Monday, December 16, 2013

The Hillary Clinton conundrum  via Doug Ross Journal  "But if NBC and CNN knuckle under, what will Hillary have left?  Even more than the empty suit she aims to succeed, she has no resume of accomplishments at all.  She’s never achieved anything at all.  She was an unmitigated disaster as Secretary of State, her tenure noted primarily for its relentless efforts to squash investigations into various scandals.  She kicked things off by getting the Russian phrase for “reset button” wrong in a boneheaded publicity stunt, and wrapped things up with the deadly debacle of Benghazi.  She joined Obama in lying to the American people, and the families of the Benghazi dead, to keep Obama’s “al-Qaeda on the run” campaign narrative alive.  And here we are in August 2013, with the State Department on the run from al-Qaeda, as embassies across the world are shut down for a week thanks to elevated “chatter” from terrorist masterminds.  Hillary Clinton chattered a lot, too, but it most certainly did not frighten or impress anyone."

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