Monday, May 11, 2015

Winston Churchill, 75 Years Ago Today


 William Kristol  "Seventy-five years ago today, on May 10, 1940, Nazi Germany invaded Holland and Belgium. Conservative prime minister Neville Chamberlain was rebuffed by Labour in his request to join him in a National Government, and at 6 pm, King George VI asked Winston Churchill to form a government. Churchill immediately did so. Here's the last paragraph of Churchill's account in the final chapter of his The Gathering Storm:

During the last crowded days of the political crisis, my pulse had not quickened at any moment. I took it all as it came. But I cannot conceal from the reader of this truthful account that as I went to bed at about 3 A. M., I was conscious of a profound sense of relief. At last I had the authority to give directions over the whole scene. I felt as if I were walking with Destiny, and that all my past life had been but a preparation for this hour and for this trial. Eleven years in the political wilderness had freed me from ordinary party antagonisms. My warnings over the last six years had been so numerous, so detailed, and were now so terribly vindicated, that no one could gainsay me. I could not be reproached either for making the way or with want of preparation for it. I thought I knew a good deal about it all, and I was sure I should not fail. Therefore, although impatient for the morning, I slept soundly and had no need for cheering dreams. Facts are better than dreams.
"The man of the century."

 What Makes a Man of the Century; "There were lots of important individuals, but one stands out"
President Clinton explained his choice of Roosevelt by noting that as a patriot he had to choose an American. Churchill was not only the son of an American mother, but one of only five honorary citizens of the United States. There must be something else that disqualified him in Clinton's eyes, and after reading Lukacs one can almost guess what it must have been. The crucial moment in Churchill's life was the moment when he prevailed upon a terrified British cabinet to fight on under seemingly hopeless circumstances. Can it possibly be that Clinton has the self-knowledge to understand that if by some freak of fate he'd been sitting around that cabinet table, he'd have been one of those who wanted to cut a deal?
Churchill on Appeasement
“You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor, and you will have war.” Spoken in reference to arch-appeaser Neville Chamberlain.
It must be said, however, that Chamberlain had a limit to his desire to appease; he himself declared war on Germany as soon as they invaded Poland on Sept 1, 1939. 
He drew a red line at Poland and meant what he said.  
Churchill himself was determined to follow Hitler to "the gates of Hell" and did just that. 

Don't get too excited over Seymour Hersch's report that Obama lied about the bin Laden raid

Seymour Hersh is a crackpot  "Everyone has been sending me these links to articles about Seymour Hersh charging that Obama lied about the assassination of bin laden. Seriously, people? Seymour Hersh? Hersh is the fellow who charged that Darth Cheney had a secret assassination team that was taking out the Bush Administration’s political enemies. His sources? Well they were anonymous – in other words he was using the voices in his head."

Serial fabricator Seymour Hersh is at it again . . ."Some of this rings true - Obama "embellishing" the details of the raid. And it wouldn't surprise me a bit, given the close relationship between the leadership of the ISI and our military that a couple of very high level Pakistanis knew of the raid in advance. It is understandable why the president would keep that detail to himself when announcing Bin Laden's death. 

"But the rest is typical Hersh - overblown, exaggerated bombast using poorly sourced "facts" to tell a tall tale."

Anyway, here is Hersch's latest expose':

The Hill
"An expose published on Sunday alleges that President Obama deceived Americans with his narrative of the 2011 assassination of Osama bin Laden. "In addition, the source said that the Obama administration originally agreed to announce bin Laden had been killed in a drone strike rather than shot during an active Special Forces mission. “ 'Obama’s speech was put together in a rush,” Hersh wrote of Obama’s announcement of Operation Neptune Spear to Americans. “ 'This series of self-serving and inaccurate statements would create chaos in the weeks following,” he added." . . .    

On Hersch's claim: ...Hersh says the White House did not respond to his requests for comment. Given that the US side of the story is based primarily on a single anonymous source, it should obviously be viewed with skepticism. Even with that caveat, though, the article is a startling read.
From Vox: The many problems with Seymour Hersh's Osama bin Laden conspiracy theory . . . " A decade ago, Hersh was one of the most respected investigative journalists on the planet, having broken major stories from the 1969 My Lai massacre to the 2004 Abu Ghraib scandal. But more recently, his reports have become less and less credible. He's claimed that much of the US special forces is controlled by secret members of Opus Dei, that the US military flew Iranian terrorists to Nevada for training, and that the 2014 chemical weapons attack in Syria was a "false flag" staged by the government of Turkey. Those reports have had little proof and, rather than being borne out by subsequent investigations, have been either unsubstantiated or outright debunked. A close reading of Hersh's bin Laden story suggests it is likely to suffer the same fate.  Rich Lowry says of Vox, "Vox Obama is closed-minded and small."
 . . . Vox called the video clips of its interviews “films.” They had dramatic cut-aways and soothing music, as well as cute gizmos and other supporting material flashing on the screen to illustrate the wisdom and correctness of everything Obama said.
These from Lucianne:
Obama Lied When He Said he Pulled Off Bin Laden Raid Without Help Monday's big story.
Osama bin Laden was killed with help of Pakistanis, who held 9/11 mastermind prisoner at Abbottabad compound: report  More on the bin Laden deception. The Killing of Osama bin Laden
The original Seymour Hersh piece. "The White House story might have been written by Lewis Carroll." We post.. You decide.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Quick links ; Mississippi cop killing updates

SUBWAY WORKER: Celebrates Cop Killings in MS; Social Media Storm Eats Up Sandwich Chain   "Let’s make this chick famous. I wonder if Subway will be deemed ‘racist’ if they can her.
A suspected Subway sandwich store employee has sparked outrage with tasteless social media posts celebrating Saturday’s killing of two Mississippi cops.
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She was cheering the death of these two officers: 2 Mississippi Police Officers Fatally Shot, Suspects Arrested 

I do not hope to see this boycott, however.This smacks too much of the leftist tactic putting businesses into bankruptcy because of a politically incorrect stand, just as those bakers and pizza places were. I hated that. TD

 Fourth Suspect Arrested In Hattiesburg Cop Killing 
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Two Mississippi Cop Killer Suspects Are Felons, Barred From Gun Possession

 curtis marvin banks mississippi
 . . . "A third suspect, 22-year-old Joanie Calloway, was also captured and charged. Law enforcement officials say “she was [allegedly] in the car with the two suspects” when the shootings occurred.

"Felons, like the Curtis brothers, face 100 percent gun control and are completely barred from gun possession. But the deaths of Deen and Tate show that even this level of gun control does not curtail the actions of persons with alleged criminal intent.

"We saw this same thing on May 4, when NYPD Officer Brian Moore died after being shot with a stolen gun. New York has an “assault weapons” ban, a “high capacity” magazine ban, a universal background check requirement, and firearm registration, but none of it stops criminals.

Starnes: Conservatives Blast CBS News for 'Anti-Christian Bigotry'

Todd Starnes, Fox Nation

. . . "Anti-Christian bigotry at its worst, broadcast on CBS Television - and made worse because a supporter of the Southern Poverty Law Center shot and wounded a security guard during a domestic terrorist attack on the Family Research Council's headquarters in 2013.

"Mr. Bozell said there's a lesson to be learned here: Christians need to be prepared.

“ 'Be prepared to be ambushed,” he said. “Be prepared to be slandered. Be prepared to be verbally persecuted.”

"It would be easy to dismiss Mr. Schieffer's ignorance as nothing more than sloppy journalism. But we're not talking about a local cable access show. We're talking about "Face the Nation. "

"Tony Perkins is my friend. He is a good and decent and honorable man - and he deserves better. The only way for Bob Schieffer and CBS News to save face is to face the nation - and apologize." . . .

H/T to  BuycottIndiana  That's BUYcott, you know.

SNL Takes On the Fear of Drawing Muhammad

Mediaite  ..."Tonight’s SNL put on a fake Pictionary-like game show called Picture Perfect, but with a timely twist: One character, Family Matters‘ Reginald VelJohnson (played by Kenan Thompson) was asked to draw Muhammed and, well, considering recent events, balked at the opportunity.

"Ultimately, Reese Witherspoon‘s character guessed, the clue correctly because, well, there was nothing on the easel and the contestant was absolutely afraid to draw it. So there are only a few things it could be, considering recent news?

"Watch below, via NBC:" . . .

Whose lives matter?

"Stay Quiet and You'll Be Okay"

Toon by Bosch Fawstin

  Via PJ Media, which introduced this Steyn article with this:
 STAY QUIET AND YOU’LL BE OKAY:  Mark Steyn defends free speech by calling out the “I love free speech as much as anyone, but” crowd, which includes all progressives, and some prominent self-proclaimed conservatives like Bill O’Reilly.  Steyn observes:
Mark Steyn

. . . " It'll be a long time before you see "Washington Post Offers No Apology for Attacking Target of Thwarted Attack" or "AP Says It Has No Regrets After Blaming The Victim". The respectable class in the American media share the same goal as the Islamic fanatics: They want to silence Pam Geller. To be sure, they have a mild disagreement about the means to that end - although even then you get the feeling, as with Garry Trudeau and those dozens of PEN novelists' reaction to Charlie Hebdo, that the "narrative" wouldn't change very much if the jihad boys had got luckier and Pam, Geert Wilders, Robert Spencer and a dozen others were all piled up in the Garland morgue." . . .
. . .
"Free speech is necessary to free society for all the stuff after the "but", after the "however". There's no fine line between "free speech" and "hate speech": Free speech is hate speech; it's for the speech you hate - and for all your speech that the other guy hates. If you don't have free speech, then you can't have an honest discussion. All you can do is what those stunted moronic boobs in Paris and Copenhagen and Garland did: grab a gun and open fire. What Miliband and Cotler propose will, if enacted, reduce us all to the level of the inarticulate halfwits who think the only dispositive argument is "Allahu Akbar".
"Alas, we have raised a generation of But boys." . . .
. . .
". . . when violent Muslims stage their first explicit anti-free-speech attack on American soil, everyone thinks the mouthy free-speech broad is the problem. This soft jihad goes on every day of the week, and Bill O'Reilly doesn't even seem to be aware that it exists.

Steyn's bottom line, to which I add emphasis:
But Islam is telling you that subject's closed off. Not long after 9/11, some theatre group in Cincinnati announced a play contrasting a Palestinian suicide bomber and the American Jewish girl she killed. Local Muslims complained, and so the production was immediately canceled - because all the arty types who say we need "artists" with the "courage" to "explore" "transgressive" "ideas" fold like a cheap Bedouin tent when it comes to Islam. The Muslim community complained not because the play was anti-Muslim: au contraire, it was almost laughably pro-Palestinian, and the playwright considered the suicide bomber a far more sensitive sympathetic character than her dead Jewish victim.
But that wasn't the point: the Muslim leaders didn't care whether the play was pro- or anti-Islam: for them, Islam is beyond discussion. End of subject. And so it was.
 ISIS threatens controversial blogger Pamela Geller in message boasting of '71 trained soldiers in 15 different states' . . . "Our aim was the khanzeer (pig) Pamela Geller and to show her that we don't care what land she hides in or what sky shields her; we will send all our Lions to achieve her slaughter."

"It says the militants will target Geller and anyone who hides or hosts her.Another high-profile target of terrorists, controversial Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders, made a brief appearance at the contest, where he spoke to the 200 attendees before leaving with his security team." . . .

 Who is Pamela Geller?

Would these same critics have told MLK to be quiet and he'd be OK?
I suppose their logic would say that all this was the fault of Dr. Martin Luther King:


Another Poll: Hillary Least Trusted

iOTWReport   "NEW YORK (WNB) – A new Farnum Poll shows presidential candidate Hillary Clinton struggling to earn the American public’s trust.
 hillary poll wnb

The above is satire, in case that was not obvious to you; but below is not:

Business Insider agrees she has a trust issue  Put another way, the woman is not to be trusted and should be kept as far away from the White House as possible. Forever. 
 . . . "Even so, she is viewed more favorably than her potential Republican rivals, none of whom are as well-known as the former secretary of state, senator and first lady."

George Clooney pledges to support Hillary Clinton any way he can

How Can So Many World Leaders Be So Wrong?

 Whether from ignorance or a dark hidden agenda, the whole of the global warming/climate change is aimed at harming billions, many of whom need the power that this hoax would deny to everyone.
Warning Signs

"In a recent Daily Caller article, Michael Bastach took note of “25 Years of predicting The Global Warming ‘Tipping Point’.” This is the message that the Earth is warming rapidly and, if we don’t abandon the use of fossil fuels for power, it will arrive to wreak destruction on the human race and all life on the planet.

"It is astounding how many past and present world leaders are telling everyone this despite the total lack of any real science, nor any actual warming—the Earth has been in a natural cooling cycle since 1997!

. . . " Climate Change (IPCC) that has been issuing apocalyptic predictions since its inception in 1988. None of its predictions have come true. How could they, based as they are on the false science of computer models, not that based on observable climate events and trends?

"To this day our own government through its meteorological agencies has been caught manipulating the data gathered over the years to conform with the “warming” scenario. The worst has been the Environmental Protection Agency which is engaged in an effort to shut down coal-fired utilities and access to every other energy source on which we depend to power the nation." . . .Read more...

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Was Hillary Clinton abusive to her staff and security people?

Snopes calls it "undetermined" They list "WHAT WAS, WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN, AND WHAT IS"
. . . " Former Pres. Bush Sr. and the current president Bush make it a point to thank and take care of the aircrews who fly them around [When the president flies, there are several planes that also go — one carries the armored limo, another the security detail, plus usually a

press aircraft] and both Bush's made it a point to stay home on holidays, so these Air Force and security people could have a day with their families. 

Hillary Clinton was arrogant and vocally abusive to her security detail. She forbade her daughter, Chelsea, from exchanging pleasantries with them. Sometimes Chelsea, miffed at her mother's obvious conceit and mean spiritedness ignored her demands and exchanged pleasantries regardless, but never in her mother's presence. Chelsea really was a nice, kindhearted, and lovely young lady. The consensus opinion was that Chelsea loved her Mom but did not like her.

Hillary Clinton was continuously rude and abrasive to those who were charged to protect her life. Her security detail dutifully did their job, as professionals should, but they all "loathed" her and wanted to be on a different detail. She was hard to work for because she was so nasty and mean toward her detail. Hillary Clinton was uniformly despised by the Secret Service as a whole. 
. . .  "Neither [Hillary nor Gore] trusted Bill Clinton and, the Secret Service opined, neither of them even liked Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton did have some good qualities where Al Gore and Hillary had none in the view of their security details.
" Origins:   Proving (or disproving) the genuineness of an anonymous second-hand report of information supposedly provided by an equally anonymous Secret Service agent is a formidable task, but several factors tend to indicate this piece is more likely something created for partisan political reasons than an actual Secret Service agent's account:
 . . .
"As Time magazine noted as far back as 1993, cranking out spurious stories that discredited Hillary Clinton and were attributed to Secret Service agents was a known political trick:" . . .

" ‘Stay the f**k away from me! Just f*****g do as I say!!!’ she is quoted as saying to an agent who refused to carry her luggage in the book Unlimited Access by FBI agent Gary Aldridge. " Compared to Hillary’s salty language, Bill Clinton was a gentleman, according to now-retired Secret Service agent, Dan Emmett, who began covering President Clinton on his first day in office in 1993 and writes about guarding the President in a new version of his book" . . .

Secret Service agent: Clinton’s staff rude, Hillary aloof
"In several anecdotes, former agent Dan Emmett revealed that Clinton’s young staff had “fundamental traits of rudeness and arrogance” that teetered on the verge of being dangerous at times. “Most of these youngsters were from wealthy families, and many viewed Secret Services agents as the hired help,” he writes in “Within Arms’s(sp) Length,” an autobiography that provides new details of the inner Secret Service.
. . . 
 "Still, the service is not happy with the anecdotes in the book. “We do stress to all our employees the importance of not sharing anecdotes about the personal, private moments of the protectees,” said Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan. “It causes concern because we don’t want to erode the trust that we have with our protectees.' ”

Angry Hillary threw book at Secret Service agent  . . . "Another retired Secret Service veteran, a plainclothes agent assigned to Clinton’s security detail,corroborated the book-throwing account. “Yeah, it’s true,” he said, without elaborating." . . .
. . . "A Washington Metro Police detective also recalled hearing of the incident at the time, adding that the former first lady “was pretty sh–ty to the Secret Service guys.”

All the above is consistent with her order to fire the White House Travel Office people with the command "fire their asses" of which The Sun Sentinel says she was not proven guilty
. . . " Hillary is a serial perjurer who says she did not give orders to fire the White House Travel Office in 1993, even though David Watkins later said Hillary said to “fire their asses” and he wrote a memo saying there would be “hell to pay” if they Travel Office was not fired immediately." . . .

 "With respect to Mrs. Clinton, there was substantial evidence that she had a `role' in the decision to fire the travel office employees," Ray said in his statement. "Nevertheless, the evidence was insufficient to prove to a jury beyond a reasonable doubt that any of Mrs. Clinton's statements and testimony regarding her involvement in the Travel Office firings were knowingly false."

And this: Hillary and Bill: A Lifetime of Violating People

German soldiers react to footage of concentration camps, 1945

"The image shows the faces of German POWs, captured by Americans, watching a film about a concentration camp. This forced confrontation brought Germans face-to-face with the worst works of the Third Reich. It must be really hard to go through what they did and look back knowing that everything that happened to them, all of their friends who were killed or maimed was in the name of something horrific, something totally repugnant to their own values." . . .
Another view of this scene that was taken from the back of the theater.
Another view of this scene that was taken from the back of the theater.

There was little such remorse coming from these Nazi SS troops: Muslim members of the Waffen-SS 13th division at prayer during their training in Germany, 1943

Members of the division at prayer during their training at Neuhammer in November 1943.
"The photo is taken during the division training at Neuhammer. The romantic notions that Himmler had about the Bosnian Muslims were probably significant in the division’s genesis. He was personally fascinated by the Islamic faith and believed that Islam created fearless soldiers. He envisioned the creation of a Bosnian SS division constituted solely of Bosnian Muslims in a manner similar to the Bosnian divisions of the old Austro-Hungarian Empire." . . .

OBAMA VISITS SOUTH DAKOTA FINALLY: And The Locals’ Reaction Is Nothing Short Of Epic

Clash Daily  "South Dakotans apparently have good BS detectors. Check out the expressions on their faces.
"Scroll down for picture and video."
"As President Barack Obama stood in front of graduates of a South Dakota community college on Friday, he spoke passionately, but the faces of the crowd in front of him told a different story."
Via UK Daily Mail: