Saturday, March 21, 2015

Wanted, Dead or Dead: ISIS Posts Kill Lists of 100 U.S. Military With Personal Information

Independent Sentinel
"ISIS released lists with the names, photos and addresses of 100 U.S. U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marines – many of them pilots, according to the NY Daily News, calling for their deaths.

"The group calls themselves the ISIS Hacking Division posted it on a website Friday evening using a Polish provider."

. . .
entry page
“[W]e have decided to leak 100 addresses so that our brothers residing in America can deal with you,” the group warned.
“Kill them in their own lands, behead them in their own homes, stab them to death as they walk their streets thinking that they are safe,” the “Islamic State Hacking Division” added.
"In February, at least four military wives had their social media accounts hacked, purportedly by ISIS. The FBI is investigating."

The Bookworm Beat; — the illustrated edition and open thread

Bookworm Room
"Less talk, more pictures (thanks to Caped Crusader):"
Tom Cotton is no traitor

Media hostile to anyone who's not Obama

Rand Paul: “Difficult” For Clinton To Run On Women’s Rights While Taking Money From Saudi Arabia

“There’s a war on women and it’s in Saudi Arabia, and frankly you can be raped in Saudi Arabia and then publicly lashed for inappropriately being in a car with a man.”

"Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul said Friday that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “should be ashamed” of the Clinton Foundation accepting foreign donations from countries where women lack basic rights. The potential Republican presidential candidate said it would be difficult to run as the first woman to potentially be president while her foundation takes money from such countries.
“ 'I’m calling today for Hillary Clinton to return the money to Saudi Arabia,” Paul said on Concord News Radio “There’s a war on women and it’s in Saudi Arabia, and frankly you can be raped in Saudi Arabia and then publicly lashed for inappropriately being in a car with a man. I think frankly Hillary Clinton should be ashamed of taking the money and I’m calling today for her to return that money from Saudi Arabia and I’m calling today for her to return the money to Saudi Arabia, to Brunei, to United Arab Emirates, to all of these countries that don’t give women in the basic ability to have the rights in court and voting or on juries.”

"Paul called the Clinton Foundation taking money from foreign countries “an anchor that will drag Hillary Clinton down.' ” . . .

From the "Ain't gonna happen" files: Valerie Jarrett Must Go

Jared Feldschreiber  . . . "But this is a president who is insular... [And] surrounded by people who reflect back to him what he wants to hear... For a man with an Ivy League education, he seems remarkably ignorant of the ways in which past presidents -- Lyndon Johnson and Bill Clinton -- have worked with Congress." Davis also underscores that President Obama has not received the memo put forth by American voters last November with the GOP seizing control of the Senate, giving them full command of Congress. President Obama  believed the elections were a referendum on his policies, even as Republicans gained seven seats in the Senate and maintained a solid majority in the House of Representatives. The schism between Republicans and Democrats has only widened in recent months."  . . .

Friday, March 20, 2015

Former Secretary of State Baker: I Signed Exit Form


"According to Baker’s policy assistant, John Williams, Baker signed OF-109 on August 24, 1992, the day he left the State Department to serve as White House chief of staff to George H. W. Bush. 

"Baker’s testimony casts doubt on the explanation offered by State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki about why Clinton may not have signed the same form. Psaki told reporters that the department’s most senior employees often do not sign the separation statement verifying the return of their documents because “there’s a long tradition of secretaries of state making themselves available to future secretaries and presidents and secretaries are typically allowed to maintain their security clearance and access to their own records for use in writing their memoirs and the like.”. . .

Breaking: Draft Deal Gives Iran Green Light For Nukes

Weasel Zippers

Obama Iran Analysis

“After the deal expires, Iran could theoretically ramp up enrichment to whatever level or volume it wants.” This was exactly what everyone has been warning about, and what the White House denied, after ten years there are no restrictions. If Iran keeps to the deal, they will still get the bomb.
LAUSANNE, Switzerland (AP) — The United States and Iran are drafting elements of a nuclear deal that commits Tehran to a 40 percent cut in the number of machines it could use to make an atomic bomb, officials told The Associated Press on Thursday. In return, the Iranians would get quick relief from some crippling economic sanctions and a partial lift of a U.N. embargo on conventional arms.
Agreement on Iran’s uranium enrichment program could signal a breakthrough for a larger deal aimed at containing the Islamic Republic’s nuclear activities.
The sides are racing to meet a March 31 deadline for a framework pact and a full agreement by the end of June — even as the U.S. Congress keeps up pressure on the administration to avoid any agreement leaving Iran with an avenue to become a nuclear power. . . .
More at the link...

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

The American Flag: Flag-Folding Procedures

The American Legion
The traditional method of folding the flag is as follows:
(A) Straighten out the flag to full length and fold lengthwise once.
(B) Fold it lengthwise a second time to meet the open edge, making sure that the union of stars on the blue field remains outward in full view. (A large flag may have to be folded lengthwise a third time.)
(C) A triangular fold is then started by bringing the striped corner of the folded edge to the open edge.
(D) The outer point is then turned inward, parallel with the open edge, to form a second triangle.
(E) The diagonal or triangular folding is continued toward the blue union until the end is reached, with only the blue showing and the form being that of a cocked (three-corner) hat.
Also at this same link:  Meaning of Flag-Folding Program;  Symbols for the Folds of the Flag

Sen Lindsey Graham Threatens Cut-Off Of UN Funding If Obama Bypasses Congress On Iran

"Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) claims to be digging in his heels on the sweetheart deal that Hussein Obama is making for his dearly beloved Iranian comrades. While Graham was perfectly fine with Obama acting dictatorially on an issue he supports, the illegal alien amnesty, there’s a limit as to how tyranny he’s willing to accept at once and Dear Leader has reached it.

"If Obama follows through with his threat to exclude Congress from the process which, if unchecked, will provide Iran with a nuclear weapons capability and will lead to a Middle East nuclear arms race, Graham has a message “The United Nations will receive no more funding from the United States.”

"Graham said, “Here’s what the ‘president’ needs to understand. If you go to the UN Security Council and you try to bypass the Congress to get this deal approved by the UN Security Council but not come to your own Congress, then you’re going to risk Congress cutting off money to the United Nations.”

"It’s a kind of government shutdown of the global government, the sort of thing that Graham wasn’t willing to “risk” in defense of our national sovereignty on amnesty. Now he’s had a sudden change of heart." . . .

Sad that the man in charge of the entire US government is a petulant, vindictive man

Victor Davis Hanson: At the White House, There’s Nobody HomeThe absence of true leadership has created chaos at home and abroad.
"What has gone wrong with the U.S. government in the past month? Just about everything, from the fundamental to the ridiculous.

"Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the United States to warn Congress about the dangers of a nuclear Iran. He spoke without the invitation of an irritated President Obama, who claimed that he did not even watch the address on television.

"Obama declined to even meet with the Israeli prime minister, announcing that it would have been improper for him to have such a meeting so close to Netanyahu’s re-election bid."
. . . "No one seems to be in charge at the White House. And that has terrified America’s supporters and emboldened its enemies — with another two years to go."

After Netanyahu win, Obama takes off the gloves  "The Obama administration woke up Wednesday morning to a sobering new reality on the ground in Jerusalem – instead of a weakened or rejected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Washington will now face the return of “King Bibi.” The White House has to come to terms with a Netanyahu who, defying the predictions, has been shored up by a strong mandate for his rightward-turning campaign.

"In the final days before the election, the Obama administration was on good behavior – both the State Department and the White House barely responded to campaign statements by Netanyahu that walked back his previous comments in support of a two-state agreement. They also abided not-very-veiled accusations of US meddling in an effort to undermine Netanyahu’s candidacy. But on Wednesday, the gloves came off." . . .

Obama finally calls Netanyahu, says US rethinking Palestinian policy
But Obama also told Netanyahu that the US is reassessing its approach to Israeli-Palestinian peace in light of Netanyahu’s pre-election comments rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state, a White House official said. Netanyahu had backtracked on those comments earlier Thursday, but the White House had swiftly dismissed his new, more moderate comments.

Tom Cotton vs. Barack Obama: tale of the tape

Flopping Aces
cotton knockout

Most of article quoted below:
. . . "Cotton has been called a “traitor.” Pretty strong stuff for a war hero. So now it’s Cotton vs. Obama. Let’s have a look at the tale of the tape.
. . .  TD isn't a birther so deleted the snark about birthplace. 
Tom Cotton: Educated in US schools by his parents
Barack Obama: Educated in Indonesia, abandoned by Mom, raised by typical white folk.
Tom Cotton: You can see his school records
Barack Obama: You can’t.
Tom Cotton: Earned admission into Harvard
Barack Obama: Admitted to Harvard with mediocre grades.
Tom Cotton: Admitted to Harvard Law in merit
Barack Obama: Admitted to Harvard Law Affirmative Action
Tom Cotton: Wrote something under his own name at Harvard
Barack Obama: Nope
Tom Cotton: His dad served in Vietnam
Barack Obama: His dad hated America. Member of Communist party
Tom Cotton: Served in Iraq
Barack Obama: Lost Iraq
Tom Cotton: Doesn’t want Iraq to have nukes
Barack Obama: Made NASA a Muslim outreach program. Wants Iran to have nukes.
Tom Cotton: Proud of his family
Barack Obama: Had a “typical white” grandma
Tom Cotton: Targeted the Taliban
Barack Obama: Targeted conservatives
Tom Cotton: Calls the Taliban “enemies”
Barack Obama: Called Americans “enemies”
Tom Cotton: Served in the Army: 101st Airborne
Barack Obama: Served in the choom gang
Tom Cotton: Honest man
Barack Obama: You’re an idiot to believe anything he says
Tom Cotton: Drinks coke
Barack Obama: Did coke
Tom Cotton: Believes in American Exceptionalism
Barack Obama: The Muslim call to prayer is the most beautiful sound on Earth
Tom Cotton: Weeps for his lost fellow soldiers
Barack Obama: Plays golf immediately after beheadings
Tom Cotton: Doesn’t want Iran to have nuclear weapons
Barack Obama: Apologized to Iran in 2009
Tom Cotton: Knows his way around a weapon
Barack Obama: Knows his way around a bong   (End quote)

Thursday, March 19, 2015

As Relations With Israel Plummet To New Low, Obama Cuts Video To Iranian People Praising Ayatollah Khamenei…

Weasel Zippers

Anyone think it’s a coincidence Obama chose today to release his Nowruz message (it begins on the first day of spring)?

No peace in our time

Benjamin Netanyahu’s reelection does not portend more strife in the Middle East.

Charles Krauthammer

"Of all the idiocies uttered in reaction to Benjamin Netanyahu’s stunning election victory, none is more ubiquitous than the idea that peace prospects are now dead because Netanyahu has declared that there will be no Palestinian state while he is Israel’s prime minister.
"I have news for the lowing herds: There would be no peace and no Palestinian state if Isaac Herzog were prime minister either. Or Ehud Barak or Ehud Olmert for that matter. The latter two were (non-Likud) prime ministers who offered the Palestinians their own state — with its capital in Jerusalem and every Israeli settlement in the new Palestine uprooted — only to be rudely rejected.
"This is not ancient history. This is 2000, 2001 and 2008 — three astonishingly concessionary peace offers within the past 15 years. Every one rejected.
"The fundamental reality remains: This generation of Palestinian leadership — from Yasser Arafat to Mahmoud Abbas — has never and will never sign its name to a final peace settlement dividing the land with a Jewish state. And without that, no Israeli government of any kind will agree to a Palestinian state." . . . Full article here.