Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Thought Police: Firms must swear ObamaCare not a factor in firings

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
Thought Police: Firms must swear ObamaCare not a factor in firings   "Obama officials made clear in a press briefing that firms would not be allowed to lay off workers to get into the preferred class of those businesses with 50 to 99 employees. How will the feds know what employers were thinking when hiring and firing? Simple. Firms will be required to certify to the IRS – under penalty of perjury – that ObamaCare was not a motivating factor in their staffing decisions. To avoid ObamaCare costs you must swear that you are not trying to avoid ObamaCare costs. You can duck the law, but only if you promise not to say so."

Krauthammer’s Take: Obamacare Delays are ‘Completely Lawless’   “ 'It’s unbelievably hypocritical,” Charles Krauthammer said in reference to the latest Obamacare delay announced by the president yesterday. “Remember when Republicans were trying to change the law legally and constitutionally in Congress? They were accused of being terrorists, they were taking the country hostage when they were saying, ‘Let’s amend the law as written.’” 

This police state tightens it's grip. Hey, a nation gets the leadership it deserves!

Smoking gun in IRS political targeting Shocker! Leftist group paid to review right

"Under the Obama administration they have been allowed to consider themselves part of Obama’s junta.
"With the IRS you are guilty until you can prove innocence"  WND
"WASHINGTON – Though President Obama insists the Internal Revenue Service is not guilty of the political targeting of nonprofits, WND has learned the agency contracts with an avowedly “progressive” organization supported by George Soros to process data filed by smaller tax-exempt groups.
"The federal agency process sends details contained in the annual filings for organizations with $50,000 in annual receipts or less to the Urban Institute, which is funded at least partly by government payments as well as contributions from far-left activist George Soros." ...
...."The IRS.gov page on the “Annual Electronic Filing Requirement for Small Exempt Organizations – Form 990-N (e-Postcard)” includes instructions to file online, and includes a direct link to the Urban Institute."
The site has the following text inside a box:
How to File
Use this link to file the e-Postcard. If you have trouble accessing the system using that link, you may be able to access the filing site directly by typing or pasting the following address into your Internet browser: http://epostcard.form990.org. When you access the system, you will leave the IRS site and file the e-Postcard with the IRS through our trusted partner, Urban Institute. The form must be completed and filed electronically. There is no paper form.

Not even a teensy-weensy bit of corruption

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Ron Fournier just can't defend Obamacare anymore

Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
Ron Fournier in the National Journal:  "It's getting difficult and slinking toward impossible to defend the Affordable Care Act. The latest blow to Democratic candidates, liberal activists, and naïve columnists like me came Monday from the White House, which announced yet another delay in the Obamacare implementation.
"For the second time in a year, certain businesses were given more time before being forced to offer health insurance to most of their full-time workers. Employers with 50 to 99 workers were given until 2016 to comply, two years longer than required by law. During a yearlong grace period, larger companies will be required to insure fewer employees than spelled out in the law.
"Not coincidentally, the delays punt implementation beyond congressional elections in November, which raises the first problem with defending Obamacare: The White House has politicized its signature policy."  Emphasis added, TD.
Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley

Rick Moran at American Thinker took note of this: Liberal columnist 'getting sick' of defending Obamacare    ... "If you're getting sick and tired of defending Obamacare, why not change course and start advocating for repeal and replace? The effects of the law are just beginning to be felt which does not bode well for the economy or for people's health insurance options."  More

Iranian Poet Hanged (By those whom Ron Paul said we should be nice to)

Commentary Magazine  "Iranian authorities have reportedly hanged Hashem Shaabani, a poet which the regime has accused of being “an enemy of God.” His execution should do more than anything else to provide an opportunity for Secretary of State John Kerry and UN Ambassador Samantha Power to embrace moral clarity, for it does more than anything to show the undeniable cruelty of the Islamic Republic and its murderous ideology.
"There is a tendency in the State Department—the administration does not matter—to repress discussion of human rights out of fear that to discuss them will risk progress on harder national-security issues like the nuclear deal or terrorism. This is a mistake: If the Iranian commitment to come in from the cold is so shaky that it can’t deal with rightful criticism of its treatment of political prisoners and internal dissidents, then the deal is so fragile as to be not worth relying upon." ...

Alan Caruba: "Hating All Infidels"

"What does it say about Islam that both the Super Bowl in America and the winter Olympics in Russia require massive security against an attack by jihadists?
"What most people in America and the West have not been able to grasp is Islam’s hatred of the infidel—the unbeliever. It has existed for fourteen centuries. On top of that is the schism within Islam between Sunnis, the majority of Muslims, and Shiites."
What the West has yet to grasp is its intent on world domination. That is why jihad—the so-called holy war—is a central pillar of faith." ....

California Fights Two Droughts, One Of Them Man-Made

Sierra snowfall, one year apart.
... "So if the drought continues, billions of dollars of Westside orchards and vineyards will die, row cropland will lay fallow and farm-supported small towns will likewise dry up.
"There is a terrible irony to all this. Never have California farm prices been higher, given huge Pacific export demand. Never have California farmers been more savvy in saving water to produce record harvests of nutritious, clean and safe food. And never has farming been so central to a state suffering from the aftershocks of a housing collapse, chronic high unemployment, overregulation and the nation’s highest sales, income and gasoline taxes.
"Yet there are really two droughts — nature’s, and its man-made twin." ...
Hat tip to Harley Standlee; Placerville, CA
More from Stephen Frank's site:

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Nuland Call; Russia’s interception and leaking of U.S. diplomats’ conversation is telling.

NRO ... "And what’s also pretty evident is Russia’s strategic motivation for this release: to exploit fissures in the U.S.-EU relationship. As German chancellor Angela Merkel’s angry reaction to the Nuland call illustrates, the relationship remains strained in the wake of the Snowden revelations. The Russians hope that by widening the gap between the U.S. and its European allies, they can consolidate their own position in Ukraine. They fear a Western policy consensus in support of the opposition.

"That takes care of Russia’s capability and motivation." ...

Photographic Proof That Sochi Is A Godforsaken Hellscape Right Now

Buzzfeed  I wish the Russians well and would like them to be proud of their Olympic accommodations. But how well can you do when your nation's business and labor has been steeped in extreme socialism for seven decades? For seventy-odd years, their work force were all government employees.

Sochi Problems@SochiProblems
We torture your bowels with complex toilets. #SochiProblems #Sochi2014
Live wires in showers.

Men at Work ; Revisiting the alienation of labor

NRO By Kevin D. Williamson
"From a historical point of view, there are effectively no poor people in the United States or Western Europe. Those who go without shoes or sleep on the streets do so almost exclusively for psychiatric rather than economic reasons. (Our wealth makes their neglect more of a scandal, not less of one.) At the national level, mass unemployment constitutes a heavy brake on the economy. The Congressional Budget Office recently estimated that the Affordable Care Act would result in fewer Americans working — on a scale equivalent to the loss of 2.5 million full-time positions. The White House greeted this as a liberation: No longer would Americans be “trapped in a job” by the mere need to provide for themselves and their families."

NAACP: Bring Photo ID To Protest Photo ID Laws

NAACP guidelines for marchers
Truth Revolt   "The NAACP planned a peaceful march to protest the requirement of voter ID laws on Saturday at the "Moral March on Raleigh." Organizers said 20,000 to 30,000 Americans showed up to the protest. Rev. William Barber, president of the state NAACP, stated, "We return to Raleigh with a renewed strength and a renewed sense of urgency. This Moral March inaugurates a fresh year of grassroots empowerment, voter education, litigation and nonviolent direct action."
"In a flyer sent out entitled “Important Do’s and Don’ts for Marchers,” some very responsible marching elements were listed for people's safety.
"The most ironic recommendation on the list comes half way down, where march coordinators tell recipients: 
A conservative's protest against the hypocrisy of this policy was buried deep inside this sycophantic article:  Multitude at "Moral March" protest NC GOP policies

What's the point of regulating lemonade stands?

Shutting down lemonade stands costs kids important entrepreneurial experience
... "And while city zoning laws are useful for keeping heavy industry away from homes, selling lemonade or girl scout cookies is really a residential activity. Many of the world's most famous businesses — Amazon, Apple, Disney, Google, Hewlett Packard — were started in garages. An entrepreneurial culture requires the freedom to start a business at home. If we stop businesses and businesspeople from developing, we lose the benefits that come down the road, like job creation and innovation (not that little Suzie's lemonade stand will likely grow to rival Tropicana, but you get the point...).
"The sooner cities and counties realize this, and stop wasting resources going after the entrepreneurs of tomorrow, the better."   Via American Conservatives
lemonade stand
Permit requirements shut down another kid’s lemonade stand — but it’s not what you think   "Lemonade Day is a big deal in Indianapolis. It’s a day dedicated to helping children learn simple business skills with their own small business ventures. But for 10-year-old Morgen Morris, Lemonade Day became a lesson in government regulation and unforeseen circumstances."

The Inexplicable War on Lemonade Stands  "I’m beginning to think that there’s a nation-wide government conspiracy against either lemonade or children, because these lemonade stand shutdowns seem to be getting more and more common. If you set up a stand for your kids, just be prepared for a visit from the cops."
Government for the people? What has happened here?