Friday, May 8, 2015

Suddenly Joe Biden seems a bit more intelligent. Not much, but a bit.

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

Hillary’s Presidential Run: No Joke?. . . " However, on the Democratic side of the 2016 presidential cycle, things are not a laughing matter.
"Hillary Clinton’s signature has barely dried on the batch of governmental forms declaring her presidential intentions and she is already mired in further malfeasance and corruption. Remember, the political scandals of Benghazi and Server-gate (modern-day Nixonian document shredding) are not yet resolved.  Now, to add insult to injury to the body politic, comes the Clintonian financial shell game explained in “Clinton Cash” by author Peter Schweizer.  The book details the connection of Mrs. Clinton, as Obama’s first Secretary of State, bartering favorable U.S. government treatment to foreign contributors to her and Bill’s supposed “charitable” Clinton Foundation." . . .

Clinton Charity Scandal: At Least There Won’t Be an Email Trail

 Chuck Todd reveals Hillary Clinton’s media strategy
 . . . "Allowing Clinton to control the narrative—even for a second, even for a single cycle—is dangerous. If they can manage to flip the cycle with a gameday policy rollout, imagine what they’ll be able to do given more time."

Unearthed Audio: Hillary Said She’s ‘Adamantly Against Illegal Immigrants’ [AUDIO]
 . . . “ 'I am adamantly against illegal immigrants,” then-Sen. Clinton said on the John Grambling radio show in Feb. 2003.

“'Certainly we’ve got to do more at our borders,” she said, adding that, “people have to stop employing illegal immigrants.' ” Here is the audio

 Hillary Clinton’s candidacy could sink
. . . " It boils down to voters liking the candidate personally – even as a leader — but feeling that “the next president should have a different last name.” That represents a philosophical obstacle, not one of policy or personality. As such, it is a far greater problem to overcome. A recent NBC poll showed Democrats wishing to see a strong challenger to Hillary at 43 percent and rising."

 A Warm Welcome for Hillary in LA
" Good to see that someone on our side is starting to employ the same street theater tactics the left has long used.  These Hillary “air fresheners” appear at at least a dozens prominent intersections in LA a few days ago, right before Hillary arrived for a fundraiser." .  . .
Hillary LA 4 copy 

Hillary LA 1 copy
More photos here.

 "Fake, tree-shaped car fresheners with an image of Clinton in the middle have been placed at the corners of Sunset and Amalfi, Sunset and Capri and Sunset and Allenby in the Tony Riviera section of Pacific Palisades, home to Hollywood luminaries like Ben Affleck, J.J. Abrams, Steven Spielberg, and Tom Hanks.

"The air freshener’s caption? “Stench of Corruption.' ”

Stench of Corruption
. . . "Later Thursday, Clinton will head to Beverly Hills for an early-evening $2,700 per plate fundraiser at the home of billionaire entertainment mogul Haim Saban and his wife Cheryl. Saban has been a longtime friend of Clinton, and has donated more than $10 million to the Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton’s presidential library. Sports agency magnate Casey Wasserman will co-host the event at Saban’s home." . . .

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