Monday, May 11, 2015

Don't get too excited over Seymour Hersch's report that Obama lied about the bin Laden raid

Seymour Hersh is a crackpot  "Everyone has been sending me these links to articles about Seymour Hersh charging that Obama lied about the assassination of bin laden. Seriously, people? Seymour Hersh? Hersh is the fellow who charged that Darth Cheney had a secret assassination team that was taking out the Bush Administration’s political enemies. His sources? Well they were anonymous – in other words he was using the voices in his head."

Serial fabricator Seymour Hersh is at it again . . ."Some of this rings true - Obama "embellishing" the details of the raid. And it wouldn't surprise me a bit, given the close relationship between the leadership of the ISI and our military that a couple of very high level Pakistanis knew of the raid in advance. It is understandable why the president would keep that detail to himself when announcing Bin Laden's death. 

"But the rest is typical Hersh - overblown, exaggerated bombast using poorly sourced "facts" to tell a tall tale."

Anyway, here is Hersch's latest expose':

The Hill
"An expose published on Sunday alleges that President Obama deceived Americans with his narrative of the 2011 assassination of Osama bin Laden. "In addition, the source said that the Obama administration originally agreed to announce bin Laden had been killed in a drone strike rather than shot during an active Special Forces mission. “ 'Obama’s speech was put together in a rush,” Hersh wrote of Obama’s announcement of Operation Neptune Spear to Americans. “ 'This series of self-serving and inaccurate statements would create chaos in the weeks following,” he added." . . .    

On Hersch's claim: ...Hersh says the White House did not respond to his requests for comment. Given that the US side of the story is based primarily on a single anonymous source, it should obviously be viewed with skepticism. Even with that caveat, though, the article is a startling read.
From Vox: The many problems with Seymour Hersh's Osama bin Laden conspiracy theory . . . " A decade ago, Hersh was one of the most respected investigative journalists on the planet, having broken major stories from the 1969 My Lai massacre to the 2004 Abu Ghraib scandal. But more recently, his reports have become less and less credible. He's claimed that much of the US special forces is controlled by secret members of Opus Dei, that the US military flew Iranian terrorists to Nevada for training, and that the 2014 chemical weapons attack in Syria was a "false flag" staged by the government of Turkey. Those reports have had little proof and, rather than being borne out by subsequent investigations, have been either unsubstantiated or outright debunked. A close reading of Hersh's bin Laden story suggests it is likely to suffer the same fate.  Rich Lowry says of Vox, "Vox Obama is closed-minded and small."
 . . . Vox called the video clips of its interviews “films.” They had dramatic cut-aways and soothing music, as well as cute gizmos and other supporting material flashing on the screen to illustrate the wisdom and correctness of everything Obama said.
These from Lucianne:
Obama Lied When He Said he Pulled Off Bin Laden Raid Without Help Monday's big story.
Osama bin Laden was killed with help of Pakistanis, who held 9/11 mastermind prisoner at Abbottabad compound: report  More on the bin Laden deception. The Killing of Osama bin Laden
The original Seymour Hersh piece. "The White House story might have been written by Lewis Carroll." We post.. You decide.

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