Saturday, May 9, 2015

Freddie Gray Case: Detailed Analysis of Motion to Recuse Prosecutor. An in-depth look at the defense motion.

 Motion for Recusal details Mosby’s many incontrovertible conflicts of interest

Legal Insurrection
 Mosby microphones arrogant

. . . "Yesterday, one week to the day after the charges were brought, the defense lawyers collectively filed a motion to dismiss these charges and/or force the recusal of Mosby and her entire office from the case. We addressed the motion as a news item briefly last night, Freddie Gray case: Defense files motion to remove prosecutor.

"Now we dig deeper into the motion." . . .

 . . . "Needless to say, it is not the role of a local prosecutor to represent the interests of “demonstrators across America,” to accede to cries of “no justice no peace” from a rioting and looting mob, nor to lead a social “cause.” . . .
"Indeed, the motion to recuse notes that under Maryland statute, Rule 3.8, Special Responsibilities of a Prosecutor, it is mandated that the prosecutor shall:
refrain from making extrajudicial comments that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused.
"Further, Rule 3.6 mandates that:
[a] lawyer who is participating or has participated in the investigation or litigation of a matter shall not make an extrajudicial statement that the lawyer knows or reasonably should know will be disseminated by means of public communications and will have a substantial likelihood of materially prejudicing an adjudication proceeding in the matter.
 Other reasons for recusal to consider:
  •  Mosby’s Public Reading of Charges, and her “Message” to the World
  • Mosby’s Many Conflicts of Interest, Summarized

  • Mosby’s Statement of Charges Jurisdictionally Sloppy

  • Mosby’s Chief Prosecutor In Personal Relationship With Leading News Reporter
  • Gray Family Lawyer is Also Mosby’s Lawyer, Financial Supporter

  • Mosby’s Husband Represents District of Gray’s Arrested and Peak Rioting

  • Mosby’s Assumption of Role of Investigator/Prosecutor Demands Recusal

  • Mosby’s Prospective Loss of Immunity Creates Further Risk of Bias

. . . "Nothing about the prosecution of these six officers has screamed of exceptional intelligence and sound decision-making, but I suppose there’s always hope.
"As promised, here’s the motion for recusal in its entirety (exhibits included):

Obama Cheapens the Legacy of Our Fallen Heroes

American Thinker..."They died defending our country. They died that their sons and daughters and loved ones would be safe in their country. They died that their sons and daughters and loved ones rights and privileges as citizens would be preserved -- life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And now Obama is cheapening their sacrifice. By administrative legislation, Obama is attempting to give the most precious right of citizenship -- the right to vote -- to illegals who don’t give a damn about the sacrifices of our fallen heroes.

"Illegals already have many (and even more) government benefits than citizens. They do vary from state to state but here is a rundown of state and national government overt and de facto benefits for illegals in NY.
. . . 
"By contrast Obama and team act as if they represent international interests and subsume national interest to perceived international interests. Who wants to be a parochial representative of National interests of a deeply flawed nation when one can be an international leader? After all, as we all know, charity begins abroad."
Read more:


 What's really behind Hillary Clinton's immigration gambit? (+video) . . . "In one fell swoop, Clinton distanced herself from her own past on immigration, her husband’s record, and President Obama. But most important, she staked out a position that goes well beyond anyone in the Republican presidential field.

“ 'Clinton was placing a stake in the ground way further out than any Republican can reach,” says Cal Jillson, a political scientist at Southern Methodist University in Dallas."

Obama’s Advisor Al Sharpton Corrupts MSNBC’s Bizarre News Network Even More

 Al Sharpton Trades Airtime to Leftist Union Bosses for a Price

Independent Sentinel  "Anyone who thinks MSNBC is in any way legitimate, needs to rethink that right away.
"Al Sharpton gives airtime on MSNBC to leftist union bosses in exchange for donations to his National Action Network.
"Sharpton, an Obama advisor, basically put MSNBC “news” up for sale. MSNBC is NBC.
"Since Politics Nation debuted on MSNBC on August 29, 2011, Al Sharpton’s nonprofit National Action Network has collected more than $2.38 million in contributions from unions, according to Department of Labor records.
"Sharpton in turn has used his show to promote pro-labor viewpoints, also inviting union leadership on as guests."  More at National Review Online.

Video here with good documentation


. . . "He also bullies for bucks.
"Stores pay hush money to Sharpton to keep him from protesting outside their buildings and claiming racism.
"Hush money for Al Sharpton and his National Action Network or NAN comes from a large number of corporations despite the fact that he is a complete fraud.
"He doesn’t pay his taxes, supports uprisings, creates racial divides, but is an advisor to the president who is apparently okay with it.
"The New York Times reported in November of last year that records show “more than $4.5 million in current state and federal tax liens against him and his for-profit businesses”.
"Sharpton operates like the mob and he’s been getting away with it for years.

And, surprise, the nonprofit is on Charity Navigator’s “watch list.”
. . . The next night, he devoted another Politics Nation segment to the topic. “Threats, intimidation, undemocratic moves: Right now, Michigan is the center of the right-wing attack on workers’ rights, and we must fight it,” Sharpton said.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Suddenly Joe Biden seems a bit more intelligent. Not much, but a bit.

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

Hillary’s Presidential Run: No Joke?. . . " However, on the Democratic side of the 2016 presidential cycle, things are not a laughing matter.
"Hillary Clinton’s signature has barely dried on the batch of governmental forms declaring her presidential intentions and she is already mired in further malfeasance and corruption. Remember, the political scandals of Benghazi and Server-gate (modern-day Nixonian document shredding) are not yet resolved.  Now, to add insult to injury to the body politic, comes the Clintonian financial shell game explained in “Clinton Cash” by author Peter Schweizer.  The book details the connection of Mrs. Clinton, as Obama’s first Secretary of State, bartering favorable U.S. government treatment to foreign contributors to her and Bill’s supposed “charitable” Clinton Foundation." . . .

Clinton Charity Scandal: At Least There Won’t Be an Email Trail

 Chuck Todd reveals Hillary Clinton’s media strategy
 . . . "Allowing Clinton to control the narrative—even for a second, even for a single cycle—is dangerous. If they can manage to flip the cycle with a gameday policy rollout, imagine what they’ll be able to do given more time."

Unearthed Audio: Hillary Said She’s ‘Adamantly Against Illegal Immigrants’ [AUDIO]
 . . . “ 'I am adamantly against illegal immigrants,” then-Sen. Clinton said on the John Grambling radio show in Feb. 2003.

“'Certainly we’ve got to do more at our borders,” she said, adding that, “people have to stop employing illegal immigrants.' ” Here is the audio

 Hillary Clinton’s candidacy could sink
. . . " It boils down to voters liking the candidate personally – even as a leader — but feeling that “the next president should have a different last name.” That represents a philosophical obstacle, not one of policy or personality. As such, it is a far greater problem to overcome. A recent NBC poll showed Democrats wishing to see a strong challenger to Hillary at 43 percent and rising."

 A Warm Welcome for Hillary in LA
" Good to see that someone on our side is starting to employ the same street theater tactics the left has long used.  These Hillary “air fresheners” appear at at least a dozens prominent intersections in LA a few days ago, right before Hillary arrived for a fundraiser." .  . .
Hillary LA 4 copy 

Hillary LA 1 copy
More photos here.

 "Fake, tree-shaped car fresheners with an image of Clinton in the middle have been placed at the corners of Sunset and Amalfi, Sunset and Capri and Sunset and Allenby in the Tony Riviera section of Pacific Palisades, home to Hollywood luminaries like Ben Affleck, J.J. Abrams, Steven Spielberg, and Tom Hanks.

"The air freshener’s caption? “Stench of Corruption.' ”

Stench of Corruption
. . . "Later Thursday, Clinton will head to Beverly Hills for an early-evening $2,700 per plate fundraiser at the home of billionaire entertainment mogul Haim Saban and his wife Cheryl. Saban has been a longtime friend of Clinton, and has donated more than $10 million to the Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton’s presidential library. Sports agency magnate Casey Wasserman will co-host the event at Saban’s home." . . .

America’s Politicized Tax Enforcement Is a Harbinger of Decline

. . . "Al Sharpton is again prominently in the news, blaming various groups for the Baltimore unrest. But Sharpton currently owes the U.S. government more than $3 million in back taxes, according to reports. His excuses have ranged from insufficient funds to pay them to sloppy record-keeping and mysterious fires.

"Sharpton, a frequent White House guest, apparently assumes that his community-organizing provides him political exemption from federal tax law. He seems to be right, at least as long as the current administration is in power.

"The Clinton Foundation is expected to refile its tax returns for 2010, 2011, and 2012 after failing to separate government grants from donations. If an average citizen tried to amend his taxes for such huge sums and from that long ago, he would probably be under indictment.

"News reports of undocumented donations from foreign governments caught the foundation underreporting its income. The well-connected Clinton clan apparently had assumed that their political status ensured them immunity.

"In the current political landscape, ideology also offers cover for tax noncompliance. Two of the most liberal talking heads at the MSNBC cable news network, Touré Neblett and Melissa Harris-Perry, known for their advocacy of higher tax rates on the affluent, turn out to be both quite well off and quite unwilling to pay their fair share of taxes. Reports indicate that Neblett and Harris-Perry both owe more than $50,000 in delinquent taxes." . . .
. . . 
 "Increasingly in the United States, the degree to which a law is enforced — or whether a person is indicted — depends on political considerations. But when citizens do not pay any income taxes, or choose not to pay taxes that they owe and expect impunity, a complex society unwinds.

"And when the law has becomes negotiable, civilization utterly collapses."

True Liberalism vs. Political Correctness

I have a cherished 1945 Boy Scout Handbook, passed on to me by a cousin who was once a West Point cadet. Here are two pages encouraging boys to be role models and exemplary citizens of their country.
I would ask if any out there think of this liberal standard encouraged here as being a "war on women"?

Next, are these qualities shown below considered offensive by anyone, and why?

Just asking. 
The Tunnel Dweller.

Angry, old white men?

Garland shooting: Some people are sheep, others wolves. Then there are the sheepdogs...

We call jihadis like the ones who attacked in Garland Texas Known Wolves. They were on the radar screen and somehow we failed to stop them from making their attack. But one member of our law enforcement community who didn’t fail is the officer who put down these two rabid dogs in the parking lot. His courage under fire saved countless lives and we salute him for his valiant efforts.

We call officers like him , and the many other police, fire, first responders and military personnel, who protect the rest of us, sheepdogs. They battle the wolves so that we don’t have to. This officer is a fine example of the breed. In the face of two Islamist fanatics wearing body armor and charging while firing AK 47s, he remained calm and killed them both.

So from all of us who sleep safe in our beds because rough men (and women) like you are standing watch, thank you Sir
 Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Obama Sent 3 Officials to Criminal Freddie Gray’s Funeral – No One to NYPD Officer Brian Moore’s Funeral

The Gateway Pundit Friday, May 8, 2015, 8:59 AM
"Officer Brian Moore’s funeral is this morning in New York City.
Moore was shot in the head by a felon.

 "Obama sent three White House officials to criminal Freddie Gray’s funeral. How many should we expect for decorated Officer Moore’s, murdered by a criminal? CNN reported:

The White House sent Cabinet Secretary Broderick Johnson, chair of the Obama administration’s My Brother’s Keeper Task Force; Heather Foster, an adviser in the White House Office of Public Engagement; and Elias Alcantara from the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs.
Gray also had a history of run-ins with the law. According to court documents CNN obtained, there were more than 20 criminal court cases in Maryland against Gray, and five of those cases were still active at the time of his death.
"The Obama White House sent three officials to robber Michael Brown‘s funeral in Ferguson.

"But the White House did not send any officials to Officer Brian Moore’s funeral today. New York 1 reported:" . . . Read more: here.

6 Funerals Obama Cared Less About Than Michael Brown   . . . "Which [prompts] the question: why would the Obama administration send not one but three attendees to the funeral of a strong-arm robbery suspect who allegedly punched a police officer in the face – but ignore the funerals of other, more worthy characters?

"Here are six people whose funerals the Obama administration took less seriously than Brown’s."

Guess who was missing at funeral of highest ranking officer killed in combat since Vietnam War (Update: Hagel attended)
  Byron York @ByronYork
To those who asked: Yes, Obama was, in fact, on course at Vineyard Golf Club during Gen. Greene's funeral.
Obama was golfing right after his tribute to Beheaded journalist James Foley
 Buy the Bumper Sticker

Operation Jade Helm? Chill.


This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This article was written for the primarily civilian readership at American Thinker. Judging from their comments, the citizens of this nation are so distrusting of the Obama administration that they are willing to believe our military would turn its guns against them on Obama’s orders. That is very sad. I’ve been writing for American Thinker for more than a decade and never have I been so vilified as I was for this article. We live in interesting times.
 "We’ve been getting concerned e-mails from friends in Texas as to whether or not the long-ago announced and now being staged large-scale military operation, called Jade Helm and taking place in several western states, is some sort of federal testing of the ability of the Obama government to seize control of our nation and use our military forces to disarm and subjugate our citizenry.

"The short answer is no, . . .
. . .
"Another thing to ponder: there are no dummies in special operations. You have to be top tier mentally to even be considered. On a per capita basis, they probably have a far higher IQ than any other military organizations other than perhaps the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and I wouldn’t bet the farm on that. Now, if you’re going to use military forces against the people and the nation they are sworn to defend, are you really going to pick as your vanguard the very warriors who possess the intellect to realize that you are asking them to violate their oaths of service? Of course not . . .

"Those of you out there feeling queasy about Jade Helm? Chill."

On the other hand, this writer is having none of it:   Jade Helm Is Proving America to be a Nation of Cowards and Traitors


Thursday, May 7, 2015

Baltimore and Obama

Mark Levin: U.S. Gives Terrorists More Consideration Than Cops  . . . "He went on to assert that the officers are “being railroaded,” noting that they are not even receiving the same legal protection America affords terror suspects.
“How can it be,” he wondered, “that terrorists in Guantanamo Bay have more due process rights … that they are treated one way and police officers another?”
He concluded that America as a nation is increasingly hostile toward the law enforcement community, suggesting many hold police to a higher standard than others in society.
“Well, law enforcement isn’t perfect,” he acknowledged. “Reporters aren’t perfect. Obama’s not perfect. That’s not the test. The fact of the matter is if we lose order, we lose liberty and we lose the society.”

J. Christian Adams; Dreams Into Dust: The Speech on Race Obama Will Never Give
. . . " Imagine how different race relations would be in this country today if, starting in January 2009, President Obama used his office to better the black community and race relations. What a difference this could have made in places like Baltimore and Ferguson, where racially motivated violence has set cities ablaze." .
 . .
Instead Obama was mentored by this man who has influenced today's Justice Department through him:

Baltimore Indicts the Welfare State  . . . " What are those problems?  Well, chief among them might be that hordes of black mobs regularly erupt in frenzies of thievery, arson, and violence in a pack-mentality response to perceived injustices and without knowledge or consideration of facts.  But that’s just the symptom, the president suggests, of the “root causes of the tension in urban areas.' ” . . .
. . . "It can be expected that Baltimore having been under uninterrupted Democrat control since 1967 will not stop Barack Obama and the bleating sheep like Baltimore’s current mayor (who suggests that the wealth just hasn’t been spread around properly yet) from demanding that more and more government redistribution."
 Victor Davis Hanson;Decoding the Rules of Baltimore
 For the left, rioting is an effective political tool.
 NBC’s Al Sharpton shakes hands with Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake as she prepares to speak at a summit to address issues surrounding the death of Freddie Gray and its aftermath at New Shiloh Baptist Church, Thursday, April 30, 2015, in Baltimore. Note the “No Justice, No Peace” slogan behind them. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)
. . . "Certainly, identification largely by racial affinity is a dangerous thing to do in America, because such solidarity only breeds solidarity in others that may be more numerous and growing just as angry. Vocal and ubiquitous talk of white supremacy as the mother lode of all racial unhappiness does not sell well outside the New York television studio — especially among the lower middle classes and poor who are not black and do not feel themselves particularly privileged at the expense of blacks.
"A year from now, an out-of-the-news Baltimore will be a little poorer, smaller, and less frequented."

From 2011!10 Signs That Economic Riots And Civil Unrest Inside The United States Are Now More Likely Than Ever . . . " The sad thing is that these riots accomplish absolutely nothing.  The recent London riots did not create any jobs and they certainly did not solve any economic problems.  Instead, they actually hurt the economy even more because a huge amount of property was destroyed and people are even more afraid to continue with business as usual." . . .

2012: New Threats to Riot if Obama Loses Election

 Riots test Obama’s power to heal racial divide. . . "But on this score, Obama has mostly come up short, often leaving his supporters wanting more and his adversaries blaming him for exacerbating age-old conflicts." . . .

Pamela Geller: Heroine or Hateful Islamophobe? UPDATED

UPDATE:  Muslim cleric: Pam Geller should be tried by Sharia court and killed
Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary says on live TV that Pamela Geller should be killed.

. . . " 'And now this woman was to draw cartoons or have people draw cartoons to insult the prophet knowing full well that this carries the death penalty in Islam," he added. "She should be put before Shariah court and tried and of course she would face capitol punishment."
"The discussion also covered a death fatwa placed against Geller. When she said that ISIS used the term "khanzeer," or "Jewish pig," Choudary said the term was too good to be used on her. "Khanzeer," Geller noted, is the same term Muhammad used before beheading thousands of Jews." . . .

Jewish World Review 
 Pamela Geller: Heroine or Hateful Islamaphobe?
 . . . "It was very disappointing to read comments from those who should know better that Geller's contest was pointless and meant nothing. Au contraire, Mon ami-it exposed two of ISIS' suicidal cell dwellers that fortunately were put down Texas-style before they could slaughter the sold-out crowd attending. We can't depend on this administration, the FBI or Homeland Security to protect us from ISIS and jihadists attacks. The FBI had one of the shooters under surveillance for years and sent out a memo concerning the Muhammad art contest that ruled out a likely attack on U.S. soil. Not surprising since the Obama administration has bent over backwards to make sure these agencies receive sensitive training to respect Islam. " 

"Meanwhile Christians are being slaughtered all over the world and the media is silent. I'll tell you what hate speech is. It is the Ayatollah Khameini of Iran, presently in nuke talks with Obama, telling a crowd in Iran, "Of course yes, death to America."
Read more:  here.

 The New York Times LOVES Blasphemy… Except When It Targets Muslims 
 “Some of those who draw cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad may earnestly believe that they are striking a blow for freedom of expression, though it is hard to see how that goal is advanced by inflicting deliberate anguish on millions of devout Muslims who have nothing to do with terrorism,” the Times editorial reads. “As for the Garland event, to pretend that it was motivated by anything other than hate is simply hogwash.”
 In Defense of Pamela Geller

 . . . "Just two months ago President Obama and former President Bush joined together in Selma, Alabama, to celebrate the work of “provocateurs” who knew — and were warned — not to march across Selma’s Edmund Pettus Bridge in support of black voting rights in 1965. As history records, Selma’s Sheriff Jim Clark faced the protesters at the head of a collection of billy-club wielding, horseback-riding troopers and used a bull horn to warn that the protesters “are ordered” to return to their homes or churches. Thus warned — quite specifically warned — that they were in danger of provoking violence, the marchers refused to turn back and kept coming. At Clark’s signal the troopers launched — and so ruthlessly inflicted violent beatings on the protesters that the event became known as “Bloody Sunday.”
Did this man's being gay provoke his killers?
. . .
"Where does this stop? Just as Islam forbids images of The Prophet, so too does it forbid homosexuality. If Americans are not supposed to “provoke” Muslims by doing something that offends their religion, does this mean the push that is on now for gay marriage should come to a screeching halt? Should the Supreme Court make gay marriage illegal because to recognize gay marriage would deliberately provoke Muslims across America and around the world? Indeed, isn’t an American approval of any gay “right” a deliberate provocation of Muslim sensibilities?" Read more here

Hat tip to

Don’t Draw Muhammad Day   "Please submit your examples of what not to draw to – – and I will post them as a reminder to infidels of what not to draw." Read more at iOTWreport.