Iran newspapers reported Friday that the U.S.-Iran deal allows Iran to update plutonium plants, enrich uranium, and add centrifuges. It's the opposite of what the New York Times said. President Obama will only read the New York Times because he doesn't like to cloud up his mind with opposing points of view. Comedian Argus HamiltonIran nuke deal: “Everything Netanyahu warned about has turned out to be true”
"There is no Iran nuke “deal,” but whatever there is to the framework, even Obama now admits it paves Iran’s path to the bomb, albeit on a delayed fuse, as AP reports, Obama says Iran could cut nuke time to near zero in 13 years: . . ."
You all were aware that in Illinois he voted "Present" on issues he wanted to avoid, weren't you?
Yeshiva World News: Obama Says Iran Could Cut Nuke Time To Near Zero In 13 Years
"Obama has insisted confidently that Iran will not get a nuclear weapon on his watch, which ends in roughly 20 months, but has made no similar assurances about his successors."
Obama has insisted confidently that Iran will not get a nuclear weapon on his watch, which ends in roughly 20 months, but has made no similar assurances about his successors. - See more at:
He says it won't happen on his watch! Designed to fail under his successor while Obama becomes his-or her- public critic, just as he has blamed President Bush for most of the inadequacies of this administration. Thomas Sowell: 'Comparing Obama to Chamberlain Is Unfair...'
“Comparing Obama to Chamberlain is unfair – to Chamberlain. There is no question that the British prime minister loved his country and pursued its best interests as he saw it. He was not a ‘citizen of the world,’ or worse. Chamberlain was building up his country’s military forces, not tearing them down, as Barack Obama has been doing with American military forces. … Barack Obama dismissed the thought of America being vulnerable to ‘a small country’ like Iran. Iran is in fact larger than Japan was when it attacked Pearl Harbor, and Iran has a larger population. If Japan had nuclear bombs, World War II could have turned out very differently. If anyone examines the hard, cold facts about the Obama administration’s actions and inactions in the Middle East from the beginning, it is far more difficult to reconcile those actions and inactions with a belief that Obama was trying to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons than it is to reconcile those facts with his trying to stop Israel from stopping Iran from getting nuclear weapons. This latest ‘agreement’ with Iran – with which Iran has publicly and loudly disagreed – is only the latest episode in that political charade.”