Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Obama administration likely to block new Redskins stadium

"The Obama administration will likely block Washington, D.C., authorities from building a new stadium for the NFL's Washington Redskins because of objections to the team’s name.

"The National Park Service (NPS) owns the land under the 54-year-old Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium, a venue two miles east of the Capitol that hosted the Redskins from 1961 to 1996. Some city leaders want to demolish the current stadium and build a new one to lure the football team back from suburban Maryland.

"But Interior Secretary Sally Jewell, whose department includes the NPS, told D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser in April that, unless the Redskins change their name, the Obama administration would not work to accommodate construction of a new venue, according to The Washington Post." . . .
Stand up to this petulant, vindictive man!


Having served for 25 years with young children, half of whom were Latino, I enjoyed their children and their families, and was always welcomed into their homes. The children had a strong sense of family and looked after their younger siblings diligently.

 Many who did not speak English had come to our fields to work and work hard they did. Under their pleasant demeanor, in many there lurked a deeper fear of those of their countrymen who would willingly do violence to them. They lived in fear for their children being drawn into gangs, or being harmed by those Ms.Coulter seems to be discussing in her column below. 

I honestly feel many pictured here have those same fears, because they have lived near those in the following article. TD


Ann Coulter..."When Donald Trump said something not exuberantly enthusiastic about Mexican immigrants, the media's response was to boycott him. One thing they didn't do was produce any facts showing he was wrong.

"Trump said: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems to us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

"The first thing a news fact-checker would have noticed is: THE GOVERNMENT WON'T TELL US HOW MANY IMMIGRANTS ARE COMMITTING CRIMES IN AMERICA.
"Wouldn't that make any person of average intelligence suspicious? Not our media. They're in on the cover-up.
. . .
"Do immigration enthusiasts imagine that more than 75 percent of the recent convicts are African-American? Blacks have high crime rates, but they make up only about 6 percent of California's entire population.

"A casual perusal of the "Most Wanted" lists also suggests that the government may not have our best interests in mind when deciding who gets to live in America.

"Here is the Los Angeles Police Department's list of "Most Wanted" criminal suspects:
-- Jesse Enrique Monarrez (murder),
-- Cesar Augusto Nistal (child molestation),
-- Jose A. Padilla (murder),
-- Demecio Carlos Perez (murder),
-- Ramon Reyes, (robbery and murder),
-- Victor Vargas (murder),
-- Ruben Villa (murder)
"The full "Most Wanted" list doesn't get any better.

"There aren't a lot of Mexicans in New York state -- half of all Mexican immigrants in the U.S. live in either Texas or California -- and yet there are more Mexican prisoners in New York than there are inmates from all of Western Europe.
. . .
"The only reason our newspapers aren't chockablock with reports of Latino sexual predators is that they are too busy broadcasting hoax news stories about non-existent gang-rapes by white men: the Duke lacrosse team (Crystal Gail Mangum), University of Virginia fraternity members (Jackie Coakley) and military contractors in Iraq (Jamie Leigh Jones).
. . . 
"In 2001, the media were fixated on the case of Chandra Levy, a congressional intern who had gone missing. All eyes were on her boss and romantic partner, Democratic congressman Gary Condit. Then it turned out she was assaulted and murdered while jogging in Rock Creek Park by Ingmar Guandique -- an illegal alien from El Salvador.

"There was a lot of press when three Cleveland women went missing a decade ago. By the time they escaped in 2013 from the sick sexual pervert who'd been holding them captive, it was too late for the media to ignore the story. The girls hadn't been kidnapped by the Duke lacrosse team, but by Ariel Castro.

"Now, get this: While investigating Castro, the police discovered that he wasn't the only Hispanic raping young girls on his block. (All in all, it wasn't a great street for trick-or-treating.)

"Castro's erstwhile neighbor, Elias Acevedo, had spent years raping, among many others, his own daughters when they were little girls. The New York Times' entire coverage of that case consisted of a tiny item on page A-18: "Ohio: Life Sentence in Murders and Rapes."
. . .
"No wonder the media is sputtering at Trump. He broke the embargo on unpleasant facts about what our brilliant immigration policies are doing to the country. "  Full article

The Proverbial Camel

Comically Incorrect

LGBT Agenda

LGBT Agenda will not stop with legalized gay marriage. Now it is on to forcing Christian churches to preform gay marriage ceremonies through lawsuits. Cartoon by A.F.Branco ©2015.

Bob Hope Christmas

Big Geek Dad   "Bob Hope was without a doubt one of the greatest entertainers of all time. A wonderful look at some special moments Bob spent with the troops during his many Christmas performances. What a classic entertainer he was and I’m sure that anyone that ever saw him perform live will never forget the show. Thank You to all the Veterans that ever spent a Christmas away from their family and to Bob Hope for spending his Christmas with the troops."

Hat tip to John Paul Curnutt of Madras, OR, whose email included this text:
What memories this brings back.
Alan Alda first saw Bob Hope in WWII. Until the day he died his Dad never ever
missed a Bob Hope special. Alan remembered him laughing and crying at
every show but he never understood why. Now he knows.
Warning. This might make your eyes wet!
Those were the days…..jokes were funny, not disgusting…….and the girls were dressed to make them look pretty, not vulgar...
This is some priceless footage..... This is a great e-mail. It makes me thankful that I am old enough to have lived in the time of Bob Hope.
“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at
the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me Liberty or give me Death!"

God Bless America !

Pedophiles want same rights as homosexuals

Using the same tactics used by "gay" rights activists, pedophiles have begun to seek similar status arguing their desire for children is a sexual orientation no different than heterosexual or homosexuals.  Olive Tree Ministries


Northern Colorado Gazette  . . . "The White House praised the bill saying, “At root, this isn’t just about our laws; this is about who we are as a people. This is about whether we value one another  — whether we embrace our differences rather than allowing them to become a source of animus.”

"Earlier this year two psychologists in Canada declared that pedophilia is a sexual orientation just like homosexuality or heterosexuality.

"Van Gijseghem, psychologist and retired professor of the University of Montreal, told members of Parliament, “Pedophiles are not simply people who commit a small offense from time to time but rather are grappling with what is equivalent to a sexual orientation just like another individual may be grappling with heterosexuality or even homosexuality.”

"He went on to say, “True pedophiles have an exclusive preference for children, which is the same as having a sexual orientation. You cannot change this person’s sexual orientation. He may, however, remain abstinent.”

"When asked if he should be comparing pedophiles to homosexuals, Van Gijseghem replied, “If, for instance, you were living in a society where heterosexuality is proscribed or prohibited and you were told that you had to get therapy to change your sexual orientation, you would probably say that that is slightly crazy. In other words, you would not accept that at all. I use this analogy to say that, yes indeed, pedophiles do not change their sexual orientation.' ”. . .

Death camp survivor tells the Bookkeeper of Auschwitz trial that Oskar Groening ‘was part of the machinery that murdered my family' as the ex-Nazi declares he 'can only ask God for forgiveness'

Groening, pictured in his S.S. uniform, was on duty in Auschwitz during a 48-day period in 1944 when 300,000 Hungarian Jews were shipped there, most of them gassed within hours of arrival
UK Daily Mail  "Former S.S. Auschwitz guard Oskar Groening told a court he had 'no right' to ask anyone for forgiveness for his service at the extermination camp.

" 'I can only ask the Lord God for forgiveness,' the former Sergeant added before apologising once again to the victims whose searing accounts, he said, affected him deeply.

"His statement came before the powerful testimony of one of the world's most famous Holocaust survivors who lost most of her family in the death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland.. . . 


. . . "Irene Weiss, now 84, was photographed on the arrivals ramp by an S.S. cameraman after she stepped down from a crammed cattle car of prisoners in the spring of 1944.

"Forty five years ago she discovered the photo of herself which now adorns Holocaust museums around the world, including the one in Washington D.C.

"After she told her searing tale of loss and survival she said outside court: 'He is right that only God can forgive him, because I cannot. He was part of the machinery that murdered my family and even today, I can imagine him in his S.S. uniform and it sends chills down my spine." . . .
. . .
"Groening was on duty in Auschwitz during a 48-day period in 1944 when 300,000 Hungarian Jews were shipped there, most of them gassed within hours of arrival.

"He continued to insist that he had been on the arrivals ramp 'only three or four times' and that his duties were confined to shipping back to Berlin the money and possessions of the doomed - hence his nickname 'The Bookkeeper of Auschwitz.'

"In the statement, he said: 'What happened in Auschwitz, the mass murder, were known to me through my own actions and later through my interest in the Holocaust. But the details told here were not known to me.

" 'For example, I had no idea of the terrible conditions on the transports. That really shocked me. The descriptions by the survivors and the relatives of the victims also left an extremely strong impression on me.

"'What happened in Auschwitz has been brought before my eyes once again. " . . .

Obama Administration obsessed with accommodating Iranian nuclear goals

Legal Insurrection
 Two reports in The Wall Street Journal raise serious doubts about the efficacy of the emerging nuclear deal with Iran

. . . "In the first case, Jay Solomon of The Wall Street Journal reported (Google link) on the secret dealings between the Obama administration – going back to 2009 – and Iran. The dealings, facilitated by the Sultan of Oman, raise serious questions about how President Barack Obama is going about his nuclear negotiations. (By the way, remember that Obama was silent during Iran’s stolen election of 2009 that returned Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to power. Presumably he didn’t want to upset his negotiating partners.)

"The early negotiations were, in effect, prisoner swaps. The United States and Britain had jailed Iranian nationals for smuggling prohibited items to Iran. Iran wanted the smugglers returned. On the other side, in 2009, three American hikers had strayed into Iran and were imprisoned. The United States saw that the Iranians, who had violated the law, were released quickly. (In one case it appears that an Iranian woman was released early; in other cases their deportation hearing was expedited.) Eventually the three hikers were released, after Oman paid approximately a $500,000 bond for each – essentially a ransom payment. One of the hikers called the releases “goodwill gestures” which the Journal characterized as “help[ing] build momentum for the secret nuclear negotiations.” . . .
 Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Iran and America: the wolves and the sheep

Is Iran luring Obama into a trap in Iraq?   "Bloomberg View’s Eli Lake and Josh Rogin recently reported that U.S. troops are sharing a base with Iran-backed Shiite militias in Iraq, where Tehran’s notorious proxies are spying on U.S. operations and personnel at their leisure to prepare the ground for future crimes. This worrying revelation is the latest manifestation of a misconception about the Iranian regime’s nature and its intentions in Iraq -- an error that can prove to be fatal if not corrected." . . . By Amir Basiri

 US Giving up on Military Inspections of Iran Nuke Sites . . . "If you needed any further evidence that our government is much more interested in playing nice with the Iranians than actually solving the problem at hand, then here it is. “That’s not appropriate” is reasoning that might have worked in high school, but in the real world, we are telling the one of the most dangerous and least trustworthy states in the world exactly where they can building nuclear weapons without worrying about being discovered. Bill Kristol at the Weekly Standard sums it up well*:" . . .
. . . This sentence says it all. Opponents of a bad deal should make it famous: You can only vote for this deal if you accept this basic equivalence between the Iranian regime and the U.S. Which is the consistent position of the left.
*The Sentence That Could Doom the Iran Deal
 And those who've been genuinely undecided, but have said repeatedly that an acceptable deal would have to have "go anywhere, anytime" inspections, must now acknowledge the Obama administration has unequivocally yielded on what had been presented by the administration as one of its key requirements. Could this sentence be a final tipping point in collapsing congressional support for the deal?

ISIS Responds To SCOTUS Gay Marriage Ruling By Tossing 4 Gays From Building As Crowd Cheers, Tweets #LoveWins


"Excerpted from The Gateway Pundit: ISIS celebrated gay love today by tossing four more gays from top of a highrise.
Of course a crowd gathered below to watch the execution.
Several Islamists tweeted out #LoveWins – the same hashtag that was used today after the Supreme Court ruling.
Of course this wasn’t the first time…
A massive crowd assembled to watch ISIS rebels throw another gay man off a building top earlier this month.
Hundreds of spectators came out to watch Keep reading.

 Video here.
Read more at Pat Dollard

Activists to burn U.S. flags in protest prior to July Fourth holiday

"A group calling itself “Disarm NYPD” is set to burn U.S. flags in a Brooklyn park on Wednesday, just days before the July fourth holiday, The Blaze reported Tuesday. The Facebook event, called “Burn the American Flags,” invites supporters to join them at Fort Greene Park to “set fire to this symbol of oppression.”

"According to organizers, Charleston shooting suspect Dylann Roof wasn’t an “isolated actor,” the Blaze said, but a “product of a consistent pattern of state-sponsored terrorism and radicalized dehumanization in America.” Initially, Oliver Darcy added, the event was set to burn Confederate battle flags, but later changed to focus on the stars and stripes instead.

“ 'There will be no peace until we tear down this system of oppression,” the group said, echoing comments made by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. “It isn’t enough to take the flag down; we must put an end to white supremacy once and for all.” The group defended its position in a Facebook post, Darcy said." . . .

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Which politicians own these houses?

Campus Reform   "Hillary Clinton has vowed to be a champion for “everyday Americans.”

"The former Secretary of State—who once described herself and husband Bill Clinton as “dead broke”—kicked off her campaign on June 13 and in her 45-minute speech on New York City’s Roosevelt Island, Clinton delivered a message similar to her initial presidential announcement.

“ 'Americans have fought their way back from tough economic times,” Clinton said in the video announcement on April 12. “But the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top.”

"So what do Millennials think of a candidate who criticizes the “1 percent,” but simultaneously owns multi-million dollar properties in Washington, D.C. and New York and spends her summers in the Hamptons? Campus Correspondent Cabot Phillips took to the streets of our nation’s capitol to find out in Campus Reform’s debut of “Candidate’s Cribs.' ”

Hat tip to Rush Limbaugh who discussed this at length . . . "So here's Campus Reform, a poster board on an easel, four or five mansions, anywhere from five to $15 million, asking random Millennial passersby, who owns them?  They all think either Marco Rubio or Ben Carson.  One person said George Bush.  None of them guessed Hillary Clinton. And when they were told that Hillary owned all of them, they could not believe it.  And then learned that in February 2014 Hillary demanded 275 grand for a 10-minute speech at the University of Missouri Kansas City. " . . .

. . . "But, by the same token, Mrs. Clinton and her husband, Bill, it was shocking. You could have dropped a bomb on these people.  They could not believe it, even after they were told.  Some of them didn't want to believe it.  It didn't compute.  Here's a companion story from the Washington Post: "When the University of Missouri at Kansas City was looking for a celebrity speaker to headline its gala luncheon marking the opening of a women’s hall of fame, one of the names that came to mind was Hillary Rodham Clinton.' " . . .

At ONLY $65,000 for a 10 minute speech, Chelsea the ‘Discount Clinton’ is the choice of fiscally responsible colleges

 Photo published for A college balks at Hillary Clinton’s fee, so books Chelsea for...

Twitchy   " For colleges that want the star power of a Clinton, but don’t want to pay full price, the solution is easy … hire Chelsea instead! She’s a bargain at only $65,000 for an hour’s worth of work (10 minute talk, 20 minute Q and A, 30 minutes posing for photos):"