Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Dems not so hot on diversity of opinion

Political Cartoons by Mike Lester 
"Jackbooted," "black-hooded" thugs are being unleashed (by George Soros) on college campuses, private businesses, and town halls throughout America.  If you don't maintain their viewpoint, they shout you down, beat you, or burn down your facility.  The free interchange of ideas.  Not in today's Democratic Party.
Earick Ward  . . . "Free health care.  Guaranteed jobs.  Confiscated wealth.  Attack on people of faith.  Support for abortion and euthanasia.  Campus speech codes.
"This past week, the new DNC chairperson, Tom Perez, insisted that any candidate wanting support from the national (socialist) party must actively support abortion.  Are you a candidate who maintains a conscience for life?  Not in today's Democratic Party.
"Free health care.  Free college.  The National Socialist Party or the Democratic Socialist Party?  Who's to say?
"Totalitarian regimes burned books to keep their citizens from being exposed to viewpoints not approved by the party.  We see the same strategy being employed today by leftist thugs and their party masters.
" 'Jackbooted," "black-hooded" thugs are being unleashed (by George Soros) on college campuses, private businesses, and town halls throughout America.  If you don't maintain their viewpoint, they shout you down, beat you, or burn down your facility.  The free interchange of ideas.  Not in today's Democratic Party." . . .

Too dead on to not use again:

New sheriff won't allow Norks to rain fire

New Sheriff in Town - A.F. Branco political cartoon

Russ Vaughn    "With Donald Trump's decision to call Kim Jong-un's bluff by sending the USSCarl Vinson task force steaming in the direction of the Hermit Kingdom, there have been multiple articles out there repeating the possible dire consequences of actually engaging the belligerent little bully militarily.  The obscure North Korean functionary and propagandist who years ago first threatened to turn his country's southern sister state into a "Sea of Fire" in response to some minor provocation may have seemed a bit of a ham-handed saber-rattler at the time, but he most assuredly created a lasting and wearisome media cliché that surfaces in Western publications every time there's a new dustup with North Korea.

"Moreover, almost every article referencing this "Sea of Fire" explains that term to readers by pointing out that Seoul, South Korea's largest city, lies so close to the border between the two nations that it will likely be destroyed in the opening artillery salvos from the North should the balloon go up.  This, they point out, is almost certainly due to the fact that North Korea has positioned countless thousands of artillery pieces and rocket launchers along its side of the demilitarized zone for just that purpose.  They usually quote some military expertthat any American attack on North Korea unavoidably will sign Seoul's doom.
"This old soldier ain't buyin' it. " . . . 

Juanita Broaddrick Responds to Chelsea Clinton’s Twitter Trump Attack

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

It’s worth pointing out that as a brave social media defender of sexual and/or domestic violence (provided, of course, there’s some sort of tenuous link to the man who beat her mother at the ballot box in November), Chelsea Clinton seems strangely silent when it comes to getting justice for Juanita Broaddrick. Or Kathleen Willey. Or Paula Jones. Or any of the women who have not only said but continued to maintain that they were the victims of sexual abuse at the hands of her father.
Wilmot Proviso?  "A friendly note to Chelsea Clinton: When referring to something as “horrifying,” “sick” or “awful,” it helps if you have a father who isn’t an accused rapist.
"The former first daughter found that out the hard way on Twitter when she tried to register her disgust at the possible deportation of an illegal immigrant and ended up drawing the unwanted attention of Juanita Broaddrick, the woman who has long maintained Chelsea’s father raped her when he was attorney general of Arkansas.
"Chelsea was responding to a story in the El Paso Times detailing the Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention of an illegal immigrant who had been detained after seeking a protective order in a domestic abuse case. In her tweet, Clnton tried unsubtly to refer to the Trump administration." . . .
"Here was Chelsea’s tweet from last Wednesday:
I need a thesaurus. What's another word for horrifying? Sick? Awful? Running out of adjectives these days that mean unconscionably terrible 
Unmentioned in Chelsea’s remark was that the transgender “woman” in question, who had already been deported seven times before this, had a history of committing domestic violence, among a panoply of other offenses — illegal re-entry, larceny, assault, false imprisonment (no less than three times) and probation violations were among the laundry list of crimes listed by KVIA-TV.
Well, since you asked, Here's my definition of horrifying, sick & awful. Answer: Your father, Bill Clinton

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Obama’s hidden Iran deal giveaway


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Image result for obama iran deal cartoons
“ 'Iran had a significantly higher number of individuals, of course, at the beginning of this negotiation that they would have liked to have seen released,” one senior Obama administration official told reporters in a background briefing arranged by the White House, adding that “we were able to winnow that down to these seven individuals, six of whom are Iranian-Americans.”

"When President Barack Obama  announced the “one-time gesture” of releasing Iranian-born prisoners who “were not charged with terrorism or any violent offenses” last year, his administration presented the move as a modest trade-off for the greater good of the Iran nuclear agreement and Tehran’s pledge to free five 
Image result for obama iran deal cartoons"But Obama, the senior official and other administration representatives weren’t telling the whole story on Jan. 17, 2016, in their highly choreographed rollout of the prisoner swap and simultaneous implementation of the six-party nuclear deal, according to a POLITICO investigation." . . .

Nets Censor BLOCKBUSTER Expose on Obama’s Hidden Iran Deal Secrets

Washington Post Reveals the Left's Goal: The 'Mission Was to Bring Down Bill O'Reilly'

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Newsbusters  . . . "The Post betrayed the liberal media’s contempt for the channel and its role in American politics. Reporters Manuel Roig-Franzia and Ben Terris called Fox “a lucrative channel that has played an outsize role in shaping the U.S. political landscape over the past two decades.”

"Who decides its influence is “outsize”? Can we detect some media jealousy as the Republicans control the White House and Congress? It’s “outsize” because liberals are on the outside?" . . .

. . . "Now that liberal lawyers have tasted victory, the war continues, from Bloom and from lawyer Nancy Erika Smith:
Smith says it is hard for her to imagine a major culture shift at Fox; many key executives she described as “enablers” of Ailes and others remain in top executive positions. A former staffer, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, agreed: “Ailes and O’Reilly might be gone, but the rest of the power structure is unchanged.”
…The scandal took a toll inside the news organization.
“There were a lot of mid-level staffers, especially women and minorities, who were — are — seriously considering leaving Fox,” a Fox News staffer said on Thursday as the newsroom was still absorbing O’Reilly’s departure.

Protesters Storm Heritage Foundation (Videos)

Mike Harris

Washington Free Beacon   "Protesters demanding a "budget for the people" stormed the offices of the conservative Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday.
"The Twitter account "People's Action" tweeted out videos of protesters entering the building and chanting "shut it down!"
"The protesters stated their opposition to priorities in President Trump's budget, which they said "will hurt our communities," and they railed against Heritage as being Trump's think tank.". . . 
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Former Obama Official: Bureaucrats Manipulate Climate Stats To Influence Policy

Sorcerer Hat

Daily Caller   . . . "Former Energy Department Undersecretary Steven Koonin told The Wall Street Journal Monday that bureaucrats within former President Barack Obama’s administration spun scientific data to manipulate public opinion.
“What you saw coming out of the press releases about climate data, climate analysis, was, I’d say, misleading, sometimes just wrong,” Koonin said, referring to elements within the Obama administration he said were responsible for manipulating climate data.
"He pointed to a National Climate Assessment in 2014 showing hurricane activity has increased from 1980 as an illustration of how federal agencies fudged climate data. Koonin said the NCA’s assessment was technically incorrect.
“ 'What they forgot to tell you, and you don’t know until you read all the way into the fine print is that it actually decreased in the decades before that,” he said. The U.N. published reports in 2014 essentially mirroring Koonin’s argument.
"The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reported there “is limited evidence of changes in extremes associated with other climate variables since the mid-20th century” and current data shows “no significant observed trends in global tropical cyclone frequency over the past century.”" . . .Via Weasel Zippers

Speaking of Earth Day and its left-over residue:

Disrespectful: Trash can be seen littering the route following the climate change march on Sunday
Trash: Climate change protesters who marched through the streets of Manhattan on Sunday have been branded hypocrites for leaving over-flowing trash cans in their wake. This image was shared on Twitter
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Hat tip to Sharon Hayden Bower

"Please, God, Stop Chelsea Clinton from Whatever She Is Doing"

Vanity Fair

The last thing the left needs is the third iteration of a failed political dynasty.

"Amid investigations into Russian election interference, perhaps we ought to consider whether the Kremlin, to hurt Democrats, helped put Chelsea Clinton on the cover of Variety. Or maybe superstition explains it. Like tribesmen laying out a sacrifice to placate King Kong, news outlets continue to make offerings to the Clinton gods. In The New York Times alone, Chelsea has starred in multiple features over the past few months: for her tweeting (it’s become “feisty”), for her upcoming book (to be titled She Persisted), and her reading habits (she says she has an “embarrassingly large” collection of books on her Kindle). With Chelsea’s 2015 book, It’s Your World, now out in paperback, the puff pieces in other outlets—EllePeople, etc.—are too numerous to count.

"One wishes to calm these publications: You can stop this now. Haven’t you heard that the great Kong is no more? Nevertheless, they’ve persisted. At great cost: increased Chelsea exposure is tied closely to political despair and, in especially intense cases, the bulk purchasing of MAGA hats. So let’s review: How did Chelsea become such a threat?

"Perhaps the best way to start is by revisiting some of Chelsea’s major post-2008 forays into the public eye. Starting in 2012 . . ."

Vanity Fair, hardly a conservative publication:

Image result for vanity fair obamaImage result for vanity fair obamaImage result for vanity fair obama

Six Public Enemies of Free Speech

Mike Adams

Six Public Enemies of Free Speech

"Six anti­-free speech Democrats have done the unthinkable in the State of North Carolina. They have voted to prevent HB 527 from passing through the higher education committee and onto the house floor for a full vote. Dubbed as a bill to “Restore and Preserve Campus Free Speech,” it is difficult to understand how anyone could be opposed, regardless of his political persuasion. (For more details on HB 527,click here ). 

"The need for HB 527 is clear given that only one UNC campus, UNC­ Chapel Hill, has been rated by the non-­partisan Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) as a green-­light school. Green light schools are those universities with no policies that violate the First Amendment. Every university in America should be a green light university. Regrettably, there are less than two­-dozen in the entire nation.

"An astounding 11 campuses in the UNC system have been designated by FIRE as yellow light schools. Schools ranked as yellow light have at least one policy that is sufficiently vague that it could be used to quash First Amendment protected speech. The remaining four UNC campuses were designated as red light, which means they have at least one policy that clearly and substantially impairs free speech. Individual cases of free speech violations are not difficult to find in the UNC system. " . . .

Monday, April 24, 2017

Obama To Receive $400,000 Speaking Fee At Cantor Fitzgerald Conference

Zero Hedge  "Shortly after Barack Obama delivered his first (free) speech today since leaving the White House in Chicago before an invitation-only crowd of college students, community organizers and other fans, Fox News' Charlie Gasparino reports that in what may be his first paid speaking arrangement, Obama will be paid $400,000 to speak at Cantor Fitzgerald's healthcare conference this September, setting the benchmark for how much an hour of the former president's time will cost going forward.
 @BarackObama has agreed to speak at Cantor Fitzgerald’s health care conference for $400,000! I discuss NOW on @FoxNews!

" 'What sources are telling FOX Business Network is that former President Obama, now less than 100 days out of office, has agreed to a speaking engagement during Cantor Fitzgerald’s healthcare conference in September," FBN's Gasparino said. "We understand that he is going to be the keynote speaker for the lunch, and he’s going to receive a fee of $400,000. We should point out that that’s in line with what Hilary Clinton got... we should point out that Cantor will neither confirm or deny.' " . . .

Why Republicans don't believe in global warming

"Given the history of the past half century, environmentalists come off to normal thinking people as the boys who cried wolf, rather than the men who saved the wolves."

Robert Maranto  April, 2015

Environmental activists attend a protest in Zucotti Park on Earth Day on April 22, 2014 in New York City. About three dozen activists marched around New York's financial district calling for greater respect for the environment. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
Environmental activists attend a protest in Zucotti Park on Earth Day on April 22, 2014 in New York City. About three dozen activists marched around New York's financial district calling for greater respect for the environment.

. . . "Back in the 1960s, environmentalists declared with great authority that pesticides would wipe out birdlife. Remember Silent Spring? I do. After reading it I was one terrified sixth-grader, convinced that the next robin I saw would be my last. My backyard birds, not to mention the far away whales and forests, were on their way out, thanks to man's greed and corporate transgressions against divine Gaia.
"While I feared for the birds, self-righteous professors preached that unless we changed our sinful ways there would be hell to pay. As Alex Berezow and Hank Campbell detail in Science Left Behind, in 1977 then Harvard Professor and current Obama "science czar" John Holdren co-authored a book predicting mass starvation by the 1980s due to overpopulation. Governments would need to consider extreme methods, including forced sterilization, for humanity to survive.
"Meanwhile, in the real world, this all proved to be false. The percentage of the population in developing nations living in extreme poverty shrank from 50 percent to 21 percent from 1981 to 2010." . . .
Robert Maranto (B.S. Maryland, 1980; Ph.D. Minnesota, 1989) is the 21st Century Chair in Leadership at the Department of Education Reform at the University of Arkansas, and previously taught political science at Villanova University and worked at the Brookings Institution and for the Clinton administration in the 1990s.

Soros-Funded Group Warns Advertisers Could Pull Ads From All of Fox News

David BrockIndependent Sentinel  "Media Matters, the George Soros-funded website, is run by David Brock (pictured, right) who spearheaded the firing of Bill O’Reilly, as we reported here. They are currently reporting that advertisers demand much more from Fox News or they will withdraw from all of Fox News.

"It’s part of the well-planned War on Fox.
"The leftists have been successful in destroying the head honchos and now they are going to bully advertisers into pulling ads from the station completely.
"Media Matters President Angelo Carusone says that advertisers are concerned that this (sexual harassment complaints against O’Reilly and Ailes) is reflective of a bigger epidemic at Fox News and they want action beyond just firing O’Reilly. From Carusone:
And what they’re hearing, it’s not just about Bill O’Reilly. The advertisers are deeply concerned that this is reflective of a bigger epidemic at Fox News and rightfully so given one of the co-presidents was very much involved in the cover-ups against the people that came forward against Roger Ailes, as well as the women that have come forward against Bill O’Reilly and they re-signed a contract with Bill O’Reilly knowing full well. So the advertising community is not just saying this is about O’Reilly." . . .