Thursday, November 10, 2016

Stunner! Trump cites 10th Amendment in agenda/ Explaining the Tenth Amendment to children.

"Boldin noted that in 1798, Thomas Jefferson “wrote that ‘whensoever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force.' ' ”
Bob Unruh  "The TAC’s Michael Boldin wrote: “When it comes to limits of federal power under the Constitution, the view of many Founding Fathers fits under the same theme. That is, federal acts outside of the Constitution are null and void. Oliver Ellsworth, the Supreme Court’s third chief justice, put it this way during the ratification debates: ‘If the United States go beyond their powers, if they make a law which the Constitution does not authorize, it is void.' ' ”


. . . "Now, it appears his tenure in the Oval Office will venture from the mainstream, but probably in a good way.
"A constitutional way.
On a new website his transition team has created, he’s advocating for the 10th Amendment, the provision in the U.S. Constitution cited often by conservatives who believe the federal government has usurped rights the Founders meant for the states.
"Under his plan to “make America great again,” he addresses constitutional rights.
“Donald Trump understands the solemn duty that comes from the oath of office – swearing to ‘preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.’ He embraces the fact that the reason the Founders of this nation decided to adopt a written Constitution as the supreme law of the land for the first time in world history was to create a democratic form of government in which ordinary people would know the powers of government and the rights of the people. That is why the Constitution’s 4,400 words were written in a way that ordinary Americans would read and understand them, and use a standard to hold public officials accountable.”
The statement continues: “As President, Donald Trump will fulfill that sworn duty, vetoing legislation that exceeds congressional authority, taking actions as chief executive and commander-in-chief that are consistent with his constitutional role, and nominating judges and Supreme Court justices who are committed to interpreting the Constitution and laws according to their original public meaning.
“He will defend Americans’ fundamental rights to free speech, religious liberty, keeping and bearing arms, and all other rights guaranteed to them in the Bill of Rights and other constitutional provisions. This includes the Tenth Amendment guarantee that many areas of governance are left to the people and the states, and are not the role of the federal government to fulfill. The Constitution declares that as Americans we have the right to speak freely, share and live out our beliefs, raise and protect our families, be free from undue governmental abuse, and participate in the public square. ”
"The amendment states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”
"The Tenth Amendment Center lists about 30 specific powers granted to the federal government in the Constitution, although the number may change depending on how they’re counted:" . . .
Much more in this informative, in-depth article.
Explaining the Tenth Amendment to kids
. . . Facts about the Tenth Amendment
The Tenth Amendment was introduced to the U.S. Constitution by James Madison.
The Tenth Amendment is a good example of a part of the Constitution that talks about federalism, which is a type of government that is split up into different governing sections.
The Tenth Amendment was supposed to help limit Congress’s(sp) powers, by preventing any un-enumerated rights, but instead it resulted in more uncertainty ... about their rights. 
more. . .

Now just who are the racists and bigots? Who said Trump supporters?

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High school student is attacked in the school yard after posting her support for Trump on Instagram "Jade Armenio, a sophomore at Woodside High School in Redwood City, California, shared her view on the social media site on Tuesday night alongside millions of others. In the post, the teenager, who cannot yet vote, said she hoped the Republican candidate would win. She was attacked on camera (left) the following day by another student who grabbed her hair and threw her to the ground after Trump's election victory."

Simon Schama launches into impassioned rant as he compares Trump's election to the rise of HITLER
"Schama, who teaches at Columbia University in New York, reacted angrily after newspaper columnist Melanie Phillips told him: 'Calm down, dear.' "

War photojournalist is hospitalized after savage beating by four anti-Trump activists while covering the protests in Oakland  "The 27-year-old was hospitalized and had both his cameras, which were worth $5,000, destroyed in the violent attack."

CNN Knew Who Was Behind the Riots in Several Major US Cities But Didn’t Report It  "This is the second day of riots which the media is fueling. MSM is hyping them for ratings. The reporters will not report who are behind these riots. It’s George Soros, the Socialist Party, the Revolutionary Communist Party and others."

The idea that America ‘doesn’t talk about’ racism is absurd

Boston Globe

. . . "Or, many of us have for days been furiously dismissing Trump’s victory as the action of “racists.” However, many of the people who voted for Trump did so for populist reasons, amid which to them, Trump’s take on black people and women was unseemly, but still less of a priority than to most who voted for Hillary Clinton. Regret this though one may, do all of these people deserve to be casually tarred with the same “racist” label that we appropriately apply to David Duke and Donald Sterling? 
. . . 
"In a similar way, racism is now used to mean not only “an opinion that certain people are inferior because of their race” but “a statement, action, or situation that someone of a certain race feels as having arisen from racist sentiment.” Racism, then, is that which I feel as racist, or something such as a societal discrepancy which I opine must have come from racism." . . .

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Krauthammer: How the new Republican majority can succeed

Charles Krauthammer  "Donald Trump won fair and square and, as Hillary Clinton said in her concession speech, is owed an open mind and a chance to lead. It is therefore incumbent upon conservatives (like me) who have been highly critical of Trump to think through how to make a success of the coming years of Republican rule.

"It begins by recognizing Trump’s remarkable political instincts. As House Speaker Paul Ryan noted in his morning-after olive-branch news conference, Trump heard “a voice out in this country that no one else heard.” Trump spoke to and for a working class squeezed and ruined by rapid technological and economic transformation. 

"One of the principal tasks for the now-dominant GOP is to craft a governing agenda that actually alters their lives and prospects. In the end, it was this constituency of those left behind by the new globalized digital economy that delivered the presidency to Trump.

"Nonetheless, this election was not just about the social/economic divide. It was also about the ideological divide between left and right." . . . 

What does this UK paper say about the Clintons?

"Death of a dynasty that was rotten to its core: After 40 years of sex, lies and scandals, the Clintons are to leave public life beset by a crushing humiliation"
. . . "The first whiff of scandal to surround the Clintons began with the 1993 sacking of the seven employees in the White House Travel Office, soon after Bill had become President.

"These staffers were replaced by a commercial travel firm from Little Rock, Arkansas.

"Critics claimed the changes were ordered by the Clintons so that their cronies — in one case a cousin — could take over the multi-million dollar business of White House travel arrangements.

"A claim that Hillary had been instrumental in securing the firings — something she had denied — seemed to be confirmed by an internal White House memo unearthed in 1996." . . .

Commentary: The unbearable smugness of the press

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CBS  "The mood in the Washington press corps is bleak, and deservedly so.
"It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that, with a few exceptions, we were all tacitly or explicitly #WithHer, which has led to a certain anguish in the face of Donald Trump’s victory. More than that and more importantly, we also missed the story, after having spent months mocking the people who had a better sense of what was going on.
"This is all symptomatic of modern journalism’s great moral and intellectual failing: its unbearable smugness. Had Hillary Clinton won, there’s be a winking “we did it” feeling in the press, a sense that we were brave and called Trump a liar and saved the republic.
. . . 
"As a direct result, we get it wrong with greater frequency. Out on the road, we forget to ask the right questions. We can’t even imagine the right question. We go into assignments too certain that what we find will serve to justify our biases. The public’s estimation of the press declines even further -- fewer than one-in-three Americans trust the press, per Gallup -- which starts the cycle anew."

The List of Executive Orders that Trump Will Dispose of Immediately

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Justin Holcomb  "Barack Obama has spent years using his authoritative pen to sign executive orders into law because Congress constantly prevented him from approving his particular set of rules.  To date, Obama has singed 235 executive orders dealing with every issue from climate change to national security.
"The interesting thing about executive orders is that they are built on faulty foundations.  They are more theoretical than factual.  An executive order can be ripped out from under itself just as quickly as it was signed.  
"On day one of his presidency, Donald Trump will be able to shred and dispose of any executive order that Obama signed into law, making them 100 percent invalid.  
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"Here is a list of orders we can expect to see Trump handle immediately:" . . .


"If the roles had been reversed, and Trump supporters had been caught on tape viciously beating a black Hillary voter, this would be a national news story right now.  As it is, you won’t see this on CNN any time soon."
Infowars  (Video) "You voted Trump? You gonna pay for that s**t!"

. . . "The clip shows the thugs repeatedly screaming, “you voted Donald Trump” as they assault the victim from every angle while others steal his belongings.
“ 'You voted Trump,” the mob screams, “You gonna pay for that sh*t.”
"Another woman shouts “beat his ass,” while another man is heard laughing before remarking, “Don’t vote Trump.”
"A second video of the incident which is dubbed with the “F**k Donald Trump” song, a phrase now being chanted by “protesters” across the country, shows one of the attackers driving away in the man’s vehicle while his hand is still stuck in the window as the car drags him down the street." . . .
New California Senator Kamala Harris supports BLM, but I'm cannot guess what she would say about this incident. Has Mr. or Mrs. Obama commented yet? Rev Wright lives there; perhaps he or Rev. Al will come out against this.
Obama is angry his legacy doesn't last, but I'm afraid this bit of his legacy will be with us forever. He may hope there will be enough racial turmoil during the Trump presidency that we will vote in a Democrat congress next election in hops of having some peace.
How ironic to see Obama, considered blameless for the racial conflict these past years, hoping (I'm sure) for riots and turmoil these next years to be blamed on President Trump.  The Tunnel Dweller.
On the positive sign of this issue:
UPDATE: ‘Stacy On The Right’: “We Won. It’s Not A White Thing. It’s Not A Black Thing. It’s An American Thing”
"Stop blaming white people for Trump's win last night. America voted for actual change." Stacy Washington:

These Are The Celebrities Who Vowed To Leave America If Trump Wins


Zero Hedge "Used to dramatic theatrics even if many of them sounded dead serious, dozens of celebs vowed over the last few months to depart the US if Donald Trump won the White House, saying they’d buy a one way ticket to everywhere from Canada to Jupiter. And perhaps some of them planned on carrying through on their threat: overnight Canada’s immigration website crashed from heavy traffic after it became clear that Trump would win.
"The question, however, now is how many of these provocateurs will be true to their word, especially in a world in which long-held conventions just got slammed overnight: how many of these so-called starts will make good on their promise?
"So, for the sake of convenience, here is a list of celebrities who claimed they would move out of the U.S. under a Trump administration, courtesy of the Hill, should anyone decide to hold them accountable." . . .
Oh, here's one of them now:
Chelsea Handler said she already made contingency plans months ago. 
“I did buy a house in another country just in case,” the comedian and talk show host said during an appearance on “Live with Kelly and Michael” in May. “So all these people that threaten to leave the country and then don’t — I actually will leave that country.”
Ooh! This one is too good to be true:
Civil rights activist Al Sharpton told a reporter earlier this year that he’s “reserving my ticket out of here if [Trump] wins.” 
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Hillary Clinton Destroyed Her Own Campaign

The Daily Beast

"Despite all the odds being in her favor, Clinton managed to sabotage her quest for the White House."
. . . "Controversies surrounding the Clinton Foundation also didn’t do her any favors. The fact that the organization took contributions from foreign governments while Clinton was secretary of State—violating its own commitment, as well as State Department protocol—fueled the perception that big corporations could influence Clinton’s decisions at State by giving to the group. And though evidence of direct quid pro quos never emerged, there were plenty of examples of corporations finding favor with the State Department after giving to the foundation. 

"Those liabilities became nuclear when WikiLeaks, the hacking group, started releasing troves of emails it says it hacked from Podesta’s Gmail account. The Clinton campaign never confirmed or denied the validity of those emails. And the emails revealed that Chelsea Clinton worried the Clinton Foundation had made serious ethical missteps, and that Doug Band—a top aide to Bill Clinton—thought the former president himself had conflicts of interest involving the foundation’s corporate backers." . . .

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Tuesday's Biggest Loser

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy 
Forget Hillary and Trump. The biggest loser Tuesday night was Barack Obama.
Weekly Standard . . . "President Obama's 
record on foreign and domestic policy is dismal, to say the least. His withdrawal of American power from the world coincided with the rise of ISIS, the ravaging of Syria and a series of successful terror attacks both in the heart of Europe and here on American soil. Would there have been a Brexit, or victories for anti-immigration parties in Europe without the failure of Obama's leadership in the Middle East and North Africa? 

"President Obama's domestic-policy record is even worse: The weakest economic recovery since the Great Depression; a record number of Americans on food stamps and for the longest time; a stimulus plan that was an economic joke even before "Cash for Clunkers" became a punchline; and a doubling of the national debt in eight short years. And then there's Obamacare.

"On election night Democratic operative James Carville announced "Obamacare is dead." He's right, but that was true whether Trump or Clinton won.

"Obamacare didn't die in the ballot box, it died in the mail box: Millions of Americans getting letters announcing premium increases of 50, 60, even 100 percent. And that's on top of huge deductibles that made their "insurance" little more than a reverse lottery ticket against medical catastrophe." . . .