approved (National Medal of Arts winner) artist. Ladies and gentlemen, we are well into Dear Leader territory:"

"That's right, the portrait of The One We Have Been Waiting For is larger than Presidents Lincoln and Washington, who flank him, almost like apostles. The visual message declares that their significance is that they paved the way for the Lightworker. Was there nobody in the London Embassy able to understand how grotesque this is? Or were people siomply(sp) too afraid to speak up?"

He smiles down on us...

United States Global Leadership (Updated)

Victor Davis Hanson; Obama’s Ironic Foreign Policy 
... "The election of 2008 changed all that. Barack Obama certainly did not see any special relationship with either Britain or Israel in the fashion of past presidents. He grandly announced that, given his Hawaiian roots, he would be our first Pacific president, and promised a pivot of American attention toward Asia. (That pivot impressed the Chinese as much as the vaunted French army of the 1930s deterred Hitler.)
"Nor was Obama just talk. He almost immediately declared a total exit from Iraq and withdrawal dates from Afghanistan. In Libya, “leading from behind” outsourced leadership to Britain and France. Benghazi was our thanks for bombing Gadhafi out of power."   "Global leadership is urgently needed. The United Nations is incapable of providing this, particularly since decisions in its core leadership, the Security Council, often pit the United States against Russia, China, or both. The only nation capable of providing the needed global leadership is the United States, but it is withdrawing from this role, becoming more of an ordinary state, no longer a state forcefully promoting freedom and democracy. At the same time that it needs it badly, the world is rejecting US leadership for several major, and even contradictory, reasons."
The author's opinion on the upshot of our present status is this:
"Most of all, the United States must assume a clear and principled global leadership position. No other nation is in a position to do this. Without leadership in a globalized world facing a daunting range of economic, environmental and political challenges, there can only be turmoil, continuing confrontations, and a steady decline in US prosperity."

The president quality of American leadership at home and around the world.

Our Bored President   "Valerie Jarrett, Obama´s Rasputin, unwittingly provided us an answer to the question of why the Obama Presidency is such a man-caused disaster. There are few people who are close to the notoriously insular Barack Obama (a former aide, Neera Tanden, said that "Obama doesn´t call anyone, and he´s not close to almost anyone. It´s stunning that he´s in politics, because he really doesn´t like people") but Valerie Jarrett is among the select few. They have been friends for decades; she introduced Barack to Michelle; she is a constant presence in the White House, and highly unusual for a White House aide, enjoys her own Secret Service protective detail.   And when she described Barack Obama as having been "bored to death his whole life" she helped explained what lies behind a failed presidency." More

Obama Turned Benghazi into Al Qaeda Terrorist Hub   "Obama justified his Libyan War to the American people by claiming that people of Benghazi were in danger from Gaddafi. After he succeeded in overthrowing Gaddafi, Benghazi reverted to its radical roots and became a city run by terrorist militias leading to the murder of four Americans."

These next articles should be taken together as a unit:
1. 2009: Obama cancels missile defence and changes transatlantic politics
"As America disarms, war with Russia and their Chinese, Iranian, communist and Islamic allies gets closer by the day. From MSNNZ: Poland and three Baltic states have voiced their alarm over plans by Russia to move nuclear-capable missiles close to their borders."

2. The allies America had in 2008 react to the news.  "President Barack Obama's decision to ... ballistic-missile defense shield in Central Europe -- drawing immediate cheers in Moscow and criticism elsewhere .
...."The U.S. about-face was a major diplomatic coup for Moscow, which has fiercely opposed the previous plan to put a battery of 10 ballistic missile interceptors in Poland and a radar in the Czech Republic."
(Which Czechs opposed in 2009)

3. Russia Ups the Ante  "Poland and three Baltic states have voiced their alarm over plans by Russia to move nuclear-capable missiles close to their borders.
"War with Russia is inevitable – unless (a) America surrenders pre-emptively, or (b) America returns to sanity and the Reagan doctrine of “peace through security.”
"Repeat after me: “Russia is our friend… Russia is our friend… Russia is our friend….”


Promoting signs banning guns; everyone should carry one.

Joe Biden would tell us, "Buy a "guns banned" sign. Buy a "guns banned" sign."

Ukraine: On the Edge of Empires

Crowds toppled a statue of Soviet state founder Vladimir Lenin in the Ukrainian capital
and attacked it with hammers yesterday in the latest mass protests against President
Viktor Yanukovich and his plans for closer ties with Russia.

STRATFOR ... "My father lived on the edge until the Germans came in 1941 and swept everything before them, and then until the Soviets returned in 1944 and swept everything before them. He was one of tens of millions who lived or died on the edge, and perhaps nowhere was there as much suffering from living on the edge than in Ukraine. Ukraine was caught between Stalin and Hitler, between planned famines and outright slaughter, to be relieved only by the grinding misery of post-Stalin communism. No European country suffered as much in the 20th century as Ukraine. From 1914 until 1945, Ukraine was as close to hell as one can reach in this life."  Read more.
"Ukraine: On the Edge of Empires is republished with permission of Stratfor."

Viewpoint: Obama right to support Ukraine protesters   "Viewpoint: Los Angeles Times (excerpted):
"To its credit, the Obama administration has condemned the crackdown on demonstrators in Ukraine and is suggesting that further repression might lead to economic sanctions."
"That doesn't justify Russian interference in Ukraine's internal affairs or attempts to muscle it into joining a Russian-dominated trading bloc. But it does call for the sort of sophisticated response U.S. and European officials have shown in recent days, one that supports Ukraine's sovereignty, democratization and self-determination but doesn't ask that country to take sides in a new Cold War."
The above article refutes the opinion of former UN ambassador John Bolton, whose point of view is expressed in this next column after the video:

Lenin's statue comes down! Picture this happening on an American campus? I think not ,what with numerous Che-T-shirt-wearing students protecting it.

Ukraine's drama, Obama's weakness
... "Statesmen are responsible for seeing beyond today's issues to protect larger U.S. interests well into the future. And if America lacks such leaders, we face no higher priority than finding new ones, and quickly.
"Ukraine's turmoil shows why."  Full Article
Judith Miller is an author and a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter formerly with The New York Times. She also is an adjunct fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of its magazine, City Journal.

Obama Snubs Ukraine; Ignores Russia Bullying  By Judith Miller in Newsmax.   ... "While the State Department has been promoting Ukraine’s integration with Europe, Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission are on the verge of taxing, and effectively banning steel pipes, one of Ukraine’s key imports to America, partly at the behest of a company owned by Russia.
"Critics say the conflicting policies by State and Commerce at this delicate juncture reflect strategic drift by President Obama. " ...
Judith Miller is an author and a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter formerly with The New York Times. She also is an adjunct fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of its magazine, City Journal.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Obamacare Disinformation Runs Deep

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
Jonah GoldbergThe “keep your plan” lie just scratches the surface of the deception.   ... "Most people know the first deception in the triumvirate of deceit: “If you like your health insurance you can keep it, period.” The second leg in the tripod of deception was “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”
"But the third plank in the triad of disinformation hasn’t gotten much attention: Obamacare will save you, me, and the country a lot of money. This lie took several forms."

The Hillary Clinton conundrum  via Doug Ross Journal  "But if NBC and CNN knuckle under, what will Hillary have left?  Even more than the empty suit she aims to succeed, she has no resume of accomplishments at all.  She’s never achieved anything at all.  She was an unmitigated disaster as Secretary of State, her tenure noted primarily for its relentless efforts to squash investigations into various scandals.  She kicked things off by getting the Russian phrase for “reset button” wrong in a boneheaded publicity stunt, and wrapped things up with the deadly debacle of Benghazi.  She joined Obama in lying to the American people, and the families of the Benghazi dead, to keep Obama’s “al-Qaeda on the run” campaign narrative alive.  And here we are in August 2013, with the State Department on the run from al-Qaeda, as embassies across the world are shut down for a week thanks to elevated “chatter” from terrorist masterminds.  Hillary Clinton chattered a lot, too, but it most certainly did not frighten or impress anyone."