Thursday, September 4, 2014

Brit Hume: Obama told a friend of mine before he was elected, “Wouldn’t it be great for the world if I were president?”

"Saw this last night on Fox and had such a good laugh, I feel obliged to pass it along today. There’s no way to prove he said it, but as Megyn Kelly’s quick to show with archived audio, that quote is well in line with the kind of crap Obama was telling himself and the rest of the electorate circa 2007. The most famous summation of his I-am-the-change approach to problem-solving is this one from Andrew Sullivan, written right around the time that audio was recorded:" ...
"It could be that O really did believe his election marked a historical turning point in which the diminution of retrograde forces abroad was inevitable. And maybe that’s why a year’s worth of briefings on ISIS didn’t penetrate. Don’t they know they’re going to lose? Haven’t they seen his face? "

 That is not the first time someone pegged this president as a slow learner. The mayor of Las Vegas sizes Mr. Obama up here:

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