Monday, October 10, 2016

It Wasn’t a Town Hall Meeting, It Was a Town Hall Ambush

Todd Starnes


A portion of the debate here:
3. This wasn’t a town hall debate. It was a town hall ambush. CNN’s Anderson Cooper and ABC’s Martha Raddatz, disgraced themselves and their networks by ganging up on Donald Trump. When the audience cheered for Trump, they were told to be quiet. But when they cheered for Hillary, the moderators were silent. “One on three” is how Trump described it.
4. Hillary got rattled.  Donald Trump knocked Hillary off her talking points and she was clearly rattled by his political punches. Off stage, one of her campaign staffers tweeted a profane message to Trump, “F*** you.” Not a bad job for a candidate who was also fielding attacks from Clinton spokesman Anderson Cooper and Clinton’s designated debater, Martha Raddatz.
5. There was no pre-debate handshake. It clearly demonstrated the level of anger and hatred between the candidates. But it’s probably best they skipped the handshake. The Mainstream Media would’ve accused Trump of inappropriate behavior.
6. Clinton won’t say Radical Islam. “We are not at war with Islam and it is a mistake and it plays into the hands of terrorists to act as though we are.” Well, trying telling that to the folks who were blown up, stabbed and gunned down in places like Orlando, San Bernardino, New Jersey, St. Cloud, Minnesota, Chattanooga, Chelsea, New York and September 11th, 2001. 
7. Trump needs to stay focused on the issues. This presidential election was supposed to be about jobs and securing the border and protecting us from radical Islam - not repugnant locker room banter, overweight beauty queens or litigating the past. Don't get distracted by Hillary and her minions in the Mainstream Media."
. . . 

Wikileaks memo shows Hillary promoted Trump

Remember Wikileaks?

Image result for trump clinton debate photos

Conservative Firing Line  "Lost amid the furor over Donald Trump’s sexually charged hot mic recording was another email dump by Wikileaks. The new document dump contains emails purportedly hacked from John Podesta, the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
"One of the documents leaked and subsequently tweeted by Wikileaks allegedly shows that the Clinton campaign worked with the media in “elevating” Republican primary candidates that were more extreme. The Clinton strategy was to make these “Pied Piper” candidates seem to “represent the mainstream of the Republican Party.” The document mentions three candidates by name: Ted Cruz, Donald Trump and Ben Carson.
“ 'We need to be elevating the Pied Piper candidates so that they are leaders of the pack and tell the press to them [sic] seriously,” the document says.
"The Wikileaks tweet does not present the entire document. The portion available is not dated although Wikileaks says that it was “two months before he [Trump] declared his candidacy.” The tweet does not provide a way to identify or find the document within the trove of emails posted on the Wikileaks website.
"If genuine, the document indicates that Hillary Clinton not only interfered with the Republican primary, but also conspired with the media to do so. There were numerous reports that Donald Trump spoke with Bill Clinton prior to declaring his candidacy last year. It is possible that the Clintons set up Donald Trump to run as a Republican, knowing that they could destroy his reputation if he won the nomination.
"At present, the authenticity of the document and Wikileaks claims have not been independently verified.
Read the full story on The Resurgent

Commentary on the Trump-Clinton debate, 10/09/2016

American Thinker:
Will America Wake Up and Smell the Coffee with Trump’s Blunt Truths?  . . . "All that was required after the disaster (others say miscalculation) of Iraq, was a simple continued Status Of Forces Agreement that was already in place at the time, a resolution was not even necessary.  It was already there.  And there would have been no regional cave in and neither any other falling dominoes, even what's happening in Europe.  But no, it was early withdrawal, just like in Viet Nam where there were consequently millions of casualties there as well, due to the same populism then as now." . . .

Oops! Hillary Forgets the Constitution . . . "Without going over the entire debate, the  question about the Supreme Court  provided the answer that mattered.  Hillary did not mention the Constitution; it never occurred to her because she has been party to its shredding throughout the Obama administration." . . .

It was a do or die debate for Trump  . . . "He had pounded his smarmy, pre-packaged, self-righteous opponent and his critics into the ground. He left the stage having turned the tide."

Legal Insurrection:
Mika Rips Republicans Who Dumped Trump: ‘Pathetic, Weak, Spineless’ MSNBC?

Debate No. 2 Quick Reaction – Trump won  . . . "And he didn’t immediately counterattack on Bill Clinton’s sexual abuse and harassment and Hillary’s complicity. He waited, whether deliberately or not, until Hillary repeatedly attacked him on the tape and the moderators seemed to have to pull it out of him.

"But when he did attack, because he didn’t do it immediately, laid out the case against Bill and Hillary quite well." . . .


National Review
Andrew C. McCarthy: Trump’s Special-Prosecutor Promise Is Not a Criminalization of Politics
"The Obama Justice Department’s ‘investigation’ of Hillary Clinton was the real banana-republic event."
. . . "This is manifestly not a case of banana-republic criminalization of politics. Trump was not threatening to go after Clinton because she has the temerity to oppose him politically. He was committing to have a special prosecutor investigate Clinton for mishandling classified information, destroying government files, and obstruction of justice — criminal misconduct that has nothing to do with being a political adversary of Trump’s, and for which others who commit similar felonies go to jail." . . .
On a Bizarre Night, Trump Comes Through Okay  . . . "Moderator Martha Raddatz detests Donald Trump, didn’t hide it much at all, and she seemed to want to debate Trump herself. That was an exceptionally unwise approach to the role of moderator, in part because it validated his complaint from earlier in the evening that it would be “three on one." . . .

David French: Donald Trump Lives to Lose Another Day

Daily Caller:  An Aggressive Donald Trump Uses Debate To Show Critics He Isn’t Leaving Race  " . . .Sessions added. “I’d say the choice couldn’t be clearer. And I believe the Republican voters are going to see that, and I believe he’s going to see a big surge in his support among Republicans after this night.' ”

Here’s Who Won The Debate, According To The Internet  "The pollster Frank Luntz tweeted that 16 members of his focus group determined Trump the winner, while six of them thought Clinton was."

Trump Big Winner Over Three Opponents (Updates)

We are assembling more articles on the debate, but this one on Trump and the media should suffice for the moment. As always, cartoons added. TD

Update: Media Bias is Real: Docs Reveal Relationships Between Team Hillary and “Journalists” "In an exclusive report, The Intercept
 has published a series of documents that show how Hillary and her team worked closely with the media in order to coordinate messaging and showing Hillary in a positive light." . . .

"Hillary’s “reliable surrogates” in the media and in the Obama administration.  The Intercept reveals a list of those in the media and other “good progressive helpers”:  The list is here.

"Glitzy messaging parties for “friendly journalists” and “good progressive helpers' ”  "The Clinton campaign likes to use glitzy, intimate, completely off-the-recordparties between top campaign aides and leading media personalities. One of the most elaborately planned get-togethers was described in an April, 2015, memo — produced, according to the document metadata, by deputy press secretary Jesse Ferguson — to take place shortly before Clinton’s official announcement of her candidacy. The event was an April 10 cocktail party for leading news figures and top-level Clinton staff at the Upper East Side home of Clinton strategist Joel Benenson, a fully-off-the-record gathering designed to impart the campaign’s messaging:" . . .

Martha Raddatz called "worst moderator ever" by social media
"Martha Raddatz, who attended Obama’s wedding was a blatant pro-Hillary plant who made a complete fool of herself with her blatant bias and taking the place of Hillary on occasion and debating Trump herself."

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American Thinker  "Trump was smart to trust his instinct to fight and not follow the advice of all the pundits who said he had to grovel and not bring up the Bubba card. Trump brought four of Bill’s victims who were attacked and smeared by Hillary as part of the cover-up of “bimbo eruptions”. Trump also brought the woman who was the 12-year-old rape victim of a 41-year-old man represented by Hillary, who laughed about how she got the rape charge reduced.

"The presence of the women victims forced Hillary’s cheerleaders, the MSM, to acknowledge that these were victims of rape and sexual harassment, not “infidelities”, and that these were real people, not abstractions.

"It also forced Hillary to hesitate and act defensively. Bill did not look too well. The MSM wanted to talk about the Billy Bush (cousin of Jeb and GWB) tape but Trump took control by bringing Clinton’s victims to the debate, and by going on the attack about Hillary’s record. It was clear that Hillary is not used to being challenged vigorously.

"Trump apologized, but then went on the attack about Bill abusing women and Hillary abusing the women victims. This shook Hillary. She turned defensive and repeated her canned lines. Trump got to her when he said he would appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate her emails scandal, and that she would be in jail if he was in charge.

"Finally, we saw a Republican nominee who fights to win, and trusted his instincts instead of the advice of those who were never in the ring. We had Romney, who refused to challenge Candy Crowley when she stepped in to help Obama on Benghazi. We had McCain, who refused to use the Reverend Wright issue and even attacked his own supporters for using the name Barack Hussein Obama.

"The moderators were the usual MSM types that interrupted and argued with Trump. Trump did not back off, challenging both Raddatz and Cooper about why they interrupted him but not Hillary, and asking them why they did not ask Hillary about the emails.

"The bottom line is that Trump took control by bringing Clinton’s victims to the debate so that everyone could see that there are actual victims of Bill and Hillary.

"Trump apologized for his crude language, but did not grovel.  He set the tone and tempo, and clearly won against his three opponents."


Sunday, October 9, 2016

Gang member suspected of killing two Palm Springs police officers - including a new mom and father-of-eight veteran just two months from retirement


Mass Shooting Occurs In California, ONE Reason You Haven’t Heard About It

. . . "Sadly, these are the same people that wish to praise terrorist groups like the BLM while they crap on police and create chaos, but not everyone agrees with their message. “Today Palm Springs lost two brave officers,” Reyes said. “They go out every day and put their boots on the ground for everybody in this community. They gave it all for you.” This is why we respect our police officers. This is why they deserve our attention."

john felixJohn Felix
John Felix: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
UK Daily Mail
Palm Springs Police Officers carry the body of a fellow officer from Desert Regional Medical Center in Palm Springs to a hearse bound for the coroner's office in Indio, California on Saturday

". . . John Felix, 26, a known gang member, was taken into custody at around 12:50 a.m. Sunday morning after a 12-hour standoff with police." . . .

Trump-Hillary part 2

Image result for ramirez cartoons 2016

Joe Newby: CNN: Fix is in — First question to Hillary will be about Trump tape . . . "On Sunday, CNN let the cat out of the bag, announcing that the very first question in Sunday’s debate will be about the tape of lewd comments made by GOP nominee Donald Trump 11 years ago — and the question will go to Democrat Hillary Clinton."
. . . "Will anyone ask Hillary anything about her decades-long career of lying and scheming her way to the top or her many lies?  I doubt it."

"Note: If you are offended by vulgar language, do not read this."
If you think Donald Trump’s comments are vulgar, check out Hillary’s potty mouth  From Truthfeed via American Thinker

Michael Barone: Will Trump Make a Race of It in the Debates?  . . . "Trump has boasted that he doesn’t bother with debate prep, but surely someone who has his attention has pointed out that it’s not to his advantage to respond to Clinton’s goads like an out-of-control bull. He might have taken the same lesson from watching Mike Pence deflecting Tim Kaine’s jabs or from reviewing the first 20 minutes of his own performance September 26."


If this is peace, why fear war?

Wesley Pruden - The Washington Times

In this Dec. 10, 2009, file photo, President and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Barack Obama poses with his medal and diploma at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony at City Hall in Oslo. (AP Photo/John McConnico, File)

. . . "Mr. Obama has still not learned the lesson taught by the poet Bobby Burns, to see himself as others see him, a president engaged in more wars big and small than his predecessor. He should apologize to George W. He has pulled more than 100,000 soldiers out of Iraq, enabling the success of ISIS in taking vast territory for its so-called Islamic State, and now he has to begin the painful and embarrassing task of sending some of them back. He abhors conventional war, but dispatches drones to kill the guilty and innocent alike.
"He assisted in the invention of a crisis over “climate change,” as if the climate hasn’t been changing since the first thunderstorm ruined Eve’s garden party in Eden. He rewarded Fidel Castro and the old men of the Cuban revolution, eager for the comforts of capitalism as they lie dying, but he is unable to do anything but draw imaginary red lines in the sand, like a child with his coloring book, to prevent the destruction of the Syrians.
"But the president’s peacemaking legacy will be the sweetheart deal he made with the mullahs in Iran, preserving their dream of an Islamic bomb, which the mullahs promise to use to make a second Holocaust of Israel. Mr. Obama said in 2012 that he would give the mullahs an opportunity to “take the diplomatic route and end their nuclear program” or face an American president with lots of options. The world learned that the options were a stream of concessions to keep the Iranian nuclear-weapons program alive and on the way to the bomb." . . .

The Republican White Togas at Work for the Queen of Sleaze

Ronnie Gordon
Clarice Feldman  "Years ago I wrote of my contempt for the white togaed squishes of the right who flee the grounds of the forum when jackals attack their allies in order to keep their garb free of stain. This week in the lead up to the second presidential debate tonight, they’re at it again.
"Just as evidence of the Clinton corruption is once again made manifest in the release of more of her emails and a closer look at the late revised Clinton foundation filings, they flee Trump because of a suspiciously timed tape of an eleven-year-old conversation with GHW Bush’s nephew, Billy Bush. If, like a toddler, you are easily distracted by shining objects. you’ll fall for it. If you’re a grownup who realizes the fate of the world and this country depend on your vote you won’t." . . .

Here is the overview of Ms. Feldman's column warning us of the price we would pay in rejecting the Republican ticket.

1. How Hillary Broke the Law and Destabilized North Africa, creating a Refugee Crisis and a catastrophe in Libya and Syria
Ignoring the advice of the secretary of defense and lawyers in her own department, Secretary Clinton allowed 18 shipments of arms from Qatar to Libyan jihadis who were on the State Department’s own list of foreign terrorists, . . .
 2. Hillary’s speeches to Big Donors Reveal clearly her Deceptive nature and her view of Trump and Sanders supporters
Hacked audio of a conversation between Hillary Clinton and donors during a February fundraising event shows the Democrat nominee describing Bernie Sanders supporters as "children of the Great Recession" who are "living in their parents’ basement."
The article strangely omits item #3 

4. Mud Slung and Squishes Run

In any event, GW Bush admitted he and his dad used the same sort of talk in private, and Vernon Jordan said when they were golfing he and Bill Clinton did, too.
5. Meantime, following Obama’s disengagement of America in the world and his destruction of U.S. military power, the world is getting more and more dangerous
Obama purges the officer corps, cuts our nuclear arsenal, and directs the military to focus on diversity appointments and transgender training. He strips veterans benefits and overlooks the shockingly bad care provided in VA hospitals while providing funds for transgender surgery for the troops, and generous benefits to illegal aliens and unvetted Syrian immigrants. In the meantime, Russia flexes its muscles in Syria, the Far East and Eastern Europe.
. . .  "I doubt that Americans are so addlepated as to pick an incompetent, thoroughly corrupt globalist over an often-vulgar man who loves his country and has accomplished a great deal. I think this leak came so early in the month because Clinton and her allies fear this is true."

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Why me must never allow the Clinton's back into the White House...ever again

Bookworm Room: Donald Trump, vulgarian, versus Hillary Clinton, corrupt incompetent

. . . "If anybody needs to be reminded what I’m talking about, here’s a little rundown of things Hillary has said and done:
"While in Little Rock, allegedly turned $1,000 into $100,000 trading in cattle futures . . . in just ten months, having never traded before.
"While in Little Rock, was a lawyer for and investor in the corrupt Whitewater real estate dealings — and then destroyed and/or hid legal records to hide that work.
"While in the White House, in an effort to pass taxpayer money to friends, fired the entire non-partisan White House travel office, accused them of financial misdealings, and effectively destroyed the life of the head of the travel office.
"When leaving the White House, attempted to steal White House property, which she was then forced to return to the American people."

BROADDRICK: Hillary’s actions speak louder than Trump’s words (Video)

The American Mirror  "Bill Clinton rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick is weighing in on Donald Trump’s controversial comments from 2005 that are mysteriously resurfacing just hours before the second debate and weeks before the general election.
“ 'How many times must it be said,” she tweeted Saturday morning.
“ 'Actions speak louder than words. (Donald Trump) said bad things! (Hillary Clinton) threatened me after (Bill Clinton) raped me.”
How many times must it be said? Actions speak louder than words. DT said bad things!HRC threatened me after BC raped me.
"Broaddrick’s dose of perspective comes as the mainstream media has been silent and uninterested in the ongoing accusations against Bill Clinton and Hillary’s attempts to silence his accusers.

"But in the last 24 hours, they’ve reported ad nauseam about Trump’s 2005 locker room talk caught on a hot mic." . . .

Hillary and the Marines

How ironic if Hillary had become a Marine and had to hold an umbrella over President Obama during one of his Rose Garden addresses. Or bussed tables for a White House dinner. 

Image result for hillary tried to join marines

Maureen Dowd,1994: Hillary Clinton Says She Once Tried to Be Marine  . . . "She told the group gathered for lunch in the Dirksen Office Building, according to The Associated Press, that she became interested in the military in 1975, the year she married Bill Clinton and the year she was teaching at the University of Arkansas law school in Fayetteville.
"She was 27 then, she said, and the Marine recruiter was about 21. She was interested in joining either the active forces or the reserves, she recalled, but was swiftly rebuffed by the recruiter, who took a dim view of her age and her thick glasses. 'Not Very Encouraging'
" 'You're too old, you can't see and you're a woman," Mrs. Clinton said she was told, adding that the recruiter dismissed her by suggesting she try the Army. "Maybe the dogs would take you," she recalled the recruiter saying.
" 'It was not a very encouraging conversation," she said. "I decided maybe I'll look for another way to serve my country.' " . . .

Phony news? Goldman Sachs Transcripts: Hillary Calls Left “Bucket of Losers”

That “Bucket Of Losers” Clinton Speech Transcript Is Totally Fake
(This site brands it a fake and the source one of satire.)

"Hillary Clinton did not say that in a speech at Goldman Sachs. It’s from a fake news website."
"A fake transcript that purports to be from a paid speech Hillary Clinton gave to Goldman Sachs is circulating on Twitter and has been picked up by at least one conservative website.
"More than 2,000 emails belonging to Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podestawere released by WikiLeaks on Friday. In that cache of documents were details of paid speeches Clinton gave to Goldman Sachs and other financial firms. But they were not full transcripts.
"Within hours of those documents going online, though, a fake transcript began making the rounds. It includes a section where Clinton supposedly refers to “a collection of generally under-represented, low social capital individuals” as a “bucket of losers.' ”

Search Podesta emails
The Impious Digest

