Sunday, January 10, 2016

Beethoven Google Doodle tests your knowledge of composer's melodies with interactive challenge

The Telegraph

"Ludwig van Beethoven's baptism took place 245 years ago. Can you help him piece his greatest work together?"

"Visiting the Google homepage begins an interactive story in which you must put together Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, Für Elise, Moonlight Sonata and Ode to Joy.
"On his way to the concert hall, a run of bad luck sees Beethoven sees his compositions destroyed in various ways, and you have to arrange sheet music in the correct order to reach the finale.
 "December 17 is not actually Beethoven's birthday, which is unknown, but marks the anniversary of his baptism in 1770.". . . 

Hat tip to Susan Frost McHugh

Hillary Clinton Should Stop Excusing Juanita Broaddrick’s Sexual Assault (Updated)

Hillary Clinton Should Stop Excusing Juanita Broaddrick’s Sexual Assault
The Federalist
So much is at stake when we are talking about presidential elections, especially if one potential candidate for the White House has enabled an alleged rapist.
"If Hillary Clinton wants to champion women’s rights, she should stop excusing the sexual predation of her husband, former president Bill Clinton. For someone so interested in combating the so-called War on Women, she has failed to address one of the most real issues women face—that of sexual violence.

"Anyone old enough to remember Clinton’s presidency is aware of the scandal and eventual impeachment over his behavior and prevarications on what truth actually is during the Lewinsky affair. In the background was Hillary, supporting her husband and family. Less covered and discussed were accusations of rape against the former president by Juanita Broaddrick, a former Clinton supporter." . . .
Broaddrick says she interacted with Hillary over this: “When they got there, she came directly to me and talked with me and said, ‘Bill and I are so thankful for all that you do for him.’ I was just going to say yes, and leave. She took hold of my hand. ‘Everything you do.’ And it sent chills up my spine. I thought, ‘My God, this woman knows. She knows everything.’” 
UPDATE: Bill Clinton Bombs in His First Solo Speech in New Hampshire
"Master communicator reveals Hillary Clinton hypocrisy for using him in the 'fight' for women's rights"
Still have one of these on your car?

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Hillary’s EmailGate Goes Nuclear

Observer News    

"Does the latest release of Hillary’s State Department emails include highly classified U.S. intelligence?"

Democratic Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton gestures while speaking with her supporters and Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) elected officials on January 7, 2016 in San Gabriel, California, to discuss what's at stake for the AAPI community. AFP PHOTO/FREDERIC J. BROWN / AFP / FREDERIC J. BROWN (Photo credit should read FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP/Getty Images)

"Back in October I told you that Hillary Clinton’s email troubles were anything but over, and that the scandal over her misuse of communications while she was Secretary of State was sure to get worse. Sure enough, EmailGate continues to be a thorn in the side of Hillary’s presidential campaign and may have just entered a new, potentially explosive phase with grave ramifications, both political and legal.
"The latest court-ordered dump of her email, just placed online by the State Department, brings more troubles for Team Hillary. This release of over 3,000 pagesincludes 66 “Unclassified” messages that the State Department subsequently determined actually were classified; however, all but one of those 66 were deemed Confidential, the lowest classification level, while one was found to be Secret, bringing the total of Secret messages discovered so far to seven. In all, 1,340 Hillary emails at State have been reassessed as classified." . . .
"There are many questions here. How did Sid Blumenthal, who had no position in the U.S. Government in 2011, and hasn’t since Bill Clinton left the White House fifteen years ago, possibly get his hands on such highly classified NSA reporting? Why did he place it an open, non-secure email to Hillary, who after all had plenty of legitimate access, as Secretary of State, to intelligence assessments from all our spy agencies? Moreover, how did the State Department think this was Unclassified and why did it release it to the public?"
Benghazi Hearing #63, Bruce Plante,Tulsa World,hillary clinton,bernie sanders,election 2016,candidates,democrats,benghazi,emails,hillary emails,benghazi-hearings

Last Night’s Gun Debate Was a Pleasant Surprise

The end result was that the president was more boxed in than he is accustomed to being — not, you will note, because he was shouted down or presented with loaded questions, but because his grander plans are out of step with public opinion, and because it is difficult to sell them with abstractions over an 80-minute debate. If, as I suspect, Obama’s hope was to make a broader case for “doing something,” he failed. 

Charles C.W. Cooke  "I cannot help but feel that we were treated last night to a fleeting glimpse of a reality that could have been. Passionate as he was, this was the Obama that we were promised in 2004: the man of no red states and no blue states; the man who hoped to persuade rather than to condescend; a political man, to be sure, but one who seemed to grasp the realities of the country he leads. At the beginning of the night, I offered a sarcastic quip: This, I suggested, was a bastardization of the term “Town Hall,” and a disgrace to Tocqueville’s memory. One hour and 20 minutes later, I was happy to accept that quite the opposite had come to pass in Virginia."
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

ATF's Coming Nightmare with Obama  "As a guy people often go to to get answers about gun issues, here's my take on Obama's crying press conference on new gun control measures.  Short answer: no real effect on ordinary citizens, but a huge coming nightmare for the government and the ATF.  Other people have focused on HIPAA conflicts and other peripheral matters.  I'll focus instead on the implications of the "unlicensed dealer" issue."

12 shot in Chicago on day of Obama's gun plea
Chicago shooting funeral

Do we REALLY want eight more years of the Clintons?

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings  . . . "In a thread from June 2011, Hillary exchanges e-mails with Jake Sullivan, then her deputy chief of staff and now her campaign foreign-policy adviser, in which she impatiently waits for a set of talking points. When Sullivan tells her that the source is having trouble with the secure fax, Hillary then orders Sullivan to have the data stripped of its markings and sent through a non-secure channel." . . .
"It’s probably time to review the relevant criminal statutes again in this case, such as 18 USC 793:"
Via David Mullin on Twitter:

Embedded image permalink

Rumor Mill: Hillary Facing Criminal Indictment, Obama 2016 Surprise in the Works  "The American Spectator's R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. joins former prosecutor Joe DiGenova in predicting that a decision to indict is coming soon."

Rush Limbaugh makes a valid point:  "You should know that Plugs Biden and John Kerry (who served in Vietnam) are both waiting in the wings for whatever if anything might happen to Mrs. Clinton.  Now, the odds are that nothing will.  I mean, the safest place to be if you are a criminal in this country is to be a Democrat ranking member of the administration."

Author: More Sexual Assault Victims Of Bill Clinton About To Come Forth

"Since returning to the campaign trail as an advocate for Hillary, Bill Clinton has been harried by renewed interest in his past sexual misconduct as well as Hillary’s alleged role in intimidating his victims into silence.
"Roger Stone, author of the New York Times bestselling “The Clinton’s War On Women”, claims that he has personal knowledge of previously unknown victims who are preparing to come forward with accusations against the former president.
“ 'I identified 24 women who’ve been assaulted by Bill Clinton,” Stone said on The Sean Hannity Show. “Now some of these women are still terrified. Some of them have had IRS audits. Some of them have had their families threatened. But others have come forward.' ” . . .
How Bill Quickly Went from Asset to Liability for Hillary’s Campaign
. . . "The media, which loathed the Reagan-Bush years with a passion that hastened the demise of mainstream media credibility, saw Clinton as a redeemer figure in his own right. He was also powerful. And as I keep saying, power corrupts the worshipper more than it corrupts the worshipped." . . .

"I particularly love the subhead on this Slate piece. “The right hopes to turn the feminist consensus on rape against the Clintons.” Ah yes, those terrible conservatives, how dare they take feminists seriously!"
Jonah Goldberg 

Friday, January 8, 2016

Horrifying details emerge of Cologne attacks

"Meanwhile, The Daily Mail reports that the perpetrators taunted the police, claimed they were untouchable, and insisted that the police “be nice” to them.  At least one New Year’s Eve jihadist told the police: “I am Syrian.  I must be handled in a friendly manner.  Mrs. Merkel invited me here!”  Many tore up their temporary residency permits, threw them at the police, and announced they’d have new ones in the morning."
Horrifying details emerge of Cologne attacks   "Information continues to emerge on the war zone that erupted in Cologne, Germany on New Year’s Eve, when thousands of imports from Islamic lands threw bottles and fireworks into crowds and at the police, as well as molested, raped, attacked, robbed, knifed, spat, defecated, urinated, vomited, ranted, and raved as they turned an area of a beautiful city into a site of utter barbarism.  (Other cities in Germany experienced similar violence on New Year’s Eve, which is only now beginning to be reported.)

"One victim had a firecracker shoved into the hood of her jacket.  When she tried to get it out, it fell into her jacket, causing serious burns across her shoulder." . . .

German Muslim Crime Denial Looks a lot like American Black Crime Denial  . . . "That also goes for the 800 cars set on fire in France by the same kind of groups, whose race, ethnicity and religion shall not be named. Unless of course you want to provoke the ire of German and French reporters and public officials -- and Moslem clerics.

"The German and French denial of racial and ethnic violence in the face of loads of video evidence to the contrary has a familiar American ring to it, said Colin Flaherty, author of Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry." . . .

Germans facing the failure of their political leadership on Muslim colonizers  . . . "The dangerous culture of political correctness is so embedded that one report stated that “police chiefs hid evidence from their own officers that the perpetrators were Syrian in order to avoid criticism of Germany’s decision of allowing one million migrants during last year’s crisis.' ” . . .

Will the Sexual Assaults in Cologne Lead Germany to Change Its Laws on Deportation?    First, the possibility that the perpetrators were recently arrived refugees suggests that a dangerous and uncontrollable group of men has been admitted into the country. . . . And since the German government has distributed immigrants carefully throughout the country, with a view to dividing up the burden of integration, these young immigrant males are virtually everywhere."

Mass Sex Abuse in Cologne: Part of a Disturbing Trend among Middle East and North African immigrants
"When a culture holds that rape, let alone other forms of sexual violence, is not just a lesser crime but no crime at all — that women possess no more dignity than that accorded to livestock or kitchen utensils — it is not just one of a host of minor obstacles along the path to coexistence. 

Surprise! 18 Suspects in Cologne Sexual Assaults are Asylum Seekers . . .  "There may have been as many as a thousand participating in these attacks. They've identified 31 so far. Eighteen of them are asylum seekers." . . .

Pat Condell: Nothing to do with Islam

Obama vs. "Guns in America"

. . . "There were also instances when Cooper challenged Obama. When Obama complained that Republicans were politicizing the gun issue, Cooper pointed out that Obama himself said it should be politicized. It doesn't get CNN off the hook for spinning San Bernardino into being about gun control. But they could have easily filled the audience with Democratic Party operatives and gun control activists. While they were present there were other views in that room. Unfortunately, where it concerns his gun control agenda,  I don't think Obama will give these views a moment's consideration."

Does Anyone Believe This Guy Would Be Stopped By ‘Gun Control’?

Pro-ISIS Man ambushes, tries to "execute" Philadelphia cop in name of Islam   Mayor calls for more gun control!
A gunman takes aim at a Philadelphia police officer Jan. 7, 2016, in a still taken from police camera footage.


. . . "Corban's story did not exactly have a happy ending — or, at least, the ending is ever-evolving. Though her assailant is now serving 24 years to life in prison, she struggled with depression, PTSD and stress-related seizures. And, speaking about her experience, she came to realize how important it was for women to have access to guns to protect themselves.
"Then, Thursday night on national television, she got to confront the man she thought wanted to take her guns away: President Obama." . . .

Weasel Of The Week! – 01/07/16

Noisy Room    "Yes, once again, It’s time to present this week’s statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!!

"Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the statuette of shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This week’s nominees were all particularly slimy and despicable, but the votes are in and we have our winner… the envelope please…
"Democrat Front Runner, Rape Enabler and Corrupt Snake Hillary Clinton!"
. . . "As I’ve pointed out before, the people at the FBI and the Justice Department in charge of such things now all work for a man named Barack Hussein Obama and they’ll follow his orders and do what they’re told. There is no independent prosecutor’s office any more. Mr. Bill saw to that just before he left office in 2001. It’s all under the Justice Department and the president’s hand picked attorney general Loretta Lynch now.
"And while Congress could hire an independent prosecutor and allocate funds for an investigation, we all know they won’t.
"So barring an investigation by a future administration, Hill and Bill will likely end up living quite well on the money they ‘earned’ by selling their offices and squirreling it away in their bogus foundation. Crime, unfortunately, does pay from time to time, at least on this mortal coil. And that kind of soulless weaselness is exactly what this award, the Statuette of Shame commemorates since the real reward for this kind of behavior comes from a very different place… see Psalm 92 among other places for details.
"A decent society would have voted the Clintons off the Island a long time ago. It remains to be seen if they will at least deny her the throne she’s schemed so relentlessly to steal." . . .
MSNBC Edits Out Footage Of Bill Clinton Being Asked About Juanita Broaddrick  "Clinton was asked by a reporter about Broaddrick on Thursday in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, after he gave a stump speech there in support of his wife’s campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination.
. . . 
"However, when MSNBC re-aired Welker’s package in the following hour, Picket’s questions about Broaddrick are skipped over. Only Welker’s are shown. The same segment was repeated once again during the 4 p.m. hour, again without Picket’s questions."

Defy America, pay no price

"There is no price for defying Pax Americana — not even trivial sanctions on Iranian missile-enablers. Our enemies know it. Our allies see it — and sense they’re on their own, and may not survive."
Charles Krauthammer

"If you’re going to engage in a foreign policy capitulation, might as well do it when everyone is getting tanked and otherwise occupied. Say, around New Year’s Eve.

"Here’s the story. In October, Iran test-fires a nuclear-capable ballistic missile in brazen violation of a Security Council resolution explicitly prohibiting such launches. President Obama does nothing. One month later, Iran does it again. The administration makes a few gestures at the U.N. Then nothing. Then finally, on Dec. 30, the White House announces a few sanctions.

"They are weak, aimed mostly at individuals and designed essentially for show. Amazingly, even that proves too much. By 10 p.m. that night, the administration caves. The White House sends out an email saying that sanctions are off — and the Iranian president orders the military to expedite the missile program." . . .

Two New Hagiographic Books for Tots about Hillary

Independent Women’s Forum

"We American sophisticates laugh at cheesy, North Korean-style Dear Leader political propaganda, right?
"In an absolutely hilarious review of two new children's books about Hillary Clinton, Meghan Cox Gurdon finds the depictions of Mrs. Clinton worthy of Pyongyang . The new books are bathed in a "hagiographic glow that even kindergartners might find hard to swallow."
"The first book is bears the subtitle  "Some Girls Are Born to Lead:"
. . . 
"These vainglorious picture-book renditions of the life story of an American machine politician give an illuminating glimpse into the mind-set of those who offer themselves as cogs in that machine. Like the Kim family’s posters in North Korea, they are so richly and inadvertently comic that only true believers or the very young and trusting could find them persuasive. Unfortunately, it is the very young for whom these works are intended. "

From Michelle Markel’s ‘Hillary Rodham Clinton: Some Girls Are Born to Lead.’More here from the Wall Street Journal   . . . "Now, it is possible that one or two children may perceive some disjointedness in the idea that women were not “supposed to be” smart or ambitious in those benighted times, yet there existed a prestigious women’s college. But it is not a child’s job to perceive the historical framework beneath layers of deceiving gauze. That is the job of grown-ups, and the grown-ups who created this work are not about to let context knock the halo off the “cool” and “fearless” HRC." . . .

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Hillary, Debbie Stumped on Difference Between Democrats, Socialists

Socialist vs Democrat

NRO  "Chris Matthews stumped Hillary Clinton last night when he asked the Democratic front-runner to explain the difference between Democrats and socialists.  

"Clinton paused before beginning, ”Well you’d have to ask” — at which point Matthews interjected, “I’m asking you!” 

“You’re a Democrat, he’s a socialist,” Matthews continued, referring to Sen. Bernie Sanders. ”Would you like somebody to call you a socialist? I wouldn’t like someone calling me a socialist.” 

"Clinton ducked the question again: ”I’m a progressive Democrat who likes to get things done and who believes we’re better off in this country when we’re trying to solve problems together.”

. . . " 'What's the big difference between a Democrat and a socialist?" he asked a third time. "You're chairman of the Democratic Party. Tell me the difference between you and a socialist." Once again, Wasserman Schultz dodged the question, apparently unaccustomed to being asked real questions from someone like Matthews.

" 'The relevant debate that we'll be having this campaign is what's the difference between a Democrat and a Republican," she said in response. "The difference between a Democrat and Republican is that Democrats fight to make sure everybody has an opportunity to succeed and the Republicans are strangled by their right-wing extremists," she added, completely unable to answer the question throughout the entire exchange.

"A number of people on Twitter had an answer, Twitchy said. For many, there is no difference between the modern Democratic Party and socialists." . . .