Friday, March 3, 2017

Flashback: Chuck Schumer Meets with Putin in New York City

NTK,  via the Gateway Pundit

"Where’s the outrage?

"Democrat Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer continues to push the Russia conspiracy.
"But it was Schumer who met with Putin in New York City – not Trump." . . .

Obama and his Media Allies

Jack Hellner  "The Democrats and their allies in the media certainly couldn’t allow the momentum from the speech to continue, do not want to focus on Trump’s initiatives, don’t want the public to see much about the meetings with different groups, especially minorities and certainly do not want to talk about the massive increases in consumer optimism and business optimism or the trillions in increases in the stock market. Therefore:

"They bring out the tried and true -- people around Trump talked to Russians. It is too bad they didn’t talk to the Iranians instead.

"Hillary always bragged about all her contacts around the world so I do not understand why the NYT, WP, and others haven’t received any information on calls by her or anyone surrounding her the last few years to Russians or other world officials.

"Were the intelligence agencies and Obama officials only targeting calls from Trump officials or from all campaigns including Hillary’s and Bernie’s? Were their court orders involved to authorize the recording of calls?" . . .

Revolt of the attorneys general

"Later, a majority of states secured stays for two egregious EPA measures. One had given the feds sovereignty over the generation and distribution of electricity (the Clean Power Plan), the other over practically every ditch and pond in America (the waters of the United States rule)."

Charles Krauthammer

"Among the many unintended legacies of Barack Obama, one has gone largely unnoticed: the emergence of a novel form of resistance to executive overreach, a check-and-balance improvised in reaction to his various presidential power grabs.

"It’s the revolt of the state attorneys general, banding together to sue and curb the executive. And it has outlived Obama.

"Normally one would expect Congress to be the instrument of resistance to presidential trespass. But Congress has been supine. The Democrats in particular, approving of Obama’s policy preferences, allowed him free rein over Congress’ constitutional prerogatives.
"Into that vacuum stepped the states. Florida and 12 others filed suit against Obamacare the day it was signed. They were later joined by 13 more, making their challenge the first in which a majority of states banded together to try to stop anything.

"They did not always succeed, but they succeeded a lot. They got Obamacare’s forced Medicaid expansion struck down, though Obamacare as a whole was upheld. Later, a majority of states secured stays for two egregious EPA measures. " . . .

How To Provide Universal Health Care Using This One Easy Trick

"(The “do you understand …?” formulation is a condescension reserved only for conservatives, whose disagreement with liberals is taken as a sign of stupidity.)"

Human Events

. . . "The goal of “universal health care” is very simple to achieve, just as the goal of “universal wearing of clothing” seems to have been taken care of.

"The government can provide for those who can’t provide for themselves, but the rest of us need to be allowed to buy health insurance on the free market — an innovation that has made America the richest, most consumer-friendly country in the world.

"It’s taken 50 years, but, thanks to Hillary’s losing the election, we finally have liberals on the record opposing the Soviet Union. Can’t all of Washington come together and end our soviet health care system?"

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Not a good year so far for Hollywood

Comically Incorrect  2017 Oscars: a parade of wealthy limousine leftists expressing their hatred for President Trump and conservative values.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Snubs President Trump in Very Bad Decision

Image result for Ruth Bader Ginsburg cartoons

LAW NEWZ  "U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is on a bit of a roll as of late. During the election, she made a series of controversial statements in which she called Donald Trump a “faker” and even went so far as to say “I can’t imagine what this place would be—I can’t imagine what the country would be—with Donald Trump as our president.” (she later apologized).  But on Tuesday night, Ginsburg  took her political protest of the president one step further when she decided to no show President Trump’s first speech to Congress. It is quite clear that her decision not to attend this year was not a scheduling conflict. Given her public sentiments during the election, this decision was purely a political one.

"Now, it is not entirely unusual for a Justice to skip out on a State of the Union speech. Alito, keeping with tradition, has refused to attend a speech since 2010 when Obama criticized the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Citizens United. He didn’t deviate this year.  Thomas was also a no show. But, that’s also not unusual for him. He hasn’t attended since 2009 saying that because of the political nature of the speeches, he felt it “uncomfortable for a judge to sit there.” While you might not agree with their decisions (I don’t), at the very least, you can say that the conservative leaning justices are sticking to their principles even during a Republican administration."
Image result for Ruth Bader Ginsburg cartoons

CONFIRMED: Obama Admin Sabotaged Trump’s Transition To The White House

Daily Caller

FILE -- President Barack Obama greets President elect Donald Trump at inauguration ceremonies swearing in Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States on the West front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, January 20, 2017. REUTERS/Carlos Barria

"President Trump’s claims that the Obama administration sought to undermine his presidency received some support on Wednesday from a New York Times report on the Obama White House’s activities in the weeks before the inauguration.

"According to The Times, Obama White House officials waged a campaign to procure, save and disperse classified intelligence regarding Trump associates’ contacts with Russians.

"The campaign also involved curtailing the Trump team’s access to highly classified information and of lowering classification ratings on other information about the ongoing Russia investigation so that it could be more widely shared across the government.

"According to The Times’ sources, the Obama officials waged the campaign out of fear that the Trump administration would cover up or destroy some of the information." . . .

Remember when Obama directed that the shutdown must "hurt"?

Only the leftist Democrats are able to love the likes of Obama, Hillary, and Bill

Up to 30 Democrats should resign for meeting with Russians in 2015

Joe Newby

Black Religious Leaders Support Sessions for Attorney General russians democrats

"A number of Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi and Elizabeth Warren, are now demanding that Attorney General Jeff Sessions resign because he met with a Russian ambassador twice in the last year.  It doesn’t matter that he told the truth when he was asked if he had knowledge that anyone connected to the Trump campaign met with the Russians, and it doesn’t matter that his meetings were in line with his work as a Senator.  He met with the Russians, and that’s all that matters.

"But it turns out that up to 30 Democrats met with Russian diplomats in 2015 regarding Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran." . . .

Have the Democrats no shame?

Two groups of ladies dressed in white  ". . . How would the suffragettes react to women who equate  women's rights with abortion?  As for equal pay, we already have those laws on the books.  In fact, they should have dressed in white when they visited President Obama.  It turns out that "equal pay for women" was a problem for the Obama team.

"Unlike Las Damas in Cuba, the Democrat women enjoy a few advantages:
1) They got to sit and criticize the president's speech.  Las Damas in Cuba don't get to boo or disagree with Raúl Castro when he speaks.
2) The Democrat women got to run out of the speech and look for local reporters willing to broadcast their anti-Trump comments.  We repeat that Las Damas face thugs and the secret police harassing them every Sunday afternoon.
Read more.

Trump's speech exposes the sickness of the Democrat Party  . . . "Here are just a few Trump putting America first promises that have enraged Democrats launching a scorched earth policy to stop him.
" 'A new national pride is sweeping across our nation."  Democrat-controlled public schools have been teaching our kids that patriotism is racist
" 'All the nations of the world – friend or foe – will find that America is strong, America is proud, and America is free."  Remember Obama touring the world, apologizing for our greatness?" . . .

Pelosi calls on Sessions to resign for Russian contacts. Has Obama turned America into a third-world country?

"Pelosi and other leading Democrats know full well that accusing Trump of treason outright will not only show them to be paranoid idiots, but also expose their smear campaign for what it is: an underhanded attempt to destroy Trump's credibility.  The smear against Sessions is typical."

Rick Moran  "House minority leader Nancy Pelosi has called on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to resign because he failed to disclose two conversations that Sessions had with the Russian ambassador while he was serving as senator.

"The Washington Post reported that Sessions met with the Russian ambassador to the U.S., Sergey Kislyak, once in July and once in September. 

"In a statement posted on Twitter later by his spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores, Sessions said he had never discussed campaign details with any Russian officials." . . .

This is a major happening and signals a strong movement to sabotage the Trump Administration in every way possible.  If Obama has the support of the American people in this, we will officially be a third-world country:

From the UK Daily Mail: Barack Obama's close confidante Valerie Jarrett has moved into his new DC home, which is now the nerve center for their plan to mastermind the insurgency against President Trump

. . . " 'He had hoped to write his memoirs, golf to his heart's content. and bask in the glory of his eight years in power and the progressive achievements he brought about. Instead, he is going to be leading the fight and strategy to topple Trump.' says the insider.
" . . .

The Sedition Begins! Valerie Jarrett Moves In With the Obamas in D.C.  "Former president Obama is actively engaged in sedition against President Trump. Like a tinpot dictator, he is trying to unseat him. He has set up a command base in his mansion in the ritzy DC neighborhood of Kalorama and had Valerie Jarrett move in. There will be plenty of money for his movement as he and his wife just got about a $30 million dollar book deal – for two books – without a book being sold.
"Obama wants Trump to be ousted through a forced resignation or impeachment, according to a close family friend speaking to Daily Mail
"Obama cannot use his West End office, a post-presidency perk, for political purposes." . . .

1. Incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government.

2. any action, especially in speech or writing, promoting such discontent or rebellion.

Wouldn't this be an impeachable offense?

"Via The Huffington Post/Reuters: "President Barack Obama was caught on camera on Monday assuring outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev he will have "more flexibility" to deal with contentious issues like missile defense after the U.S. presidential election. Obama, during talks in Seoul, urged Moscow to give him "space" until after the November ballot, and Medvedev said he would relay the message to incoming Russian president Vladimir Putin. The unusually frank exchange came as Obama and Medvedev huddled together on the eve of a global nuclear security summit in the South Korean capital, unaware their words were being picked up by microphones as reporters were led into the room...' ".

UK Telegraph  . . . "And Mr Medvedev finishes: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir [Putin].' "

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Somme then and now.. Amazing use of technology

YouTube  "This is my final film of the Battle of the Somme. My other two films, the Somme then and now parts 1 and 2 were just really test runs for this final film, filmed in full HD with many more locations. The name changes were due to Google messing up my accounts,, the other two films would have been removed ...this is my tribute.....The first three pieces of Music are by Ralph Vaughn Williams then Holts and finally Elgar please leave feed back and thank you for watching....We will remember them." . . .

  • "Holst: I Vow To Thee My Country" by The Coldstream Guards Band"

  • Becoming engrossed in this subject because of this piece of artistry, I had to explore further:

    "The fields around Beaumont-Hamel after the Battle of the Somme."
    By Ernest Brooks
    This area:

    Near the same region the allies traveled over in 1940 on their way to the Dunkirk evacuation

    Map of Beaumont Hamel & surrounding area

    Black victimhood: The club no one can join

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    Daniel G. Jones  In 2015, a woman was fired from several positions because of her race. Liberals, whom you’d normally expect to be up in arms over this sort of injustice, were silent. The media gave the story wide coverage and, as is their habit in cases of racial discrimination, voiced a uniform opinion. Their opinion in this case was unusual: the woman deserved to be fired because she was the wrong race.

    That woman was Rachel Dolezal, who lost her presidency of the Spokane branch of the NAACP, her chairpersonship of Spokane’s Police Ombudsman Commission, her teaching position at Eastern Washington University (she taught in the Africana Education program), and her freelance status as a contributor to Spokane’s The Inlander, when it was discovered that she was white. (She’d been outed by her white parents with whom she was estranged.)
    . . .
    "Rachel Dolezal was guilty of victimhood appropriation. She had attempted to join the club of black privilege but -- like the lowly-born upstart who tried to gain membership into the English gentleman’s club of old -- she failed because she lacked the proper breeding. Recent reports describe her as unemployed, living on food stamps, and nearly homeless. As an English baron might have remarked, “Serves her right for putting on airs.' ”
    "Victimhood appropriation"?

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