Wednesday, February 5, 2014

ACA: Will someone save us from this do-gooder government?

NY Times: Freeing Workers From the Insurance Trap  ..."In other words, the report is about the choices workers can make when they are no longer tethered to an employer because of health benefits. The cumulative effect on the labor supply is the equivalent of 2.5 million fewer full-time workers by 2024."
"Elmendorf told Ryan: “By providing heavily subsidized health insurance to people with very low incomes and withdrawing those subsidies as income rises, the act creates a disincentive for people to work relative to what would have been the case in the absence of that act.' ”

More on this from the Weekly Standard Creating Killing Millions Of Jobs   "Dept. Of Corrections: Leading Democrats said ObamaCare would create 4 million jobs by cutting health costs and unleashing entrepreneurs. Now we learn the promise was off by 6.5 million — in the wrong direction.

"Here's what Rep. Nancy Pelosi, the top Democratic in the House, had to say about ObamaCare in February 2010:

" 'It will create 4 million jobs, 400,000 jobs almost immediately — jobs, again, in the health care industry but in the entrepreneurial world as well.' "
And supposedly she also said this, but it was fabricated in a satirical article. I suppose those who believed she actually said it realized that she seems capable of it.

Don’t Blame Climate Change for the California Drought

The president should take a look at the science.

Charles C. W. Cooke   "Of all the media-savvy decisions that our friends in the alarmists’ camp have made in recent years, the finest was to change their branding. “Global warming” is a clear hypothesis, subject to investigation and to criticism; “Global cooling,” likewise. But “climate change”? Now that is beautifully and efficaciously ambiguous — less an ironclad prediction and more
an ersatz Rorschach test onto which anything and everything can be projected."

Hat trip to Alan Caruba on Facebook

Conrad Black on the Failed State of the Union Address

The office of the President once again diminished.
NRO  "Though I sugared it a bit for the television viewers, I thought the speech was a disaster and an embarrassment. The president showered down on us a sequence of whoppers so astounding I thought at times that, in Margaret Thatcher’s phrase, “my ears were deceiving me.”
"I had to watch to the end, as I had promised to comment on it on television, and as the camera showed Mr. Obama, Senate majority leader Harry Reid, and Speaker Boehner and Vice President Biden, I thought wistfully of the corresponding, but incomparably more substantial people when I first watched these events, respectively: Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson, Sam Rayburn, and Richard Nixon. America will do better than what it got on this night — as a friend described it, “Obaminable” pablum. " ...

International Holocaust Memorial Day’s Fatal Flaw

Pictured: Reverse Nazi salute
Caroline Glick  "Every day, at some level, we experience the ulcerative loss of a third of the Jewish people in the hell of Europe, because we feel the hollow absence of the victims.
"The six million murdered have become 10 million descendants who were never born. And we miss them.
 " We remember them too, every day, when we look at our children and thank God we can protect them.
"The more closely we consider events, the more clearly we see that ironically and obscenely, Holocaust memorializing in Europe is enabling anti-Semitism.

"Europeans use the focus on the Holocaust to pretend that European anti-Semitism began with the Nazis’ rise to power in 1933 and ended with their defeat 12 years later. In truth, the Nazis’ rise to power was a natural consequence of 1,600 years of European Jew hatred."

Caroline Glick "grew up in Chicago’s ultra-liberal Hyde Park neighborhood. Hyde Park’s most famous resident is Barack Obama.
"I made Aliyah to Israel in 1991, two weeks after receiving my BA in Political Science from another radical liberal stronghold — Columbia University in New York, otherwise known as Beir Zeit on the Hudson.
"I joined the Israel Defense Forces that summer and served as an officer for five and a half years."

Explosive Report: How Obamacare Will Drive People Out of the Workforce

The Foundry   "Obamacare moves people further away from jobs and shifts their health care costs to taxpayers. Good news or bad?

"The White House took up defensive measures yesterday after the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office released a new estimate: Obamacare will cause the equivalent of 2.3 million people to stop working.

“ 'Double ouch,” said The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza, outlining exactly what bad news this is for Members of Congress who voted for Obamacare.

"Why will people stop working or reduce their work hours? One word: Money." ...
Some of these distortions include incentives to reduce hours, not seek work, drop insurance coverage, drop dependent coverage, become divorced, or avoid marriage.
Elitist lipstick on the CBO pig
 "The congressional number-crunchers, perhaps the capital's closest thing to a neutral referee, came out with a new report Tuesday, and it wasn't pretty for Obamacare. The CBO predicted the law would have a "substantially larger" impact on the labor market than it had previously expected: The law would reduce the workforce in 2021 by the equivalent of 2.3 million full-time workers, well more than the 800,000 originally anticipated. This will inevitably be a drag on economic growth, as more people decide government handouts are more attractive than working more and paying higher taxes."

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The grievance franchise

"Of course Democrats never criticized George W. Bush."
GUEST: Let’s think about the danger here… once you start criticizing the president, who by the way, his love of, his job before coming into office was as a Constitutional professor he has that much respect for the Constitution. Once you start criticizing the president of threatening the Constitution that’s just, that’s just dirty politics.
SHARPTON: Well that’s to make him other than legitimate is to delegitimize the president.
NAACP Leader: Tea Party “Frantically Seeking People of Color To Become Mouthpieces For Their Agenda”…

Barber, the head of the North Carolina NAACP, recently caused controversy by comparing Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), the lone black Republican in Congress, to a ventriloquist’s dummy at an event in South Carolina last month.

De Blasio said he would not march in the parade up Fifth Avenue because organizers refuse to allow participants to carry gay-pride signs.      

"Catholic League president Bill Donohue has blasted New York's mayor Bill de Blasio for deciding to boycott the nation's largest St. Patrick's Day parade.

" 'Personally I'm delighted," Donohue said. "I lead the Catholic League contingent every year, and I do not want to march with a public official who does not want to be associated with Irish Catholics.' "

From Spain: Obama: In Search of Lost Credibility

Cartoon: Obama se va de vacaciones (medium) by Dragan tagged obama,politics,cartoon,eeuu
Watching America  From El Pais in Spain
.."It is always possible that the opposition could pay for its current attitude at the polls. However, what is certain is that the current situation is doing a great deal of damage to Obama’s credibility. As far as the public is concerned, it is the president who is ultimately responsible if advances are not made; it is the president who needs to find the power to make changes.

"Public support for Obama is down to 40 percent, with only 30 percent of the U.S. population optimistic about the country’s direction. Although his name cannot yet be said to be toxic, there is a notable lack of interest among Democratic electoral candidates in featuring the president in their campaigns." ...

A Disturbing Conservative Reaction to the Coke Ad

Let the left have sole possession of disdain for patriotic praise.

Peter Wehner  ... "What a weird and disturbing reaction. The ad was hardly “in your face.” It was in fact an affirmation that people from different cultures and lands and tongues are drawn to America and can love her, not because it’s their native land but because it’s a special land. America is, in the words of Ben Wattenberg, the “first universal nation.” The Coke ad beautifully captures the spirit behind the phrase on the Seal of the United States: E pluribus unum, “Out of many, one.' ”

On Keystone, Action Can Wait

Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler
Rich Lowry   "President Barack Obama has urged that we make this a “year of action,” and he is going to do his part by acting with vigor and dispatch to continue to study the proposed Keystone XL pipeline project.

"The State Department just acted with an 11-volume, 7,000-page environmental review that concludes, like the several reviews prior to this point, that the pipeline poses no environmental hazard. You’ve got to hand it to the State Department — when it is determined to act, it moves."
"Of course, that’s the point. When there’s no legitimate reason to stop a project that well-funded left-wing donors and a mini-grassroots environmentalist army want stopped, the safest course is to make sure that it is always study-ready and never shovel-ready."

Fort Collins School Tells Kids They Can't Celebrate USA

Todd Starnes
"Students and parents at a Colorado high school are outraged after administrators turned down their request for a spirit week day honoring America because it might offend non-Americans.

“ 'They said they didn’t want to offend anyone from other countries or immigrants,” a 16-year-old member of the student council told me. “They just really did not want to make anyone feel uncomfortable.”....
“ 'They said they didn’t want to be exclusive to any other country,” a 17-year-old member of the student council told me."

Full Video of the Dinesh D’Souza and Bill Ayers Debate

College Insurrection
"The video below is the entire event and it’s two solid hours. Enjoy…"

"Bill Ayers does a trick I've seen Marxist do over and over in comparing themselves with historic figures from the past that have nothing to do with Marxism, then is turning around and saying where would you be without us (Marxist). Ayers set off bombs in a attack against the Capitalism economic system of this country and has convinced himself he is some great freedom fighter for minority rights when the opposite is true.

"The real question is the one D'Souza stayed focused on, where would the world be without the United States and Capitalism. This is why D'souza was arrested on trumpted(sp) up charges.
D’Souza Vs. Ayers: Wits Clash At Dartmouth Debate   "The debate, titled “America: Good or Bad?” started right away with a few good japes, as D’Souza told the audience: “We decided not to have metal detectors for the audience, but we did have metal detectors for the speakers.' ”
"He took the view that despite the horrible effects of colonialism and slavery, they nevertheless precipitated the modernization of destitute nations and groups of people.
"This drew the ire of Ayers, who retorted that this implies that the existence of a Jewish state must justify the Holocaust using D’Souza’s logic. Just as Ayers’ later demonization of Israel fell on deaf ears, this comment provoked more audible horror in the audience than respect."

The Bickersons*: President Obama and Fox News

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
Obama's fatuous claim of Fox News 'unfairness' to him   "Boo-hoo, President Obama thinks Fox News is "unfair" to him, but when challenged for examples, all he could cite was asking questions about difficult subjects.

"This was revealed in the most interesting segment of Bill O'Reilly's taped interview with President Obama, aired for the first time last night on the O'Reilly Factor (the first 15 minutes of the interview were broadcast live prior to the Super Bowl).

"Here is the relevant section of the transcript:..."
Obama to O'Reilly: Fox News Reason for My Problems!  "President Barack Obama twice blamed Fox News Channel for misinforming the public on issues that have bedeviled his presidency in the past year during a pre-Super Bowl interview with the network's Bill O'Reilly."

NBC News: Obama says Fox News's O'Reilly 'absolutely' unfair in extended interview  "President Barack Obama said that he is “in a lot of ways” less liberal than former Republican President Richard Nixon and said Fox News Channel's Bill O’Reilly has been “absolutely” unfair to him throughout his presidency in an interview that aired Monday night. "
Via Lucianne

O’Reilly: Obama Annoyed with Fox Because He Doesn’t Think IRS, Benghazi ‘That Important’    Video

Krauthammer’s Take: Obama ‘Continuing a Successful Stonewall’ on Benghazi

"President Obama’s repeated efforts to dismiss lingering questions about the Benghazi attacks has been his strategy from the beginning, Charles Krauthammer said on Monday’s Special Report. During his pre-Super Bowl interview, the president did not directly answer some of Bill O’Reilly’s questions on the matter, as he has all along."

"GASPARINO: I think he’s also talking to the mainstream media. I think this whole thing of bringing up Fox is basically to try and convince The New York Times and all the rest of the media that, you know, ‘ignore those kooks over there. You know, listen to me,’ and you know, in some –  this does resonate among reporters. I can tell you as someone who worked, I worked at the alleged, you know, I worked at The Wall Street Journal pre-News Corp buying it, I worked at Newsweek magazine – you couldn’t get any more liberal, more mainstream-media liberal than that. This is a common thread among my reporter brethren. It’s fascinating – they don’t see their own biases, they just see ours."

*The Bickersons