Todd Starnes . . . "An untold number of children and their parents were massacred by Islamic radicals - killed in the name of the religion of peace.
"In response – there have been candlelight vigils and calls for peace and understanding – but the Muslim jihadists do not want peace. They want death.
"The Islamic radicals will not stop until they have killed every last one of us - Christians, Jews, Gay, Straight.
"The time has come to eliminate this evil from the face of the planet. The time has come for nations around the world to stop appeasing the Islamists.
" 'We must drive out the terrorists and extremists from our midst, obliterate this evil ideology, and protect and defend our citizens and people of the world," the president said.
" 'All civilized nations must be united in this effort."
"And we must do our part in the United States. We must secure our borders, we must investigate those who come here from the birthplace of this radical ideology and we must do whatever is necessary to prevent American blood from being shed on American soil.
"Yet, there are still apologists for the radical Islamists - from Hollywood to the halls of Congress. They seem to think we can win over the hearts and minds of the jihadists with bouquets of flowers and gentle hugs.
"That sort of philosophy is not only foolish but it's downright dangerous.
"How many more times do we have to listen to breathless news anchors lecturing us about not rushing to judgment?" . . .