"Jackbooted," "black-hooded" thugs are being unleashed (by George Soros) on college campuses, private businesses, and town halls throughout America. If you don't maintain their viewpoint, they shout you down, beat you, or burn down your facility. The free interchange of ideas. Not in today's DemocratEarick Ward . . . "Free health care. Guaranteed jobs. Confiscated wealth. Attack on people of faith. Support for abortion and euthanasia. Campus speech codes.icParty.
"This past week, the new DNC chairperson, Tom Perez, insisted that any candidate wanting support from the national (socialist) party must actively support abortion. Are you a candidate who maintains a conscience for life? Not in today's Democratic Party.
"Free health care. Free college. The National Socialist Party or the Democratic Socialist Party? Who's to say?
"Totalitarian regimes burned books to keep their citizens from being exposed to viewpoints not approved by the party. We see the same strategy being employed today by leftist thugs and their party masters.
" 'Jackbooted," "black-hooded" thugs are being unleashed (by George Soros) on college campuses, private businesses, and town halls throughout America. If you don't maintain their viewpoint, they shout you down, beat you, or burn down your facility. The free interchange of ideas. Not in today's Democratic Party." . . .
Too dead on to not use again: