The Hypocrisy of 'Earth Day' . . . "Of tomorrow’s extravaganza, The Earth Day Network explains, “The March for Science is a celebration of our passion for science and the many ways science serves our communities and our world. The March for Science is an unprecedented global gathering of scientists and science enthusiasts joining together to acknowledge the vital role science plays in our lives and the need to respect and encourage research that gives us insight into the world.” This, of course, is a shot across the bow at “climate skeptics” and the Trump administration, which is considering abandoning last year’s bogus Paris climate agreement." . . .
"Yet climate crusaders like Leonardo DiCaprio, Al Gore, John Kerry and March for Science activists hypocritically jet set around the globe while railing against fossil fuels and mankind’s carbon addiction. Last year, Kerry lectured, “The future demands from us something more than a nostalgia for some rose-tinted version of the past that did not really exist in any case. You’re about to graduate into a complex and borderless world.” Translation: Global stastism(sp), which requires activism via “boots on the ground,” is the cure for America’s ills. Thus, leftists are indifferent to their own hypocrisy. In truth, we’re doing just fine without their agenda-driven involvement." . . .
UPDATE: Climate Marches Aren't About Science — They're About Trump . . . "A science march website says this is "explicitly a political movement, aimed at holding leaders in science and politics accountable" for trying to "skew, ignore, misuse or interfere with science." "That pious language really means they intend to allow no deviation from climate cataclysm doctrines.
"It means everyone must accept claims that fossil fuel emissions, not powerful natural forces, now govern Earth's climate; any future changes will be catastrophic; despite growing wealth and technological prowess, humanity will somehow be unable to adapt to future fluctuations; and mankind can and must control the climate by regulating emissions of plant-fertilizing carbon dioxide, regardless of costs.
"Equally revealing, former UN climate convention director Christiana Figueres has said the UN goal is to "intentionally change the economic development model" that has reigned since the Industrial Revolution." . . .
Friday, April 21, 2017
Earth Day is coming. UPDATED
Cruel to Be Kind
Mike Adams
"Several years ago, a feminist professor told me that she had decided to abort her child because it was the “compassionate thing to do.” Those were her exact words and she was serious. At the time, I thought she must have suffered a severe intellectual hernia from the strain required to declare an act of dismemberment to be an act of kindness. Since then I have realized that this was more than just an isolated instance of intellectual constipation. Disguising acts of cruelty as acts of kindness is a feature of virtually every policy position of the secular “progressive” left. Some notable examples follow:" . . .
Prof. Adams names the examples in alphabetical order and the list includes this:
"Several years ago, a feminist professor told me that she had decided to abort her child because it was the “compassionate thing to do.” Those were her exact words and she was serious. At the time, I thought she must have suffered a severe intellectual hernia from the strain required to declare an act of dismemberment to be an act of kindness. Since then I have realized that this was more than just an isolated instance of intellectual constipation. Disguising acts of cruelty as acts of kindness is a feature of virtually every policy position of the secular “progressive” left. Some notable examples follow:" . . .
Prof. Adams names the examples in alphabetical order and the list includes this:
Anti-racism. I understand that fighting racism is a good idea – provided we are talking about actual racism. But when you start calling someone a racist for saying “all lives matter” – as one of my so-called colleagues recently did to a student in front of her classmates – you aren’t stamping out racism. You are just intentionally defaming people in order to end an argument with intimidation tactics.. . .
But the list includes so much more.
Thursday, April 20, 2017
How the Trump Administration Is Working to Clean Up the Messes It Inherited From a Vindictive Obama
President Obama tried to sneak in a bevy of restrictive regulations on his way out the door.Weekly Standard "Like a bachelor before a date, the Obama administration rushed around during the transition hiding dirty laundry for the incoming administration. And now, almost 100 days in, the Trump team is still working to find and undo a handful of underreported bureaucratic messes left behind.
"The Obama administration was on cruise control before the election because almost everyone in the president’s circle was sure that Hillary Clinton would win. However, as reality set in, the president and his team rushed through a series of regulatory measures, leaving behind a a few dirty socks for the Trump administration to pick up.
"In fact, this public policy cleanup has consumed the administration during the first 100 days and shows no signs of slowing. It indicates pettiness on the part of an outgoing president who rejected the results of the election because they clashed with his pride.
"One of the most public wins in this administration-to-administration game has been rolling back Obama's rushed-through CAFE standards, which dictate how many MPG an automaker's fleet must average. Despite announcing in 2016 that the government wouldn't publish new standards until the middle of 2017, President Obama did exactly that as fast as possible after Clinton lost. (This might be the first example of a president breaking a campaign promise after someone else's election.)
"That wasn't the only mess though. Obama proved amazingly effective when his vindictiveness was roused. His administration filed suits against companies that weren't among his donors, and they checked off items from the supporter's wish lists as well." . . . Emphasis added, TD
Maxine Waters said she did NOT, absolutely NOT call for Trump's impeachment. (Updated)
Update: Diamond and Silk award Maxine their Big Bowl of Stupid prize
Daily Caller "California Rep. Maxine Waters is denying ever having called for Donald Trump’s impeachment, a bizarre claim since she was recorded on video just this weekend leading a crowd of activists in an “Impeach 45!” chant.
"In an interview on Tuesday with MSNBC’s Craig Melvin, Waters was asked about a tweet she sent out earlier in the day saying that she was going to fight “everyday until [Trump’s] impeached.” . . .
Daily Caller "California Rep. Maxine Waters is denying ever having called for Donald Trump’s impeachment, a bizarre claim since she was recorded on video just this weekend leading a crowd of activists in an “Impeach 45!” chant.
"In an interview on Tuesday with MSNBC’s Craig Melvin, Waters was asked about a tweet she sent out earlier in the day saying that she was going to fight “everyday until [Trump’s] impeached.” . . .
Who ya gonna believe, me...or your lyin' eyes? "California Rep. Maxine Waters led a crowd of activists in a chant on Saturday calling for President Donald Trump’s impeachment.
“ 'Impeach 45,” Waters repeated during her speech at a rally in Washington, D.C.
“ 'I don’t trust this president,” Waters said. “His motives and his actions are contemptible, and I will fight every day until he is impeached.' ” . . .
“ 'I have not called for impeachment,” Maxine Waters insisted, despite video evidence and a stockpile of tweets that clearly, unmistakably, unequivocally indicate otherwise." . . .
Millennials rock star Maxine Waters On Illegal Immigrants: ‘This Is Their Country’
Sponsors Ditch Bill O’Reilly, Partner With Bill Clinton
"The massive hypocrisy from corporations and liberals: Will they defund Clinton Foundation?"
“We had upcoming advertising spots on the show but are reallocating them due to the recent and disturbing allegations,” the carmaker said in a statement. “As a company we seek to partner with companies and programming that share our values of inclusion and diversity. We will continue to monitor and evaluate the situation as we plan future advertising decisions.”
Got that? Hyundai says, “As a company we seek to partner with companies and programming that share our values of inclusion and diversity.”
Really? Really? Here’s a story Americans seem not to be seeing in the media about Hyundai — as headlined by Hyundai itself:
Hello? Hyundai is boasting of its “partnership with the Clinton Foundation”? As in Bill Clinton? The Bill Clinton as discussed here on NBC by Juanita Broaddrick?
“Then he tries to kiss me again. And the second time he tries to kiss me he starts biting my lip.… He starts to, um, bite on my top lip and I tried to pull away from him. And then he forces me down on the bed. And I just was very frightened, and I tried to get away from him and I told him ‘No,’ that I didn’t want this to happen but he wouldn’t listen to me.… It was a real panicky, panicky situation. I was even to the point where I was getting very noisy, you know, yelling to ‘Please stop.’ And that’s when he pressed down on my right shoulder and he would bite my lip.… When everything was over with, he got up and straightened himself, and I was crying at the moment and he walks to the door, and calmly puts on his sunglasses. And before he goes out the door he says ‘You better get some ice on that.’ And he turned and went out the door.”
"So. Say again. Hyundai is boasting of a partnership with a foundation run by a man accused in specific, excruciating detail — of rape." . . .
Again. I never met Bill O’Reilly and was never on his TV show. But if the O’Reilly accusers and supporters of those accusers want to have credibility — then the demand to de-sponsor and defund the Clinton Foundation should begin now.
Or otherwise, just maybe sexual harassment isn’t as important as these sponsors and others say.
McDonalds' workers aid in capture of Facebook killer by saying he had to wait for fries while they called the police
Calls grow for heroic McDonald's workers who trapped Facebook Live killer at the drive-thru to get the $50,000 reward for his capture " 'We basically told him it would be a minute for his fries, which it wasn't really, we were just trying to make sure she got in contact with state police,' said Tom Ducharme Jr, who runs the franchise. "
"Rewarded: Thomas DuCharme Jr, the owner of the Erie, PA, McDonald's, was part of the attempt to slow him down as he ordered McNuggets. He said the true hero was the server who took his ordered and realized who he was. She does not want to be named, DuCharme said."
Janet Napolitano's UC Berkeley surrenders to the fascists
President Trump should move forward with his threat to cut off federal funds to universities that fail to protect free speech with all available resources, including requests for federal law enforcement and National Guard support. Higher education officials are in need of remedial education. President Trump is just the man for the job.
Thomas Lifson "The University of California, Berkeley, where the modern New Left student movement began with the Free Speech Movement of 1964, has come full circle, and has surrendered to the anti-free speech fascists of the left. Even the increasingly left wing Washington Post see the irony:
The decisions by UC-Berkeley to cancel both events involving high-profile conservatives are especially notable given the campus’s role during the 1960s and 1970s as the birthplace of the Free Speech Movement and its long tradition of social protest.
"But there is no humor, ironic or not, in the cave-in to violence. There is only cowardice, and possibly silent agreement with the goals of the thugs by at least some influential forces within the university. Janet Napolitano, the University president whose background includes service as Secretary of Homeland Security knows a lot about law enforcement and the reservation of order in the face of serious threats, yet has been hiding under her desk.
"Thomas Fuller of the New York Times dutifully reports the university’s position as articulated by underlings:
University administrators said in a statement that they could not let Ms. Coulter speak because of active security threats. In a letter to the Berkeley College Republicans, which was sponsoring the speech, two vice chancellors said the university had been “unable to find a safe and suitable venue for your planned April 27 event featuring Ann Coulter.”The letter, written by Scott Biddy, the vice chancellor, and Stephen Sutton, the vice chancellor for student affairs, said it was “not possible to assure that the event could be held successfully — or that the safety of Ms. Coulter, the event sponsors, audience and bystanders could be adequately protected.”
Ann Coulter determined to speak at Berkeley |
President Trump questioned Berkeley’s commitment to free speech in February, threatening to cut its federal funding over the controversy.
You can be sure this Coulter column is banned in all of California:
Your Choice: A Green America, Or A Brown America "In celebration of Earth Day this Saturday, let's review how the Sierra Club sold its soul and screwed the Earth for a $100 million donation. They must hate themselves for it, so why shouldn't we hate them, too?
"After Teddy Kennedy's 1965 immigration act began dumping millions of Third-Worlders on the country, the Sierra Club talked of little else besides reducing immigration.
"In 1970, the club adopted a resolution complaining that the country's growing population was polluting the "air, water and land" -- to the point that "our very survival (is) threatened."
"In 1978, the Sierra Club adopted a resolution urging Congress to "conduct a thorough examination of U.S. immigration laws," noting that the United States, Canada and Australia were the only countries admitting "more than a handful of permanent immigrants."
"In 1980, the club dropped its promotion of birth control, in order to focus on immigration. "It is obvious," the club said, "that the numbers of immigrants the United States accepts affects our population size and growth rate," even more than "the number of children per family."
"In 1989, the club's Population Report expressly called for reducing the number of immigrants.
"In 1990, the club's grassroots leaders voted overwhelmingly to launch a major national campaign on the immigration problem.
"Even people who don't live in yurts can't help but notice the environmental damage being done by hundreds of thousands of Latin Americans clamoring across the border every year, setting fires, dumping litter, spray-painting gang signs in our parks and defacing ancient Indian petroglyphs.
"The problem isn't just the number of people traipsing through our wilderness areas; it's that primitive societies have no concept of "litter." That's a quirk of prosperous societies. The damage to our parks shows these cultural differences." . . .
Mass Third World immigration is a triple whammy for the environment because:The "heckler's veto"
1) Millions more people are tromping through our country;
2) The new people do not share Americans' love of nature and cleanliness; and
3) We're not allowed to criticize them.
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Independent Capability Assessment of U.S. Air Force Reveals Readiness Level Below Carter Administration Hollow Force
"The U.S. Air Force experienced a decline in readiness shortly after the successful invasion of Iraq in 2003 as a result of a reduction in aircraft inventory (part of the peace dividend cuts) and an increase in unit deployments to the Middle East. Budget sequestration, initiated in 2012, accelerated that slide by forcing the Air Force to ground 50 percent (18 of 36) of its active duty, combat-coded squadrons temporarily in fiscal year (FY) 2013 and reduce overall flying hours for the year by 18 percent."
"After 26 years of continuous combat deployments, major combat operations, and surges, the United States Air Force’s level of readiness is below the hollow force levels of the late 1970s. The effect has been to reduce an Air Force once capable of two simultaneous major regional conflicts to one that could effectively muster a win in one region at the cost of its remaining global combat capability. High-end, fourth-generation fighters, coupled with healthy sortie rates, flying time, and realistic training scenarios, made the latter half of the 1980s a model for readiness. An assessment of today’s Air Force in each of those three areas reveals a marked decline in capability. Senior Air Force leaders need to convey the real level of readiness to Congress and the Trump Administration in a way that will get this service the funding and support that it needs to regain absolute air dominance." . . .
Read the entire report here.
John “JV” Venable, a 25-year veteran of the U.S. Air Force is a senior research fellow for defense policy at Heritage.
Tillerson: Trump Might Scrap The Iran Deal Over Terrorism
Weasel Zippers
"The problem is you can’t verify that they are actually complying. Not to mention ‘compliance’ with such lax requirements doesn’t mean much, especially based on their history.
"Via Washington Examiner:
President Trump might pull the United States out of Iran nuclear deal over the rogue regime’s support for terrorism, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told Congress.Tillerson certified that Iran is in compliance with the nuclear deal negotiated by former President Barack Obama’s team in a letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan that was released late Tuesday night. But he hastened to add that Iran’s role as “a leading state sponsor of terror through many platforms and methods” has the Trump team debating whether to stick with the agreement.“President Donald J. Trump has directed a National Security Council-led interagency review of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) that will evaluate whether suspension of sanctions related to Iran pursuant to the JCPOA is vital to the national security interests of the United States,” Tillerson wrote, using the formal name for the nuclear deal.
Trump signs bill allowing veterans to seek care outside broken VA system
President Trump is doing his job effectively, something we have not seen in eight years. Who could possibly want Obama to be president again?
"President Trump signed legislation Wednesday that will dramatically expand a program at the Department of Veterans Affairs that lets patients seek care from private doctors if they want to bypass the troubled VA system.
"The Veterans Choice Improvement Act removes barriers that Congress placed around the original "choice" initiative and eliminates an expiration date that would have shuttered the program in August.
"Lawmakers created the choice program in 2014 after a massive scandal involving wait time cover-ups at more than 100 VA facilities around the country. It was initially structured as a two-year pilot program that limited when and where veterans could choose to see private doctors. Patients could only use the choice program if they lived more than 40 miles from the nearest VA hospital or if they could not get an appointment from their local VA facility within 30 days." . . .
Wife-beater's delight: Authorities shield abuser from justice to keep him from being deported
The beater |
"In a story with a buried lede, the Daily Beast reported the story of an Indian immigrant with a Silicon Valley startup who abused his high-profile executive wife and finally got caught when she recorded his thuggery on her cell phone. As in the case of most abusers, it was a string of abuse events. The Beast focused on the wife's fancy executive job and her gumption to record the beatings on her cell phone to preserve evidence, as if that were the news of the story. What the publication should have focused on is the justice crowd's willingness to let the wife-beater escape justice on the grounds that he might get deported."
. . .
Neha Rastogi, his victim |
"Apparently, no one, no matter what he does, in the eyes of San Jose authorities, should ever be deported. Beat your wife? Not a problem. This sounds like the sort of eurotrash logic you find in Europe whenever some "refugee" or "asylum seeker" kills a local girl or rapes a ten-year-old boy." . . .
The chilling testimony and evidence can be found here
And here: She Taped Silicon Valley CEO Abusing Her . . . "He appears to be telling her that she is to blame for whatever happens to her.
And here: She Taped Silicon Valley CEO Abusing Her . . . "He appears to be telling her that she is to blame for whatever happens to her.
“ 'You don’t want to get beaten up?” he asks. “Then control yourself.”
"He appears also to be telling her to rein in the very fear and hurt he is instilling in her; she better not cry or he will give her all the more reason to do so." . . .
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