Tuesday, April 7, 2015

We should dread that "I told you so" day that is coming.

Iran newspapers reported Friday that the U.S.-Iran deal allows Iran to update plutonium plants, enrich uranium, and add centrifuges. It's the opposite of what the New York Times said. President Obama will only read the New York Times because he doesn't like to cloud up his mind with opposing points of view.   Comedian Argus Hamilton
 Iran nuke deal: “Everything Netanyahu warned about has turned out to be true”
"There is no Iran nuke “deal,” but whatever there is to the framework, even Obama now admits it paves Iran’s path to the bomb, albeit on a delayed fuse, as AP reports, Obama says Iran could cut nuke time to near zero in 13 years: . . ."   
You all were aware that in Illinois he voted "Present" on issues he wanted to avoid, weren't you?

Yeshiva World News: Obama Says Iran Could Cut Nuke Time To Near Zero In 13 Years
"Obama has insisted confidently that Iran will not get a nuclear weapon on his watch, which ends in roughly 20 months, but has made no similar assurances about his successors."
Obama has insisted confidently that Iran will not get a nuclear weapon on his watch, which ends in roughly 20 months, but has made no similar assurances about his successors. - See more at: http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/headlines-breaking-stories/299109/obama-says-iran-could-cut-nuke-time-to-near-zero-in-13-years.html#sthash.Yx3gjD7r.dpuf
He says it won't happen on his watch! Designed to fail under his successor while Obama becomes his-or her- public critic, just as he has blamed President Bush for most of the inadequacies of this administration. 

Thomas Sowell: 'Comparing Obama to Chamberlain Is Unfair...'
“Comparing Obama to Chamberlain is unfair – to Chamberlain. There is no question that the British prime minister loved his country and pursued its best interests as he saw it. He was not a ‘citizen of the world,’ or worse. Chamberlain was building up his country’s military forces, not tearing them down, as Barack Obama has been doing with American military forces. … Barack Obama dismissed the thought of America being vulnerable to ‘a small country’ like Iran. Iran is in fact larger than Japan was when it attacked Pearl Harbor, and Iran has a larger population. If Japan had nuclear bombs, World War II could have turned out very differently. If anyone examines the hard, cold facts about the Obama administration’s actions and inactions in the Middle East from the beginning, it is far more difficult to reconcile those actions and inactions with a belief that Obama was trying to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons than it is to reconcile those facts with his trying to stop Israel from stopping Iran from getting nuclear weapons. This latest ‘agreement’ with Iran – with which Iran has publicly and loudly disagreed – is only the latest episode in that political charade.”
 Political Cartoons by Gary McCoy
Dept. of Irony: Barack Obama thinks Scott Walker is an empty suit on foreign policy Update: Walker responds   . . . "Clearly, Obama was both untested and unready, but don’t expect him to display an ounce of awareness of that condition or humility in his disgrace. Forever the narcissist, Barack Obama has the temerity to scold Scott Walker for – get this — lacking experience on the issue of foreign relations ahead of the Wisconsin governor’s likely presidential bid." . . .


Monday, April 6, 2015

Find your first car here?

American Car Brochures

"Nothing for sale here.
"These brochures are scanned from my own and contributors collections.
"They are published in screen/preview resolution only. These files will not work to make reprints.
"The intention behind this collection is for enthusiasts and restorers to find useful and original factory documentation.
"For brochure contributions I prefer brochures older than 1990, but special interest autos are always considered as good stuff.

"You will also find some Canadian and Australian brochures in this collection."
Hat tip to Val Brose; Santa Maria, CA

Consequences of Living under a Tyrant: We Have Nothing to Fear, But Our Commander-in-Chief”

 Voice of Lillpop
 As the world anxiously awaits the latest news from Lausanne, Switzerland about Iran’s suspect nuclear program following yesterday’s missed deadline, one is struck by  conflicting emotions surrounding the talks.
One the one hand, one hopes that a reasonable, verifiable and effective accord, or framework for such, can be reached by the end of Wednesday, April 1.

On the other hand, one dreads an agreement made under intense political pressure, motivated by an unhealthy obsession with getting an accord in place at all costs, without due regard for the quality of such agreement.

This reflects very real concerns about the competency and loyalty of President Barack Obama.  Many patriotic Americans simply do not trust Obama’s judgment in dealing with the terrorist state of Iran, and are further unsure about his commitment to America’s best interests and those of Israel.

Questions about Obama have spawned a new phrase of caution: We have nothing to fear, but our Commander-in-Chief himself”!

Sad, but true, that our greatest enemy may be the man entrusted with the most responsibility for defending America and 330 million Americans, and our allies.

The PBY that won the Battle of Midway . . . um, with help from the Navy


Battle of Midway Roundtable  . . . "Next, "Strawberry 5" is a total fabrication in the 1976 "Midway" movie. VP-23 used no such nicknames. They stuck it in the movie so that the voice radio transmissions made from the plane by "Ady" would seem authentic. Even that was fictitious, since the radio messages were sent by Morse, not voice, and not by Ady himself. " . . .

For history & airplane enthusiasts :

"We see a lot on the restorations of WWII era bombers and fighters, but this is something quite unusual…

"The story of PBY-5A CATALINA (Strawberry 5) discovery and restoration for the US Navy museum in San Diego. It was the only remaining intact PBY-5 Catalina remaining in the World, and it was discovered in South Africa.

Video link

"Consolidated PBY Catalina was an American flying boat, and later an amphibious aircraft of the 1930s and 1940s produced by Consolidated Aircraft. It was one of the most widely used seaplanes of World War II. Catalinas served with every branch of the United States Armed Forces and in the air forces and navies of many other nations." . . .

PBM recovered from Lake Washington

Hat tip to Jack Hamner; Santa Maria, CA

Liberal using 'math' claims Memories Pizza GoFundMe a 'dirty GOP trick'

"Liberals have been beside themselves since the GoFundMe page set up for the Indiana-based Memories Pizza raised over $840,000. Many have put forward wild-eyed conspiracy theories to explain the outpouring of support for the small pizza shop attacked by anti-Christian liberals. On Saturday, Chris Loesch tweeted the claim made by one liberal who allegedly used "math" to allege the entire effort was a "dirty GOP trick" funded by the Koch brothers.

"This individual, the Media Research Center noted, divided $840,000 by 30,000 donors and concluded that each donor would have given $29,000 each. Of course, MRC said, when the math is applied properly, the correct answer would be $28, not $29,000." . . .

Harry Reid must love this...
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

Gatestone Institute: ‘Why are these Christians dying?’

Kenyan school children
Kenyan school children
 "The onslaught of Islamic radicals continues to rampage across the globe leading to mass murder and torture of Christians, leading to what some are calling, “Christian Genocide” and while the West has done little, the Gatestone Institute on Sunday has asked as to why these Christian are dying. In 2014, the Persecution watchdog group, Open Doors accused the U.S. and other world leaders of standing by and doing nothing while watching Christian genocide happen around the world and released of its World Watch List of countries where followers of Christ are most heavily targeted." . . .

Reading list: Obama’s The Victim, Iran Is a Tiny, No, Wait, Big Country, They Don’t Pose A Threat, OK, Maybe They Do

"President Obama is the victim in the rift between Israelis and his office.

“ 'The deep affinities I feel for the Jewish people, the Israeli people…it’s hard for me,” Obama told Tom Friedman in an interview this weekend. If it’s hard on him, it’s really hard on Israel – they’re not feeling the love.

" The president said he is deeply disturbed by the Iranian rhetoric but they want to be part of the international community. That’s not obvious to most who are paying attention. Friday morning prayers began with “Death to America” and on Saturday, there were “Down with America – Israel – Saudi Arabia” chants.

"On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, the Iranians contradicted the fact sheet put out by the State Department, most notably the sanctions portion." . . .

Can Obama Keep Democrats Together on Iran?  . . . " But the first test for Obama is making sure that his own party doesn’t scuttle the deal — by providing enough votes to override a presidential veto on bipartisan legislation scrutinizing the deal.” . . .

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

Obama is no Neville Chamberlain   But that isn't a good thing.   But let’s remember that Hitler never chanted “Death to Britain.”  Hitler had not organized terrorist attacks on British forces, nor were his proxies killing civilians across the world.  He did not proclaim that the annihilation of a British ally was “non-negotiable.”  And he was not a militant believer in a political religion whose followers had twice invaded and ravaged Europe, a religion whose followers today profess their disdain for Western values and Western culture.

Victor Davis Hanson has another take on this very comparison

"Once again our leaders are needlessly appeasing a hostile state that shows them nothing but contempt."

. . . " Our dishonor in Lausanne, as with Munich, may avoid a confrontation in the present, but our shame will guarantee a war in the near future."

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Iran: US agreed to immediate lift of sanctions " Earlier this week, Barack Obama committed the United States to a disastrous course of action that ensures the terrorist state of Iran will be allowed, with Western assistance, to build a nuclear weapon. I outlined how Obama lied to the nation about the deal and how the Iranians, themselves, accused Obama of lying about the deal."

A translation of the Iranian version of the agreement is available and to a great extent one has to question whether the United States and Iran were even attending the same meeting.
Munich, Anyone? Obama’s Iran Agreement in Translation
As with Obama's prevarication on ObamaCare, " Obama again believes it is best for us, but if we are to believe Amir Taheri (and I do), this “agreement” (that the Iranians are calling merely a press release) is understood completely differently by both parties.  We have been told another series of lies in order to get something passed — or in this case not to oppose it. 
"Only there is one huge difference. Obamacare is reversible.  Nuclear armageddon is not." 

Washington Gov Flies Chinese Communist Flag At State Capitol – Americans Take It Down

Gov. Inslee Took Down The POW/MIA Flag To Do it  "The following is an interesting comment I found on the NBC news site when Islee won. He’s a very far-left guy.
Glad a republican did not win, but Jay Inslee, come on, it does not get any further left wing extreme. . . .

"A group of patriots took down the flag of Communist China from the Washington State Capitol building.
Gov. Inslee

"The flag was flown at the same height and between the flag of the United States and the flag of Washington State at the capitol in Olympia in honor of a Chinese ambassador’s visit.

"Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee ordered the Chinese flag flown in honor of a meeting with Chinese Ambassador Cui Tiankai.

"But with the help of a patriotic Washington State Trooper, the flag was taken down and removed early Sunday morning by a small group of patriot Americans."  . . .

No word yet on the fate of the courageous trooper.Watch this post for updates. TD

He descended into Hell

"On this Easter Sunday, I wanted to share some thoughts I had during these past days about the most recent butchery of my fellow Christians in Kenya.

"Following the news as closely as I do, I thought I had become accustomed to graphic images of terror that ISIS has spawned. Then, I saw this tweet:  
. . .
 "I was punched in the gut.

"Perhaps it is because I recall my step-daughter, whose graduation I attended just a few short years ago? She was so vibrant, and fulled with life and prospects for a happy, healthy and successful future.

"Now, 148 families will not get to experience the same joy. Evil has extinguished 148 young students who would have contributed so very much to their families, community and nation.

"Perhaps it is because my son is now talking about going to college, and has mentioned several Catholic universities as possibilities? As I read this passage from a news report, I mentally placed my boy in this situation:" . . .
. . .
"Social media tools have ensured that nearly all Christians are aware that they are potential martyrs at the hands of Islamic terror agents. And while “sainthood by martyrdom” is an option, personally I would prefer Pope Francis highlight our Warrior Saints.

"This time, the Christians would not be fighting to make unwilling converts, but to defend ourselves from evil. I want to see the evil perpetuated by ISIS and other radicalized adherents to be vanquished completely.

"I was reminded yesterday that Jesus Christ descended into Hell. Sadly, hell has come to earth. I spent Holy Saturday praying for Kenya’s martyrs, and vow to do the same for innocents who die at the hands of terrorists next year. Hopefully, that list will be shorter next year."
Perhaps it is because I am angry, because family pizza joints in this country are easy targets for religious-tolerance campaigns by members of the “Church of Perpetual Outrage”? This butchery should be the type of event that inspires activism.
Appallingly, despite the coverage, President Obama failed to mention the fact Christians were targeted in his formal statement on Kenya.
Soon we go to our granddaughter's high school graduation and visit our two grandsons at Ball State and Indiana U. I feel the urge right now to hug each one and not let them go. TD

BLACKS IN BONDAGE: Barack Obama and Islamic Slavery


Clash Daily   "When it comes to the issue of racism Barack Hussein Obama is a pathological phony. His so-called apoplexy over the “grave injustices” inflicted on African-Americans is nothing but a sham. 
"His bogus and fraudulent claims that racism is systemic in America is nothing more than a childish fable constructed on a running diatribe from the “hands-up, don’t shoot” crowd. You know–that pack of thugs who scream racism whenever they see a white guy offering a black guy a piece of watermelon.
"The truth is, if Obama was seriously concerned about racism he would turn his focus (not to mention resources) on a nation where blacks suffer real injustices at the hands
of their of  non-white, slave masters." . . .  Pete Parker

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Is God Done with America?

American Thinker
. . . " God is never done with His creations -- humanity, in particular -- but He does grant free will, and with free will comes consequences. Among right-thinking Americans, who doesn’t see the cultural rot, the unraveling mores, and societal disintegration? This disintegration has been in the making for decades and is accelerating in recent years. The cliché goes that older generations see things getting worse with the coming of younger generations. America’s woes are more than older folk misperceiving. Societies and civilizations do decline. " . . .  Full article

Liberals Becoming the Bullies They Claim to Hate

Tammy Bruce defends Memories Pizza of Indiana.
 "Talk radio host Tammy Bruce has come to the defense of Memories Pizza, the Indiana restaurant which was forced to close due to threats.

"In a recent appearance on FOX and Friends with Tucker Carlson, Bruce said that although she is gay, she doesn’t approve of the tactics being used by gay marriage activists.

"Bradford Thomas of Truth Revolt:

Openly gay conservative radio host Tammy Bruce appeared on Fox & Friends Thursday to discuss the “frenzy” over the Indiana Pizzeria who said hypothetically that they would not cater a same-sex wedding due to religious convictions. Bruce defended the pizza shop, warning the LGBT community against becoming the very “bullies” and “fascists” they should be fighting against. . .