Saturday, May 9, 2015

Obama Cheapens the Legacy of Our Fallen Heroes

American Thinker..."They died defending our country. They died that their sons and daughters and loved ones would be safe in their country. They died that their sons and daughters and loved ones rights and privileges as citizens would be preserved -- life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And now Obama is cheapening their sacrifice. By administrative legislation, Obama is attempting to give the most precious right of citizenship -- the right to vote -- to illegals who don’t give a damn about the sacrifices of our fallen heroes.

"Illegals already have many (and even more) government benefits than citizens. They do vary from state to state but here is a rundown of state and national government overt and de facto benefits for illegals in NY.
. . . 
"By contrast Obama and team act as if they represent international interests and subsume national interest to perceived international interests. Who wants to be a parochial representative of National interests of a deeply flawed nation when one can be an international leader? After all, as we all know, charity begins abroad."
Read more:


 What's really behind Hillary Clinton's immigration gambit? (+video) . . . "In one fell swoop, Clinton distanced herself from her own past on immigration, her husband’s record, and President Obama. But most important, she staked out a position that goes well beyond anyone in the Republican presidential field.

“ 'Clinton was placing a stake in the ground way further out than any Republican can reach,” says Cal Jillson, a political scientist at Southern Methodist University in Dallas."

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