Sunday, April 2, 2017

A Beginner’s Guide to the Trump/Russia Controversy

Answering the most frequently asked questions about Trump, the Kremlin, 2016, and beyond
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David French at NR   "The controversy over Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, suspicions of the Trump campaign’s involvement in that interference, and concerns about illegitimate and illegal “deep state” attacks on the Trump administration has become so complicated and saturated with twists and turns as to be almost impossible to follow. Herewith is a modest effort to provide context, assess where we are, and offer a few tentative conclusions — an explainer, if you will: 

"First, and most importantly, did Russia actually “hack” the 2016 presidential election?

"No, and the use of that term to describe what Russia did needs to stop. The Russians hacked a few computers, but they did not “hack” an election. The media’s persistent insinuations otherwise are leading millions of Americans to believe that the Russians actually meddled with the election process itself, including with voting machines. There is zero evidence that occurred. None. Zilch. Nada. 

"Well, if the Russians didn’t “hack” the election, what did they do?" . . .

 Read more.

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Anti-Trump propaganda masquerading as journalism in the Chicago Tribune

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Thomas Lifson "We are at an unprecedented moment in American history, with the Democratic Party and its media allies attempting to remove from office, through an unrelenting propaganda campaign, a president elected only months ago.  Even though there is no “fire” – as in actual evidence of anything wrong – propagandists have long known that enough “smoke” blown over the public time and time again is sufficient to embolden Democrat pols to take action (impeachment) eventually, especially if willing or weak-kneed dupes on the Republican side are cowed by the public’s perception of something wrong.
This Chicago Tribune article, titled “Chicago bank tangled up in intrigue over ex-Trump aide Manafort” and written by Betsey Yerak, is an excellent example of the propagandists’ black arts.
"David Kahn writes
This is what passes for news analysis in our current environment. This article is pregnant with the notion that Manafort and the bank did something wrong. But it doesn't even begin to suggest what. This is one of countless articles that are just rife with innuendo. The innuendo is that somebody who is associated with Trump, who knows somebody or worked with somebody who is Russian, or pro Russian, has done something illegal, immoral or otherwise wrong. But none of these articles suggest what it is or what evidence supports it. Except for this innuendo, none of this is newsworthy.
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American Silliness, April 2, 2017

School Orders Boy to “Tolerate” Undressing with Girl and Make it “Natural”
. . . “ 'The District’s directive to Joel Doe was that he must change with students of the opposite sex, and make it as natural as possible, and that anything less would be intolerant and bullying against students who profess a gender identity with the opposite sex,” the lawsuit states.The young man’s parents made an appointment to school leaders and were told that the district is “all-inclusive.' ” . . .
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PETA Says Milk is a ‘Symbol of White Supremacy’  "PETA’s shenanigans vary from the absurd to the downright offensive. From likening rape survivors to pigs and cows, to calling Pokémon a form of animal cruelty, PETA’s efforts to “save the animals” always make the headlines—and with good reason: they’re completely absurd."

Even the Russians can't take us seriously anymore!  Russia Trolls Democratic Party In Epic April Fools’ Day Prank . . . "The message begins with, “You have reached the Russian Embassy. Your call is very important to us.”  
 “ 'To arrange a call from a Russian diplomat to your political opponent, press 1,” the recording continues (in both English and Russian). Users are then instructed to “press 2” in order “to use the services of Russian hackers.” For “election interference” requests, “press 3.' ” . . .

A Northern Arizona University student lost credit on an English paper for using the word “mankind" instead of a gender-neutral alternative.

A stick for a gun is called "harrassment!"

March for Science Organizers Don’t Want ‘White Male’ Bill Nye  "It turns out the “March for Science” scheduled to happen later this month is nothing more than another progressive experiment in identity politics. It’s like the Women’s March, but with science!

"The event is scheduled for April 22nd and there’s already a battle for dominance among leadership. Bill Nye is often held up by the left for his politics but he’s being pushed aside for a leadership role in the march because after all, he’s a white male."

United Airlines made woman change seat because Muslim men wouldn’t sit next to her

DC Clothesline  "Stacey Butler reports for CBS2 Los Angeles that Mary Campos — an Orange County mom, a million-mile flier, and a senior consultant in the oil and gas industry — said United Airlines discriminated against her by changing her pre-assigned seat because two Muslim men refused to sit next to a female.

"On September 26, 2016, just before Campos got on her pre-booked flight to Houston, a gate agent handed her a new boarding pass, saying, “This is your new seat.”
"Campos said, “Excuse me?”.
The agent said, “I don’t know how to tell you this. The two gentlemen seated next to you have cultural beliefs that prevent them from sitting next to, or talking to or communicating with females.”
"Campos was shocked. She told CBS LA: “I thought I lived in a culture [America] where women were equal to men. We can’t discriminate against half the population for a belief from another nation.”
"Campos was told the two men in long orange shirts were Pakistani “monks” and that the female UA flight crew were not allowed to serve the men.
"Campos said she had no choice but to take her new seat assignment. Then she wrote a letter to the CEO of United Airlines, which said, in part:
“ 'What if I were handicapped, or transgender? What if your entire crew were female? Any belief that prevents individuals from interacting with females should not travel on commercial aircraft.”
"She got a reply that said United would look into it, but she didn’t hear from them again.
"CBS2 made inquiries and received this communication from UA spokesman Jonathan Guerin:
“ 'We regret that Ms. Campos was unhappy with the handling of the seat assignments on her flight. United holds its employees to the highest standards of professionalism and has zero tolerance for discrimination.' ” . . .

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Clueless, the game

Trump Has Repealed These 7 Pieces Of Obama’s Environmental Legacy

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Daily Caller  "President Donald Trump signed executive orders and new legislation this week that repealed much of President Obama’s environmental legacy.

"Trump eliminated the Clean Power Plan (CPP) as well as rules and regulations from several different federal agencies that had been implemented as part of Obama’s environmentalist agenda.
“ 'We fully expected the Clean Power Plan to be overturned, but were surprised at the breadth of the Executive Order,” Kathleen Sgamma, vice president for government at the Western Energy Alliance, told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “It comprehensively clears out some of the regulatory overreach of the Obama Administration that was about greater federal control in the guise of environmental protection.”
“ 'Repealing those rules requires months if not years of rule-making and the inevitable follow-on litigation before they will be completely gone,” Sgamma continued." . . .
Here is an outline of parts of Obama’s environmental legacy Trump turned back. Each is discussed more in the article.
1. Stopping The Clean Power Plan
The Clean Power Plan would have only averted 0.019° Celsius of warming by the year 2100, an amount so small it can’t be detected, according to analysis by the libertarian Cato Institute using models created by the Environmental Protection Agency.

2. Changing How The Government Interprets The National Environmental Policy Act

3. Removing Strict Coal Mining Regulations
"America has 83,000 fewer coal jobs and 400 fewer coal mines than it did when Obama was elected in 2008, demonstrating the former president followed through on his pledge to “bankrupt” the coal industry."
4. EPA Denying Green Requests To Have Agency Ban Major Pesticide 

5. Simplifying How Public Lands Are Managed
6. Approving Keystone XL
7. Returning Environmental Regulation To The States. . . 

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What Kind Of Man Is Mike Pence? Here’s That Article The Left Flipped Out Over.

RedState  "You know that profile of Mike Pence someone dredged up to try and make him out to be some chauvinist pig? The one where the online left lost their minds?
"It turns out; there is a video of it being read on C-SPAN in 2002. That video was found by Tommy Christopher and posted to Twitter. The contents of the video are revealing in their lack of anything scandalous."
Video at the link.
"So, let’s establish what Pence’s logic is/was:
  1. He did not want to anyone to get a sense of impropriety about what he was doing.
  2. He set for himself a list of rules to follow that included not eating alone with another woman and not drinking at any event that served liquor if his wife was not wife him.
  3. He put his family first, even during campaign season, making sure he ate with his family at least twice a week and ran clean campaigns keeping the family out of the mix.
  4. He never had staffers work late unless there was a critical vote, and it would be him and one (1) male staffer.
"My God. What a terrible man Mike Pence is.
"Here’s the thing. Everyone reporting on the story never really seemed to have it. They found one thing from a story that someone remembered and ran with this as though it were some shameful thing.
"When you hear the story being read, as it is in the video above, he is not some lunatic or chauvinist. He is a man trying to protect his family from the evils and the gossip-mongers of Washington D.C.
"Say what you want about the fact that he willingly went to work for Trump. Pence is a good man, and this profile is just another reason why."

California, a precious jewel wasted on Californians

Radical Leftist California Looking to Become Illegal Alien Dystopia: May Reconstitute as Defacto “Sanctuary State”  "Barry Secrest notes: The silver lining to this possibility might lie in the fact that California, through an illegal alien population approaching estimates of at least 1/4th of the total population, would most likely be barred from receiving a considerable amount of future federal funding, if it were to make illegals legal. 
"At present, the state is ranked first in the dizzying amount of both federal grants and benefits paid to the state based upon its current population…not to mention the dispensation of disallowing a large number of electoral votes, due to the states not meeting federal voting criteria." . . .

Leftist California Professors "Corrupt" Higher Education  . . . "California taxpayers spend $2.8 billion to educate the more than 230,000 students at the 10 campuses that comprise the UC system. But the report says the UC system does not help students learn how to think, but rather teaches them what to think. And what they "learn" is that they are victims -- whether of racism, sexism, classism or discrimination because of sexual orientation. Liberal profs, says the report, turn the UC campuses into "a sanctuary for a narrow ideological segment of the spectrum of social and political ideas."  

"Nationwide, left-wing professors vastly outnumber conservative professors in the humanities. It isn't even close."' . . .
Take the UC Berkeley history course that majors in that field must take, "The United States from Settlement to the Civil War." Its course description states its goals: "to understand how democratic political institutions emerged in the United States in this period in the context of an economy that depended on slave labor and violent land acquisition."

The Dems just handed Trump and the GOP a gift

Ed Lasky  . . . "Of course, Davidson who is a very liberal, pro-big government columnist, attacks Trump’s plan to trim the IRS. Davidson actually depicts the IRS as a money-making venture. He quotes, as he does in every one of his columns, complaints about demoralized and over-worked federal employees.
"Trump should go on offense. The IRS has really escaped punishment for leaking private tax information for political purposes  as well as its campaign against conservative grassroots groups to quash their free speech rights and help Democrats.
"The fact that Lois Lerner escaped prison, that records were destroyed in a campaign to obstruct justice and allow other guilty parties to escape punishment . . ." 
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Israel takes baby step toward rebuilding Temple ...


The future Third Temple ... as it would appear
The future Third Temple … as it would appear
"With June marking the 50th anniversary of Israel’s reunification of the capital city of Jerusalem along with the Temple Mount, the Israeli government is considering a proposal to create a new foundation responsible for providing “research, information and advocacy” about the Jewish connection to what many consider the holiest site in all of Judaism – the place where the Temple stood until A.D. 70.
"The Temple Mount Heritage Foundation was proposed by Culture Minister Miri Regev and Environmental Protection and Jerusalem Minister Ze’ev Elkin, with an annual budget starting at $550,000. It will be based on the government-funded Western Wall Heritage Fund, which administers the site adjacent to the Temple Mount – believed to be the retaining wall for the 35-acre foundation upon which the Temple was built.
"The project is getting high praise from Israel advocates for rebuilding the Temple.
"Rabbi Yehuda Glick, a target of an assassination attempt in 2014 for his Temple advocacy, said he welcomed the plan for a Temple Mount Heritage Foundation and has personally lobbied for its creation.
“ 'We need to state clearly: The Temple Mount is the foundation of the history of the Jewish people and of the return to the land since the beginning of Zionism,” he said.
"Temple Mount activism has become an increasingly prominent issue in the Israeli political debate, even as Arab Palestinians have sought to deny any connection between the site and the Jewish Temple – in some cases, aided by the United Nations.
"The foundation proposal makes direct reference to the attacks on the historicity of the Temple Mount." . . .

Friday, March 31, 2017

Wishful thinking: Obama official Evelyn Farkas Could Become the John Dean of Trump Surveillance Scandal

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Daniel John Sobieski  "How long does a smoking gun have to smoke before someone picks it up? With all the gorilla dust being tossed about by Democrats and the media, including some on Fox News, that there is no evidence the Obama administration deliberately surveilled Team Trump, an Obama administration State Department official, who later worked for the Hillary Clinton campaign, admitted that was going on.
"Dr. Evelyn Farkas, a non-resident fellow at the vehemently anti-Russia Atlantic Council and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, served as deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia in the Obama administration. According to Politico, she was the Pentagon’s top Russia official, resigning in 2015.
"With the exception of Sean Hannity, who talked at length Wednesday night about her incriminating March 2 interview with MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski, few have noted that she not only admitted the Obama administration was conducting surveillance of Team Trump, but was feeding that information to “people on the Hill”. She told MSNBC in an interview available on YouTube:" . . .
. . . "Farkas does not like Donald Trump and has been writing pieces trashing his credibility and fitness for office while leading the chorus on Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia. She was a perfect fit for the Clinton campaign." . . .

. . . "Evelyn Farkas could be the John Dean of the Obama surveillance scandal.John Dean revealed the secrets of Watergate that helped topple Richard Nixon. Farkas has inadvertently revealed the Obama administration’s secret – that a sitting president was conducting surveillance of the team of his successor. From Hillary’s emails to pay-for-play at the Clinton Foundation to Obama’s illegal surveillance, this was in fact the most corrupy administration in American history, more worthy of Venezuela than our great democracy."

Voxsplained: Vox Says Pence Policy Of Not Eating Alone With Ladies Is Illegal…

It's about time for another "American Silliness" gallery

Weasel Zippers


Trump: Pence has 'one hell of a good marriage'  . . . "Liberal critics and many women said the rule was misogynistic and limited women's options for advancement in workplaces with male bosses. Some religious conservatives, however, likened Pence's practice to that of famed evangelist Billy Graham, who would not meet, eat or travel with a woman alone, which came to be known as the "Billy Graham Rule.'"