Thursday, October 2, 2014

Explain to me why this man is honored while men like Dr. Ben Carson, Justice Clarence Thomas and Col. Allen West are called "Uncle Toms"?

"The Final Call is a newspaper published in Chicago. It was founded in 1979 by Minister Louis Farrakhan and serves as the official newspaper of the Nation of Islam."

Louis Farrakhan Via Drudge.
... "Another method is disease infection through bio-weapons such as Ebola and AIDS, which are race targeting weapons. There is a weapon that can be put in a room where there are Black and White people, and it will kill only the Black and spare the White, because it is a genotype weapon that is designed for your genes, for your race, for your kind." ...

I associate these two, but am not sure why I do not hear of NOI people doing beheadings.
Member: Mosque Attended By Oklahoma Beheader Encouraged Jihad Against Non-Muslims….
After reading the above post, what in Farrakhan's teaching would not lead them to do so?  TD

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