Confirmed: Obama watched NFL playoffs instead of going to Paris ... "If Kerry actually had the guts his Vietnam War decorations normally signify, he would have resigned in protest over the president’s absence, and earned an honored place in history." ...Mr. Kerry calls all this "quibbling".
President Obama Watches Football As World Leaders Rally Against Terrorism
Où Est Le Président? ... "The world noticed that President Obama was not there. This is a man who ran for the Presidency claiming he would rebuild relationships abroad, restore our image with the world, and act as a citizen of the world instead of as an “ugly American.”
"Yesterday, that campaign promise officially expired. The President, again, behaved as if he wanted the title and perks, but not the actual job."
So our president skipped out; what's the big deal?... " From Obama’s point of view, since no American was attacked, no American was killed, and no American was involved he clearly thinks that our involvement in this matter is thus unnecessary."
"I don't mean this as a criticism of the Obama administration, but as an American, I do wish that we were better represented in this beautiful procession of world leaders,"
Too little too late? Kerry says he WILL go to Paris but only after U.S. was shamed for snubbing historic weekend rally of world leaders
Is the Obama White House Crazy or Cowardly? "When, following the Benghazi attack, the Obama Administration apologized for a movie insulting Islam, it encouraged the intolerant and the killers. President Obama and Secretary Clinton were so desperate to appease these haters that they paid for TV commercials in Pakistan apologizing for any offense people might have taken to free speech the U.S. government had nothing to do with.
"When the French magazine, Charlie Hebdo, printed cartoons about Islam two years ago, the Obama White House said, "We are aware that a French magazine published cartoons featuring a figure resembling the prophet Muhammad, and obviously we have questions about the judgment of publishing something like this.' "...
Obama's statement: 'The Future Must Not Belong To Those Who Slander The Prophet Of Islam' seen in its context.The speech traveled a long road so those exact words could be used.
From PJ Media:
President Obama Watches Football As World Leaders Rally Against Terrorism

Où Est Le Président? ... "The world noticed that President Obama was not there. This is a man who ran for the Presidency claiming he would rebuild relationships abroad, restore our image with the world, and act as a citizen of the world instead of as an “ugly American.”
"Yesterday, that campaign promise officially expired. The President, again, behaved as if he wanted the title and perks, but not the actual job."
So our president skipped out; what's the big deal?... " From Obama’s point of view, since no American was attacked, no American was killed, and no American was involved he clearly thinks that our involvement in this matter is thus unnecessary."
Too little too late? Kerry says he WILL go to Paris but only after U.S. was shamed for snubbing historic weekend rally of world leaders
Is the Obama White House Crazy or Cowardly? "When, following the Benghazi attack, the Obama Administration apologized for a movie insulting Islam, it encouraged the intolerant and the killers. President Obama and Secretary Clinton were so desperate to appease these haters that they paid for TV commercials in Pakistan apologizing for any offense people might have taken to free speech the U.S. government had nothing to do with.
"When the French magazine, Charlie Hebdo, printed cartoons about Islam two years ago, the Obama White House said, "We are aware that a French magazine published cartoons featuring a figure resembling the prophet Muhammad, and obviously we have questions about the judgment of publishing something like this.' "...
Obama's statement: 'The Future Must Not Belong To Those Who Slander The Prophet Of Islam' seen in its context.The speech traveled a long road so those exact words could be used.
From PJ Media:
Update from HopeN'Change ... "Barack Obama wasn't there. Of course he wasn't there! Just because a couple of days ago he declared that he would "stand with France" doesn't mean that he should actually have to, you know, stand with France. Especially on the weekend."

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