Tuesday, January 13, 2015

As in the 1930s: only one place in the world is a safe haven for Jews

Even America is not seen as a long-term refuge it would seem.  Jews in Colonial America: Why They Were tolerated, Even Welcomed.

Why Help Build America When We Can Help Build the Land of the Jews?
Rebuilding Jerusalem – what more could capture their hearts? 

... "Now, in our time, when God has returned the Land of Israel to the Jews, the situation is even worse, for it seems, in the eyes of the gentiles, that in clinging to our Diaspora communities, we prefer foreign lands to His."

The Death of the Jews of France   "In the wake of the slaughter of four Jews in a Paris kosher supermarket by an Islamic jihadist, a Parisian Jew said: “In the past year, 7,000 Jews have already left France and after this there will be many thousands more. We are not safe in France any more. There is no future for Jews here in France. We are finished in France.” 

Israel encourages frightened French Jews to make a move  " Nine government representatives flew in from Israel, set up a public expo and tried to encourage Jews to move to the Jewish state. One of the representatives took out her cell phone and crunched the numbers for an elderly couple: How much money would Israel give them if they made the move? About $7,545 for the first year. "

Jews scrutinize future in Europe against emigration to Israel after Paris market attack

... "In the wake of the attacks, which follow deadly strikes on a Belgian Jewish Museum and a Jewish school in southwestern France, Israeli leaders have called on European Jews to immigrate to the Jewish state. But European Jews are deeply ambivalent about leaving, and their community leaders, along with top politicians, have urged people to stay in their homelands.

" 'The European Jewry is the oldest European minority and we have our experience of surviving under all possible circumstances," Moshe Kantor, president of the European Jewish Congress, told The Associated Press. "We will not give up our motherland, which is called Europe. We will not stop the history of European Jewry, that is for sure." ...

Thorny Past, Present of Jews in France     ..."The Vichy government beat even the Germans to the punch in enacting anti-Semitic laws. We see French police arresting Jews and turning them over to the Nazis, photos of a radiant bride with a large yellow star pinned on her white wedding gown, and a popular exhibit demonstrating how to distinguish Frenchmen from Jews.
"After the war, a blanket of silence stifled any discussion of French collaboration, while one Jewish leader wondered how you can live in a land whose police arrested your parents." ...

Can anybody figure out this President's values?

Thomas Sowell: The “leader” of the free world’s absence from the Charlie Hebdo march in Paris is telling. 
"President Barack Obama’s absence from the great gathering in Paris of national leaders from other countries, to show their solidarity with France in its opposition to Islamic terrorists, was another sign of the Obama administration’s continuing irresolution in the face of terror." ...

 ... " It is doubtful if anyone in the Obama administration would have dared to leak Israel’s military secrets without knowing that it was all right with the president." ...

Analyst Ralph Peters: Obama a coward who chose the side of the terrorists
... "According to reports, Obama chose to spend Sunday afternoon watching a football game.

"The president's a coward," Peters said. "The president is a physical coward, he is a moral coward, he is an intellectual coward." That cowardice, Peters added, is the reason Obama refuses to admit that he was wrong about Islam. Peters, however, wasn't finished.

"Make no mistake," he added. "Passivity in the face of terror is complicity. And yesterday, President Obama chose the side of the terrorists." . . .

Earnest then spun the decision, claiming issues with security. But other reports said the White House never contacted the Secret Service for a potential trip to Paris.

But guess where Mr. Obama does plan to go: Obama’s Cuba Trip Talks Anger Cuban Exile Community  Probably any time after the Super Bowl, I suppose.

Glorified Bastards  "For Western elites, Ahmadinejad is preferable to Hirsi Ali, the Castros to Cuban dissidents." 

. . . "The murderous thug Che Guevara is still iconic on college campuses, more than 40 years after his death; the names of democratic dissidents rotting in Cuban prisons are unknown. Apparently the romance of Che dovetails with popular academic anti-Western narratives. In these circles, the jailed enemies of Castro do nothing to refute the suppositions that put Che’s face on college-dorm walls." . . .

Connecting a couple of dots:
Left: Palestinian protestor

Right: 2008 Obama campaign office in Houston

Why the White House’s Security Excuse in Paris Doesn’t Add Up 

Obama Loves Islam More Than He Hates Terrorism
"In the wake of President Obama’s pathetic disengagement over the Islamic jihadist attacks on Paris, people are once again decrying his lack of leadership, but the problem is something more fundamental than leadership.

"From the beginning of his term in office, Obama has evidenced a deep moral confusion, a distorted worldview perhaps based on a bizarre upbringing. It’s not that he doesn’t distinguish between good and evil; it’s that he often doesn’t clearly recognize which is which.
"Obama spends more time downplaying and denying Islamic terrorism and releasing dangerous terrorists from Guantanamo Bay than he does leading this nation in a war against it. That’s because he is not committed to a war against it — and for another two years, he will be our commander in chief. God help us all. "
 David Limbaugh is a writer, author and attorney. His latest book is Jesus on Trial: A Lawyer Affirms the Truth of the Gospel. Follow him on Twitter @davidlimbaugh and his website at

Montreal Paper Includes "Draw Mohammed" Connect-The-Dots Picture. But let's consider another point: Counterpoint update

Townhall  "In response to the massacre of the staff of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, the French-language Canadian newspaper Le Journal Montréal included a connect-the-dot picture of "Mohammed" in today's issue so that its readers can "draw" their very own Mohammed cartoon."

" 'Mohammad cartoons in the next Charlie Hebdo." "Print out the sheet and connect the dots. Will join your pencil with theirs.' "

UPDATE: Ann Althouse is not impressed with the "Let's draw Mohammad" gig    There are other points to consider besides spiting the radicals. Somewhat chastened, I give you an excerpt of Ms. Althouse's post:

"'Everybody Draw Mohammed Day' is not a good idea."
I have endless contempt for the threats/warnings against various cartoonists who draw Muhammad (or a man in a bear suit who might be Muhammad, but is actually Santa Claus). But depictions of Muhammad offend millions of Muslims who are no part of the violent threats. In pushing back some people, you also hurt a lot of people who aren't doing anything (other than protecting their own interests by declining to pressure the extremists who are hurting the reputation of their religion).

He's back! Jimmy Carter Blames The Paris Terror Attacks On Israel

First Official Meeting of Habitat for Hamas

Sweetness & Light  From the Daily Caller:

Jimmy Carter Blames Recent Terror Attacks On ‘Palestinian Problem’

By Jamie Weinstein | January 13, 2015
… In the wake of the Islamist terror attacks in France against cartoonists and Jews, former President Jimmy Carter’s first reaction was to pin the motivation for such terrorism on Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians. Appearing on “The Daily Show” Monday, Carter was asked by host Jon Stewart whether the violence the world saw on the streets of Paris was actually fueled by something else other than Islamic extremism.
“Well, one of the origins for it is the Palestinian problem,” Carter replied. “And this aggravates people who are affiliated in any way with the Arab people who live in the West Bank and Gaza, what they are doing now — what’s being done to them. So I think that’s part of it.”
"What is being done to the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza? They can vote. Even their women can vote, drive and even go out in public without a male member of the family. In reality, the Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza enjoy a lot more freedom than most of the people who are living in the Middle East under Sharia Law." . . .   Daily Caller: 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Radical Islamic terrorism creates some irony

Embarrassing: Josh Earnest Says WH Summit Will Include All Types of Terrorism… Not Just Islamic Extremism "This presidential sideshow has gone from humorous, to concerning, to downright embarrassing.
"White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters today the Terrorism Summit next month will focus on “all types of extremism” not just Islamic extremism.
(What other types of terrorism threatens Western civilization?)
"They still don’t even understand who we are at war with.
"Just pathetic.
"Earnest would also not say what the president was doing on Sunday.
"He had no idea."

Conspicuous by his absence   "But I've come up with a new parlor game, which would be even more amusing if it weren't so tragic.  The game is to come up with analogies for Mahmoud Abbas marching to condemn terrorism.  My first three suggestions are as follows:

1) Mahmoud Abbas marching to condemn terrorism is like Larry Flynt marching to condemn pornography.
2) Mahmoud Abbas marching to condemn terrorism is like Jack the Ripper marching to condemn violence against women.
3) Mahmoud Abbas marching to condemn terrorism is like Colonel Sanders  marching to condemn fried chicken.

No matter how many battles Canada wins on Keystone, Obama has the last shot

... "The Alberta pipeline company keeps winning battles, but gets farther away from winning the war. That’s because, no matter how many victories it racks up, President Barack Obama has the last shot. All he has to do is avoid saying yes, and the answer is no. And avoidance is something he’s proven good at.
" Mr. Obama had repeatedly cited the need to wait for a decision from Nebraska before making a final ruling on it. There is little doubt he will ultimately reject approval – just this week the White House said he would veto a bill approving Keystone if the new Republican-dominated Congress sends him one – but rather than admit his bias he has preferred to hide behind protestations that each new delaying tactic must be allowed to play itself out."
 Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

It is truly hard to find an unbiased source, but we will try here: Keystone XL Pipeline Project: Pros, Cons, and Other Facts
"The Keystone XL project is a proposed plan to construct a 1,179 mile-long crude oil pipeline across the US-Canada international border. The northern leg of the 36-inch wide pipeline plans to connect Hardisty in Alberta to Steele City in Nebraska. The Southern Leg connects Steele City with Port Arthur in Texas. Since the northern leg passes through the international border, it is pending approval from the Department of State of the US Federal Government, since 2008, when TransCanada first proposed it. The Southern Leg of the pipeline became operational in 2014. The Keystone XL project is expected to cost around US $7 billion."

A negative issue that I feel is overemphasized: the tar sands
The pollution caused by extraction of tar oils is thrice that which is caused by conventional oils. Tar oils have routinely been described as the 'dirtiest fuel' that can be used. Also, there are fears that by approving this project, US technology will become almost completely dependent on such polluting energy sources.
The tar sands have and will continue to have been extracted no matter if Keystone is built or not. 

"If the project is not approved, then US will still be dependent on its oil sources in the Middle East. Such transport of oil over long distances will definitely increase carbon footprint, compared to direct piping of oil from Canada.

"It is much safer to transport crude oil by pipelines than by railroads or tankers, where the chances of explosions is higher. The chances of spillage is lesser in pipelines. In more than 80% spills from pipelines, less than 5 barrels of oil were wasted. The Keystone XL project would have one of the safest pipelines equipped with sensors that send data to monitoring satellites every 5 seconds. "

Why is Hillary Clinton Silent on Paris Attacks?

Frontpage Mag
 hillary clinton what difference does it make
"Hillary Clinton is largely running based on her, failed, time as Secretary of State. Not long ago her people were promising a more vigorous foreign policy. But after all this time, she hasn’t even bothered to make the most basic statement about the Paris terror attacks.

"In the original primaries, Hillary boasted that she would be there to take 3 AM phone calls. Meanwhile days later, she still can’t even comment on the attack.

"We’ve slammed Obama before for his inattention and laziness, but Hillary Clinton seems to be even worse. And Benghazi is a reminder of how her sloppiness and inattention to important details already cost lives." ...

"Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand" Mark Twain

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Sultan Knish tells us to laugh at Islam.  "The true war against Islam is not a military war, it is a cultural war. For Islam it is a religious conflict by an empire intent on transforming every aspect of life into one defined by Islam. For us it is about preserving our way of life. The cartoon controversy woke many Europeans to the fact that free speech and many of the other attributes of democracy that they take for granted are incompatible with Islam. Under the relentless pressure of multi-culturalism, they and we are increasingly deciding that our way of life has to bow to theirs.

. . .
"Our culture is being invaded. Our nations are being overrun. In England some government offices  banned mugs featuring Piglet on them. In Israel a woman was sentenced to jail for drawing a cartoon of Mohammed as a pig. In America defaced Korans are being investigated as hate crimes. This is the power of the law backing up the power of the cultural consensus of our politicians and press which prevents any criticism or mockery of Islam as if this were Saudi Arabia.
 Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
. . .
"Battling Islam with humor quickly clarifies the stakes for the west in an undeniable way showing that our choice is between maintaining our freedoms or losing them forever. Islam's apologists, our press, our politicians, our academics have been cooking us like lobsters in a pot, slowly raising the temperature until we're broiling and barely notice it. Muslim rage raises the temperature a lot. It wakes up some of those in the lobster pot as the murders of Theo VanGogh and the Cartoon controversy did." ...
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

... " Quoting from Muslim scholars, Sheikh Munajjid argued that to build a snowman was to create an image of a human being, an action considered sinful under the kingdom’s strict interpretation of Sunni Islam." ...

Political Cartoons by Gary McCoy

More picture commentary on the Charlie Hebdo massacre

UPDATED: So our president skipped the march by world leaders; what's the big deal?

Confirmed: Obama watched NFL playoffs instead of going to Paris  ... "If Kerry actually had the guts his Vietnam War decorations normally signify, he would have resigned in protest over the president’s absence, and earned an honored place in history." ...Mr. Kerry calls all this "quibbling".

President Obama Watches Football As World Leaders Rally Against Terrorism


Où Est Le Président?  ... "The world noticed that President Obama was not there. This is a man who ran for the Presidency claiming he would rebuild relationships abroad, restore our image with the world, and act as a citizen of the world instead of as an “ugly American.”

"Yesterday, that campaign promise officially expired. The President, again, behaved as if he wanted the title and perks, but not the actual job."

So our president skipped out; what's the big deal?... " From Obama’s point of view, since no American was attacked, no American was killed, and no American was involved he clearly thinks that our involvement in this matter is thus unnecessary."
"I don't mean this as a criticism of the Obama administration, but as an American, I do wish that we were better represented in this beautiful procession of world leaders,"

Too little too late? Kerry says he WILL go to Paris but only after U.S. was shamed for snubbing historic weekend rally of world leaders

 Is the Obama White House Crazy or Cowardly? "When, following the Benghazi attack, the Obama Administration apologized for a movie insulting Islam, it encouraged the intolerant and the killers. President Obama and Secretary Clinton were so desperate to appease these haters that they paid for TV commercials in Pakistan apologizing for any offense people might have taken to free speech the U.S. government had nothing to do with.

"When the French magazine, Charlie Hebdo, printed cartoons about Islam two years ago, the Obama White House said, "We are aware that a French magazine published cartoons featuring a figure resembling the prophet Muhammad, and obviously we have questions about the judgment of publishing something like this.' "...

Obama's statement: 'The Future Must Not Belong To Those Who Slander The Prophet Of Islam' seen in its context.The speech traveled a long road so those exact words could be used. 

 From PJ Media:

View image on Twitter

Update from HopeN'Change  ... "Barack Obama wasn't there. Of course he wasn't there! Just because a couple of days ago he declared that he would "stand with France" doesn't mean that he should actually have to, you know, stand with France. Especially on the weekend."
 obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, charlie hebdo, paris, terror, rally

Sunday, January 11, 2015

So, President Barack Obama skipped the French anti-terror unity march.

Holder, top US official in Paris for terror talks, not seen at unity march

The roll call of world leaders who were in the march here.  Just to be snarky, let me point out that both the US and Iran sent no top officials. 

RedState  "There is a very simple explanation for this: “President Barack Obama will not join other world leaders at Sunday’s Paris march in tribute to the victims of this week’s Islamist attacks in France, a US official told AFP.” Basically, President Obama legitimately and genuinely does not understand why it is necessary for him – or a sufficiently dignified surrogate* – to represent our country at an activity such as this.  From Obama’s point of view, since no American was attacked, no American was killed, and no American was involved he clearly thinks that our involvement in this matter is thus unnecessary. And since the formal solace and condolences from foreign dignitaries would offer no comfort to him in similar circumstances, Barack Obama apparently feels that offering his own detached sympathies would be essentially equally pointless.
 "I think that the last few years have demonstrated pretty clearly why the American people default to looking to the Republican party for their foreign policy cues."

This is how it was seen by our allies in the United Kingdom: America snubs historic Paris rally: Holder skipped out of proceedings early, Kerry was in India, Obama and Biden just stayed home
"Neither President Obama or Vice President Joe Biden attended the historic event,  though both of their schedules were open" (Emphasis in the original)

 "Fox News host Greta Van Susteren said: 'This is really embarrassing - WHERE IS PRESIDENT OBAMA? Why didn't he go?'  
"While the President Obama is a busy man, his absence at the show of international solidarity was notable, considering his schedule was wide open today.
"Vice President Joe Biden often fills in for the president at events like this, but he was no where to be seen either, despite his similarly empty schedule.
"Most remarkable was the fact that Holder, one of the top members of Obama's cabinet, was in Paris on Sunday - but skipped the rally." . . .

Remember How Obama Regime Sent 3 Representatives To Mike Brown’s Funeral?

FLASHBACK: French President Jacques Chirac First Foreign Leader To Visit WH After 9/11
 "Fast forward to today where Obama snubbed France by failing to attend, or send any top officials, to a rally against Islamic terrorism in Paris attended by more than 50 world leaders."

Charlie Hebdo Could Never Have Existed on an American College Campus


NY Times  …”If they had tried to publish their satirical newspaper on any American university campus over the last two decades it wouldn’t have lasted 30 seconds. Student and faculty groups would have accused them of hate speech. The administration would have cut financing and shut them down. …

“Just look at all the people who have overreacted to campus micro-aggressions. The University of Illinois fired a professor who taught the Roman Catholic view on homosexuality. The University of Kansas suspended a professor for writing a harsh tweet against the N.R.A. Vanderbilt University derecognized a Christian group that insisted that it be led by Christians.
…”Americans may laud Charlie Hebdo for being brave enough to publish cartoons ridiculing the Prophet Muhammad, but, if Ayaan Hirsi Ali is invited to campus, there are often calls to deny her a podium.
“So this might be a teachable moment. As we are mortified by the slaughter of those writers and editors in Paris, it’s a good time to come up with a less hypocritical approach to our own controversial figures, provocateurs and satirists. . . .
“If you try to pull off this delicate balance with law, speech codes and banned speakers, you’ll end up with crude censorship and a strangled conversation. It’s almost always wrong to try to suppress speech, erect speech codes and disinvite speakers.” . . .
Read the full column. Also see our reporter Christopher White’s look today at why comedians have such a tortured relationship with stand-up gigs on campus.
Via College Insurrection