Sunday, April 16, 2017

MEDIA BLACKOUT: First Lady Melania Trump’s Visit to Home for Abused Girls Goes Unreported

The Gateway Pundit   "How does the national media try to control how Americans perceive the Trump presidency? One way is to not report on actions that make the Trumps look good. Take for example the Good Friday visit by First Lady Melania Trump to HomeSafe, a home for abused girls in Lake Worth, Florida,located a few miles south of the the Winter White House at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach where President Trump is spending the Easter weekend with his family." . . .

First Lady Melania Trump visits HomeSafe, photo via HomeSafe.

"The First Lady’s visit to HomeSafe was unannounced, however a press release was issued by HomeSafe and several photos were posted online including at the @FLOTUS Twitter account.
"Yet, with the exception of the local Palm Beach Post and FootwearNews which focused on the shoes she wore to HomeSafe, no media reported on the First Lady’s visit." . . .
"Excerpt from the HomeSafeFL press release (photos here):
This morning, First Lady Melania Trump made a surprise visit to HomeSafe, and visited with the girls living in one of the five residential group homes run by the agency. Mrs. Trump brought gifts for each of the girls and spent time in the home visiting with all of them. In addition, she brought Easter Baskets and stuffed bunnies for other clients served by HomeSafe.

“We were thrilled to have the First Lady here and for our girls to spend time with her,” said Matthew Ladika, CEO of HomeSafe. “What a unique experience for them. This is something they will never forget.”
The First Lady spent about 45 minutes at the agency. The girls she visited with are victims of abuse, ages 12-17, who have been removed from their family and placed in HomeSafe’s residential program for treatment of the trauma they have suffered…”

Apparently not all in North Korea are robots

ISIS could take lessons on executions from the "little fat kid" Kim.
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Report: North Korea soldiers face punishment for Kim Jong Un jokes
. . . "News of cadres of the second army corps slandering Kim Jong Un reached all the way to the People's Army's General Political Bureau, and the arrested cadres are to be severely punished," the source said.
"The group had "compared Kim Jong Un to a kindergartner," a joke that began to spread covertly across the military unit, according to the source.
"Other soldiers referred to Kim as a mentally ill patient in their jokes, the source said.
"Kim is so unpopular among the cadres that another joke, suggesting the North Korean leader is more outrageous than his father Kim Jong Il and grandfather Kim Il Sung combined, refers to him as "Kim squared." . . . 
"Kim is increasingly unpopular in the country.
"In December, anti-Kim propaganda leaflets that read, "Let us overthrow Kim Jong Un" were found in the city of Pochonbo." . . .

Retired British Colonel doesn't see war coming to North Korea

From the UK Sun: "This will not lead to a war"

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By Richard Kemp, retired British Army Colonel
I DON’T think this will amount to anything at all. North Korea knows it cannot possibly survive an attack by them against either the US or its allies.
Its dictator would not last long, so I think there is no chance that they would initiate any serious military action.
The Americans are not interested in conflict with them, so they will not initiate anything.
I also believe the Chinese are interested in calming the situation down.
I think the actions of Trump in Syria and Afghanistan, if anything, make conflict with North Korea less likely.
Both the strikes he ordered were legitimate and proportionate, and sent  a message around the world that you do not mess with America anymore.
They signalled that you may have been able to mess with America under Obama  — but you cannot do the same with Trump or you will suffer for it.
That deterrent is far more likely to prevent a conflict than provoke it. So I would say don’t worry  — there will not be a conflict between the US and North Korea.
The statement added: “The closer such big targets as nuclear powered aircraft carriers come (to the Korean peninsula), the greater would be the effect of merciless strikes.”
But talk of pre-emptive action against the rogue state continues to swirl as experts estimated the country would be able to hit Western targets within four years.
Former CIA officer Dennis Wilder told ABC Kim would be able to strike at both the US west coast and Australia very soon if he was able to keep developing his missiles.

Kim’s missile range and the size of his armed forces

Former foreign secretary Malcolm Rifkind claims American intelligence has foiled similar nuke tests."

If we can hack the launches, how about we blow them up on the launch pads? Rockets can be replaced, but the launch facilities would be a whole 'nuther thing. TD

Saturday, April 15, 2017

America’s enemies are emboldened by eight years of cowardice in the Oval Office

War: The Necessary Insanity  . . . "All of which gives context to the present moment. America’s enemies are emboldened by eight years of cowardice in the Oval Office. Our allies have become distrustful of us. To reverse all that, President Trump has sent a clear signal to the world, but it will take more than a few bombs to deter the madmen who intend to kill us. It will take popular support from Americans, support for a massive commitment to battle, and, if it comes to that, the endurance of tens of thousands dead. Is that insane?

"Half of all Americans are already more on the side of the enemy than on the side of freedom.

"Theirs is the true insanity."

N Korea missile launch fails, says South Korea

The cartoons capturing the imagination of Trump's America

America BBC  "Antonio Branco, an editorial cartoonist, is known for his conservative take on current affairs.
"He says he's a fan of a "president that talks directly to the people" and thinks conservatives are now getting their message across in online media after being slow to do so initially.
"Branco shares what he thinks about liberal "overreaction" to Trump and the current state of political speech."
Mr. Branco's site is at Comically Incorrect. As his cartoons demonstrate, Tony does not suffer fools gladly.

Car ploughs into group of people on the Sidewalk in Palma

mallorca spain map

Vlad Tepes Blog  "A driver of Northern African background drove onto the pedestrian walk at a main traffic road in Palma on Saturday morning. Five people who were waiting at a bus stop were injured, the Spanish sister newspaper of MM, Ultima Hora report on their webpage.
"The driver of the vehicle was arrested. He is being charged with battery and endangering the safety of the traffic. Word is that according to police, the young driver of Moroccan nationality lost control over the car. The car came to a stop at the outer wall of a branch bank.
"Panic broke out immediately after the accident at the scene of the accident at the Avenida Alejandro Rosselló near the central Plaza España. Police started a large scale operation to get the situation under control quickly. Initially, there is no information about the backgrounds of the accident which occurred around 10 AM CET.
"According to Spanish Media reports, the police are now investigating if it is a simple traffic accident, or if other motives could lie behind the incident.
One of the victims suffered grave injuries. Ultima Hora tweets that the injured are four tourists from the Northwestern Spanish region Galicia, all of them old age pensioners, and one young person from Palma." . . .

Nikki Haley: A star is born on the UN stage

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Washington Examiner  "Nikki Haley, on the job barely 12 weeks as ambassador to the United Nations, has become a driving force in President Trump's move to reassert American leadership abroad.

"This was most obviously on display in the days surrounding Trump's decision to punish Syria for using chemical weapons. In a globally televised presentation before the U.N. Security Council, the former South Carolina governor bluntly admonished Damascus for its barbarity, and, just as significantly, scolded Russia in similarly plain language for propping up dictator Bashar Assad.
. . . 
" 'She's doing a good job of talking tough, but that's not diplomacy," said a Republican who previously worked at the U.S. Mission to the U.N., and requested anonymity in order to speak candidly.
"Accomplishment at the U.N. is measured through critical resolutions and punitive sanctions. Americans, particularly conservatives, often dismiss the importance of U.N. action, but the organization carries weight in other countries. To deliver, Haley's is going to have to learn how to negotiate support for U.N. action from countries' whose interests, and values, aren't aligned with the U.S.
"That means winning over authoritarian countries like Russia that can't be swayed by the kind of eloquent public shaming the ambassador leveled recently during a U.N. session to discuss the crisis in Syria. It means securing the backing of moderate Muslim nations that can be persuaded to side with the U.S., but that, because of domestic politics, won't if Haley is too forceful an advocate for Israel, a key American ally." . . .

Former Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich In Bed With Kim Jong-Un

Make that "former congressman", but still a Democrat.

Fox Commentator In Bed With Kim Jong-Un

The main sponsor of the anti-THAAD tour is the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), a self-described “revolutionary Marxist party in the United States,” and its front, Act Now to Stop War & End Racism (ANSWER).
Individual endorsers of this campaign include Marxist academic Noam Chomsky and former Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich, who is now a Fox News contributor.

. . . "It’s fascinating that Kucinich is now a leader of the campaign against defending South Korea from a communist attack.
"His “message of solidarity to the Korean people in the struggle to oppose the THAAD missile ‘defense’ system” reads like something written by a North Korean propagandist. “THAAD is not a technology for peace,” Kucinich says. “It is for war.”
"Kucinich says, “It could be argued that the installation of such a system, whether it works or not, is a provocation (‘first the shield, then the sword’). Added to the joint U.S./South Korean military exercises, it places an additional burden of tension to already strained relations with the North. I would instead urge greater reliance upon the wonderful capacity of the Korean people to engage in diplomacy with the brothers and sisters in the North, to avert conflict.”
"It is signed by Kucinich with the biographical information, “Member of the United States Congress, 1997-2013. Democratic Candidate for President 2004 and 2008.”
"It certainly looks like a major figure in the Democratic Party is acting like a foreign agent for the North Korean regime. There seems to be more evidence of his work on behalf of Kim Jung-un than there is for Trump being a Russian agent." . . .

Trump’s MOAB Drop Triggered a Tweet You Need to Read


National Review  "I want you to read this tweet, sent after today’s MOAB drop and written by an American patriot and a man I’m privileged to know, Johnny (Joey) Jones:

“I lost my legs because my gov’t was afraid to use the tools they had and saw me as expendable. I wish I’d had this admin.”
In response to online argument, he further amplified his point:
“We begged to use bombs on the minefield ghost town I lost my legs clearing.”
And again:
“Because, I believe, more of us would’ve come home alive and whole if we’d used bombs to eradicate enemy safe havens – Feel free to disagree.”
. . . 
"By the way, I quote these tweets not to spark any anger against the man Jones is addressing, Daniel Riley (who’s also a vet and amputee; he lost his legs to an IED in Afghanistan), but to highlight an important and painful point about our almost 16-year-long war. Excessive American caution has cost American lives and American limbs, and it has left families and friends of the victims with deep psychological wounds. Those wounds would be grievous enough in the best circumstances, but they’re compounded by the fact that many of the decisions not to shoot, not to use artillery, or not to drop bombs were based on a combination of rules of engagement and military misjudgments that were transparently foolish at the time.
. . . 
"Obama was notorious for not only implementing strict rules of engagement but for vacuuming an enormous amount of military decision-making authority straight to the White House. It’s hard to think of a more disempowering practice. It’s hard to think of a practice better calculated to lead to timidity in the field. Trump seems to be bringing a change, and it’s a change that’s long overdue. "

Friday, April 14, 2017

Reflecting on the last eight years

File under "nice to think about": MOAB Makes Foreign Adventurism Less Likely Because Less Necessary

. . . "For deterrence to work, three conditions must be met. First, the party that seeks to deter an adversary must have the capability to do what it threatens to do. Second, the deterring party must demonstrate the will to follow through on a threat. Finally, there must be an element of uncertainty at work.

"Our adversaries became more aggressive during the Obama years because of the absence of the last two factors. The Obama administration made it clear that it lacked the will to carry through on threats, e.g. Obama’s “red line” in Syria. Obama’s predictable behavior also lessened our adversaries’ uncertainty.
"Trump’s actions have restored the missing two elements (our will to use force and the enemy’s uncertainty) to the concept of deterrence." . . .
"Mackubin Thomas Owens is dean of academics for the Institute of World Politics in Washington DC, a Senior Fellow of the Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI) in Philadelphia, and editor of Orbis, FPRI’s quarterly journal. He recently retired after 29 years as Professor of National Security Affairs at the US Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island." . . .
Former Intel Officer on MOAB: 'The Next 4 Years Will Be Different Than the Last 8'

. . . "He said it's difficult to use precision strikes on such a complicated system of caves, canyons and tunnels, so a massive bomb like the MOAB is a much more effective option.
"Pregent explained that the bomb is intended to destroy surface-level tunnels, denying our enemies the ability to use them.
"He added that the devastating effects of the weapon will also make ISIS fighters think twice about using such tunnels.
"Why did the Obama administration allow this complex to exist for all these years? Tucker asked.
"Pregent said the MOAB is a "bravado weapon," and the past administration was focused on handing the fight off to the Afghan people and pulling Americans out.
"He said that the decision to deploy the bomb sends a message to our adversaries around the world: "The next four years will be different than the last eight.' " . . .

Krauthammer: Russia Now Knows '8 Years of Free Lunch Is Over' 

 "Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer responded to the meeting between American and Russian diplomats by saying he was encouraged by its "iciness.

"Krauthammer said Secretary of State Rex Tillerson made it clear to the Kremlin that "the eight years of [a] free lunch is over."
"He said Tillerson struck the perfect tone of reserve and glumness, while telling Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov exactly where America stands on the Syrian attack and other issues.
"Krauthammer said Tillerson was a refreshing change from former Secretary of State John Kerry (D-Mass.), who went "around like a puppy dog" telling the world Russia was listening to the West.
"He called the meeting "beautiful" and was "encouraged... by its iciness."
"While he would not call the icy relationship a "cold war," Krauthammer said the temperature has definitely "begun to fall" since the Georgian invasion six years ago." . . .
Another option:  Hollywood Director: We Can Only Defeat ISIS With Love
. . . " "Atrocity. Murder. Abomination. When will we learn that only love stops hate, and bombings only create more ISIS," Fox wrote in a tweet.
" 'Love your enemy. Don't create more of them. Teachers, diplomacy, culture and aid helps peace. Bombs don't," he added." . . .
His movies: "Josh Fox is a director and writer, known for GasLand (2010), Gasland Part II (2013) and How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can't Change (2016)." 

Alan Dershowitz turns the tables on Sean Spicer’s critics ...

Spicer and Trump would never make the Jewish Prime Minister leave the White House by the back door

Power Line  "Last night, I wrote about the over-the-top criticism of Sean Spicer’s misstatement about Hitler and the use of chemical weapons. Spicer shouldn’t have compared Hitler favorably to Assad on this score, but to suggest that his comment shows latent anti-Semitism, or makes him a Holocaust denier, is slanderous. 

"Alan Dershowitz agrees. Indeed, he takes the analysis further, finding that those trying to make political hay out of Spicer’s misstatement are the ones showing insufficient sensitivity to the Holocaust.
"Dershowitz writes:
The politicization of the Holocaust dishonors the memory of the six million. Sean Spicer made a serious mistake when he compared Bashar Assad to Hitler, and to make matters worse, he got his facts wrong. He quickly and fully apologized. There was no hint of anti-Semitism in his historical mistake and his apology should have ended the matter. But his political enemies decided to exploit his mistake by pandering to Jews. In doing so, it is they who are exploiting the memory of the six million during the Passover Holiday.
"Foremost among the exploiters is the Democratic National Committee:
The Democratic National Committee issued a rebuke with the headline “We will not stand for anti-Semitism.” Its content included the following: “Denying the atrocities committed by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime is a tried and true tactic used by Neo-Nazis and white supremacists groups that have become emboldened since Donald Trump first announced his campaign for president.”
. . .

Updated: Palestinian TV: Promised Land Is Where The “Jews Will Be Exterminated By Divine Decree”…

And these are the darlings beloved by the liberal elite such as Hollywood.

Weasel Zippers, with the comment, "How delightful".

"The creation of a Palestinian Arab state within the mere 40 miles separating the Mediterranean and the Jordan River is a recipe for war and for the piecemeal destruction of the Jewish state."
. . . "The Land of Israel stretches from the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea. It has been the ancestral, biblical and native land of the Jews from time immemorial - every centimeter of it - despite what the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians may deceptively claim otherwise. And even now, they are producing official stationary and postage stamps with the word "Palestine" showing a map including all of Israel in it.

"The phrase "Two State Solution" has also been embraced by politicians and journalists alike, repeated endlessly, and touted as the panacea for a "just and equitable" solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict. But it is based on erroneous geography and history; on a mixture of wishful thinking, naiveté and a brilliant Arab propaganda campaign of disinformation and falsehood. It has sullied the minds of liberal Christian churches and that hateful repository of anti-Israel sentiment: the Left." . . .

Video: Obama's pastor for 20 years on Israel and whites. None of whom he likes.

2008: Reverend Wright: The Bible and No Jews  “ 'I said that dirty word again, Israel.” This was one of the many disparaging remarks Obama’s pastor Jeremiah Wright made about Israel. According to Wright, Israel is occupying Arab land and has no right to its existence. He eliminates the legitimacy of the Jewish state of Israel in one speech; then he compounds the injury by usurping the Jewish historical ties to the land.

"In Barack Obama’s apologia for Reverend Wright on March 18, the senator recounted his first service at Trinity church. " . . .  Read more

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