"Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the statuette of shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This week’s nominees were all particularly slimy and despicable, but the votes are in and we have our winner… the envelope please…
"Democrat Front Runner, Rape Enabler and Corrupt Snake Hillary Clinton!"
. . . "As I’ve pointed out before, the people at the FBI and the Justice Department in charge of such things now all work for a man named Barack Hussein Obama and they’ll follow his orders and do what they’re told. There is no independent prosecutor’s office any more. Mr. Bill saw to that just before he left office in 2001. It’s all under the Justice Department and the president’s hand picked attorney general Loretta Lynch now.
"And while Congress could hire an independent prosecutor and allocate funds for an investigation, we all know they won’t.
"So barring an investigation by a future administration, Hill and Bill will likely end up living quite well on the money they ‘earned’ by selling their offices and squirreling it away in their bogus foundation. Crime, unfortunately, does pay from time to time, at least on this mortal coil. And that kind of soulless weaselness is exactly what this award, the Statuette of Shame commemorates since the real reward for this kind of behavior comes from a very different place… see Psalm 92 among other places for details.
"A decent society would have voted the Clintons off the Island a long time ago. It remains to be seen if they will at least deny her the throne she’s schemed so relentlessly to steal." . . .
MSNBC Edits Out Footage Of Bill Clinton Being Asked About Juanita Broaddrick "Clinton was asked by a reporter about Broaddrick on Thursday in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, after he gave a stump speech there in support of his wife’s campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination.
. . .
"However, when MSNBC re-aired Welker’s package in the following hour, Picket’s questions about Broaddrick are skipped over. Only Welker’s are shown. The same segment was repeated once again during the 4 p.m. hour, again without Picket’s questions."
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