Thursday, January 22, 2015

Can the West Stand Up for Free Speech?

False moral equivalence and blatant cowardice threaten our tradition of free expression.

Victor Davis Hanson
Charlie Hebdo returns to newsstands at the terrorist attack. (Pascal Le Segretain/Getty)

. . .. "Westerners fight against pornography, blasphemy, or hate speech in the arena of ideas by writing and speaking out against such foul expression. They are free to sue, picket, boycott, and pressure sponsors of unwelcome speech. But Westerners cannot return to the Middle Ages to murder those whose ideas they don’t like.
“ 'Parody” and “satire” are, respectively, Greek and Latin words. In antiquity the non-Western tradition simply did not produce authors quite like the vicious Aristophanes, Petronius, and Juvenal, who unapologetically trashed the society around them. If the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo loses the millennia-old right to ridicule Islam from within a democracy, then there is no longer a West, at least as we know it.". . .
. . .
"We expect the president of the United States to be the foremost defender of the Western faith of free expression. Unfortunately, Barack Obama — who has a habit of weighing in on everything from his own resemblance to Trayvon Martin to the likely Final Four — has been utterly confused about free speech.
"In 2009, during the Iranian Green Revolution, Obama kept quiet when millions of Iranians hit the streets to demand freedom from theocracy. Obama, who once made a last-minute trip to Denmark to lobby for Chicago to host the Olympics, was the sole major Western leader absent from a huge rally in Paris to reiterate the West’s commitment to free expression. Sports are one thing; defending free speech from radical Islam is quite another." . . .

Israel source says leaked report of Netanyahu-Mossad rift on Iran sanctions is 'Obama's revenge'

Fury in Israel Over Obama's Mossad 'Lies'  Senior Israeli says 'friends don't act like this' after Mossad Head denies US claim that he opposed Iran sanctions in talk with senators.

What else can one expect from this petulant juvenile head of the American state?

Jerusalem Post  

"According to Bloomberg, officials from Mossad have lobbied Congressional and administration officials to refrain from imposing new sanctions against Iran." 

Netanyahu and Obama

"According to the report, officials from Mossad have lobbied Congressional and administration officials to refrain from imposing new sanctions against Iran for fear that it would lead to a collapse of the Western powers’ talks with the Islamic Republic over its nuclear program.

"The White House expressed anger over the invite extended to Netanyahu, calling it “a departure from protocol.” ...

You mean like going around Congress with executive orders?

Such a loss that Obama could not have been mentored by Martin Luther King, Jr. instead of Rev Wright and Bill Ayres - to name just two.

Boehner and Bibi blindside Barack

American Thinker  "There is a heaping helping of poetic justice in Speaker Boehner’s invitation to Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress on Iran sanctions. Just a week ago, the president stood alongside British PM David Cameron as he confessed to lobbying Senators on Iran sanctions, not uttering a peep about any impropriety in a foreign head of government interfering in domestic politics.
Of course, that didn’t stop press secretary Josh Earnest, who will say anything, from protesting:
Congress invites Netanyahu for Iran speech, Obama blindsided  . . . "Setting up a diplomatic showdown on an issue that has sharply divided Obama and congressional Republicans, Boehner announced the invitation the day after Obama pledged in his State of the Union address to veto Iran sanctions legislation being developed in Congress. 
"An Israeli official said Netanyahu, whose relationship with Obama has often been tense, was looking into the possibility of meeting with Obama when he comes to Washington to address a joint session of Congress on Feb. 11.

Media fail: 'Regular' mom in SOTU speech former Democrat operative for Patty Murray

Ethel C. FenigJust an average, ordinary retooled homemaker...who happens to be a Democratic campaign staffer  . . . "Oh, and Rebekah's husband Ben, the sacrificing construction Husband of the Year worker who is now thriving and is part of Obama's "our story."  Well, definitely not my story and maybe not yours.  Unmentioned also as to why perhaps Ben Erler lost his job...he drinks a lot and has been cited quite often for DUI.  That is not recommended for continuing employment in construction jobs."
So why would President Obama and his allies in the media keep this information from the public? And why would Obama feel the need to fool the country with such a ruse?
Barack Obama with Rebekah Erler.
Barack Obama with Rebekah Erler.

"During Tuesday night's State of the Union speech, President Obama spoke of a struggling mother of two from Minneapolis who wrote him a touching letter describing her struggle as a middle-class person. Obama even said the story of her and her husband was “the reason I ran for this office.” But it turns out that Rebekah Erler, the woman who wrote that letter to Obama, is a former Democratic campaign operative who worked as a field organizer for Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., and worked on Obama's 2008 campaign, Newsbusters reported Wednesday. Worse yet, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune failed to mention that in its glowing article.

Legal Insurrection:  . . "Remember Rebekah Erler, President Obama’s premiere “everywoman” success story from last night’s State of the Union address? The one whose family inspired the leader of the free world to stand up for the common man by…raising their taxes, or something?

"As it turns out, Rebekah isn’t just an inspiration. She’s an operative.

Consider Obama's character: 
  • This site lists more My own personal choice is Obama's closing down all parks and monuments during the "government shutdown" with his instructions to make sure it hurt.  Petulant juvenile.

State Of The Union Address Just A Political Commercial  "Should the State of the Union continue in this form? Not only was the president's speech a fundraising pitch, so was Sen. Joni Ernst's GOP reply. That does a disservice to both a rising star and the competition of ideas.

"Based on content and delivery, you'd never guess that the newly elected senator from Iowa was a distinguished Iraq war veteran and brilliant campaigner who won office after defeating an obnoxious opponent, lawyered up with campaign cash, on the strength of what she stood for." . . .

VDH: Snipers, Correct and Incorrect

download (21)
Victor Davis Hanson  "Were a confused Michael Moore and others faulting American Sniper on the argument that Chris Kyle was a sniper per se, or that he was an American sniper?

"I don’t remember Michael Moore or any other Hollywood grandees objecting much to the 2001 war film Enemy at the Gates, which was supposedly loosely based on the controversial (and perhaps less than verifiable) career of the deadly sniper Vasily Zaitsev. That movie portrayed the expert Zaitsev as a hero in trying to cut down Wehrmacht officers and soldiers on behalf of the Soviet cause. It reminded audiences not just that Zaitsev’s sniping could save his fellow Russians, but that it was also a very dangerous business for the shooter: As the hunter, Zaitsev often very quickly became the hunted." . . 

Chris Kyle’s Righteous Indignation  ... "He was a hero because he exhibited uncommon virtue. Specifically, he recognized evil when he saw it and channeled his righteous indignation toward its annihilation. Whether American foreign policy has followed an ideal course or not, this man acted with valor in pursuit of a life-affirming cause." ...  
Walter Hudson in PJ Lifestyle.


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The Astute Bloggers  via HOT AIR:
... a federal lawsuit was brought against authorities after it was revealed that the police, under Ray Kelly, had started an anti-terrorism program some years back which included surveillance of mosques in the Big Apple. One result of that program was the development and publication of a report on domestic terrorism. One part of the demands by the Muslim groups bringing the suit was that the report be scrubbed because it’s “discriminatory” toward Islam. And now, the city is actually considering it.
In top-secret talks to settle federal lawsuits against the NYPD for monitoring mosques, the city is weighing a demand that it scrub from its Web site a report on Islamic terrorists, The Post has learned.
The groundbreaking, 92-page report, titled “Radicalization in the West: The Homegrown Threat,” angers critics who say it promotes “religious profiling” and discrimination against Muslims. But law-enforcement sources say removing the report now would come at the worst time — after mounting terror attacks by Islamic extremists in Paris, Boston, Sydney and Ottawa.


NRO Slideshow
"As resentful liberals stew over the runaway success of American Sniper with red-state bitter-clinging moviegoers, Twitter users weighed in with what a left-of-center war movie might be titled. Here’s a sampling of the snark at #LiberalWarMovies, illustrated by NRO."

“Where Eagles Perform Time-limited, Scope-limited Kinetic Actions”

“VeggieBurger Hill”
'American Sniper' Triggers New War: Conservatives vs. Liberals
"The culture war over the war pic has even colored praise from actress Jane Fonda, a frequent target of veterans' disdain for her visit to Hanoi during the Vietnam war. Her tweet praising the film was immediately pounced on by some vets. "

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Ann Coulter  . . . "In fact, unless Rachel -- or that fantastic diverse staff -- can produce Scalise campaign literature from 1999, highlighting his views on repealing the 14th Amendment, reinstating slavery and opposing miscegenation, I am almost positive that the "conservative views" Scalise was touting to suburban New Orleans voters were more along the lines of, say, smaller government, prayer in schools and opposition to abortion. 

"If by "opposition to abortion," Rachel hears "reinstituting the slave trade," I can't help her. At that point, we're talking full-on dementia. 

"I'm no fan of David Duke: I hate long-time Democrats pretending to be Republicans. 

"But more than a decade after Duke quit the Klan -- he was out by 1980 -- Rachel's esteemed MSNBC colleague Al Sharpton was denouncing the Jews of Crown Heights as "diamond merchants." I assume from your surname, Rachel, that you are, at least in part, a "diamond merchant." What do you think about Sharpton having his own show on MSNBC and visiting the White House a dozen times?


"Sniper Movie comments by Michael Moore and Seth Rogen show their unpatriotic feelings toward the USA and our military." 

Cartoon by A.F.Branco ©2015.  Read more at Tony Branco

Sniper Movie

Obama's SOTU as seen from the UK: What a waste of national goodwill this presidency has been

State of the Union: Barack Obama channels Gordon Brown  "A good proportion of the US electorate must have hoped that in electing Barack Obama as president, they would be getting the visionary intellect and magnetism of a John Kennedy.
Instead, they ended up with the vision of Jimmy Carter and the personal charm of Richard Nixon. Mr Obama's State of the Union address was about as relentlessly bellicose and self-regarding as it was possible for a president whose politics had received two successive popular rejections to be.
"Combined with the defiance of a man whose views have been repudiated in a way that leaves him powerless against a Republican-dominated Congress, there was an absolute refusal to grant that his own obstinacy might be in any way responsible for rendering the remainder of his time in office largely pointless." . 
Tony Branco

HILARIOUS VIDEO: Dummies Across America – Guess What These Idiots Didn’t Know

Debbie Schlussel  "This may be a Martin Luther King Jr. Day leftover, but it’s worth watching to remind us yet again how ignorant so many Americans are. Note that many of these people are Black and they did not know this one basic fact. I’ll bet everyone in the video, though, could accurately tell you all of the details of the lives of each of the individual Kardashians and Jenners. And the rules of “Fight Club.” Love that guy with an ear guage (does he have one in his brain, too?). Very funny . . .
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"By the way, these are all future Hillary (or Elizabeth Warren) voters . . . if they vote." ...