Friday, October 3, 2014

Krauthammer: ’2014 Will Be Remembered As The Surrender On Iran’

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

Charles Krauthammer    'Jewish history relies on Netanyahu making the right decision'

"Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer said 2014 will be remembered as the year that the U.S. “surrendered” on preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.

"Reflecting on Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before the UN General Assembly on Monday, Krauthammer said the Obama administration’s weakness in its nuclear negotiations with Iran will put the responsibility squarely on the shoulders of the Israeli Prime Minister.

“ '[Obama] weakened the sanctions even before this round of negotiations,” Krauthammer said.
“So he weakens his hand. When sanctions were the only thing that went around the table in the first place.”

"Krauthammer said if negotiations do not succeed and Israel has the capacity to set the Iranian nuclear program back another two to three years, Netanyahu will act on his promise to take military action to do so.

“ 'The only thing that would prevent Netanyahu from attacking–this is a man who knows the weight of history is on his shoulders and he’s aware that Jewish history relies on his making the right decision–the only thing that will restrain them is if they think they do not have the capacity,” Krauthammer said.

“ 'I think Israel can do it. I think the assumption is it can do it, but if it doesn’t attack, it will be for one reason only: they thought they couldn’t do it.”
Keep in mind Israel is surrounded by these people   “ 'Here Only,” states the Arabic sign, which also bears a swastika and a picture of the Nazi leader raising the traditional Third Reich salute. “A salute to the respectable Egyptian peoples from the German Hitler.”

“ 'Hitler: Burns Cockroaches,” it reads, according to a translation provided to the Washington Free Beacon. The picture was first posted on the Facebook page of Egyptian journalist Wael Abbas."

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Liberals as Low Information Voters

Roger L Simon
... " But we are surrounded by a generation of people whose ideas are stuck in 1968, though most of them were just little kids at the time and too young to participate. Nevertheless, being stuck,  they are loath to see what is going on around them. They are terrified of it, lest they suffer from alienation of friends and family, loss of work, even personality disintegration.  So they watch MSNBC and nod when some reactionary nitwit says the decapitation in Oklahoma was nothing more than “workplace violence” when the perpetrator had converted to Islam in prison only months before and posted beheadings to his Facebook page."

Piers Morgan: President Obama this week committed professional suicide.

UK Daily Mail    "Let me explain.
"There is a theory in politics that once a leader has fired 50 or more people from his or her administration, he or she is finished.
"The reason being that by creating so many enemies ‘outside the tent’, the tent itself becomes too deluged with poisonous bile to avoid sinking into a quagmire of back-stabbing ignominy

"Obama went a lot further than firing 50 people.
"He managed to single-handedly alienate 200,000 employees in the American intelligence agencies by going on 60 Minutes and ruthlessly chucking them all under a bus over the rise of terror group ISIS.   Full article

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
:   President Obama is attributing the rise of ISIS to the intelligence community's failures in order to deflect criticism of his own incompetence.
I take issue with much of what Judge Napolitano writes in here, but he hits the topic head on with this last statement:
... "Yet, if Clapper and his spies so miserably failed to educate the president about a threat he now claims is real, why do they still have their jobs? They have their jobs because if the president fires them, they might freely speak the truth, and the truth is the president's enemy. They have their jobs because the president is so bad at performing his."

He can't explain the lapse, so he just keeps talking ; At work we used to call this dazzling 'em with footwork.

Reading list: Democrat voters have put a JV team into the White House

Obama's Loose Lips    ... "Obama’s policies have made us weaker and more endangered.

"Have there been any Democrats who have criticized Barack Obama’s policy of “loose lips”? Have there been any Democrats who care about American national security enough to buck their leader? There are few hawks or eagles in the Democratic Party but there are plenty of parrots.

"Ponder the damage the President and his enablers have done when in the voting booth. Americans have the future in their hands."

"I am stunned at the immaturity of this administration. ... We elected a man as president who had no experience at anything."    Wynn continues to praise the business climate in China compared to the United States: "The regulatory burden in China is infinitesimal compared to the crap we get in America."   Las Vegas casino magnate Steve Wynn

Lucianne posts these next three: A former intelligence operative pleads with Obama to stop telling our secrets.    "My colleagues still in the field are waiting, waiting for the end of the classified disclosures from this White House. They are waiting for the day when their fears that the Obama administration will reveal their sources and methods comes to an end. They are waiting for this day because this White House keeps putting their lives, their family’s lives and the lives those of those they protect in jeopardy – all to achieve something that does not appear to have any national security objective.

"Let me close with a word for our country’s leader: Mr. President, as commander in chief you are responsible to those whom you command. I humbly ask, on behalf of those who can’t ask for themselves, that you, in a classified environment share your strategic vision with your brave employees and explain to them how these disclosures contribute to it."

He chooses not to know, because he chose not to care.   "After skipping 58% of his daily intelligence briefings in Term 1 and 59% of them in Term 2, he went on 60 Minutes and blamed intelligence agencies for being caught by surprise by ISIS." .
.Michael Ramirez Cartoon

The fact that the president chose to use the word “they” instead of “we” immediately drew condemnation from friend and foe alike, who saw it as the president’s attempt to pass the buck.
Michael Ramirez Cartoon
"The most famous of the classic blunders is “Never get involved in a land war in Asia”? I don’t think so. I’d go with Never get involved in a blame war with the CIA. And that goes especially for lame duck presidents saddled with plummeting approval ratings as they head into the last two years of their terms." ...

Explain to me why this man is honored while men like Dr. Ben Carson, Justice Clarence Thomas and Col. Allen West are called "Uncle Toms"?

"The Final Call is a newspaper published in Chicago. It was founded in 1979 by Minister Louis Farrakhan and serves as the official newspaper of the Nation of Islam."

Louis Farrakhan Via Drudge.
... "Another method is disease infection through bio-weapons such as Ebola and AIDS, which are race targeting weapons. There is a weapon that can be put in a room where there are Black and White people, and it will kill only the Black and spare the White, because it is a genotype weapon that is designed for your genes, for your race, for your kind." ...

I associate these two, but am not sure why I do not hear of NOI people doing beheadings.
Member: Mosque Attended By Oklahoma Beheader Encouraged Jihad Against Non-Muslims….
After reading the above post, what in Farrakhan's teaching would not lead them to do so?  TD

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

On the chilling effect, from one of the chillers

Volokh Conspiracy
"Prof. John Banzhaf passed this along press release for me to post, and I’m very glad to do so. The press release gleefully embracing the chilling effect created by the FCC’s statements — “regulat[ion] by a ‘raised eyebrow.’” It stresses that broadcasters “fearful of delays or even failure to renew licenses” are pressured to restrict speech “without the need for formal actions,” partly because such delay “can hang like a Sword of Damocles” over the station and keep it from being sold or from borrowing money. The whole press release is, intentionally or not, a sharp indictment of the FCC’s power to control the content of speech (power that, if it can be used as to “Redskins,” can be used as to many other things as well, and indeed has been used as to other things). If the FCC enacts such a rule and I were litigating the challenge to the rule, this quote from the lawyer who filed the petition would play a prominent role in my briefs.

FCC: We’ll look into whether “Redskins” is indecent for broadcast


Obama Totally Clueless When It Comes to Predictions: Why Should We Believe Climate Change Spiel?

Voice of Lillpop   Full article posted here:
When it comes to formulating government policy based on predictions, Barack Obama’s record is abominable!

He, it will be remembered, promised that ObamaCare would cover millions of heretofore uninsured Americans and simultaneously reduce overall healthcare costs and cut the federal deficit!

As we now know, ObamaCare has been an unmitigated disaster and has failed miserably to attain any of the goals which Obama espoused when pushing Marxist health care down the throats of a reluctant citizenry!

With regard to Islamic terrorism, Obama’s record is even worse: He repeatedly declared that America is not at war with Islam, patted his arrogant self on the back for decimating Al-Quaeda, left the tattered remains of Iraq to be devoured by terror-bound scavengers, declared the war on terror over, and, rather than keeping a wary eye on the Middle East, elected to pivot to Asia, thereby enabling the creation of the world’s greatest terror threat in human history, the unlovely embodiment of Islam, otherwise known as ISIS.
Domestically, Obama touted  policies that would result in the creation of “shovel-ready” jobs which, he later admitted, were neither shovel ready nor jobs.

On and on the list goes.

This president, Barack Hussein Obama, is blinded to reality by his addiction to failed progressive notions which have never worked anywhere--- and never will.

Given Obama’s lamentable inability to decipher reality from Utopian bunk and liberal spin, why should the American people believe anything he utters about climate change?

Winning Heads and Minds

Mark Steyn
French citizen Hervé Gourdel, a mountaineering guide from Nice, shortly before his
beheading in Algeria last week
... "So Colleen Hufford's death was, as Jim Hoft put it, just "a random workplace beheading". Indeed, many commenters at KOCO-TV seem more outraged by the mentioning of Mr Nolen's religion than by the beheading:
Truth is, Islam has nothing to do with it. And Christians are far from innocent.
What does his religion have to do with this tragedy???
What does his religious faith have to do with this story?
Why would you even [throw] in anything about terrorism in this story? The writer of this story is a true DUMBASS!
I can cite plenty of instances where religion was used to justify the bombing of abortion clinics and the murder of abortion doctors.
I've read plenty of Christians calling for the indiscriminate murder of Muslims.
Here's some other examples of Christian terrorists, since you can't find it on Youtube.
The Centennial Olympic Park bombing, July 27, 1996 Planned Parenthood bombing, Brookline, Massachusetts, 1994 Suicide attack on IRS building in Austin, Texas, Feb. 18, 2010 Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City bombing, April 19, 1995
Seems Christians prefer to bomb more then(sp) beheading, since that's so archaic

Inquisition anyone?
Perhaps we wouldn't have these issues if the United States and Great Britain hadn't supported a coup in Iran in 1953 against a secular, democratically-elected leader who did not kiss our nation's rear and then reinstalled the Shah,
If he was converting to Christianity would you say that??

"It seems many western heads have too little up there to be worth chopping off. Whether or not Ms Hufford's beheading is anything to do with Islam, the frantic insistence that Islam is no more prone to beheading than Buddhists or Episcopalians starts to sound like a psychosis." ... 
... "~In a much mocked column, grizzled leftie Rick Salutin considers the fate of Mohamud Mohamed Mohamud, amusingly known as Mo3, a "Canadian" who died fighting for ISIS in Syria. You'll be relieved to hear from Rick that Mo3 was just a typical Canuck going through adolescence:... "  Full article...


119282 600 Dems and media in bed cartoons

Ann Coulter    "We're interrupting our Republican Senate 2014 Marathon this week for a brief note on the media. (But contribute to Scott Brown immediately, and please don't vote for the third-party, tea party candidate in Louisiana, right-wingers! Remember: Obamacare cannot be repealed without 66 votes in the Senate.)"
"I've barely been paying attention to the news, except to check Senate polls every night, because, as some of you may have noticed, I've been in the bat-cave under Swiss Guard protection, writing my next book. But based on only about an hour of media consumption a week, I've recently noticed mainstream "news" outlets telling huge whoppers, long ago disproved and forgotten."

... "... MSNBC's Toure repeated the old chestnut about emergency room admissions for domestic violence spiking on Super Bowl Sundays.

"As I have noted at least a half-dozen times, this was a nonsense statistic invented by feminists and then cited as fact by a slew of major news outlets, culminating in a public service announcement during the 1993 Super Bowl that reminded viewers: "Domestic violence is a crime!" Finally, Washington Post reporter Ken Ringle, realizing that he was, in fact, a reporter, asked, Where'd you get that figure?

"He called all the experts who had been cited as sources for the statistic.
All of them told him it wasn’t true.  117775 600 Obamas Media Puppets cartoons

Julia Pierson, head of the Secret Service is an Obama appointee

Wikipedia   "Julia A. Pierson (born 1959) is an American law enforcement official. She is the Director of the United States Secret Service. Pierson was appointed by President Barack Obama and became the 23rd director and the first woman to head the agency."
Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert

UPDATE; editors note:  Liberal Boston Herald Cartoonist’s Dog Whistle Racism Was Just A Mistake   More on this cartoon above later today, but meanwhile consider this.

Secret Service Director Promises Congress Security Fail ‘Will Never Happen Again’
... "But Pierson said lethal force can only be employed if an individual poses an imminent threat to himself or herself or others. Based on reports, she said, agents appeared to use proper restraint.
Lawmakers remained angry throughout the exchange with Pierson, with several insisting that her demeanor and responses failed to project sufficient outrage over the incident.

“ 'I believe that you have done a disservice to the president of the United States,” Rep. Steven Horsford (D-Nev.) told her at one point.

"At the White House, spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters that Pierson had not offered her resignation to the president in light of the incident.

Political Cartoons by Dana Summers

NY Times on Ms. Pierson    ... "In a 2007 interview with Smithsonian Magazine, Ms. Pierson said the most dangerous moment she had had on the job was being on the presidential protective detail on Sept. 11, 2001. The most challenging aspect of being an agent, she said, is the strain that the demanding travel schedule can put on family life.
"Ms. Pierson was hired to help rehabilitate the image of the Secret Service following a series of controversies — including issues with agents drinking and cavorting with prostitutes — and the security breaches at the White House represent a momentous challenge for her. As she told The Times in an interview last week, “We are certainly going to leave no stone unturned.' ”
Morning Joe Asks: Was Female Secret Service Director Case of ‘Quota First, Competency Second’?

"Morning Joe and Laura Ingraham have found something to agree on. Close the borders! No, actually it’s the suspicion that Secret Service Director Julia Pierson was hired out not for her qualifications but out of a need to “rebrand” the Secret Service following a high-profile incident with prostitutes, aka a desire for political cover via gender diversity."

Obama Lies About His Spies’ Intel on the ISIS

Independent Sentinel

"Mr. Obama is blaming the intelligence community for his refusal to deal with the ISIS. Everyone in the world – literally everyone – knows he refused to act on ISIS. It was him and him alone. Nothing could move Mr. Obama. It took the beheadings of two Americans to force him to act.
No one would believe the intelligence community underestimated the ISIS. Mr. Obama underestimated the ISIS.

"In an interview aired Sunday night on 60 minutes with Steve Kroft, Mr. Obama blamed the intelligence community for underestimating ISIS.
“Well, I think our head of the intelligence community, Jim Clapper, has acknowledged that I think they underestimated what had been taking place in Syria,” Obama told Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes.
Obama added that the U.S. must help “come up with political solutions in Iraq and Syria in particular, but in the Middle East generally, that arise in an accommodation between Sunni and Shia populations that right now are the biggest cause of conflict — not just in the Middle East, but in the world.”
Kroft said, “You mentioned James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence. I mean, he didn’t just say that we underestimated ISIL. He said we overestimated the ability and the will of our allies, the Iraqi Army, to fight.”
Obama replied, “That’s true. That’s absolutely true.”
 "He blamed Benghazi on an Internet video:"

Oklahoma Terror and Gun Control

American Thinker  "The horrible murder and beheading of an innocent woman in Oklahoma, committed by a recent Muslim convert, is being studiously ignored by the mainstream media.  As has been pointed out by a number of conservative commentators on AT and elsewhere, the Left cannot countenance the obvious connection between the Oklahoma killer and the actions of Muslim terrorists in the Middle East.  But the Oklahoma murder doesn’t just undermine the Leftist narrative of Muslims as a persecuted minority, rather than as assertive, and sometimes aggressive proselytizers. It also presents a problem on the issue of gun control, as the killer was brought down by a citizen (maybe using a so-called assault weapon) rather than by a small army of SWAT officers. This combination could be the perfect storm for two of the Left’s cherished ideas -- that Islam is the “religion of peace,” and gun control."... More
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok
 When seconds count, the police are only minutes away…