Saturday, January 9, 2016

Do we REALLY want eight more years of the Clintons?

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings  . . . "In a thread from June 2011, Hillary exchanges e-mails with Jake Sullivan, then her deputy chief of staff and now her campaign foreign-policy adviser, in which she impatiently waits for a set of talking points. When Sullivan tells her that the source is having trouble with the secure fax, Hillary then orders Sullivan to have the data stripped of its markings and sent through a non-secure channel." . . .
"It’s probably time to review the relevant criminal statutes again in this case, such as 18 USC 793:"
Via David Mullin on Twitter:

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Rumor Mill: Hillary Facing Criminal Indictment, Obama 2016 Surprise in the Works  "The American Spectator's R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. joins former prosecutor Joe DiGenova in predicting that a decision to indict is coming soon."

Rush Limbaugh makes a valid point:  "You should know that Plugs Biden and John Kerry (who served in Vietnam) are both waiting in the wings for whatever if anything might happen to Mrs. Clinton.  Now, the odds are that nothing will.  I mean, the safest place to be if you are a criminal in this country is to be a Democrat ranking member of the administration."

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