Saturday, January 17, 2015

UPDATE: Islamist militants 'plotting to target Germany anti-Islamisation marches'

UPDATE: German police ban anti-Islamic rally citing terror threat 
UK Telegraph
A protestor holds a poster showing German Chancellor Angela Merkel wearing a head scarf in front of the Reichtstags building with a crescent on top and the writing 'Mrs Merkel here is the people' during a PEGIDA rally in Dresden
A protestor holds a poster showing German Chancellor Angela Merkel wearing a head scarf in front of the Reichtstags building with a crescent on top and the writing 'Mrs Merkel here are the people' during a *PEGIDA rally in Dresden
"Foreign intelligence agencies have intercepted discussions by Islamist militants about possible attacks on weekly marches organised by Germany's new anti-Islamic movement, a news weekly reported on Friday, without citing its sources.

"Der Spiegel magazine said that foreign intelligence services had picked up the content of communications by some "known international jihadists", without giving specific details.

"The intelligence, which was passed to German authorities, indicated they had discussed possible attacks on the rallies organised by the so-called group, *"Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident" (Pegida), the magazine said in a pre-released story to appear in this weekend's edition." . . .
So how has refusing to use the words "radical Islam" worked out for us? We could have been speaking all along the way Gov. Jindal will be this Monday and how would we be any worse off?

Jindal's Brilliant Take on Radical Islam  . . . "Early in the speech Jindal says he’s not going to be politically correct. And he uses the term “radical Islamists” without hesitation, placing much of the blame for the Paris murders and all radical Islamist terrorism on a refusal of Muslim leaders to denounce these acts.
Jindal says, “Muslim leaders must make clear that anyone who commits acts of terror in the name of Islam is in fact not practicing Islam at all. If they refuse to say this, then they are condoning these acts of barbarism. There is no middle ground.” . . .

. . .
"This is the great challenge of our time. In the early years of the 21st century, it appears the great goal of our age is the defeat of radical Islam.

"Jindal gets it.​"

Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino

Reading List About "Le Hug"; The US Secretary of State Grovels Awkwardly Before France

 17 Cats Who Just Want Us All To Get Along

Allies Know They Haven’t “Got a Friend” in Obama’s America  . . . "While the real problem is the administration’s lack of comfort in standing up for the rights of cartoonists to offend Islamists as evidenced by the decision to stay away from the rally, it also tells us something significant about the inadequate man who is serving as the nation’s chief diplomat." . . .
Cartoon - Je Suis Pathetic -600
It is no small irony that an administration that came into office determined to work with the international community, and our allies rather than to be Bush-like unilateral cowboys, is now reduced to this sort of nonsense. What the French or any ally wants is not a touchy-feely Oldies song but a sense that the U.S. believes it is still part of the war against international terror. To the contrary, Obama’s instincts are such that allies have come to expect his contempt or disinterest in their problems.
The UK Telegraph reports: Le hug: How John Kerry made a Paris cheek-kiss faux pas
"When top US diplomat John Kerry rushed towards the French president, arms open, to warmly embrace him on Friday, what followed was a cringeworthy culture clash that has befuddled many a visitor to France.
"The French are just not that into hugging.

"Kerry had given fair warning to his French counterparts that some American-style affection was on the cards.

" 'My visit to France is basically to share a big hug for Paris and express the affection of the American people for France and for our friends there who have been through a terrible time," he said on the eve of his trip.

"The phrase alone sparked confusion in the media who struggled to pin down a translation for the word hug." ....

"You really can’t make this stuff up" "The best I could add to the farce was an imaginary Governor Chris Christie offering to hug France."   Chip Bok

 The Hindu Times used the term "big hug" as well: Kerry offers 'big hug' to Paris after attacks

Je Sweet Baby James

Kerry in Paris  ". . .What all this means -- President Obama’s no-show and his apparent decision to send in the clowns -- illustrates what Charles de Gaulle meant by his most dismissive criticism: Ils ne sont pas des hommes sérieux -- They are not serious men.

"It’s not just that I disagree with everything they say and do. It’s that I cannot even take them seriously. And like CNN’s Jake Tapper, I am ashamed."

John Kerry Should’ve Taken Barry McGuire to France Instead of James Taylor
 Much more appropriate for the occasion, non?

Networks Ignore John Kerry's Embarrassing James Taylor Stunt in Paris 

Twitter-Verse Doesn’t Like ‘You’ve Got a Friend’ As a Foreign Policy 

John Kerry Turns Soft Power Loose on France . . . "After snubbing the French memorial service for the victims of radical Islamic terrorists, the administration has unleashed Secretary of State John Kerry in a one-man blizzard of diplomacy to try to unscrew the situation. What could go wrong, you ask? How could anyone possibly screw up making amends to our oldest ally? To the first nation the infant Republic signed a military defense pact with? Keep in mind what you are reading is NOT from The Onion:" . . .
"You can watch our national humiliation . . ."

Barack Obama Hasn’t Finished Embarrassing Us Yet "How do you follow up after making a fool of yourself sending John Kerry to Paris with James Taylor to sing, “You’ve Got a Friend” in commemoration of 17 people being massacred?

"You accept an interview with GloZell Green!. She is a YouTube sensation and a big Obama fan who sometimes wears green lipstick and starts each of her 2 to 7 minute videos with, “Hello this is GloZell! Is you ok? Is you? Good, cause I wanted to know!”

"No joke.

"It’s a sad commentary on our nation and an even sadder one on the presidency.

"Mr. Obama has confirmed that he will sit down for an interview with three of his favorite vloggers – YouTube stars – after the State of the Union address." . . .

But wait! There's more from this President of the United States!

Obama Scheduled To Be Interviewed After SOTU By Guy Who Created “14 Fart Facts” 
"Hank Green, whose most recent YouTube video at the time of this publication is “14 Fart Facts for my Flatulent Friends”, will be among those questioning the president.

"Glozell Green and Bethany Mota are the other two interviewers. " . . .Via CNS News

There is a video of this guy, but you can find it yourselves.

Jake Tapper: I'm ashamed by U.S. leaders' absence in Paris

 Jake Tapper: I'm ashamed by U.S. leaders' absence in Paris

CNN   . . . "It is no small thing for the king of Jordan, a direct descendent of the Prophet Mohammed, to march in a rally prompted by the murders of people who mocked Islam as well as of innocent Jews - all of whom were killed by Islamic extremists.

"The United States, which considers itself to be the most important nation in the world, was not represented in this march - arguably one of the most important public demonstrations in Europe in the last generation - except by U.S. Ambassador Jane Hartley, who may have been a few rows back. I didn't see her. Even Russia sent Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

  "I say this as an American - not as a journalist, not as a representative of CNN - but as an American: I was ashamed." . . .

Hillary's baggage in the eyes of the world

Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino

Hillary Clinton's Charlie Hebdo Problem  . . . " Then on Friday, in an effort to make amends, Secretary of State John Kerry brought James Taylor to Paris to sing "You've Got a Friend."

"The response from Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state and likely 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, hasn't been any better. Clinton has remained silent about the Charle Hebdo massacre since it occurred on January 7." . . .

. . . "Clinton attended a ceremony at Andrews Air Force Base welcoming home the remains of the slain Americans. While flanked by four flag-draped caskets, Clinton blamed an "awful internet video that we had nothing to do with" for the "rage and violence directed at American embassies." Clinton did not, in the course of her speech, defend the right to free speech."

Hillary called Russia an ally  Video

Friday, January 16, 2015

Obama can ignore damn near anything

Jim Yardley
 A “Few” Thousand in Washington - 2009:
... "Think back to September 9, 2009.  Washington, D.C.  The Tea Parties march, where the official governmentally authorized count of the marchers in the demonstration against our own government numbered a mere several thousand.
On the other hand, in a show of solidarity with the ideals that reflect freedom of speech and the press, French citizens as well as leaders from some 40 nations marched with a bit more than one million of their compatriots.
Sounds like a huge difference.  In the first case, Obama acted as if he’d never heard of the Tea Party.  In the second, he at least admitted that he’d heard of the Charlie Hebdo massacre, although he never deigned to join the march that protested the Islamic jihadist slaughter. 
You can see at first glance why the president ignored the Tea Party march.  After all, a couple of thousand people doesn’t make much of a dent in a nation of over 300 million.  But, as is often said, seeing is believing.

 Over One Million in Paris - 2014:
Separated by over four years in time and on two different continents, history has repeated itself. That alone is fairly newsworthy, but our glorious leader seems to be able to insulate himself to almost anything.

Charles Krauthammer: Obama: Charlie who?

A man sits atop the monument on Place de la Nation with a 'I am Charlie' sign as millions of people march against [radical Islam] in Paris, France, 11 January 2015.
Charles Krauthammer   "On Sunday, at the great Paris rally, the whole world was Charlie. By Tuesday, the veneer of solidarity was exposed as tissue thin. It began dissolving as soon as the real, remaining Charlie Hebdo put out its post-massacre issue featuring a Muhammad cover that, as the New York Times put it, “reignited the debate pitting free speech against religious sensitivities.”

"Again? Already? Had not 4 million marchers and 44 foreign leaders just turned out on the streets of France to declare “No” to intimidation, and pledging solidarity, indeed identification (“Je suis Charlie”) with a satirical weekly specializing in the most outrageous and often tasteless portrayals of Muhammad? And yet, within 48 hours, the new Charlie Hebdo issue featuring the image of Muhammad — albeit a sorrowful, indeed sympathetic Muhammad — sparked new protests, denunciations and threats of violence, which in turn evinced another round of doubt and self-flagellation in the West about the propriety and limits of free expression. Hopeless." 

 "As for President Obama, he never was Charlie, not even for those 48 hours. From the day of the massacre, he has been practically invisible." . . .
 This is serious. In both size and reach it is growing. Our president will not say it. Fine. But does he even see it?
  Keep reading...

 Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

A Scorecard for Obama’s 2015 State of the Union Address

Council on Foreign Relations via WSJ   . . . "Republicans will push back, of course, that the real theme of Mr. Obama’s 2014 speech was to downplay military responses to security challenges. They, too, would be right. Last year the president insisted that the U.S. had to “move off a permanent war footing.” He pledged to limit drone use, reform surveillance programs, and close Guantanamo (again).  What’s his message this year?  Something different: He wants new authorization from Congress for the use of military force abroad.
"Other lines from last year’s State of the Union can be used against the president.
"* It’s a little embarrassing to revisit his 2014 commitment to diplomatic efforts that would, he said, allow the Syrian people a future “free of dictatorship, terror, and fear.”
 "* Mr. Obama may also want to forget his promise that if Iran doesn’t come to a nuclear agreement, “I will be the first to call for more sanctions.” (How will White House spin doctors explain this one?)
. . .
 "There’s one sentence in the 2014 State of the Union adress that neither the president nor his partisan opponents will quite know how to use. Toward the end of the speech, Mr. Obama extolled the unique global responsibilities of the United States–a role made possible by our economic and military strength, our long history of bearing international burdens, and our appealing ideals. “On every issue,” he said, “the world turns to us.” Critics will argue that the president didn’t mean these words. The president should read them and recognize that he has yet to prove that he does." (Emphasis added, TD)

Obama's Islam Psychosis    Posted elsewhere in the TW

Al Sharpton Calls For Emergency Meeting To Address 'Appalling' All-White Oscar Nominees

Business Insider  "The Rev. Al Sharpton was left fuming mad after the Oscars revealed its all-white list of nominees for this year's Oscar awards on Thursday.

" 'The movie industry is like the Rocky Mountains, the higher you get, the whiter it gets," Sharpton quipped in a statement released later in the afternoon.

"Sharpton, a critic of the lack of diversity in Hollywood, also announced he was holding an "emergency meeting" next week to address the issue." Read more:

Cat instincts kick in; saves human baby from freezing to death

"A long-haired tabby cat named Masha saved the life of an abandoned baby in the streets of Russia after she climbed into the box he was discarded in and kept him warm, health officials said.
“The baby had only been outside for a few hours and thanks to Masha, he was not damaged by the experience,” a hospital spokesman told Central European News.
"The whiskered hero even meowed to get the attention of a passerby.

“ 'She is very placid and friendly, so when I heard her meowing, I thought that perhaps she had injured herself,” said Obninsk city resident Irina Lavrova. “Normally she would have come and said hello to me. You can imagine my shock when I saw her lying in a box next to a baby.”
"Masha is a communal cat who is looked after by local residents. When she found the baby – who appeared to be in great shape – she immediately took to him as if he were her own, according to CEN.

“ 'Clearly her mothering instincts had taken over and she wanted to protect the child,” Lavrova explained. “He was well-dressed with a little hat, and whoever left him here had even left a few nappies and some baby food.”
"The baby was immediately rushed to a local hospital, where he was given a checkup and declared fit and healthy, officials said. Since the child was found, Masha has been hailed as a hero by local residents – and she’s been reaping the benefits."

Read more

Obama's Islam Psychosis

‘Waist’ of money at Guantanamo Bay as detainees get prison’s ‘infidel’ gym replaced
Islamic food served to prisoners at Gitmo
Jan LaRue  (Pictures added)"If President Obama believes that terrorists who identify as Islamic aren’t true Muslims, why does he treat them as if they are?

"Media are fixated on the Obama administration’s latest ridiculous refusal to admit any link between Islam and terrorism, despite video of the Paris mass murderers shouting, “We have avenged the Prophet Muhammad!”  

"The point here is not about Islam per se. It’s about the irreconcilability of Obama’s words with his actions." . . .
. . .
"If Obama didn’t consider Osama a faithful Muslim, why did he order the U.S. Navy to bury him at sea within 24 hours, according to Islamic law?

"Why didn’t Obama order the Navy to unceremoniously slip bin Laden’s body into the water from the ship’s deck as some sort of generic extremist? 
. . .
"Next question: Why hasn’t Obama ordered the Marine commandant at Guantanamo Bay to stop providing an Islamic diet, prayer beads, prayer rugs, and Korans to prisoners affiliated with al Qaeda, ISIL and other terrorist groups if they’re not Islamic? This includes Khalid Shaikh Mohammed who admittedly decapitated American journalist Daniel Pearl and masterminded the 9/11 attacks on the United States. 
. . .
The official called Gitmo detainees ‘some of the most pampered prisoners on the planet.’ He said they get as many as four choices of halal meals and have access to a new $750,000 soccer field. Islamic prayer beads and rugs are now “standard issue.” They get their choice of more than 10,000 Islamic books and videos stocked by a Muslim librarian, who also records soccer and Arabic TV for them. They even have their own clerics to preach to them in Arabic.

Everyone gets a Koran, paperback or hardback, along with little hammocks to keep their holy book from touching the ground when not in use. Guards are prohibited from handling the books. The Muslim librarian is ‘the only one that’s allowed to touch the Korans anymore, per detainee request,’ the official said. ‘If I went into the Koran room and started rifling through a Koran, I could be fired.’ But no one gets a Bible, because the Bible could ‘incite’ the terrorists.
. . .

Pathetic: Obama Pleads With Iran Not To View Him As A Threat…  
"Trust me, Barack, they don’t."

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Fibonacci Sculptures That Animate Under A Strobe Light

Digg  "John Edmark designed the sculptures using the Fibonacci sequence — the same found in most spiral shapes in nature — and then synchronized their rotation speed with a camera's shutter. The results are astounding."
Via  VimeoFibonacci Zoetrope Sculptures