Lectured-to by Hillary about Islam
"Remember that line when you vote on November 8th."
“ 'Muslims have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.' ”
"Remember that line when you vote on November 8th."
"If President Obama were to pardon Snowden on his way out of office, as so many on the left want, he will be doing great harm to his legacy and, even more important, to the ability of the U.S. intelligence community to keep us safe."
Tony Branco |
"Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were American citizens who spied for the Soviet Union and were tried, convicted, and executed for conspiracy to commit espionage. They were instrumental in the passing of information about the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin, speeding his development of Soviet nuclear weapons programs."
Weasel Zippers photo |
"So unjust were those systems that a measure of over-reaction was inevitable. If a dose of political correctness is the price we pay for the end of Jim Crow and the overthrow of South Africa's race laws, I'd say it's worth paying."Dan Hannan
Sgt. Pennie and Freedom Watch have filed a federal lawsuit that names and shames the black and white backers of anti-police violence from Black Lives Matter to Barack Obama, from George Soros to Al Sharpton, from Farrakhan to Hillary Clinton. The lawsuit targets major anti-police organizations, naming Black Lives Matter and six of its leaders, including Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and DeRay McKesson, Sharpton’s National Action Network, Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam and the New Black Panther Party.Frontpage
Most of us are well known and our stories have been repeated several times over the years, but what concerns me the most are the voices of my sisters who are still afraid to come out of the darkness. I have communicated with a number of them and they are still terrified of publicly sharing their experiences with the Clintons.The real story here is not one of our presence in the front row at any of these debates, but the unhindered lust for power that the Clintons have displayed for decades. Hillary Clinton has lied, cheated and stolen our lives from us. People have died in her wake of deceit.We could fill the entire audience. I would like to see the day when these women can step into the light and share their stories of brutality, terror and intimidation without the kind of fear of intimidation and recrimination that we have experienced for far too many years.
" Bibi is a practicing realist who has succeeded where Obama failed. Bibi has a practical relationship with Putin; they work together where their interests permit and where their interests clash, Putin respects Bibi’s red lines."Power Line "Walter Russell Mead assesses the statesmanship of Barack Obama versus that of Benjamin Netanyahu in the American Interest post “The real Middle East.” The subhead provides this précis: “Precisely because he has a colder view of international affairs than Obama, Netanyahu’s leadership has made Israel stronger than ever.” In the heart of this post he writes:
There is perhaps only one thing harder for the American mind to process than the fact that President Obama has been a terrible foreign policy president, and that is that Bibi Netanyahu is an extraordinarily successful Israeli Prime Minister. In Asia, in Africa, in Latin America, Israel’s diplomacy is moving from strength to strength. Virtually every Arab and Middle Eastern leader thinks that Bibi is smarter and stronger than President Obama, and as American prestige across the Middle East has waned under Obama, Israel’s prestige — even among people who hate it — has grown. Bibi’s reset with Russia, unlike Obama’s, actually worked. His pivot to Asia has been more successful than Obama’s. He has had far more success building bridges to Sunni Muslims than President Obama, and both Russia and Iran take Bibi and his red lines much more seriously than they take Obama’s expostulations and pious hopes.
Jackson's response is little different from that given by Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. There is the pious insistence that he is for "peaceful protest" while giving a wink and a nod to the violence by trying to justify it as a response to racism.
The financial tether from Mr. Soros to the activist groups gave rise to a combustible protest movement that transformed a one-day criminal event in Missouri into a 24-hour-a-day national cause celebre.Hey America! Clinton Campaign Manager Won’t Deny Hillary Supports Sanctuary Cities . . . "Sanctuary cities were initially set up by liberal organizations and municipalities to secure future liberal voters and increase the welfare base, so anyone trying to blame the Republican legislative policies on this travesty is off the map.