Thursday, September 4, 2014

Senate Democrats Push Radical Amendment Prohibiting Pro-Life Free Speech In Elections…

Weasel Zippers    "Planned Parenthood doesn’t pump tens of millions of dollars into Dem campaigns for nothing."
A leading pro-life group is sounding the alarm about a measure Senate Democrats are pushing that would place stringent limits on pro-life free speech when it comes to campaigns and elections.
The National Right to Life Committee today warned members of the U.S. Senate that it will “scorecard” the upcoming Senate roll call on a proposed constitutional amendment. The pro-life organization informs LifeNews that the amendment would allow Congress and each state legislature to restrict or prohibit virtually any type of communications to the public that might “influence elections.”
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has indicated that he will seek Senate action on the measure on September 8. Fifty Democratic senators have so far expressed support for the measure.
The letter, signed by National Right to Life President Carol Tobias, Executive Director David N. O’Steen, and Legislative Director Douglas Johnson, referred to the proposal as “a radical assault on the Bill of Rights.”
It underscores how the amendment could allow states to prohibit pro-life groups from issuing scorecards letting pro-life voters know how their elected officials in Congress voted on key pro-life issues.
Keep reading…

Chart: How Much Fast-Food Prices Would Rise If Employers Paid $15 an Hour

Why does the left not care that they turn everything they touch to, well... crap?

The Daily Signal   "As thousands of fast-food workers participate in strikes today pushing for their wages to be raised to $15 an hour, it’s important to remember the consequences that such a steep raise could have.

"According to a new report released today by James Sherk, a labor policy expert at The Heritage Foundation, such an increase could result in fewer hours of work overall at fast-food restaurants and higher prices for all.

Higher Fast-Food Wages: Higher Fast-Food Prices    "Union activists want to raise the minimum wage in the fast-food industry to $15 an hour. However, fast-food restaurants operate on very small profit margins; they could only afford such wages by raising prices—significantly. Higher prices would, in turn, drive customers away, forcing even larger price increases to cover costs. Ultimately, the average fast-food restaurant would have to raise prices by nearly two-fifths. This would cause sales to drop by more than one-third, and profits to fall by more than three-quarters. Absent the widespread adoption of labor-saving technology, the union-led “Fight for 15” would make fast food much more expensive for Americans."
James Sherk Senior Policy Analyst in Labor Economics

Did Bush derangement syndrome doom Obama?

Silvio Canto, Jr.  ... "But why is all of this happening?  How did the US go from a position of strength to one of weakness?  How did this happen in such a short time?

"My theory is that this is all about President Bush, or reversing Bush's policies.   

"The mission of the Obama administration was to "de-Bush" the world.   They were convinced that it was "the Bush/Cheney way" that created all of the problems.  President Obama felt that he could turn everything around by changing Bush's policies .

"In fact, they threw out the baby with the bath water.   They are now facing bigger problems than they could have imagined when Mr. Romney and Mr. Obama had that foreign policy during the campaign.  

"The US public does not want a hawkish president but it does not want a weak president either.  President Obama is now a casualty of "Bush derangement syndrome".
Victor Davis Hanson: The New World Disorder    ... "Barack Obama apparently believes that such a retrenchment was both inevitable and to be welcomed. He thought that most U.S. interventions abroad had been either wrong or futile or both; he questioned the world’s status quo and certainly felt, for example, that the widespread persecution of Christians in the Middle East was not nearly as much of a problem as Islamophobia in the West. He came into office believing that Iran, Hamas, and Russia had all been unduly demonized, especially by George W. Bush, and could be reached out to by a sensitive president whose heritage and attitudes might not appear so polarizing." ...
"Can the old, pre-Obama postwar order be rebuilt? Of course, but it will require budgetary discipline, a visionary president, experienced national-security advisers, skillful diplomats, and a public that is informed and cares. In other words — not for another two years and five months."
You say America cannot be the world's policeman? Who, then will protect us from world criminals?

SEIU-led fast food strikes

SEIU organized fast-food strikes   "Our new report – “The Union Money Behind the Fast Food ‘Strikes’” – from our project has been generating a lot of media attention over the last few days. In it, we call out the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and its PR shop Berlin Rosen for organizing the astroturf “fight for $15” campaign, with an end-goal of unionizing restaurants.
"The report, published last Thursday, shows that the recent fast food “strikes” are essentially union-funded publicity stunts with little grassroots interest. The report tracks $15 million in funding from the SEIU to worker centers, and nearly $4 million from Big Labor to the PR shop running the campaigns—all since January 2013."

Fast Food No More: How The SEIU & Union Front Groups Want To Occupy Your Big Mac   Via Red State
... "In actuality, however, the entire fast-food effort is part of a four-year old plan cooked up by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).

"So far, the union-funded protesters are demanding raises to $15–more than twice the minimum wage–under the slick campaign slogan “Fight for $15.” However, the true aim of the SEIU and its allies is to unionize the industry and it appears the SEIU is about to launch a full-out blitzkrieg fast food joints across the country."...

Their plan laid out:
  • Initiate a focused experiment in one or two metro areas to test the organizing theory and bring resources to bear on a limited geographical target.

  • Choose metro areas with a favorable local political environment and workforce composition (Los Angeles and an east coast market) [The SEIU chose New York to launch its fast food union campaign]

  • Target 7-10 of the largest chains to keep bargaining manageable and map out geographic clusters where field work can be concentrated. [Though McDonalds was the first, other chains are now being targeted by the union.]

  • Build broad-based support for targeted workers via extensive community outreach and organizing and political work with prominent local elected officials

  • While staying focused on the 7-10 chains, bring workers together across companies within geographic clusters to build a sense of movement and solidarity. [Fast-food strikes, when they occur, are not at a single restaurant but several.]

  • Use a living wage as a vehicle to excite, build momentum, build worker lists/ID potential leaders and potentially support collective bargaining. We believe we will have enough traction with an ordinance to use as a legitimate tool for organizing and potentially as legislation to raise standards.

  • Move fast and furious with an army of 200-300 Staff/MOs/VOs/other volunteer organizers and the necessary number of leads to:
    • Petition for living wage
    • ID leaders
    • Bring workers together within geographies
    • Sign authorization cards
    • File on dozens of restaurants per week

    The funniest dashcam video you'll ever see

    Spongebob Squarepants, Mickey Mouse pummel driver in 'road rage'
    A bizarre road-rage incident in Russia has people across the world laughing.
    "Cases of road rage are usually no laughing matter, but an incident captured on video over the weekend in Russia is leaving millions of people howling with delight, as four people dressed as cartoon characters are seen pummeling a man.

    "It took place at 2:40 a.m. Saturday morning in the Siberian city of Chelyabinsk, when a vehicle suddenly pulls in front of a minivan on a highway and then stops.

    'When the driver gets out and approaches the other driver, that’s when the surreal scene begins.' ...

    Brit Hume: Obama told a friend of mine before he was elected, “Wouldn’t it be great for the world if I were president?”

    "Saw this last night on Fox and had such a good laugh, I feel obliged to pass it along today. There’s no way to prove he said it, but as Megyn Kelly’s quick to show with archived audio, that quote is well in line with the kind of crap Obama was telling himself and the rest of the electorate circa 2007. The most famous summation of his I-am-the-change approach to problem-solving is this one from Andrew Sullivan, written right around the time that audio was recorded:" ...
    "It could be that O really did believe his election marked a historical turning point in which the diminution of retrograde forces abroad was inevitable. And maybe that’s why a year’s worth of briefings on ISIS didn’t penetrate. Don’t they know they’re going to lose? Haven’t they seen his face? "

     That is not the first time someone pegged this president as a slow learner. The mayor of Las Vegas sizes Mr. Obama up here:

    The monster of illegal immigration

    47,000 Illegal Immigrant Children Are Missing In America  "According to the COC a total of 29,890 children were released to sponsors so far this year. The list omits numbers from Alaska, Missouri, Iowa, Maine, New Hampshire, Oregon, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

    "The Office of Refugee Resettlement says 37,477 illegal children were released to sponsors so far this year.

    According to the National Review 85,000 illegal immigrant children have been apprehended
    "so far this year.  This means around 47,000 illegal immigrant children are missing. " Jim Hoft
    Attkisson: Obama Admin Refusing to Tell Congress Where Illegal Children Went   "Wednesday on Newsmax TV's "The Steve Malzberg Show," former CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson said the Obama administration is refusing to tell Congress where the ten of thousands of unaccompanied minors who crossed the U.S.-Mexican Border this summer were sent after they were processed though holding centers along the border.
    Attkisson said the Obama administration seems to be intentionally stonewalling by not "answering letters from members of Congress or reporters questions.
    She added the only recourse is a FOIA lawsuit that will take years to go though the system."

    Wednesday, September 3, 2014

    Will Angelina Jolie Convert To Islam and Become A Muslim?

    I saw this photo on the right and have researched as best I can to see if Ms. Jolie did express those sympathies against Israel. Anyone can add dialog to a photo that may be completely false.    TD

    Islam is Peace    "Recently the Al- Qahera News has spoken from the Interest of Angelina Julie to Convert to Islam!!"


     Snopes said Jolie did not say she hates Israel

    Debbie Schlussel: Angelina Jolie at anti-American, anti-Semitic, pro-HAMAS Arab Children’s Conference Hate-Fest in Jordan, 2004   ... "As I’ve noted over the years, Jolie has shown her hatred for Israel and the Jews in spades in a way–now, I get it!–that is usually only displayed by self-hating, anti-Semitic Jews. Jolie wrote about how she clapped with and cheered on Palestinian Muslim “refugee” children in Jordan as they sang, “We will take our revenge” on the Jews (ie., by murdering them), and, “We will take back” Jerusalem (through war and Islamic terrorism). Jolie called this experience “very moving.' ”...
    "She has visited almost every Arab Muslim country in the Middle East. The one place where she has never and will never visit is Israel, despite the fact that her (still estranged?) father, Jon Voight (who is very pro-Israel) has asked her to join him on a trip there. She did say, however, that one day she will “visit Palestine.' ” ...

    Jon Voight Invites Anti-Israel Daughter Angelina Jolie to Israel
    2011: "I’ve always liked Jon Voight, a true mensch.  The guy has class, smarts, and understands the Middle East, the Islamic threat, and the importance of our only friend over there, Israel.  (Plus he starred in one of my favorite movies, “The Odessa File” – read my article on the movie and the real-life ODESSA.) But, as I’ve repeatedly noted, his daughter, Angelina Jolie, is a supporter of Islamic terrorism, specifically Palestinian terrorism against Israelis (see here also), which is why I sometimes call her, “Palestina Jolie,” on this site.  Now Voight has invited his daughter to join him in visiting Israel."


    Ann Coulter  ...  "Throughout the 1990s, the nation was fixated on tales of jack-booted New Jersey state troopers who were stopping speeders on the turnpike just because they were black! In a 2000 primary debate, Vice President Al Gore sneered at then-New Jersey Sen. Bill Bradley, saying, "Racial profiling practically began in New Jersey, Senator Bradley."

    "Attorney General Eric Holder recently paid tribute to the myth, claiming that when he was in college, he had been stopped "driving from New York to Washington." He didn't mention how fast he was going.

    "The story never made sense. How could the troopers tell the race of drivers in speeding cars? Did they wait until the driver rolled down his window and, if he was white, say, "Oh, sorry -- have a nice day!"

    "But the Clinton administration was slapping consent decrees for racial profiling on police departments across the country, and the N.J. highway patrol was its prime evidence, based on a study that a child wouldn't believe." ...

    Steven Sotloff, killed by Islamic State, had deep roots in Israel

    Revealed: Big Faith Secrets Journalist Steven Sotloff Kept From ISIS Captors Before His Beheading    "According to interviews noted by, Sotloff was a proud and faithful Jew who moved to Israel almost ten years ago and became an Israeli citizen. Friends say that, even as a captive of the Islamic State, he secretly worshipped by “praying toward Jerusalem.' ”

    Times of Israel

    Journalist Steve Sotloff in Jordan, 2009. (photo credit: Facebook/Oren Kessler)
    "Steven Sotloff, the American journalist whose gruesome beheading was confirmed in a video released Tuesday night by Islamic State terrorists in Syria, first came to know Israel as an optimistic government student at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya. On Wednesday afternoon, the Foreign Ministry cleared for publication the fact that he held Israeli citizenship."
    "Sotloff, Kessler said, never shared his Jewish identity with anyone in the field, opting instead to tell locals that he had been raised Muslim but secular, without mosque affiliation. He sometimes even chose to tell people that he was of Chechen origin, and that Sotloff – a name that rings decidedly Jewish to those familiar with Jewish names – was actually a Chechen name."... Full article

    Rand Paul: U.S. Must 'Destroy ISIS Militarily'. (I had been worrying about Rand having his dad's "be nice to them and they'll be nice to us" foreign policy)

    “If I were President, I would call a joint session of Congress..."

    Daily Caller   "Rand Paul is often labeled by his critics an isolationist, but the Republican senator from Kentucky is now calling on President Obama to outline plans to use the military to “destroy” the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

    “ 'If I were President, I would call a joint session of Congress,” Paul told the Associated Press. “I would lay out the reasoning of why ISIS is a threat to our national security and seek congressional authorization to destroy ISIS militarily.”

    "Over the weekend, Paul, the AP reported, told a crowd of conservative activists in Texas at a summit organized by Americans for Prosperity that “if the president has no strategy, maybe it’s time for a new president.”

    "ISIS — or the Islamic State, as they now call themselves — is killing opponents as it takes lands in Syria and Iraq in an attempt to establish an Islamic caliphate. The Islamic State has also taken responsibility for the beheading of two American journalists, James Foley and Steven Sotloff."

    Truth Revolt  

    Obama contradicts himself on ISIS strategy in Estonia presser

    Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

    Thomas Lifson  "Where in the world is Obama’s strategy for dealing with ISIS? Apparently not in Tallinn, Estonia, where the president of the United States contradicted himself this morning on his search for his strategy in dealing with ISIS.

    "First, he said:
    “The bottom line is this: our objective is clear. That is to degrade and destroy ISIL so that it is no longer a threat not just to Iraq but also to the region and to the United States.”
    “Degrade and destroy” seems pretty clear. ISIS will be weakened and then will cease to exist, if the president has his way.
    But then, later in the course of his somewhat rambling (that’s a charitable adjective) remarks, he said:
    "We know that if we are joined by the international community, we can continue to shrink ISIL's sphere of influence, its effectiveness, its financing, its military capabilities to the point  where it is a manageable problem." 
    "A “manageable problem” is a very different goal than destroying ISIS.

    "This incoherence is a very serious problem, for it strongly suggests the president is
    dithering, unable to make up his mind, and therefore unable to take decisive action."

    Watch the man putter around the edges of this threat until the next president takes office. I think his hope is that none of this will come to a head until then after which Obama can blame the new administration for all the ills of the world just as he has blamed George Bush.

    Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez