Monday, June 27, 2016

Red Democrats: Meet The Communists And Socialists On The Dems Platform Drafting Committee

Noisy Room  Several communists and radical anti-American socialists now serve on the influential Democratic Party Platform Drafting Committee.
Democrats_Communist_Donkey_01_220pxNone of them covertly infiltrated their way onto this important body. All were appointed at the request of Bernie SandersHillary Clinton or at the discretion of DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Many of those appointed have been involved with Democratic Socialists of America, which despite its name is a communist group based on the theories of Italian Communist party theoretician Antonio Gramsci – an advocate of revolution through infiltration. Others come from more traditionally communist groups.

. . . "Wasserman Schultz picks include:
"Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), a longtime associate of Democratic Socialists of America and the Communist Party USA. In 1993, Lee, then a Democratic California State Assembly member, was a secret member of the Committees of Correspondence, a Communist Party breakaway organization. She has been to communist Cuba more than 20 times."
. . . 
"Most of these individuals could not pass an FBI background security check to sell you stamps at the Post Office. They would not be allowed to clean the toilets on any military base in this country. Yet they are drafting policies that will shape the lives of more than 300 million Americans."
"It is time for loyal Democrats* to realize that their party is no longer the party of Harry Truman, or JFK. It has been hijacked at the highest levels by enemies of the US Constitution and American freedom."
*Are there any?
Emphasis mine, TD

#Calexit: A #Brexit Inspired movement America loves!

I'd be happy to see California split from the State of Jefferson. So would Jefferson. TD

Legal Insurrection

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"Legal Insurrection readers and authors were recently having a robust discussion on the the British exit from the European Union and its potential impact on the U.S.

"Perhaps the biggest #Brexit effect with be on state independence movements. For example, Louis J. Marinelli, a Californian political activist and leader of the California independence movement, is using the European developments to drive a harder push to have California split from the United States.
His dream of seeing a free, independent California Republic was buoyed by Thursday’s shock result of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union—known as Brexit. Marinelli, president of the “Yes California” movement, was inspired by the Brexit vote, as “Leave” supporters in England and Wales overwhelmed “Remain” backers in Scotland and Northern Ireland—prompting discussions of whether Scotland will hold another referendum to leave the U.K behind and retain EU membership.
All Friday, Marinelli and “Yes California” were busy tweeting and interacting with people musing about a California exit—or Calexit.
"The move already has quite a few proponents:" . . .

Political Correctness puts Americans in Grave Danger

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Scott S. Powell   "If Americans were shocked by the recent terrorist massacre in Orlando committed by Omar Mateen in the name of ISIS and other Islamist jihadis, they should be even more alarmed by the Obama administration’s response, which once again sought to obfuscate the role of Islamist ideology in motivating that terrorist attack -- the largest on U.S. soil since 9/11

"In spite of Islamists having established an unparalleled record of terrorism -- some 20,000 assaults globally in the name of Islam since 9/11 – U.S. law enforcement, intelligence and national armed forces have for many years been operating partially blindfolded with one hand tied behind their backs under the heel of the politically correct posture of protecting Islam and Muslims.
. . . 
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
"However, the strategy that involves the hegemony of political correctness is bound to continue through the balance of the Obama administration. And the black flags will surely keep coming under a Hillary Clinton presidency. Having learned nothing from the spate of Islamist terrorist attacks, Clinton has recently stated she plans to massively increase immigration from the Middle East even without a screening plan, including a 500% increase in Syrian refugees." . . .

Phyllis Chesler: DENYING REALITY WILL GET US KILLED . . . "I understand that politically correct and culturally "sensitive" Westerners do not want to assign collective blame or judge people up in terms of religion, ethnicity, and race. This is a noble endeavor--but at this moment it may also be suicidal."

Why we must support Donald Trump

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

American Thinker  "I supported Ted Cruz during the primaries and struggled mightily with Donald Trump (and in many ways still do).  But I will vote for Trump in November, because as intrigued as I was early on by the NeverTrump movement, it’s clear these folks (who stand on soap boxes of personal integrity) are putting self before country.

"David Horowitz and Daniel Greenfield of Front Page Magazine are two conservatives among many who have been covering the urgent need to get behind Trump.  Writing in forceful and eloquent ways, they are sounding the alarm, pointing out critical differences between Trump and Clinton.  Most recently, Horowitz wrote:
Barack Obama delivers nuclear weapons and $150 billion to America’s mortal enemy in the Middle East…
But when Donald Trump insinuates the president is a man of uncertain loyalties, Republican leaders back away from him. When Trump proposes fighting “radical Islam,” securing America’s borders, stopping unvetted immigration from Muslim terrorist states, surveilling mosques, and scrutinizing the families of terrorist actors, Republicans join Democrats in denouncing him, or take an uncomfortable distance or maintain a silence that leaves him to fend for himself. [snip]
…Democrat betrayers of America are on the attack, while Republican leaders who claim to be patriots are on the run…This is the sad state of the Republican forces in retreat in an election campaign that will decide the fate of our country.
. . .
"So to those holier-than-thou conservatives who refuse to vote for Donald Trump because their personal integrity will not allow them to do so, I say: if you want more jihad, don’t vote for Trump, and help Hillary win.  If you want to be sure our borders remain open, don’t vote for Trump, and help Hillary win.  And if you want the next president to be someone who got Americans killed and then lied about it, don’t vote for Trump, and help Hillary win.  And when Hillary Clinton is sworn in as the next president, you can pat yourself on the back, know you did the right thing, and raise a glass to your integrity, which will have served your ego but not the nation."

Bookworm puts it clearly: . . . "What I can’t respect is Will’s willingness to hand the White House over to Hillary:" . . .

Ayaan Hirsi Ali shames feminists who don’t stand up for Muslim women

Bookworm Room   "It seems to me that an alternative title for this video could be “Moral Relativism Kills.” The West’s feminists freely go around denigrating Western men (especially white Western men) as rapists, sexual chauvinists, workplace pigs, and tyrants, etc. However, when faced with the real tyranny of Islamic and Arab culture when it comes to women, the feminists suddenly fall silent. The toxicity that is moral relativism leaves them incapable of calling misogynistic evil by its real name and consigns millions of girls and women to a dangerous, marginal existence.

"This is just one of the many, many reasons why I do not call myself a “feminist.” The current generation has degraded the word too much for me to want it allied with my values.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

White House refuses Benghazi questions for Obama

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Politico  . . . “ 'It's no surprise President Obama would rather take questions from Derek Jeter than answer questions for the American people about the Benghazi terrorist attacks, which followed what he himself has called his worst mistake — failing to plan for what happened after the State Department pushed U.S. intervention in Libya,” said committee spokesman Jamal Ware, referring to Obama's chat a few days ago with the former New York Yankee. “The White House’s fictional narrative today is the latest chapter of the story it has been spinning since 2012, when four of our fellow citizens were murdered by Al-Qaeda-linked terrorists in the tragic terrorist attacks in Benghazi." . . .

Keystone XL Company Sues Obama And US For $15 Billion Under NAFTA

Andrew Follett, Energy and Environmental Reporter  "The company behind the Keystone XL pipeline filed a $15 billion lawsuit Friday against the Obama administration under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)."

"TransCanada claimed that Obama spent seven years using “arbitrary and contrived” analyses and justifications to delay the pipeline for political reasons. TransCanada’s suit also says that the company had reason to believe that the pipeline would be approved before it was rejected by the Obama administration in November.
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“ 'None of that technical analysis or legal wrangling was material to the administration’s final decision,” TransCanada said in its lawsuit. “Instead, the rejection was symbolic and based merely on the desire to make the U.S. appear strong on climate change, even though the State Department had itself concluded that denial would have no significant impact on the environment.' ” . . 
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Clinton White House was den of coke, mistresses: ex-Secret Service officer

"Hillary, meanwhile, was a human minefield. The Secret Service was convinced Hillary posed a physical threat to her husband, and even gave him a black eye, Byrne writes.
"She also cursed out her security detail, and she and Bill would often try to evade the Secret Service, making it difficult to protect them and putting agents at greater risk, Byrne says."
NY Post

"Gary J. Byrne has devoted his life, and risked it, to serve his country — as a member of the US Air Force, a uniformed White House Secret Service officer, and a federal air marshal.
"And he believes it is his patriotic duty to do anything he can to prevent Hillary Clinton from becoming president of the United States.
"As someone who guarded the Oval Office during the Clinton presidency, Byrne, in an exclusive interview with The Post, tells how he witnessed “the Clinton machine leaving a wake of destruction in just about everything they do.”
"He says he has also seen Hillary’s “dangerous,” abusive, paranoid behavior." . . .
. . .
But, he says, he will never vote for a Clinton.
“I know what the public image of the Clintons is and I know what the real image is,” he says. “And the real one’s dangerous.”
 Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

The Jihadi’s Dilemma

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Glenn Fairman  "I wonder if in the cool and quiet of the evening, long after the muezzin’s final call to prayer, the jihadi mulls over the actions he either perpetrates or gives assent to in the name of his cold and distant deity? Does he pray as I do? Does he attempt to strip off the veneer of self-righteousness that whitewashes the ego and feeds that most loathsome core of sinful pride? Does he really believe that the acts of immolating an iron cage filled with Yazidi girls or smashing the skulls of children in their mothers’ arms renders him as a shining pearl -- a holy offering to his god? Is the immersion of perceived apostates in a fountain of acid or the crucifixion of Christians in the town square – in full view of their own young children -- proof of some iron semblance of moral superiority? Does he ever get beyond the rote babble to a place where he wonders – far beyond the wary eyes of his dead-eyed brethren: "Am I a good man, or am I a bad man?" "And if I am the latter, then what manner of hellish Master do I serve?' "

. . . "From the Bible, we fathom that love, justice, mercy, and forgiveness are divine virtues that span the entire panorama of God’s dealings with man. In Christianity, these facets of His nature coalesce at the Cross: in Jesus’ monumental act of atonement that reconciled once and for all the cavernous breach between God and His free yet wayward creation. Flowing from the gospel is a call to repentance and to put down the entanglements of this world – to walk as strangers in a strange land as we are molded in the refinery of this earth into something that will one day display an immense beauty."

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Obama Administration to Lift Transgender Military Ban

"The military exists for one purpose and that is America’s defense. Our brave men and women in uniform should not be burdened with the task of advancing progressive agendas."
Legal Insurrection
What could go wrong?

Trans Military

"However you feel about transgenderism, the bigger issue is military readiness. Under Obama, our military has been decimated while his administration has used our armed forces as a laboratory for progressive social issues.

"Last month, Frank Gaffney of Secure Freedom Radio interviewed Elaine Donnelly, the President of the Center for Military Readiness, and she explained how and why this is happening:
The reason the military is a target for leftist activism is because everyone in the military must follow orders. Just like the mid-level or in general… who addressed the presidential commission, they’re not really free to dissent from the orders they’re given. This is what makes the military very vulnerable to leftist forces who want to use it to advance social agendas rather than improve its strength and readiness. The intangibles are even more important than what you can see with weapons, systems, ships and planes, how much money is spent on things involving training.
"The military exists for one purpose and that is America’s defense. Our brave men and women in uniform should not be burdened with the task of advancing progressive agendas."


WARNING! Extremely Graphic Content!
To Mr. Obama: "Why have you consistently ordered the words Islam and Jihad and others from our intelligence briefings? Why did you tell the United Nations that “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam?' ”

How Democrat politicians suffer for their causes...