Monday, January 12, 2015

Radical Islamic terrorism creates some irony

Embarrassing: Josh Earnest Says WH Summit Will Include All Types of Terrorism… Not Just Islamic Extremism "This presidential sideshow has gone from humorous, to concerning, to downright embarrassing.
"White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters today the Terrorism Summit next month will focus on “all types of extremism” not just Islamic extremism.
(What other types of terrorism threatens Western civilization?)
"They still don’t even understand who we are at war with.
"Just pathetic.
"Earnest would also not say what the president was doing on Sunday.
"He had no idea."

Conspicuous by his absence   "But I've come up with a new parlor game, which would be even more amusing if it weren't so tragic.  The game is to come up with analogies for Mahmoud Abbas marching to condemn terrorism.  My first three suggestions are as follows:

1) Mahmoud Abbas marching to condemn terrorism is like Larry Flynt marching to condemn pornography.
2) Mahmoud Abbas marching to condemn terrorism is like Jack the Ripper marching to condemn violence against women.
3) Mahmoud Abbas marching to condemn terrorism is like Colonel Sanders  marching to condemn fried chicken.

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