Legal Insurrection
Americans won’t passively watch political drama at game-time any longer.
Americans won’t passively watch political drama at game-time any longer.
. . . "Like me, many people are tired of others turning their sports and entertainment into a political messaging opportunity. Football fans across the country are deeply unhappy at the disrespect being shown to the nation during the anthem-based protests, tired of the #BlackLivesMatters campaign and its race baiting promoters, and angry that the NFL and the teams’ officials are allowing the racialist histrionics to continue.
"Since the football professionals don’t want to clamp down on these game-time protests, citizens are using social media to initiate a boycott campaign themselves.
America, love these crybabies back! Start paying them minimum wage #boycottnfl— Ivy Baker McLaurin (@ivymac) September 14, 2016
The NFL Just Proved How Anti-American They’ve REALLY Become #BoycottNFL— ✯✯US VETERAN✯✯ (@Mike_USPatriot) September 14, 2016
Unite against stupidity, this is NOT the right venue for spoiled overpaid players to act like they care about someone else. #boycottnfl— Michael Lyons (@poetchaser1) September 14, 2016