Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Ron Fournier just can't defend Obamacare anymore

Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
Ron Fournier in the National Journal:  "It's getting difficult and slinking toward impossible to defend the Affordable Care Act. The latest blow to Democratic candidates, liberal activists, and naïve columnists like me came Monday from the White House, which announced yet another delay in the Obamacare implementation.
"For the second time in a year, certain businesses were given more time before being forced to offer health insurance to most of their full-time workers. Employers with 50 to 99 workers were given until 2016 to comply, two years longer than required by law. During a yearlong grace period, larger companies will be required to insure fewer employees than spelled out in the law.
"Not coincidentally, the delays punt implementation beyond congressional elections in November, which raises the first problem with defending Obamacare: The White House has politicized its signature policy."  Emphasis added, TD.
Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley

Rick Moran at American Thinker took note of this: Liberal columnist 'getting sick' of defending Obamacare    ... "If you're getting sick and tired of defending Obamacare, why not change course and start advocating for repeal and replace? The effects of the law are just beginning to be felt which does not bode well for the economy or for people's health insurance options."  More

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