Monday, September 7, 2015

What we should fear from the Muslim influx

Muslim Man Makes People Immediately Regret Taking Him In, It’s Too Late Now
. . . "One Muslim man, who just got off the train from Syria to arrive in his European land of promise (Budapest, Hungary), did one thing before leaving the station that tells the welcoming community all they need to know about what refugees’ intentions really are. They don’t want to make a better life for themselves, they want to make Westerners’  lives worse, and to call these terrorists refugees is just adding insult to injury." . . .

A Hungarian reporter was broadcasting live at the facility where heaps of jihad hopefuls just passed through, after Europe put the welcome mat out to terrorists. Standing in front of a massive litter of migrants’ clothes and personal belongings strewn about the train station, a refugee brazenly walked right up to the TV camera and made a beheading gesture. It was like he was warning Hungarians of what was to come, that the joke was on them and their kindness, and there is nothing they can do about it now.

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"Meanwhile, other allegedly starving and desolate Syrians, who arrived in Hungary, were outside the station tossing the food and water generously gifted to them by police onto the train tracks. This seems to show they already got what they wanted, a non-stop ride to freedom, where they can impose their will upon innocent people, while taking advantage of the welfare system. This migrant below, like the mock beheader on camera, doesn’t mince words about what he plans to do with the handout. Yet, they get away with their arrogance about their intentions because the media insists on romanticizing the refugee program." . . .
"Without question, there are Syrians that need and deserve help from Europeans and Americans, but unfortunately, there are terrorists that have and will continue to mix into the group of authentic migrants. It’s their easiest way into Western life to spread their jihad, and that fact seems to be ignored by the media."

Kim Davis: civil disobedience or bigot?

Forum:Kim Davis And Gay Marriage Licenses: Civil Disobedience Or Bigot?
"Every week on Monday morning , the Council and our invited guests weigh in at the Watcher's Forum, short takes on a major issue of the day, the culture, or daily living. This week's question: Kim Davis And Gay Marriage Licenses: Civil Disobedience Or Bigot?" . . .

Hillary and Bill's many girls

Hillary covered up Bill's rapes, sex with 'underage girls'


. . . "ROGER STONE: We rest on the shoulders of many brave journalists who have documented and written the stunning facts about the Clintons. Sean Hannity, Peter Schweitzer, Daniel Halper, Michael Goodwin, Christopher Hitchens, David Sirota, Paul Sperry, Ed Klein, Brent Scher, Victor Thorn, Marinka Peschmann, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, Jerome Corsi, Jim Nelson, Roger Morris, Sally Denton, Chris Ruddy and many more have proved the shocking facts about Bill and Hil. Our book is heavily sourced. We let the women sexually assaulted by Bill and psychologically assaulted by Hillary speak for themselves." . . .

. . .

What next for "Black Lives Matter"?

‘Black Lives Matter’—a Year From Now
"Exploring the many reasons why the slogan “Black Lives Matter” will be gone within a year. What will replace it?"
"This is CNN"

. . . "But like all the other past racially chauvinistic movements, “Black Lives Matter” will fail to convince anyone outside a small subset of African-American urban youth to embrace its ideology and advocacy. A year from now it will become another artifact like “It’s a black thing.” It was, after all, the logical denouement to Rev. Wright and the Obamas’ “get in their face,” “punish our enemies,” “typical white person,” “clingers,” “downright mean country,” “never been proud before,” “stereotyping police,” Travyon as the son Obama never had, and the assorted “you didn’t build that,” “not the time to profit,” and lectures about knowing when to quit making money. At some point whining causes weariness.

"There are many reasons why Black Lives Matter will be gone within a year." . . .

Read the full article here.

Parents ranked Miley Cyrus worst celebrity role model

"I want to be the most influential role model for my children. They will be exposed to all kinds of garbage in society that will threaten to rock their faith and challenge their moral foundation. The reality is, however, they might be tempted to not follow the virtues I have instilled in them.

"It comes as no surprise that in a recent poll given to parents, Miley Cyrus earned the title of “worst role model for children,” receiving 78% of the vote. What happened to “Hannah Montana”? I get that she grew up and wanted to shed her Disney persona, but smoking pot on stage and performing lewd acts with a blow-up doll atop a gold car isn’t really necessary to make that point. Besides, Madonna wore that strategy out decades ago.

"Children are going to be exposed to things that may not be healthy. So how can parents minimize that exposure?

1. Keep the lines of communications open. Talk about sex, drugs, and alcohol.

2. Practice what you preach. Children learn by watching you, so you be the best example.

3. Know their friends and their friends’ parents. If their friends are being inappropriate, it may be time to have a talk.

4. Trust but verify. Check up on your kids’ social media and text messages.

5. Turn electronics off at a specific time each day. Kids are more susceptible to inappropriate content when an adult isn’t around."

Via Julie Prince at Conservative Bloggers on Facebook

Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Obama Priorities

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

"A policeman's lot is not a happy one"

 Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
Police Work, in Black and White   . . .  "Officer Weir, do you have a problem with black people?" he asked.
"Excuse me, Sir?"
" 'I have a letter here from a man who says you used a racial slur when giving him a ticket," he growled, tossing the letter on the desk for me to read.
"Lieutenant, I assure you that's an outright lie," I protested after perusing the ragged document.
" 'Really?" he replied, furrowing his brow.  "I doubt the man would go through the trouble of sending a letter unless he was outraged by your insult."
" 'Sir, I was very respectful toward that guy."  I went on to explain what happened, but the lieutenant seemed intent on finding me guilty." . . .Strongly suggest you read this entire article!

Latonya B. James

“We Need To Start Killing These Officers”
. . . "The officer said that as he went to arrest the woman he was surrounded by a crowd that was voicing anti-police sentiments, including “We need to start killing these officers.” …
"The older woman punched the officer in the face and grabbed him by the throat, according to the release."

"Police said Latonya B. James, 40, of Madison threatened many times to kill the officer while on her way to jail."

Hillary digs herself deeper

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

Thomas Lifson  . . . "For a candidate perceived as a liar and arrogant, this approach is the worst possible approach. So why is she doing it? The girl can’t help it. These are accurate perceptions. Oh, and to come clean about why she set up a server that would escape public scrutiny would involve explaining that she intended to do a lot of things, such as raising hundreds of millions of dollars for the family foundation that pays the salaries of her campaign aides in waiting and the private jet trips and five star hotel bills of her family, that would raise awkward questions.

"She compounded the damage by pleading incompetence as the explanation for her private server:
"I was not thinking a lot when I got in. There was so much work to be done. We had so many problems around the world. I didn't really stop and think, 'what kind of email system will there be?'"
“I was not thinking a lot” will become her trademark quotation if she stays in the race. This is the woman whose entire candidacy premise is competence and experience, and she has just undermined her ability to make that argument.
"Short of a personality transplant, I cannot see how Hillary can arrest her fall in the polls:" . . .

Clinton paid State Department IT staffer out of her own pocket to maintain server

Computer issues

Tunnel dweller has some computer issues to solve and hopes to be back on line Monday.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Why Clinton remains inevitable — almost

 Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert
Charles Krauthammer

"Unless she’s indicted, Hillary Clinton will win the Democratic nomination.

"That kind of sentence is rarely written about a major presidential candidate. But I don’t see a realistic third alternative (except for one long-shot, below).

"Clinton is now hostage to the various investigations — the FBI, Congress, the courts — of her e-mails. The issue has already damaged her seriously by highlighting once again her congenital inability to speak truthfully. When the scandal broke in March, she said unequivocally that she “did not e-mail any classified material to anyone.” That’s now been shown to be unequivocally false. After all, the inspector general of the intelligence community referred her e-mails to the Justice Department precisely because they contain classified material.

"The fallback — every Clinton defense has a fallback — is that she did not mishandle any material “marked” classified. But that’s absurd. Who could even have been in a position to mark classified something she composed and sent on her own private e-mail system?" . . .

"The parallel scandal looming over Clinton is possible corruption involving contributions to the Clinton Foundation while she was secretary of state. 
. . .  "We are unlikely to get a straight answer from Clinton. In fact, we may never get the real answer. So Clinton marches on regardless. Who is to stop her?". . .
I doubt a Biden-Warren ticket will happen, but it remains the only threat to Clinton outside of some Justice Department prosecutor showing the same zeal in going after Hillary Clinton as the administration did in going after David Petraeus.
Otherwise the Democrats remain lashed to Clinton. Their only hope is that the Republicans self-destruct in a blaze of intraparty warfare. Something for which they are showing an impressive talent.
 Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

More campus fascism -- and some pushback!

David Limbaugh

David Limbaugh highlights incident of 'professors conspiring against common sense'
. . . "The Daily Caller reports that in his “Introduction to Multicultural Literature” syllabus, professor John Streamas warned white students that “to do well in this class,” they must “reflect” their “grasp of history and social relations” by “deferring to the experiences of people of color.” This professor once berated a student who advocated limits on illegal immigration as “just a white s–-bag.”
"He continued in his syllabus: “Conservative skeptics wonder why we need to study ‘multicultural’ texts, suggesting that the only criterion for selecting books should be literary excellence. … The conservative notion is flawed by the very fact that it is advanced by white people who just happen to think that the very best books and ideas come from white people – they have an investment in proving themselves superior.”
"There was also this gem: “Finally, understand and consider the rage of people who are victims of systematic injustice. James Baldwin wrote that people of color have an obligation to feel rage over this nation’s history of racism. If injustice does not fill you with rage, then perhaps you should ask yourself why.”
"Professor Selena Lester Breikss told students of her “Women & Popular Culture” class that they would risk “failure for the semester” if they used the terms “males” or “females,” because they are “gross generalizations” and “derogatory/oppressive language.”
"American studies professor Rebecca Fowler advised students they would “suffer a deduction of one point” each time they said “illegal alien.' ” . . .


 Yes, Trump's base are "less-educated." This is as opposed to Democratic voters, who couldn't figure out how to fill in a Florida ballot in 2000.
Ann Coulter  " Today we'll talk about how to write a New York Times op-ed in 45 minutes or less. We all like labor-saving tips!

"The main point to keep in mind is that your op-ed is not intended to elucidate, educate or amuse. These are status pieces meant to strike a pose, signaling that you are a good person.

"After reading your op-ed, readers should feel the warm sensation of being superior to other people -- those who don't agree with you. The idea is to be in fashion. It's all about attitude, heavy on eye-rolling.

"(1) Psychoanalyze conservatives as paranoid and insecure. Liberals -- who, to a man, have been in psychoanalysis -- enjoy putting people they disagree with on the operating table and performing a vivisection, as if conservatives are some lower life form.

"Thus, for example, an op-ed in this week's Times by Arthur Goldwag was titled "Putting Donald Trump on the Couch."

"This should not be confused with Justin A. Frank's 2004 book, "Bush on the Couch," offering a detailed diagnosis of Bush's alleged mental disorders.

"Nor should it be confused with a column that went up on Daily Kos the day after I wrote this column, psychoanalyzing me. (I'm just glad I snubbed the guy in high school.)
. . .

"-- "The Tea Party, to be most benign about it, is primarily white, it is witnessing a country changing around it. It feels angry, feels -- the diversity." -- Katrina Vanden Heuvel, MSNBC, May 24, 2012

"(You want angry? Go to an Al Sharpton rally.)
. . .
 A lot of people are followers by nature. They just want to be told: Here are the politicians you admire, and here are the ones you disdain; here are the people you worship, and here are the ones you disparage; here are the TV shows you like, and here are the ones you despise.

"Times writers are like personal shoppers for people too lazy to form their own opinions. Just don't imagine that this is good writing, comedy or art. But it's not bad for something you can dash off in about 45 minutes!"